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Dennis Prager, Periodicals Postage Paid Debra J At Issue this week... Donald Trump by Rich Lowry July 15, 2015 2016 Election Sorry, Donald Trump has a point Lambro (13, 15) Tyrrell (9) Black Americans ou are hardly a name-brand stead, we are getting representative Mexi- U.S.-born children are in poverty; nearly Sowell (26) company if you haven’t dumped cans, who — through no fault of their own 68 percent are in or near poverty. This is Williams (24) Donald Trump during the past — come from a poorly educated country the highest level for immigrants from any Christians Olasky (26) sevenY days. at a time when education is essential to country. Thomas (24) NBC, Univision and Macy’s all have success in an advanced economy. Fifty-four percent of immigrants from Clinton, Hillary thrown The Donald under the bus, in the Trump’s comments made it sound as Mexico lack health insurance. A higher Bozell (20) heaviest blow to schlock culture in this though Mexico is sending us moral defec- proportion of Mexican immigrants uses Morris (15) Jersey tives. But immigrants are willing to work. means-tested government programs than Napolitano (11) country since the cancellation of Cultural Decline Shore. Immigrant men ages 18-65 are in the la- immigrants from any other country — Erickson (4) The carnage ranges across media, en- bor force at a higher rate than native men. more than 57 percent. Immigrants make Hollis (3) compassing reality TV (Celebrity Ap- progress on almost every indicator over Limbaugh (5, 18) prentice), entertainment properties (the time, but are still far behind natives after Dear Mark two decades. Levy (19) Miss USA Pageant), fashion (the Donald Rich Education J. Trump Signature Collection) and even For all its crassness, Trump’s rant on Schlafly (25) fragrance (Success by Trump). Lowry immigration is closer to reality than the Europe gauzy cliches of immigration romantics, (c) 2015, King Features Syndicate Buchanan (28) YES, THE 2016 Republican field is so who are unwilling to acknowledge that Gas Tax Hike Moore (12) wide and diverse, it includes perhaps the there might be an issue welcoming large Greece nation’s first presidential candidate with It’s just that a lack of education ham- numbers of high-school dropouts into a Greenberg (12) his own fragrance, “a masculine combi- pers even hard-working people. This is 21st-century economy. If we don’t want to Homosexual Agenda nation of rich vetiver, tonka bean, birch- illustrated in an exhaustive report by Ste- add to the ranks of the poor, the uninsured Massie (20) Immigrant Crime wood and musk.” ven Camarota of the Center for Immigra- and the welfare-dependent, we should Coulter (7) To imagine that Abraham Lincoln’s tion Studies, which favors a lower level of have fewer low-skilled immigrants — as- Jeffrey (31) marketing was focused on posing for pho- immigration. suming saying that is not yet officially Iran tographs for Mathew Brady. Poor old Abe considered a hate crime. Krauthammer (29) Thomas (29) — he could never think big. IMMIGRANTS HERE from Mexico Left and Right The shunning of Trump is in response to — which has sent more immigrants than THE POINT could be made much Prager (27) his, uh, memorable presidential announce- any other country for decades — have the more deftly and accurately by anyone not Liberty ment that included comments about the al- lowest levels of education. Nearly 60 per- named Donald J. Trump. In the meantime, Cushman (22) leged rampant criminality of Mexican im- cent of them haven’t graduated from high he fills the vacuum, and enjoys the whirl- Marriage Charen (14) migrants — they’re drug runners, rapists, school. wind. Obamacare etc. — that were typically crude. Trump This puts Mexican immigrants at a dis- Elder (10) could make a statement about arcane tax advantage, and it shows. Nearly 35 per- July 2, 2015 Obama Presidency policy — and still make you want to take cent of immigrants from Mexico and their Shapiro (8) a shower afterward. Paul, Rand Greenberg (10) Although this isn’t anything new. The Political Correctness companies fleeing him are acting on what Bozell (22) has become one of the foremost principles Greenberg (23) of American public life: It’s not enough Murchison (6) Political Elites to be offended; you must punish the of- Towery (9) fender. Sanctuary As it happens, Trump’s new enemies Malkin (4) are doing him an enormous political favor, Saunders (6) San Francisco at least in the short term. There are few Saunders (8) things that benefit a Republican candidate Security Threats in the current environment of left-wing Malkin (21) bullying more than getting fired and boy- Supreme Court cotted for something he’s said. Barone (17) Lowry (23) Trump’s instantly notorious Mexico Will (16) comments did more to insult than to il- Trivia Bits luminate, yet a kernel in them hit on an Paquet (14) important truth that typical politicians ei- Trump, Donald Buchanan (2) ther don’t know or simply fear to speak. Lowry (1) “When Mexico sends its people,” Trump VA said, “they’re not sending their best.” McCaughey (30) This is obviously correct. We aren’t Weinstein & Wattenberg raiding the top one percent of Mexicans Barone (30) and importing them to this country. In- 2 Conservative Chronicle DONALD TRUMP: July 7, 2015 Donald Trump and the GOP border war In the 2016 race, June belonged to They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. Trump clothing line. New York Mayor Anna, not under Col. Travis, and hardly two outsiders who could not be more And some, I assume, are good people.” Bill de Blasio is talking of terminating “extraordinary citizens of our country” dissimilar. Politically incorrect? You betcha. city contracts with Trump. as Texas did not even belong to the USA Bernie Sanders is a socialist senator Yet, is Trump not raising a valid issue? then. from VermoDnt and Donald Trump a ce- Is there not truth in what he said? Is not il- THE REACTION of Trump’s Re- Sen. Ted Cruz on NBC’s Meet the lebrity capitalist and legendary entrepre- legal immigration, and criminals crossing publican rivals has been even more in- Press took a different stance: “I salute neur and builder. our Southern border, an issue of national structive. Initially, it was muted. But when Donald Trump for focusing on the need What do they have in common? Both import, indeed, of national security? major media began to demand to address illegal immigration.” have tapped into what the bases of their Women and girls crossing Mexico on that GOP candidates “The Washington cartel doesn’t want respective parties believe is wrong with trains are raped by either denounce to address that. The Washington cartel America. gangs. The “coy- Pat Trump or come un- doesn’t believe we need to secure the otes” leading peo- der suspicion or border. The Washington cartel supports BERNIE IS the Willie Nelson of na- ple illegally across Buchanan racism themselves, amnesty, and I think amnesty’s wrong.” tional politics, a leftist voice of a work- the U.S. border (c) 2015, Creators Syndicate the panic and pile- Trump “has a colorful way of speak- ing class whose jobs and factories have include robbers, on began. ing,” said Cruz, “It’s not the way I speak. been exported and whose wages have rapists and killers, who often leave these As the Washington Times relates, at But I’m not going to engage in the me- stagnated as banksters and the Davos- people to die in the desert. a July 4 parade in New Hampshire, Jeb dia’s game of throwing rocks and attack- Doha crowd amass mammoth fortunes State of Emergency: The Third World Bush said Trump “doesn’t represent the ing other Republicans.” Cruz might have by playing games of three-dimensional Invasion and Conquest of America by this Republican Party or its values. added, “like Jeb and Rick and Marco are Monopoly. writer in 2006 cited researcher Heather “I don’t assume that he thinks that ev- doing.” The 73-year-old Sanders may have no Mac Donald of Manhattan Institute. She ery Mexican crossing the border is a rap- What Trump has done, and Cruz sees chance of beating Hillary. But the size reported that two-thirds of the 17,000 ist. ... So he’s doing this to inflame and to it, is to have elevated the illegal immigra- of his crowds testifies that he speaks for outstanding fugitive felony warrants in incite and to draw attention, which seems tion issue, taken a tough line, and is now millions. Los Angeles were for illegal immigrants, to be his organizing principle of his cam- attacking GOP rivals who have dithered Trump’s success comes from the is- as were 95 percent of 1,200-1,500 out- paign.” or done nothing to deal with it. sues he has seized upon -- illegal immi- standing warrants for homicide. Sen. Marco Rubio also found his Trump intends to exploit the illegal gration and trade deals that deindustrial- Of 20,000 members of the 18th Street voice. Trump’s comments “were not just immigration issue, and the trade issue, ized America -- and brazen defiance of Gang operating across Southern Califor- offensive and inaccurate, but also divi- where majorities of middle-class Ameri- Republican elites and a media establish- nia, 12,000 were illegal immigrants. One sive.” cans oppose the elites. And he is going to ment. of the Beltway Snipers, who terrorized Imagine that, “divisive” politics. ride them as far as he can in the Republi- By now the whole world has heard the D.C. area, shooting 13 and killing 10, Ex-Gov.
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