Annual Report 2009 - 2010

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Annual Report 2009 - 2010 GOVERNMENT OF SAMOA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - 2010 MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 Please address all correspondence to: Postal Address: Private Bag The Minister of Natural Resources Apia and Environment Telephone: (685) 25257 Facsimile: (685) 29195 GOVERNMENT OF SAMOA OFFICE OF THE MINISTER OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Samoa Land Corporation; National Parks, Recreation and Water Conservation; Samoa Trust Estates Corporation; National Disaster Management; Planning and Urban Management Agency; Samoa Sports Facilities Authority. 07 June 2010 Hon Speaker of the House Legislative Assembly MULINUU In accordance with Section 143 of the Lands and Environment Act 1989, I am pleased to submit herein the Annual Report of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment for the year ended June 30 2010. The Report is the record of the Ministry’s performance in accordance with its mandate and output structure, and to be laid before the Legislative Assembly of Samoa. May the Assembly be enlightened. With respect Faumuina Tiatia Liuga Minister GOVERNMENT OF SAMOA ANNUAL REPORT 2009 - 2010 MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT ( MNRE ) MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 For your information • No part of this publication maybe copied or reproduced in any form of any kind without permission of the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. • Cover photo - Coastal View of the boat entry point at Apolima Tai taken by Paulo Amerika MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 MINISTER Honourable Faumuina Tiatia Liuga CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Tuuu Dr. Ieti Taulealo 08/06/1999 - 01/05/2003, 8/09/2006 - 21/09/2009 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Taule’ale’ausumai Laavasa Malua - from Sept 28 2009 MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 LAND BOARD Minister of Natural Resources & Environment Chairman CEO - Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment Deputy Chairman Attorney General Member CEO - Ministry of Finance Member CEO - Ministry of Agriculture & Fishries Member CEO - Ministry of Works, Transport & Infrastructure Member Fepuleai Tuiteo Member Sufia Sekone Member Taua Lalovi Tafua Member Oloialii Sea Ailuai Member Tagitagiapua Faafetai Member Fonotoe Pierre Meredith Member Tapua’i Sepulona Moananu Member PUMA BOARD Minister of Natural Resources & Environment Chairman CEO - Ministry of Natural Resources & Environment Deputy Chairman CEO - Ministry of Finance Member Police Commissioner, Ministry of Police Member CEO - Ministry of Women, Community & Social Development Member CEO - Ministry of Works Transport & Infrastructure Member Fonoti Mikaele Keith Member Lauaki Rita Keil Member Leiataua Isikuki Punivalu Member Luamanuvae Ene Member Sauvao Amiatu Sio Member 6 MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 Table of Content Page Minister CEO 03 Land Board 04 PUMA Board 04 Table of Content 05 List of Acronyms 06 The Year Under Review 09 Highlights of the Year Under Review 10/14 Human Resource Development 15 Staff Establishment 16/17 Issues and Challenges 18 Output 1 Policy Advice to the Minister 19 Output 2 Minisetrial Support 20 Output 3 Land Management 20 Output 4 Technical Services 25 Output 5 Environment and Conservation 27 Output 6 Forestry Management 35 Output 7 Meteorological Services 40 Output 8 Planning and Urban Management 43 Output 9 Water Resources 45 Output 10 Renewable Energy 49 Output 11 GEF 5 1 Output 12 CSU 1 - Legal Services 52 Output 13 CSU2 Corporate Services 53 Output 14 ICT Services 58 Ministry Structure 59 Acknowledgement 60 Budget Summary/Comparison 2009/2010 61/66 7 MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 List of Acronyms ACIAR - Australia Centre for International Agriculture Research BM - Bench Mark CDC - Cabinet Development Committee CGPS - Continuous Global Position System CI - Conservation International CIMS - Coastal Infrustructure Management Plans DAC - Disaster Advisory Committee DEC - Division of Environment and Conservation EIA - Environment Impact Assessement EU - European Union GEF - Global Environment Facility GIS - Geographical Information System GPS - Global Positioning System GSN - Global Seismic Network IAMP2 - Institutional Asset Management Project 2 ICT - Information Communication and Technology IRIS - Incorporated Research Institution for Seismology JCC - Joint Coordination Committee JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency LRS - Land Registry System MAF - Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries MCS - Marine Conservation Section MOF - Ministry of Finance NAP - National Action Plan NAPA - National Adaptation Plan of Action NCCT - National Climate Change Country Team NDMP - National Disaster Management Plan NIASIAP - National Invasive Alien Species Intergrated Action Plan NIP - National Implementation Plan NTF - National Task Force NWRP - National Water Resource Policy PUMA - Planning Urban Management Agency ROW - Right of Way SamFRIS - Samoa Forest Resources Information System SMBD - Samoa Marine Biodiversity Database SPREP - Souoth Pacific Regional Environment Programme SPRIG - South Pacific Region Initiative Genetic Resources TCS - Terrestrial Conservation Section UNCCD - United Nations Convention for Combating Desertification UNDP - United Nations Development Programme UNESCO - United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organisation WMO - World Meteorological Organization 8 MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 The Year Under Review Notwithstanding the above, the Ministry was able to meet targets identified under This has been a very challenging year for the Ministry as it strived to meet multiple its Performance Measures. The increase demands amidst depleting financial and human resources. Certain events contribute to in budget provisions through the latter part the tremendous pressure placed on the ministry, while it strived to achieve its planned of the financial year saw an improvement Annual Work program to meet its statutory obligations and responsibilities. to a 4.4% relative to the last financial year overall total, and this was attributed As always, the Ministry was forced to make inevitable changes to its work program to the government’s recovery program given the dramatic reduction in its budget envelope, which was a 23.6% decrease implemented through the Ministry. compared to the last financial year. Human Resource was slightly better with a reduction of two (2) compared to last years figure of 179. At the international front, the Ministry continued to be more vigilant in making The annual work program was finalized at the Ministry’s Corporate Review, which sure Samoa meets its obligations also covered a review of the Corporate Plan 2008 - 2011. Much of that program was identified under the relevant conventions. premised on the theme of the Corporate Review - Mainstreaming Climate Change into Additional resources were also identified National Plans. by way of various projects sourced under these conventions; and these provided The Year Under Review also brought changes at the helm, with Tu’u’u Dr. Ieti Taulealo much needed relief given local budget existing after ten (10) years as CEO, and Taule’ale’ausumai Laavasa Malua taking reductions over the years. The projects over in September 2009. And perhaps the most telling event was the September 29 also enabled the recruitment of addition 2009 Tsunami which ironically the day Malua started, but the effects it has brought to human resources. However the Ministry the Ministry’s work program given the excessive commitment and sacrifices MNRE was also conscious of the need for staff gave to the response and recovery plan of action. While the latter may have sustainability given the capacity building caused set back in some areas, they were unavoidable given the Ministry’s role in the aspect established during the duration of National Disaster Council, the Disaster Advisory Committee and disaster management these programs, and something that needs in general. planning for. Despite the challenges, the year under review has been successful amongst many things, and sets the scene for a much better way forward. Performance achievements are recorded under approved budget outputs, notable here is the inclusion of Renewable Energy and GEF Services as new additional outputs although they are included under Output 1 budget - wise. And as noted, much has been achieved during the year. Opening of the Information Centre at Vailima Botanical Garden during the commemoration of Biodiversity Day June 2009. From L-R , Moafanua Tolusina, Susau Siolo, Malama Momoemausu, Tuiolo Schuster and CEO Tuuu Dr. Ieti Taulealo. 9 MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 Highlights of the Year Under Review Samoa - New Zealand Army Reconnaissance Mission The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment welcomed the opportunity to work with the New Zealand Air force Team on a Reconnaissance Mission for 4 weeks conducting aerial surveillance around Upolu and Savaii. Some of the key areas covered in the mission included: Lake Lanotoo, Fagaloa Bay along the Uafato-Tiavea conservation zone, upland forests in Savaii and key watershed areas. Coastal view of the town area Fagaloa Bay Lake Lanotoo Highlights 2 MNRE staff with EPC CEO and Environment Engineer 10 MNRE Annual Report 2009 - 2010 Keep Samoa Clean awareness programmes A series of waste awareness programme with schools was coordinated by the JICA Volunteers attached as the Environment Education Officers with the Ministry ( Waste Section and the Capacity Building Section ). A Manual on “Save Our Samoa - Team S.O.S” was developed to help promote the concept
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