Hon.Milkah Wanjiru takes oath ahead of her vetting as a CECM for water HOUSE APPROVES NAMES OF CECM NOMINEES, AS HON.MAITAI AND HON. NGECHE GIVE A DISSENTING

VOICE The Majority Leader,Hon Wambugu Kingori

Nyandarua County Assembly recently approved names of three persons who had been nominated to be members of the County Executive Committee by the Governor H.E. Francis Kimemia. Their report was moved as a motion in the House by the Leader of the Majority Party Hon. King’ori Wambugu who said that the House Business Committee was convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that they were suitable for the positions. The three are Nyandarua specially elected MCA Hon.Milka Wanjiru who has been nominated as the CECM for Water, Environment, Tourism and Natural Resources; Mr. Raphael Njui Njoroge who has been nominated as the CECM for Industrialization, Trade and Cooperatives Development; and Mr.Stephen Mwaura Njoroge who has been nominated as the CECM for Education, GenderAffairs, Culture and Social Services. Majority of members who spoke hailed the trio for the good plans that they had expressed to the committee on the day of vetting. Hon. Wanjiru had told the committee that she would explore other sources of water apart from boreholes, the latter which are quiteexpensive to sink and maintain. Mr. Raphael Njui informed the Committee that the County requires more legislations that would provide a framework for value addition of agricultural products. Mr. Stephen Njoroge he told the Committee that there is a critical need to unceasingly boost early childhood learning through channeling of reasonable financial and material resources, developing relevant support programmes, and formulating apposite policies. The Majority Chief Whip Hon. Wangari Methu said the Governor had expressed his confidence in the House by nominating Hon. Wanjiru,and urged the Executive arm of Government to give them time to work Njabini Kiburu Ward Hon. Kiiru Gachomba urged the nominee for education to move in with speed and ensure that ECD teachers are employed, bursaries are disbursed in good time and ECD projects are completed. Gatimu Ward MCA Hon. Kieru Wambui urged the nominees to give results commensurate with their qualifications, while Charagita Ward MCA Hon. Wairimu Njane urged the CECM nominee for trade to work hard and revive dormant cooperatives. Central Ward MCA Hon. Mwangi Maitai faulted qualifications of Hon. Wanjiru on the basis of her degree saying it is not relevant with her docket. “I don’t think a degree in peace and conflict studies is relevant. Again, how can we hire senior citizens when majority of our youths have no jobs,” said Maitai. He also added that Hon. Wanjiru had been adversely mentioned in electoral petitions.


The Nyandarua County Assembly last week formed an Ad hoc committee in pursuit for a solution on the poorly constructed roads and paving blocks in Municipality. The Committee is going to consist of members from the Committee on Transport,Energy and Public, Works; the Committee on Implementation, the Committee on Finance and Economic Development and the committee on Lands, Housing andPhysical Planning. The committees were selected by Hon. Kenn Mukira, who was the Speaker in the House. “We will have an ad hoc committee comprising of two members from the roads committee, two members from the finance committee, two members from the lands committee, one member from the implementation committee, Kaimbaga Ward MCA,Hon. Gabriel Gathure and myself,” Hon. Mukira said. This followed response of a statement given by Hon. Mbogo Mburu who chairs the Committee on Transport, Energy and Public Works, in the Assembly. The statement had been sought by Karau ward MCA, Hon. Ken Mukira on the status of Ol kalou town roads upgrade. Weru Ward MCA, Hon. Mbogo Mburu expressed his disappointment in the lack of Bill of Quantities (BQs) for the paving blocks being constructed in Ol kalou town. “How do you even begin to install paving blocks without their BQs? It is very sad when you see people doing a shoddy job while every resource is provided for,” he added.Kaimbaga Ward MCA, Hon. Gabriel Gathure pointed out that the construction of roads and the installation of paving blocks is being done without proper excavation. “They are installing paving blocks without excavating the black cotton soil which commonly affects the durability of the roads and the paving blocks,” said Hon. Gathure. In the ad hoc committee, the various committees were urged to consider the issue of gender and requested to come up with a report in not more than 30 days.


“It is very unfortunate that these cabro works cannot handle vehicles not exceeding three tones yet they were installed at the doorsteps of people’s businesses. How are these people supposed to offload their goods from trucks weighing more than three tones?” asked -Hon.Sambigi-

Quantities (BQs) was different from the actual installation process. “Investigation shows that two stages were omitted in the cabro installation. These are some of the things that hinder the expansion of our towns,” said Hon. Mukirah. In addition Hon. Mukira requested for information on the person responsible for drafting the Bill of Quantities claiming there was no consultation done or public participation conducted. MCAs have highly criticized the recent cabro works Githabai Ward MCA, Hon. Rimui Kaiyani was done in Ol kalou parking spaces and the pathway to worried that as a result of the shoddy work done, the Governor’s offices terming it as substandard. the County was vulnerable to losing donor Speaking during the Committee of the Whole House, funding. Githioro Ward MCA Hon. Sambigi Mukuria was The cabro installation was a project by World concerned that the cabro works used to upgrade the Bank and if it was realized that poor quality work town cannot handle heavy weight vehicles thus was done, they might stop funding us. This would causing an inconvenience to traders in be a major blow to the development of the the town. County,” said Hon. Kaiyani. Hon. Kiiru Gachomba who chairs the Budget and Responding to the MCAs, Municipal Manager to Appropriations Committee noted that drainage works the Ol kalou Municipal Board, Mr.Daniel Mbogo were ignored during the cabro works thus assured the members that as the newly compromising the quality of work done. appointed Municipal Board, they would look into “The issue on drainage systems has been a great the queries and offer answers as quick as challenge in this County yet it was still not considered possible. when installing the cabros. Recently, the House formed an AD HOC How then do we expect that they will serve the Committee to assess the construction of roads in residents of Ol kalou?” Hon. Gachomba said. Ol kalou municipality. Karau Ward MCA, Hon. Kenn Mukira pointed out that what was indicated on the Bill of 3 ASSEMBLY WANTS YOUTH FACILITATION TREATED AS A FLAGSHIP PROJECT

“The youth facilitation project is a key project in countering unemployment in the County. However, I would like to know how the equipment provided remains well maintained and utilized,” -Hon.Loise Kimondo

Nyandarua MCAs have requested that department of Youth, Sports and the Arts be allocated more money in the budget, and ensure that the youth facilitation project is considered as a flagship project in the County. The youth facilitation project involves providing equipment such as greenhouses, concrete mixers, incubators and welding machines among others, to youth groups in the County. They were speaking during a Committee of the whole House, of the Assembly, for the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for the FY 2020/2021. This comes after a public participation forum on the ADP for the FY 2020/2021 undertaken by the Budget and Appropriations Committee led by the Chairperson, Hon. Kiiru Gachomba in early October 2019. Specially elected member, Hon. Loise Kimondo, who is a member of the Committee on Youth, Sports and the Arts wanted to know what the County Government, through the department of Youth, sports and the Arts was doing to ensure the issued equipment were well maintained. Furthermore, she requested for information on the progress of the construction of the Ol kalou stadium with more money being allocated for it every year. “In the last financial year, the stadium was allocated Ksh 24million and according to this ADP it is set to receive Ksh 50million. It would be prudent to know how the Ksh 24million was used before allocating more money to the stadium,” added Hon. Loise. Responding to Hon. Loise, the Chief Officer in charge of the department of youth, Mr. Joseph Wahome assured the committee that there is a team that supervises the equipment provided and once a problem is noted, a short notice is given to the youth group before the equipment is seized. Leshau Pondo MCA, Hon Gathungu Kamau noted that youth facilitation project is important in establishing livelihoods of the Youth in the County and curbing unemployment. “This project has come at a time our youth need it the most. It is very encouraging when you see young people come together and establish themselves economically,” Hon. Gathungu said. 4 ASSEMBLY WANTS YOUTH POLYTECHNICS SPRUCED UP, MADE MORE COMPETITIVE

Hon. Sulieman Kihika contributing to a discusion at the Comitte of the Whole House

Nyandarua MCAs are calling upon the County Government to promote youth polytechnics and Vocational training centers in the County. Speaking during the Committee of the whole House, the MCAs urged the County Government to provide infrastructure and structures to ensure that these facilities are self-sustaining. Kanjuiri-ridge MCA, Hon. Suleiman Kihika did a follow-up on a motion earlier passed in the House for handing over of old County vehicles to polytechnics. “There was a motion passed in the House to give polytechnics in our County old vehicles for their practical lessons. What action has since been taken to achieve this?” he enquired. The Director in charge of the education docket in response informed Hon. Kihika that a directive had been given on the same and polytechnics will soon receive the vehicles. Murungaru MCA, Hon. Kariuki Muchiri noted that there are some wards with non-functional polytechnics and called for their revival. “The County Government should ensure that the non-functional polytechnics are converted into useful facilities for the local community,” said Hon. Muchiri. Addressing the issue of lands, Hon. Hussein Kassana who chairs the Committee on Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development sought information on why there was Kshs. 12 Million allocation to for squatters’ settlement yet the ones settled earlier had not been issued with title deeds. “I would like to understand why there is more allocation for squatter villages yet with the previous allocations squatters are yet to acquire title deeds,” he said. In addition, he wanted to know whether the Kshs. 10 Million allocated for social amenities would be enough to do comprehensive work. Responding to Hon. Kassana, the County Executive Committee Member for lands, Hon. Lawrence Mukundi informed him that in the nine villages surveyed, very few villages could afford the Kshs. 9,000 needed to acquire a title deed. Therefore, the Kshs. 12 Million would be used to pay for title deeds for them. He also assured MCAs that the money allocated for social amenities would be enough. The amenities included ECDE centers and hospitals. 5 EQUIP AND OPERATIONALIZE EXISTING HEALTH FACILITIES, ASSEMBLY URGES THE EXECUTIVE

MCAs have requested the Health Department in the County to focus on completing, equipping and operationalizing the already existing facilities before constructing new ones. This is after perusing the department’s proposals in the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for FY 2020/2021 whereby money has been allocated for the construction of new dispensaries. Wanjohi Ward MCA, Hon. Isaac Kung’u who is a member of the Committee on Health Services, of the Assembly noted that there is a sizeable number of health facilities in the County but they lack adequate human resource. Hon. Kung’u also wanted clarification on why the upgrading of Bamboo Health Center was treated as a flagship project and why too much money had been allocated for the same. “What is the justification of allocating Kshs. 55 Million to the upgrade of Bamboo Health Center?” Hon. Kung’u asked. In response, the County Executive Committee Member for Health, Dr. Njenga Mungai explained that Bamboo Health Center is located at a very strategic location that is densely populated and thus would serve many residents. He added that the Kshs.55 Million allocation would also be used to upgrade other eight facilities. Githabai Ward MCA, Hon. Rimui Kaiyani emphasized on the need to have functional equipment to ease the hustle of residents seeking medical attention in other Counties. “Many times, patients are referred to hospitals in other counties because the equipment needed for treatment is not available in our health facilities. It is very unfortunate and very unfair to the people who elected us,” Hon. Kaiyani said. Njabini-Kiburu Ward MCA, Hon. Kiiru Gachomba, who also chairs the Budget and Appropriations Committee noted that the County continues to lose revenue due to the non-functional CT scan in the County. “The CT scan needs to be up and running sin ce the Health department is funded every year. With it just lying around means the County continues to count losses,” said Hon. Gachomba.

“Why continue to construct more health facilities while the already existing ones are understaffed, lacking drug supply and in very poor condition? Let us focus on upgrading the ones we already have,” -Hon. Kung’u- 6 MORE NEEDS TO BE DONE TO ELEVATE THE AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT

“There is need to know whether it is prudent to continue funding this program because the Kshs.20 Million allocation only enables procurement of 8,000 bags of fertilizer yet the County needs 137,143 bags,” -Hon. Kariuki-

Nyandarua MCAs have expressed their disappointment in the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries since it only absorbed 32 per cent of its budgetary allocation in the last financial year in spite of the many challenges that farmers are going through in the County. The Department has also been accused of failure to supply the Assembly’s Committee of the Whole House with production data which was required to prove that provision of subsidized fertilizer has had a positive impact on farmers. The Department has been receiving an allocation of Kshs.20 Million in the past few years for the supply of subsidized fertilizer. Speaking during the Committee of the Whole House, the chairperson of the agriculture committee, Hon. Andrew Kariuki, noted that despite the huge funding, the program has had a very little impact. In response, the CECM for Agriculture, Dr. James Karitu pointed out that the subsidized fertilizer program was not meant to be the main source of farm inputs but it was a support offered by the National Government. Kipipiri Ward MCA, Hon. Paul Ngeche was concerned that the County is not keen in developing the two main contributors of the County’s economy. “We claim that Nyandarua is a land of milk and potatoes but we have no value addition in production of the two. Farmers are incurring losses now and then since the market prices for milk and potatoes are too low,” Hon. Ngeche added. Murungaru Ward MCA, Hon. Kariuki Muchiri urged the Department of Agriculture to embrace fish and tree tomato farming. “Trout fish are doing so well in this County and this can be a great economic activity. Moreover, farmers doing tree tomato farming are excelling but have a challenge in marketing these fruits,” said Hon. Kariuki Muchiri. 7 RAISE SUPPLEMENTARY


Nyandarua MCAs have requested the Department of Finance and Economic Developme n t to come up with a supplementary budget as fast as possible “Several BQs have been processed but and ensure that contractors who have finished their cannot be issued for lack of money. Even if it jobs are paid. is brought today, it will take 60 days before Kanjuiri Ridge MCA, Hon. Suleiman Kihika who being implemented and that means more chairs the Finance and Economic Development time without paying our contractors,” said Committee wanted to understand why the County Hon. Mbogo. Government delayed in paying suppliers and Charagita Ward MCA, Hon. Wairimu Njane contractors. said that failure of the budget shall affect “What is the status of budget implementation and appropriation of fund in the budget of 2020- why does the County Government 2021. award contracts and tenders knowing very well it “What is the need of allocating money for the will not pay for these services?” Hon. Kihika FY2020/2021 when money allocated for wondered. previous years has not yet been used? I Weru Ward MCA, Hon. Simon Mbogo noted that have urgent projects in my ward that have lack of the supplementary budget has delayed stalled for lack of money,” said Hon. issuance of Bill of Quantities (BQs) for urgent Wairimu. projects. In response, the acting Chief Officer of Finance and Economic Development, Mr. Muigai Wainaina assured the committee that the Supplementary budget would be brought to the Assembly before the end of this year. 8 PRELIMINARY REPORT MOVED IN THE HOUSE AS PROBE ON NYAHURURU LAND REGISTRY CONTINUES Leshau Pondo Ward MCA Hon. Gathungu Kamau yesterday moved a preliminary report on Nyahururu Land Registry which was generated as a result of a public outcry. The Committee on Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Development had conducted a Public Hearing in a bid to verify claims leveled against the office in a statement sought in the House by Gatimu Ward MCA Hon. Kieru Wambui. “We wrote to the Law The office had been accused of inefficiency, abetting bribery, slow processing of documents, Society of seeking defiance of valid and legitimate court orders and slow submissions regarding the resolution of land disputes. While moving the report, Hon. Gathungu said besides allegations of inefficiency the public hearing, the committee wrote to the Law Society of Kenya Nyahururu Chapter and to the and complacency in the CECM for Lands, Housing, Physical Planning and Urban Land Registry and they Development Hon. Lawrence Mukundi. The Committee further enquired from the lands CECM have informed us of slow to unravel the mystery surrounding the registry. He responded by writing submissions comprising of processing of documents, complaints from the public. suspicious misplacement of “It was evident from the members of the public when we invited them in this Chamber on 25th documents and hostile October, 2019 that they are experiencing the members of staff,” aforementioned challenges. Something needs to be done urgently to curb those -Hon.Gathungu- challenges,” said Murungaru Ward MCA Hon. Kariuki Muchiri, who rose in support of the report. The Committee is expected to table a comprehensive report on the floor of the House at a later date. 9 VETTING HON. MILKA WANJIRU NDIRANGU Hon.Milka Wanjiru Ndirangu was nominated for the position of CECM in charge of Water, Environment, Tourism and Natural Resources. She is an MCA at Nyandarua County Assembly and the President of the women caucus at the County Assemblies Forum (CAF). She is a former Human Resource Manager at Jubilee Party and a former Director at Geothermal Development Company. Hon. Wanjiru also held various positions at the Kenya Film Classification Board, Alliance Party of Kenya, PNU party of Kenya, Narc- Kenya Party and Mamuka Valuers. She holds a degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from Mount Kenya University and a Diploma from Kabete Technical Training Institute. She went through Nyandarua High School and Mathingira Primary School for her secondary and Primary education.

MR. RAPHAEL NJUI NJOROGE Mr. Raphael Njui Njoroge is the nominee for Industrialization, Trade and Cooperatives Development Department. He is a projects management professional and holds an MBA from Heriot Watt University (Edinburg Business School), a Diploma in Management System Methodology from Puenta Nuevo in Spain and a Bachelor of Education Science (Mathematics and Physics) from Kenyatta University. Mr. Njoroge is a former Director of Projects and Business Development at Infor Century Solutions, former Projects Manager at Indra Systems, former Manager of Information Systems at Kenya Ports Authority, former Projects Manager at Soluziona and a former Systems Administrator at Kenya Power. He is a member of the Common Wealth Institute of Directors and is a Fellow at the Computer Society of Kenya.

MR.STEPHEN MWAURA NJOROGE Mr. Stephen Mwaura Njoroge, HSC is the CECM nominee for Education, Gender Affairs, Culture and Social Services. He holds an Executive Masters degree in Business Administration from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, an MBA from University of and a Bachelor of Education Degree from the same university. He went through Njiris and Nyahururu High Schools for his secondary education. He has been a director for the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology in Africa (CEMASTEA), former Chief Principal at Moi Forces Academy, Nairobi and a former Governor at Global Peace Foundation (GPF), He is also a former Senior Principal of Jamhuri High School, former KESHA National Treasurer, former KESHA Chairman of Nairobi, former Principal of Parklands Boys High School and former Principal Mararal and High Schools in . Besides the HSC presidential award, he holds a Global Peace Governor award. Mr. Njoroge has written two books: Transformative Leadership and Lesson Study:A practical guide to implementation. 10 WE VALUE YOUR FEED BACK County Assembly chambers,Olkalou @NyandaruaCA Nyandarua County Assembly http:/assembly.nyandarua.go [email protected] +254743079333