Islamic Cemetery
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TMre Gase : lslamic Gemetery Hearinq Date: September 2,2020 Tulso Metropoliton Areo Plonning Commission Case Report Prepared bv: Owner and Applicant lnformation: Nathan Foster Applicant: Tim Terral, TEP Owner.lslamic Society of Tulsa Location Map: Applicant Proposal: (shown with County Commission Districts) Minor Subdivision Plat 1 lot, 1 block, 21.78 1âcrês Location: South of the southeast corner of East 191st Street South and South Memorial Drive .!":'i t a b Zoninq: AG (Agriculture) Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the minor subdivision plat Gountv Commission District: 3 Commissioner Name: Ron Peters EXHIBITS: Site Map, Aerial, Minor Subdivision Plat 1 MINOR SUBDIVISION PLAT lslamic Gemetery - (Tulsa County) South of the southeast corner of East 191"t Street South and South Memorial Drive This plat consists of 1 lot, 1 block on 21.78 + acres. The TechnicalAdvisory Committee (TAC) met on August 20,2020 and provided the following comments: '1. Zoning: Approved as submitted. 2. Addressing: Approved as submitted. 3. County Engineering: Final release required for drive configuration. 4. Sewer/Water: Lots will be served by on-site sewage disposal approved by Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. Water service available through the rural water district. 5. Utilities: Telephone, Electric, Gas, Cable, Pipeline, Others: All release letters have been received. Oil & Gas certificate was submitted. Waivers of Subdivision Regulations: 1. None Requested Staff recommends APPROVAL of the minor subdivision plat subject to the requirements of the Subdivision & Development Regulations. 1L AG AG SUBJECT TRACT AG AG o LEGEND Bixby Corporate Limits Feet ISLAMIC 0 200 400 CEMETERY -.# 16-13 12 13 Feet ISLAMIC Note: Gnphic averlays may not precisely 0 200 400 Subject al¡gn w¡th phys¡cal features on thø ground, Tract CEMETERY Aer¡al Photo Date: Fêbruary 2078 16-13 12 7l OWNER / DEVELOPER Islamic Cemote ENGINEER / SURVEYOR lslamic Sæiety of Tulsa Tulsa Eng¡neering & Planning Associates, lnc. grær.sutu @ $urh lNintonÁvênuo A subd¡vision ¡n Tulsa County, being a part of the Nw/4 of 0310Eær42nd 1m luls. frl.homã74135 luhr.dbhomã 74146 (914)S.2990 Section 1 2, Township 16 North, Range 13 East, 918.æ.$2r of the lndian Base and lvleridian, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma B.Long@i!beenginæing com A V Location lvlap =--E- saLE f=tæ R-13-E 12 116 N, Rj3 E lds CMU, ffi / T - - 16 -.Eagrcrgsrre4south- N T ]NPI A-|TI]I) Sælion 12 \o õ 772 - o* q,o','" ltJt l/ "o^ "-*, ^" Block I 916,0ÈsF (Ner) )z Basis of ÊI r JNt)l ,\'rï I) h.6túiqùdùßÞbvr4rl4drhr lslarì.lic \19.r6FrñaL\r9¡æ PEf ñ'ñãry P .-J ô t¡ ¡SI"AMIC rngess and egress lor sùch co¡stuctôñ, mânlenâñæ, operaÙon WNESSWHEFEOF,Ihe unde߀¡ed tuê/Deæ opêr, håsexecuied lhß CEMETERY aying, reF rng a.d rclayng owr, âcrossånd a ôñg al ôl lhe !¡ûly côlnly ok ahoña ln a¡y ,udic âl åc¡o¡ brcught lo enforce lhe rnstumeñl lhrs dåyôf 2A?O. easemenrs depcted on lhe plar, lor rhe purpose of rum shng warer coveñanls eslâb shed rñlh s Deed ol Dedr.ãfonlhe defense 1ù1 DEÊD OF DËDICATION and/or serer setuces to the a.ea ncuded n Ihe dal fre AND Owner/Dereop€r herer¡ rmpses a rernclw corenanl, úich 14 þisl!ÊeleBÊlg rêmedy åt lâw s hereby wå ved lslãñ¡c Soc€lyof lulsa RESMICTIW COWNNTS corenantsha lbebmdmgo¡eachlo¡oMerand shal beenlorceåbe by Tule counly ok ahoma, ¿d by lhe suppl er ol anyaf€cled !¡Íry 32 qgÉlq sevce, lhal wilhrn lh€ ulil¡y easeñents deprcred o. Itu ând sulace wateß toñ drâ nage aeas of hgher eleËloñ fte KNOWALL MEN ryTHESE PBESENTS accomFnvnq Þat no tuildlnq, sÙuclure or olher abow or @low @nerÆeveoper shall nol constuciorFmùlo be co¡stucled any úese restdonsshãll ¡emain r. ful force and eleclun! Januâry qrcund obsÙucl on lhal intedereswlh lhe abow s€l lonh uses and lencng or olher obsùucfons úrch wolld rñp¿tr the dranage of l, 2029 â.d shalL aulomãløly be exlended Ìhe¡æfler lor lSßM CSOC EryOFruS anexpress Íusl hercmaierrererred lo as plposesshal Þpãæd erecled nraledorñanlarned Prôvded stom and suface walers orer and across lh€ lol ñe lorego,ng successrc periods or reñ (r0) warc each uñress rem nared or lhe oMey'Dewoper isrhewneroflhefôlldhgdescribed and nTusa horewr .othi¡g herern shall b deeñed to prohrbil dr ws parkmg covenants s€l n lhls paragraph 1 .4 shal be enbrceaþ e by the amended as h€reinaner Þrryded. County, Sbte ol Oklahoma, ro w t ãreas, cuòing ând ãndseprng and cuslomary$reenrng le¡ces @ner,oêveloper'oñh a¡d by Tulsa county, okrahom 3.3 4!c!grc!!9!&M!e!g A tact of and ocated n th€ NW4 ol seclon 12 l¡6-N, F 13-E ol lhe 1.5 [email protected]!!S9gÊt!9 lñran &seand Meridiân TusâCounty Slale otOklahoma aæodrng lo 1.2 lMlvs@ frê cownånts cmrarñêd wilhm Se!!9!lSjI9eÞ,EêSe )ss rhe OlÍoa U.S. @whment Surey lhereôl ñore pad cular y desd bed as tu @¡erÆevdoFr shal Þe respo¡sble lo¡ lhe €panofdamãge lLlLllE may be ãmended or lem¡Éled åt a.y ùme by wtle. 1.2 I Oveòeådlneslorlheslpplyof eleckÌc,lelephoneandcabe i.stume¡ls sg¡ed and ack.oú€dged by lhe OMe/OevdoFilo Ieleuson seryices mayÞe localed wilhr¡ lhewêsl pêrmeter mrnle¡å¡æ ol uñderground ml€r seilæ sanilafysewer seryces whch lh€ amendmenl or lermÌna¡loñ rs lo h appicabe and frrs nsùument was ack¡owledged þelor€ me thrs day or te sourh Six Hundred Sxry (660) læt ol rhe Nonh one ftoue¡d ñræ eâserenìs ol the subd usion steel lghl po es or slandards a¡d/or sep¡c ines, s¡orm sewer nalu¡a gas, communicalion æble approwd Þy lhe luls Metopoûa¡ A¡ea P ann ng Comm sson or ,P.esdenl Hundred T@¡ly (1320) leèl ol ltu Nodhrest Ouader (NW4) ol Sdron ñay Þe serued by o€ñead or underground æbe and ils slccesersandlursa county oklahoma ol lslamrc Sooelyof Tllsa, a¡ express kusl. lrer@ (r2), fow¡shp silleên (16) Nodh, Range friteen (13) Easr ot rhe esMere lhroughout Ih€ subdMson al suppy inês lhe accompaning p at proudd howeEr. Tu sa øunry Oklahomã ndiån Base and Meidan Tu sa øunly Sbl€ or Okahoña, accodrng to or rhe supp€r of utl ry señrce shal lse reasonable carc In rhe 34 Sc!cEþ!t! shall be ocated uñdercro!¡d in easemenls dedcåled ror I 209 feel lhereol. &ok5502, Paq€ 6l genera ul Ìly seru æs and rn lhe r ghls.ol€y ol lhe pub ic n€ldation ol anyreslnchon sel bilh heren orany pad thereof, sÙeêis as deprcted on Ihe acæmFryrng plar. s€ruce 6 Pbehe Eáseme.l byân order, tudgmenl or dærêe olãñycoudorôltutrse shal p$eslals and tansromers. ãs sources of suppy at seændaryrcLtages, may also be ocaled .genera lrlily ûe OMetDeve oæråckrcwledgês rhegrantof rre 50ioor Ppe me lhereof as sel fodh he€rn whrch shal remain n lll lorce añd My commrss0¡ expiles A tad or land conlâhed úthrn the Nodhrest Ouader (NW4) ol &don Êaemènt âs deprcled on lhe lace of thrs Pat, suqed þ lhe Trelw (12) roMship sixteen (16) Nodh Fã¡ge frrtæn (13) Easl or lhe lndia. &sea¡d MeridÉñ, Tuså øunly State olOklahoma, accoÈngto 1 22 Undergrouñd seMæ caÞles a.d gas seruce i¡es lô âll at Page 1127 in Iß ræods ol rhe Tusa counry cle&s ohc€ CERIFIüE OFSUW the U S. Gowmmenr sureythereor, be n9 more pådrcurãrydesned as studureswhrch maybe locåledwúhrn lhe s!8 usþn my @ inclld ng gE¡t.g lÞ lollowng to lhe oMer ol Ihe øpêl ne r, &bby D Long of Tusa Engneeang & Prannrng Assocares, hc. a ñan io lhe æ¡nl ol lsage I 6 I fre rghl ol way a¡d eaæment rom lme lo fñe lo ma nla n. prclessonal añd suûercr €grslered m lhe slale of okrahoma, hereby Coñme.cng âlthe Nôdhreslcomeror sd Nonhres¡ Ouailer (NW4) constuclon ol swh srudure as måy be lodld uæn lhê ol ope€le relay, rcp ace chañge lhe srze of and remove ê.y or cêdiryìhalrhawcãfèl!ilyandaccurareysureFd subdMdêd andpaned al oflhe plF rne owners p ælnes cwenllyn plaæ wlh n lhe lhe tacì of l¿nd descrÞd abore and lhat lhê acæmpanyrng pral frencesouhq00 @ wesr aloñg lheWesl¡reolsaid NodhrestQuaÍer seMce Ìn€ Io a Fn cubr slrucÌur€, lhe suppler of seNæ desrg¡atêd heren as lsúMlc oEMEEBY a slbdñsion n Ihe lulsa (\W¿). ad,sianceo'660@'€er ro rhe Ponr or B4ñnnq shal lherealler be deeñed lo haw a den¡úre, æmane.l, côunìy slâte of oklâhoma, s â repêsenlaÙon ol lhe surwymade on Ih€ efeclwa¡dno¡'exclusÉeåsêmenlonlhe ol cowrnga5 1 6.2 fre rght ol My ând eâæme¡l fom nmê ro hñe lo l¿y gro!¡d lsing ge¡e¡ally accepled and sureyng pÉcùces ã¡d mæts or frenæ No*h 89'57 10 East, paral¡el lo lhe Noñh Ine ol sd Noilhwesl fool st¡p extend n9 2 5 feel ôn eâch srdê ol lhê seücecaþle ètceeds lhe Oklãhomã Mhmum Sla¡dards for lhe P¡ãclce ol Lañd ouader (NW4), ã drsìa¡ce ot r438.04 or [¡e exlendi.g iiom lhe gãs mårn setuce pedesla or reñow addloia ppe¡neswthh thê DeÍned Easemenl for 'eeri Íanslôrmerro Ìhe seùce e¡lrance oñ the sttuct!é. lhe tEñsæda¡o. ol gas waler peÙoeum prodlcls â¡d any tunæ Souihdol 22 Wesl adisbnæ o166000Þel: olh€r gases or slbslanæs (whelher or nol ol a sñr âr nâìure) Execut€d thß dayof 2420 1 .2 3 ñe supp i€r ol eLect c, lelephone øÞ e te euson ãnd 9ås tunæ south 89'57 t0' west.