Salem English Lutheran Church Late July-August 2019 The Lazy Church Days of Summer Summer is always interesting in the church. Here we are in mid-July and while we all are finally settling into summer and the different rhythm it brings to life, we are also looking at the calendar and wondering “How did it get to be mid-July?” as we look toward fall. While things take on a slower pace that meets up with the lazy days of summer, while we sit back and realize that on Sundays in the summer many church folks find themselves worshiping from a boat in the middle of the lake or under the canopy of trees up north, while we know  Brainstorming or coordinating current and new season of that programming slows down and even takes a summer hiatus, giving partners? we know that fall is the “day after tomorrow”’s coming and  Helping with coffee hour between services? will be here before we can adjust to the heat of July in  Minnesota. (*One might ask, after today, if one CAN actually Helping plan worship? We will have a meeting August 11 adjust to the heat of July in Minnesota—but I digress.) for fall planning—join us! Yes, here we are in mid-July, but fall is just around the corner.  Taking part in a book study in the fall? The state fair—that MN tradition that launches us into fall is only  Helping lead worship on Sunday? 35 days away! So much for the lazy church days of’s  Writing a “member” column on a rotating basis for the time to get to work. Scene? So—where is God tapping you to be part of what we do as a  Doing a “kids time” during our 10:30 worship? community of faith? I realize it’s hard to think about what is  Helping curate information from the myriad of coming this fall when we are still in vacation mode...but I community and church partners we have for members. promise these opportunities to help plan and maybe even lead (i.e. What can we glean from Lutheran Immigration and are pretty laid back and do not involve a life-time commitment. Refugee Services that would inform us and help us Would you consider… engage in gospel work?)  Helping plan God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday (9/15)? I know it’s still summer and days are long, the sun is warm, and  Meeting with 3-4 folks a couple times to help shape our lazy seems to be agenda of the day as often as possible. But I stewardship conversation for the year? also know that fall is right around the bend and as we continue  Volunteering to coordinate people to stay and clean up to strive to be a vibrant, relevant, and faithful community of communion after 10:30 am worship? (Or just volunteering the gospel, we have work to do. But it’s good work—work we to be one of the people who cleans up?) are called to do—among friends—infused by the Holy Spirit—for the sake of our neighbors—in the name of the Creator of the  Helping to plan a fall fellowship event around stewardship Universe. What better work could there be? or Reformation or harvest or whatever might be fun? Blessings on your lazy days of summer. I hope to see you in  Looking at boxes of banners Salem has had in the attic to worship! see what we want to keep? Peace,  Working on a new storage system for our paraments? Pastor Rhonda

Important Dates for your Calendar!  THIS Saturday July 20: Help clean up the Greenway at 10 am! Many hands make light work!  Sunday July 21 : Antone Melton-Meaux will be our guest preacher and presider in worship!  Sunday July 28: Join us for worship and get in on the introduction to the Theology of Dr. Seuss  Sunday August 4: Pastor Craig Simenson will be our guest preacher for the day!  Sunday August 11: Worship Planning at 10:30 am to plan our fall worship experience  Wednesday August 14: Theology on Tap at Lago Taco (6:30 pm)  Sunday August 18: Joint SpringHouse Worship in the Park and Potluck Meal

Salem Scene Late July-August 2019

Salem News

Summer Worship Stewardship Stuff Just a reminder that we will continue to worship together at Welcome to the newest regular ONE service for the remainder of the summer at 9 am. It is corner column that will be found in different, fun, and provides a great opportunity for all of us to our Scene publication. This is where see each other during this season of cabins, vacation, and you will find capsulized news about enjoying the summer sun! budget and giving information, Highlights to look for include: news about pledging and giving, information about special gifts, and  Our own Antone Melton- a hodge-podge of other items that Meaux will be preaching may fit into our picture of stewardship at Salem. and presiding THIS week, July 21. At the time of this publication, the council had not had a chance to discuss what information we may be able to put in  Pastor Craig Simenson (our the Scene—so watch for our next column in September for a interim youth minister) will be preaching on August 4. more detailed snapshot. But it can be said in June it was  Worship with all of SpringHouse in the Park (10:30 am) on reported by our treasurer that special Easter giving (above and Sunday August 18. beyond pledged gifts) helped to keep our financial picture  The Theology of Dr. Seuss will begin on Sunday July 28 looking good in April and May. Thank You! and run through Labor Day. On another note, Pastor Rhonda would like to pull together a few folks willing to gather in August and/or September to talk Community Partners about a stewardship focus and theme for fall. If you would like At our Salem to have a voice in how we talk about stewardship this coming Conversations in July, year, contact Pastor Rhonda to get in on the fun! Salem’s seasons of giving was brought up as a topic ZOOM House Toilet Paper and Paper Towel Drive for discussion. We talked THANK YOU! Thank you all for your generous donations to about some of the ZOOM already this summer. We will continue to do our paper organizations that we want to continue to partner with and product drive through the summer because it is easy and the we celebrated the giving we have done this year to simple fact is that ZOOM cannot keep these items in stock in organizations like LWR and ELCA World Hunger. their pantry. This fall we hope to partner again with LIRS, (Lutheran Several ways to participate: Immigration and Refugee Services) and RIC (Reconciled in  Bring toilet paper and/or paper towels to Christ). We are also looking for ideas you may have. Is there a worship and we will collect and deliver them to partner in our community that touches your heart—that you ZOOM. have a passion for? Talk to Pastor Rhonda or one of our council members to see if we can make them part of our  Donate a gift card to ZOOM to purchase seasons of giving work.. these items. Stay tuned for our September Scene for information on our  Order the products at,com partners for the upcoming year! (or another online retailer) and simply have them delivered to ZOOM House.

Salem English Lutheran Church

Salem Scene Late July-August 2019

More News The Theology of... Yes, you read that correctly! Pastor Rhonda is joining several of her clergy colleagues around the Twin Cities and beyond in a series using Dr. Seuss classic books and scripture to share the gospel.

God’s Work. Our Hands Sunday Make sure your plans for September include joining us for worship on Sunday September 15. The ELCA-wide day of service for congregations is a yearly event that is celebrated by Lutherans in all different kinds of contexts and in a myriad

of different ways. Salem participated for the first time last

year and it was such a great success that we are doubly

excited for this year’s event!

We are currently working on several different projects that

can be done during worship and/or as a group outside of Make sure to join us from July 28 through Labor Day to see worship. Lutheran World Relief School Kits, MARS food how these wonderful stories can help us hear the gospel in packing, bee houses, advocacy letters, blankets, foster care kid new and exciting ways. kits, ZOOM birthday/welcome baskets...all are possible hands Worship Planning Meeting -on projects we are looking at doing together as we worship. We are entertaining ideas for outside service as well. Feed My Be part of the process! Join us Starving Children, or another group service outing would be a to help plan worship. great opportunity for us to get together to serve outside our Sunday August 11 at 10:30 am: walls. Join us to shape our worship If you are interested in helping plan, or know of a project that experience for fall. What stays would be appropriate for our setting, please be part of our the same? What new things can we try? What should we use planning and contact Pastor Rhonda ASAP. We would like to for art, paraments, and worship enhancements? Don’t let have 2-4 projects that can be part of our day of service at your opportunity to have a voice pass by. Salem and you can help Theology on Tap (Taco Theology) make that happen! Join us on Wednesday, August 14 at 6:30 pm for our next Theology on Tap. We will meet at Lago Taco (2901 Lyndale Ave S.) There is much in the world to chat about in a safe place with friends of faith—we hope to see you there! Salem English Lutheran Church Salem Scene Late July-August 2019 SpringHouse News

Summer Office Hours Joint SpringHouse Worship in the Park Until the beginning of September, SpringHouse office hours Mark your calendars for Sunday will be Tues- Thurs. 11-2. Staff are often around at other times, August 18, for our annual but if you need to speak to someone in particular, it’s always SpringHouse Worship in the good to call first to make sure your party is around. The main Park. We will gather at Bryant SpringHouse number is 612-353-6292. Park at 10:30 am that morning. (Note: There will be no 9 am worship this Sunday) Our 10:30 am Worship will feature great music and time together as SpringHouse. There will be folding chairs From the Building Coordinator available—but feel free to bring a lawn chair that you may love and/or an umbrella for shade. Did you know that the SpringHouse calendar is online? This is a Following worship, we will join together for our annual picnic great communication tool, and an excellent way to quickly lunch. We will get out the grill, the burgers and hot dogs and check if there is space in the building for your meeting or event. ask that you bring a side dish to share and be part of the fun! Find it at this link: calendar/73956030 However, rentals that are still pending will not show up in the calendar, so if you need to reserve a room, please contact Deb Murphy in advance (at least 24 hours, preferably more) at [email protected]. We can all help our building run smoothly by planning ahead!

Adult Faith Formation We are on hiatus from our joint SpringHouse Adult Faith SpringHouse Servant Trip a Success! Formation for the rest of the summer. But DO NOT FRET! We In early July, fourteen members of SpringHouse traveled to will be back and going strong as fall comes around. Watch for Bridger, South Dakota, on the Cheyenne River Reservation, for us to start up again September 15, the week after our Joint a time of relationship building, service, and learning. They had a SpringHouse Gathering Sunday. We hope to see all of you safe and incredibly meaningful trip and can’t wait to share all of there! their experiences with you! They will be helping to lead worship on Sunday September 8, which is our Joint SpringHouse Gathering Worship. During worship they will share stories, memories, and much of what they learned about the people they met, the land they visited, and themselves along the way. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn about this amazing experience and to support our Joint SpringHouse Servant Trips.

Salem English Lutheran Church

Salem Scene Late July-August 2019 Reaching Out ...

Habitat for Humanity 500 Bike Ride Greenway Clean-up Salem’s jazz musician, Tom Pieper Please join SpringHouse Green Team for rode his bike in the Habitat 500 a Greenway clean up event on Saturday, again this year. The ride was July 14- July 20. We will meet at the church at 19 and took place in northeastern 10:00 in the morning. Everyone age 12 Minnesota. The ride is a great chance and older is welcome to participate. It's a to support families becoming home- great way to spend time in the community while helping the owners. Ask Tom how a 500 mile ride feels and consider planet. Contact Shannon Fast ([email protected]) if you pledging to support a family by going to: https:// have questions. Any donation Support Families in Sanctuary helps, and donations will be accepted through the end of the year! More information about the ride is at: https:// As a Sanctuary-Supporting/ Immigrant Welcoming Church, we are working with other faith communities in South Simpson Shelter Meal Minneapolis who are providing sanctuary at Our next opportunity to serve the evening meal at Simpson this time. One very pressing need is help with the cost of food. Shelter will be Wednesday, August 7. We gather at Simpson Specifically, we can support families by donating Cub Food United Methodist Church, 28th St. and First Ave. at 5:15 pm to gift cards. You are invited to buy Cub Food cards and place prepare and serve the meal at 7 pm. Please sign up on the info them in the offering plates on Sunday. They will then be table or with Mary ([email protected]) delivered to churches hosting sanctuary families. Thank you for your support in this ever important ministry!

Servant trip participants learned and helped at Cheyenne Horse Ministry in South Dakota.

Salem English Lutheran Church Salem Scene Late July-August 2019

Sunday School and Children’s Ministry

South Minneapolis Daycamp was AWESOME! Kids from congregations across this part of the city came together for “Come to the Table.” in late June. Learning and play and fellowship were the order of the day!

Sunday Morning Youth Group Summer Sunday School at SpringHouse Youth group continues to meet every Sunday 9:30-10:20 am Our formal Sunday School for kids in the Micah room, All high school and middle school youth takes a break during the summer, but welcome. Deb Murphy and a few other volunteers offer a program called, “Art of the Covenant” in the Sunday School hall 9:30-10:15 am, Sundays, June 2-August 25. All kids welcome for art projects and other fun programming.

Salem English Lutheran Church

Salem Scene Late July-August 2019


Week of July 14 Week of August 11 Sun 7/14 9:00 am Summer Worship Sun 8/11 9:00 am Summer Worship 7/14 9:30 am Informal Sunday School and Youth 8/11 9:30 am Informal Sunday School and Youth 7/14 9:30 am Adult Ed 8/11 10:30 am Worship Planning Meeting 7/14 10:15 am Salem Conversations Tue 8/13 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse Mon 7/15 6:45 pm Building & Grounds Wed 8/14 6:30 pm Theology on Tap at Lago Taco Tue 7/16 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse Week of August 18 Wed 7/17 6:30 pm Salem Council Sun 8/18 9:00 am NO SALEM WORSHIP at 9 Sat 7/20 10:00 am Greenway Clean-up 8/18 10:30 am SpringHouse Worship in the Park Week of July 21 8/18 11:30 am Potluck Meal Sun 7/21 9:00 am Summer Worship Mon 8/19 6:45 pm Building & Grounds 7/21 9:30 am Informal Sunday School and Youth Tue 8/20 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse Tue 7/23 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse Wed 8/21 6:30 pm Salem Council Week of July 28 Week of August 25 Sun 7/28 9:00 am Summer Worship Sun 8/25 9:00 am Summer Worship 7/28 9:30 am Informal Sunday School and Youth 8/25 9:30 am Informal Sunday School and Youth Tue 7/30 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse Tue 8/27 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse Week of August 4 Sun 8/4 9:00 am Summer Worship 8/4 9:30 am Informal Sunday School and Youth Tue 8/6 8:15 am Lectionary Bible Study at SpringHouse “We are a Spirit-led, welcoming, Wed 8/7 5:15 pm Simpson Shelter Meal and bold Christian community, rooted in the neighborhood Altar Flowers and striving to live faithfully in God’s Salem offers the opportunity to provide occasional floral world.” arrangements for worship, created by member Myra Urness Salem Mission Statement Rusten. If you would like to honor a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion with an arrangement to beautify worship, and then take home to enjoy, you can sign up at church or July-August Birthdays contact the office (612-872-4650 Wish these Salem members and or [email protected].) friends a happy birthday! If you’re Arrangements are $40 each. new to Salem and would like your Checks may be written to Salem. birthday listed, please contact Laurie in the office. Salem Calendar on the Salem Website Jacentia Peña — 7/24 Xavier Melton-Meaux — 8/18 Did you know that our congregational calendar is available on our website? At you can link to our Alex Nordeen — 7/31 Barbara Livdahl — 8/21 calendar. For some events there are extra details included, Tanya Swanson— 8/7 Orpha Rustebakke — 8/23 too. Check it out. Myra Rusten — 8/10 James Anderson — 8/30

Salem English Lutheran Church

610 West 28th Street

Minneapolis, MN 55408

4650 - 872 - 612

[email protected] Bowman Rick Manager: Building

world. s ’ God in faithfully live to striving

[email protected] Murphy Deb Coordinator Building

Christian community rooted in the neighborhood, neighborhood, the in rooted community Christian

[email protected] Goodroad Kent Music Traditional

bold and welcoming, led, - Spirit a are We

[email protected] Pieper Tom Music: Jazz

Congregation (R.I.C.)

[email protected] Zaepfel Laurie Office:

Christ in Reconciling a is

[email protected] Simenson Craig Minister Youth Interim

Church Lutheran English Salem

[email protected] Hlavinka Rhonda Pastor:

an assorted crowd crowd assorted an

attract to tended Christ