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The Glengarry News THE GLENGARRY NEWS VOL. XXXIV—No. 47. ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1926. $2.00 A YEAR. OntBrio Electorate Endorse ALEXANDRIA LACROSSE CLUB District Dairy Meeting Judge Rules Legacy Champions United Counties’ Lacrosse League 1926 Holders of Laplante Cup. Wednesday, December D Gees to United Church Government liqoor Control Policy As will be seen by an advertisement A judgment which may have a con- - in this issue the annual District Dairy siderable bearing on the interpretation - Meeting for the county of Glengarry of wills, where property is left to the Premier Perguson, The Liberal atvd. Progressive will be held at Apple Hill, on Wednes- Presbyterian Chureh in Canada, was day of next week, December 8th. As handed down by Mr. Justice Rose at Leadérs Returned — Glengarry Swings into the meeting is under the auspices iOf Osgoode Hall Saturday. His Lordship Tory Column by Large Majority. the Provincial Department of Agricul- held that a $5^000 legacy bequeathed ture and the Dairymen’s Association to the Presbyterian Church in Canada, of Eastern Ontario, Mr, A. J. Robert- in a wdll dated prior to the union of (Canadian Press) Lambton West—W. S. Harvey. son, Director of the l^istrict, will oc- the two Churches, goes to the United Lanark North—T. A. Thompson. cupy tlie chair. The meeting will open Church, where the testator’s death took Toronto, Ont., Dec. 1.—At half past Lanark South—E. H. Stedraan. at 1.30 in the afternoon and will be place after the Provincial and Domin- eleven this evening the Canadian Press Leeds—F. J. Skinner. addressed by Mr. Geo. H. Barr, Direc- ion Union Acts came into force in 1925. reported results of the Ontario elec- London North—J. P. Moore. tor of Dairying, Mr. G. G. Publow, His Lordship based his decision on tions complete save for two remote London South—Dr. J. S. C. Wilson. Chief Dairy Instructor and an official the grounds that, in the mind of the constituencies whose final figures may Muskoka—G. W. Ecclestone. grader from the Dairy Department, Legislature, the body that was the not be known even tomorrow, the gen- Niagara Falls—W. G. Wilson. Ottawa. As heretofore matters of Presbyterian Church in Canada, is now- eral result being as follows: Conserva- Nippissing—Harry Morel. paramount importance to this great in- united with another body, but without tive 75, Liberal 14, Progressive 11, Lib- Norfolk—Hon. J. S. Martin. dustry -will be taken up and discuss^ losing its identy. eral-Progressive 5, Independent-Liberal Ontario North—T. D. Ball. ( and the more the discussion, the put- The legal dispute arose in connection 4, Labor 1, in doubt 2—total 112. Ottawa North—E. Honeywell. ting of pertinent questions that will with the will of the late Rev,. John The verdict in favor of the over- Ottawa South—T. M. Birkett. call forth well thought out replies, Ferguson, who died on August 19th, shadowing issue of the campaign, Pre- Parry Sound—Dr. V. Harcourt. should create generaP'lntorest among 1926, after ,^he union of the two mier Ferguson’s policy of government Peel—T. L. Kennedy. the instructors, proprietors and pat- Churches. His will was dated May control of the sale of liquor, was even Perth North—Hon. J. D. Monteith. rons in attendance which it is hoped 29th, 1923, prior to the union, and it more emphatic than the above figures Peterboro City—W., H. Bradburn. will be large and representative. was argued that the will should speak indicate, for on this issue he can count Sort Arthur—F. Keefer. 0- from its date, as the testator had been on the support of the four independent Rainy River—J. A. Mathieu. a lifelong Presbyterian. Mail and Em- Liberals, who broke away from Mr. Renfrew North—Alec. Stewart. pire. Sinclair, the Liberal leader, on this Renfrew South—T. M.' Costello. [ntrance Distory For 132? question, these being French language St. Catherines—^E. C. Graves. candidates in eastern Ontario ridings, 'Sault Ste. Marie—James Lyons. Teachers, Pupils and even Parents and also on the support of the solitary Simcoe Center—C. E. Wright. will be interested in the following no- Prize Winners al Oltawa Labor member representing Waterloo Simcoe East—Hon. Wm. Finlayson. tice which I have jiist received from South. Stormont—D. A. MeNaughton. the Department of Education. Glengarrians who had the privilege of attending the Ottawa Winter Pair, Trend of Opinion Against O.T.A. Sudbury—Hon. Chas. McCrea. ‘‘It is important that all teachers v/ithout exception, pronounced the Trend of public opinion against the Temiskaming—A. J. Kennedy. of Senior Form IV classes should have exhibit of poultry for variety and Ontario Temperance Act was further Toronto Beaches—T. A. Murphy. noted carefully the change made in the demonstrated by the defeat^n Huron Toronto Bellwqod—W. H. Edwards. Course of Study for - the Junior and quality to have exceeded any previous FROXT ROW—J. A. McDonald, F. McRae, J. Mareoux, A. Campbell, A. J. McMillan. exhibit, and we are glad to note that North o*f the Conservative candidate, Toronto Brachonrale—A. R. Nesbitt. Senior grades of Form IV. among others who were successful as Mr. Joyaiit, after his nomination who Toronto Brocton—F. G. Maebrien. Insert D. Chisholm. The Junior High School Entrance CENTRE ROW—-L. Weir, F. McCormick, Ed. Lalonde, A. Danis, Captain; D. Lalonde, J. Gagnier, B. Ville- exhibitors were Messrs. John J. Mc- broke away from Mr. Ferguson on this Toronto Dovercourt—S. J. Wright. Examination Paper in History for 1927 neuve, M. L. Tobin. Master, of Laggan and Jos. Legroulx same issue. Toronto Eglington—H. P. Ball. will be based on the Course in History BACK ROW—J. J. McDonald, President; B. J. Rouleau, E. A. MacGillivray, Manager; E. Rouleau^ Com.; of this place. The former won the prohibition supporters pinned their Toronto Greenwood—Geo. .Smith. for the Senior Grades of Form IV. R. R. Macdonald, Sec. Treas. following: Columbia Wyandottes ^ faith to the rural constituencies which Toronto High Park-—W. A. Biard. only. See Courses of Study page 34 Insert "tapper J. T. Smith and Dr. D. D. McIntosh. Cock 1st; Cockerel 2nd, Hen 2nd; Pul- in the liquor plebiscite of 1924 had Toronto Parkdale—Hon. W. H. Price. Section 6. ” let 2nd; Pen 1st and special for best gone dry, but in this they were griev- Toronto Riverdale—Ged. Oakley. The part of the History given in exhibit; Rose Comb Brown Leghorns— ously disappointed, for the bulk' of Toronto St. Andrew—W. R. Flett. the Course of Study for 1926 is as We reproduce with pleasure this group picture of the Alexandria Lacrosse Club, holders of the Laplante Cockerel 3rd and 4th; Pen,1st also spe- electors in normal Conservative rural Toronto St. - David—Hon. J. E. Thomp- follows: Cup emblematic of the Championship of the United Counties’ Lacrosse League. vCpmpeting in schedule gan<©s cial; Geese, Toulouse, Gander old 2nd; ridings stuck to their political allegi- son. “The leading events of British His- against teams representing Cornwall, Long Sault, St. Andrews and Harrisons’ Corners, the locals had the splendid Goose old, 2nd; Gander 1926 1st; Goose ance and endorsed the Ferguson policy Toronto St. George—H. C. Scholfield. tory since 1603. record of winning all their games. The United Counties’ League was formed in 1925 and the team representing 1926 2nd; African, Gander old, 3rd; of government sale. Toronto St. Patricks—J. A. Currie. Harrisons’ Corners won the championship that y'èar. The leading events of Canadian His- Toronto Woodbine—Geo. Shields. tory since 1763. Goose old, 3rd; Gander young 2nd; Two Seats in Doubt Waterloo North—W. G. Weichel. Goose young 2nd; White China, Gan- The two seats still in doubt are Mani- smous silent vote which was practi- Great events of current history. Welland—Mark "Vaughan. The elements of civil government of der 1st, Goose 3rd; Partridge Ply- toulin Island, where the Progressive cally impossible for the executives of Wellington South—Hon. Lincoln Gol- Canada. mouth Rocks—Cock 2nd; Cockerel 3rd; candidate is leading by 119 with seven the two old parties to gauge. Even the New Church Hal T Company ISIth die. The duties of citizenship. Hen 1st; Pullet 1st; also special for polls to hear from, but these can be most sanguine of 'the Conservative Wentworth North—A. L. Shaver. Supplementary Reading of Canadian best Hen, Mr. Legroulx in very reached only by boat, his Conservative supporters felt that a majority \ of Wentworth South—T. A. Mahoney. Formally Opened Passes Creditable Inspection and British History.” strong competition won a 1st, a 2nd opponent cla^imiiig those missing polls 600 votes would be the most they could and a 3-rd prize in the Rose Comb will turn the tide in his favor; and Windsor East—F. W. Wilson. J. W. CREWSON, I.P.S., expect to obtain. The question of (Martintown Correspondent) With the general salute smartly exe- Brown Leghorn Class. Congratulations. Cochrane North where only 40 out of Windsor West—J. F. Reid. Glengarry. Y«rk East—Hon. G. H. Henry. government control proved, however, Sunday, November 21st, was a day cuted and the Pipe Band rendering a 70 polls have been reported. The Con*-' York South—L. Macauley. to be of such vital interest to the great that, will long be remembered by the stirring march. Brigadier General F.‘ servative candidate has a lead of 378 York West—Dr. Forbes Godfrey. majority of the electors that party lines Presbyterians of Martintown and W. Hilh of the 3rd Divisional Head- over his Independent-Liberal oppon- By Acclaniation Progessives were forgotten and the result was a vicinity when their new Hall was for- quarters, ^^ingston, was received as he ent, also a supporter of government Alexanilria Live Stock Brant County—H.
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    Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2012 Prescribing System Solutions to Improve Stroke Outcomes Supplementary Materials Ontario Stroke Evaluation Report 2012 Supplementary Materials Exhibit 1.2s 1 Age- and sex-adjusted rates of emergency department visits for adult stroke or transient ischemic attack patients1 per 1,000 subLHIN population, in Ontario and by sub-Local Health Integration Network, 2003/04 and 2008/09–2010/11 2003/04 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Group/Subgroup Age- and Sex-Adjusted Rate (n) Provincial Rate2 2.0 (18,935) 1.9 (19,461) 1.9 (19,982) 1.9 (19,686) Standardized Rate3 2.0 (18,935) 1.8 (19,461) 1.8 (19,982) 1.7 (19,686) Local Health Integration Network Sub-Local Health Integration Network2 Erie St. Clair Essex 2.4 (724) 2.4 (764) 2.5 (810) 2.3 (759) Erie St. Clair Chatham-Kent 2.7 (259) 2.3 (230) 2.7 (272) 2.6 (268) Erie St. Clair Lambton 2.0 (246) 1.9 (238) 2.1 (272) 1.9 (242) South West Bruce 2.3 (150) 2.2 (143) 2.4 (161) 1.8 (126) South West Grey 2.1 (169) 2.3 (199) 2.3 (203) 2.1 (186) South West Huron 1.5 (93) 2.1 (123) 2.3 (142) 2.2 (132) South West Perth 1.8 (120) 1.7 (116) 1.8 (120) 1.4 (102) South West Middlesex 1.3 (447) 1.6 (590) 1.9 (697) 1.8 (669) South West Oxford-Norfolk 2.0 (207) 2.0 (210) 2.2 (231) 2.1 (230) South West Elgin 2.1 (141) 2.3 (163) 2.1 (148) 2.2 (160) Waterloo Wellington Urban Waterloo & Rural Waterloo South 2.1 (596) 2.0(622) 2.1 (670) 2.1 (680) Waterloo Wellington Urban Guelph 1.5 (133) 1.7 (168) 1.7 (168) 1.7 (172) Waterloo Wellington Rural Waterloo 1.4 (49) 1.3 (52) 1.6 (63) 1.7 (68) Waterloo
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