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The Parthenon, March 5, 2014 Marshall University Marshall Digital Scholar The aP rthenon University Archives Winter 3-5-2014 The aP rthenon, March 5, 2014 Bishop Nash [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Nash, Bishop, "The aP rthenon, March 5, 2014" (2014). The Parthenon. Paper 331. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at Marshall Digital Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aP rthenon by an authorized administrator of Marshall Digital Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 2014 | VOL. 117 NO. 93 | MARSHALL UNIVERSITY’S STUDENT NEWSPAPER | Ukrainian students weigh in on crisis By EKATERINA GUTSAN While this issue is unfolding and had completely peaceful through because he grew up “Ukrainian political system in the communistic USSR, and THE PARTHENON an ocean away, it is a personal protests. But I realized that there and saw this situation needs global changes and im- have modern points of view,” Ukraine and Russia have been situation for Marshall University peaceful protests are over, so- himself. provements,” Gordiienko said. Gordiienko said. in strong brotherhood connec- students who are also citizens of ciety has a low life satisfaction “It is hard to say whether it is “Although I doubt if you can change Gordiienko hopes Ukraine tions for long time. For many Ukraine. and ready to use physical force.” good or bad, but it is good that people’s world outlook so quickly, will keep the strategy of glo- years they were thinking, work- “At the beginning I did not Vadym Gorchakov, graduate people wanted to show their prevent corruption and maintain balization and transparency ing and living in the same places. pay much attention to this student, said he sympathizes opinion and way of thinking,” transparency on all levels.” maintained in all areas, includ- This all changed in November situation,” Stanislav Gordi- with the people who are getting Gorchakov said. Gorchakov said the best way ing news, politics, education and when the Ukrainian govern- ienko, graduate student, said. hurt or killed but he is proud of Political concerns are getting business. “Ukraine had one revolution, their courage. harder for civil people who end have a dialog. Ekaterina Gutsan can be the Association Agreement with called ‘Orange’, which was Gorchakov said he under- to “Ukrainefind a goodneeds solution young ispoli to- contacted at gutsan@mar- Europeanment officially Union. rejected to sign based on a Ghandi’s philosophy, stands what people went country. ticians, who have never lived up in a difficult situation for the ‘Coffee with WAR the Mayor’ OF THE scheduled ROSES for Thursday THE PARTHENON Students and faculty will meet with Huntington Mayor Steve Williams over cof- fee from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Thursday in the Me- morial Student Center for the monthly Coffee with the Mayor. This monthly event is an opportunity for students, faculty and anyone in the Huntington community to interact with and voice problems and concerns to Williams in a casual setting. Student Government Asso- ciation Chief of Staff Jordan Wooldridge said last month’s turnout was the largest since the event was implemented in the spring of 2013. ANDREA STEELE | THE PARTHENON “I’m hopeful that as more Sorority members weave through a group obstacle course challenge students learn of this event, Tuesday inside the Don Morris Room in the Memorial Student Center. they will make an effort to come out and voice their concerns,” Wooldridge said. Last month, more than 35 people attended Coffee with the Mayor to voice issues and concerns, including under- Sororities compete in disabilities challenge age drinking in Huntington, off-campus student hous- By MALAK KHADER activities that highlighted “You go everyday of your The participating sororities fraternity to own and operate ing, pedestrian safety, road THE PARTHENON wheelchair agility, vision life and you never really included Delta Zeta, Sigma this own philanthropy. conditions, street lighting Pi Kappa Phi sponsored a impairment, nonverbal com- stop and think, ‘What if I Sigma Sigma, Alpha Xi Delta, “This year it’s our inaugural conditions and storm water philanthropic event Tuesday munication and cognitive didn’t have an arm? Or my and Alpha Chi Omega. War of the Roses, we wanted to buildup. in the Don Morris Room at disabilities. vision?’ Any disability from Tyler Marcum, junior nurs- have more of a focus on aware- As an added bonus, those the Memorial Student Center. Tyler Holtzclaw, junior color blindness to dyslexia,” ing major from Wayne, said ness instead of fundraising.” who tweet photos of the Tuesday’s series of ac- accounting major from Cin- Holtzclaw said. “We just War of the Roses is essen- War of Roses is expected to event will be entered into a tivities included an obstacle cinnati and philanthropy take everything for granted. tially dedicated to raising wrap up Friday with a pag- drawing to win a Keurig cof- course that was meant to chairman for Pi Kappa Phi, The point of this event was awareness for people with eant for the participating fee maker. Participants can challenge sororities by help- said this is something that to help people try to keep disabilities and for Push sororities. do so by tweeting at the Mar- ing them empathize with his fraternity does nation- things in perspective and re- America, which is Pi Kappa Malak Khader can be con- shall University SGA or by people with disabilities. The wide to get the Greeks alize that everything can be Phi’s national philanthropy. tacted at khader4@marshall. using “#coffeechats.” obstacle course included together. so much worse.” Pi Kappa Phi is the only edu. Geocaching craze coming to Huntington area By ALEXANDRIA RAHAL trail more than a year ago. class as well as receive instruc- be distributed at noon and the receive a Cabell County track- 2002, CITO has been an ongo- THE PARTHENON It began when local resident tions for the trail. cachers can begin their explo- able geocoin. ing environmental initiative The Huntington area’s new- Steve Adkins engaged with the “If you know nothing about ration of the area. So far the CHCVB has ap- supported by the worldwide est tourist attraction will allow CHCVB through an online com- geocaching or would like to geocaching community. They tourists and local residents munication portal. bring a muggle, we will happily guests to the kickoff event. sponsor event focused on litter to experience Huntington, “This project has really teach you about our outdoor “It started as a simple idea Theproximately geocaching 200 trailconfirmed is not clean-up, removal of invasive Barboursville and Milton in a gained a life of its own,” Jake GPS addiction and help you set and has snowballed into just designed to attract tour- species, revegetation efforts or different way. Sharp, sales manager for the up a free account,” Adkins said something bigger than I ists. Creators hope it will also building trails. In the Hunting- The Cabell-Huntington Con- CHCVB, said. “It started as a in a press release. ever imagined.” inspire people of the area to ton area, the CITO initiative vention and Visitors Bureau simple idea and has snow- Friday evening will conclude get involved. Several of the will begin at 9:45 a.m. March announced the formation of the balled into something bigger with the release of one cache -Jake Sharp, sites are of special interest 15 and focus on trash removal than I ever imagined.” with a code word for those who to local residents, including from the Harris Riverfront Geocaching is an outdoor The launch of the trail begins would like to get a head start on CHCVB sales manager one that features the Marshall Park. recreationalarea’s first geocaching activity, in trail. which with several events centered in the trail. Memorial. “We want folks to feel good the participants use coordi- Huntington’s downtown area. The actual kick off of the The trail is composed of 15 “Not only do we hope that about where they live and en- nates, GPS receiver or mobile trail takes place 11 a.m. March sites throughout Huntington, the geocaching trail will bring joy showcasing their home,” device such as a smart phone, 14 at the Pullman Plaza Hotel. 15 at the visitors center of Milton and Barboursville. Each new people to Huntington, we Sharp said. “Plus, learning a and other navigational tech- ThisThe firstevent event is free is 7 and p.m. open March to Heritage Station. During this site will have a code word to also hope it will inspire local healthful, life-long activity niques to hide and seek the public. It will also allow ex- event, participants can register pride and allow the public to with the entire family which containers, called “geocaches” perienced cachers to visit with while enjoying free music, food When cachers turn in their see the CHCVB as a valuable is enjoyed around the world is or “caches” anywhere in the one another, take pictures and and other entertainment. The scorecardscollect to fill to in the on CHCVBa scorecard. they resource,” Sharp said. hard to beat.” world. get acquainted with the area. CHCVB will be giving out door Another component of Alexandria Rahal can be The CHCVB started working Those new to geocaching can prizes to attendees through- the weekend is the Cache in contacted at rahal1@mar- on the area’ take part in a newbie/muggle out the event. Handouts will 200will beparticipants asked to fillto doout this a short will Trash Out initiative.
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