September 2015

PILGRIM EV. LUTHERAN CHURCH The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

462 Meadowbrook Dr., West Bend, WI 53090

(262) 334-0375

Rev. Joseph M. Fisher, Pastor (262) 335-6736 Rev. Christopher Raffa, Pastor (262) 353-3375

www.pilgrimlutheran-westbend PASTOR’S PAGE: TABLE OF GRACE aghast at our Lord’s presence among the unclean and sinful: “This man receives sinners and eats ONLY TODAY “Among the many signs, which show that the last with them.” The irony is always this: those who fifty years have lead us further away from the evan- think themselves worthy of this meal are not. There are two days in every week about which gelical faith in the forgiveness of sins on account of And those who think themselves unworthy are we shouldn’t worry. Christ, the flight from the Lord’s Table is probably worthy of this meal. In order that we believe One is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its the most serious” ourselves unworthy of the gifts that we receive aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever [Bo Giertz, A Hammer for God, 247] the Scriptures say: “Let a person examine him- beyond our control. self…” This is something that we have lost. This The other day is tomorrow, with its possible is something that we simply don’t do anymore. As August turns into September, life is pushed adversities and blunders. Until its sun rises, we This is something that, while very hard and have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn. into a higher gear. The lazy days of summer humbling to do, is the pathway to the Lord’s morph into the hectic days of fall. Minivans be- Table of Grace. “For if we say we have no sin, That leaves only one day—today. Anyone can come taxies. School buses roar to life and stu- we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” fight the battle of just one day. It is only when dents sulk at the foreboding load of homework. We come to the Table of our Lord not because we add the burden of those two eternities - yes- The weather slowly changes as shorts and tee we are righteous, nor better or less bad than terday and tomorrow - that contentment will shirts head for hibernation and pants, long other, but only because we are sinners, real, escape us. sleeves shirts, sweaters and coats now hang in poor, miserable sinners. It’s often the case with the closet. Life moves, it changes, it pushes us faithful communicants that they believe them- CAMP LUWISOMO NEWS into new adventures and tumbles us into corners selves greater sinners than anyone else. It’s for of uncertainty. And while life is the same it’s also this reason that they shudder to step to the Camp LuWiSoMo in Wild Rose, WI is hosting far different. I don’t need to regal you with how Lord’s Table, and yet must come. TRAITS OF FRIENDS Speak Life Youth & Family Festival September we are no longer living in the 1950’s and how we 11-13, 2015, featuring inspirational speaker Bob bemoan the life of the church and the world in In Confessions, St. Augustine (A.D. 354-430) Those who shudder to come to the Lord’s Table Lenz, Grammy nominated singer/ 2015. Many challenges face us, not only as hu- called human friendship “a nest of love and gen- are the ones who must come. Joy and peace Ryan Stevenson, and AJ the Animated Illusion- man beings, but as Christians, as those who con- tleness.” await them, even as their feet tremble with fear ist. Saturday only or weekend packages include fess a particular way of life. Alongside the moral and failure. It’s not commanded in Scripture that He wrote of the many joys of Christian friend- camp activities for everyone. decline of our country we continue to drag our one should examine anyone else but himself. To ship: “To make conversation, to share a joke, to for more information. feet to our Lord’s Table of Grace. For all the examine other Communion guests and thereby perform mutual acts of kindness, to read to- changes and agonies of life, here is the one Table judge whether or not their Communion recep- gether well written books, to share in trifling and Saturday, September 26, LuWiSoMo Camp- that unites us in a common confession, hope, tion is right or not, is both impossible and ex- in serious matters, to disagree without animos- ground in Wild Rose, WI, will be celebrating a and future life beyond this vale of tears. The ceedingly un-Christian. It’s impossible, for God ity—just a person with debates with himself— Harvest Festival amid the glorious colors of the Table of our Lord needs to be preached into our alone sees the faith or unbelief in his heart. It’s and in the very rarity of disagreement to find the season. Fun camp activities, include hiking, boat- hesitant and skeptical hearts more than anything un-Christian, because it’s to reject the basic truth salt of normal harmony, to teach each other ing, horseback riding, face painting, nature else at this time. of Christendom about undeserved grace, to something or to learn from one another, to long crafts, wagon rides and more! Open to make the Table of our Lord into a reward for with impatience for those absent, to welcome all! Come for the day or camp for the weekend. The Table of our Lord is the Table of His grace. merit based works and praiseworthy behavior. them with gladness on their arrival. These and More information available This tells us that Communion was instituted for The Table of our Lord is only for sinners, sin- other signs… (act) as fuel to set our minds on at sinners. The Lord invites the sick not the ners who see clearly the just and eternal punish- fire out of many to forge unity. healthy. The Lord invites the hurting not the ment for their sin. There are some who will not haughty. The Lord invites the weak not the accept this sentence. They try and wiggle out of strong. The Lord invites the broken not the it. They don’t see their sin as perhaps a mistake, bragger. Already in Israel, the righteous were something that isn’t all that bad. Others mighty PARENT –PARISH PARTNERSHIP Countless boys and girls have attended Sunday partially place themselves under God’s judg- sin, that declares you to be my heir and a pre- “Let no Christian parent fall into the delusion school classes since then, thanks to Raikes, who ment, but they hold something back, something cious child of My Father. Here at this Table, that Sunday school is intended to ease them of brought Christ’s light and love to children they think they can hide from God’s all-seeing Christ Jesus sits as host and meal. He invites the their personal duties,” said 19th-century British around the world. eye. Thus, our Lord’s Table is not for those dis- blind, the lame, the crippled, the vagrants, the preacher Charles H. Spurgeon. “The first and miss their sin with a shrug of the shoulders evildoers, the sinners, to His Table. His is the most natural condition of things is for Christian calmly saying to themselves, “we are all sinners.” mysterious wedding garment called the right- parents to train their own children in the nurture The Table of our Lord is for those who know eousness of God. This is Christ’s own righteous- and admonition of the Lord.” their sin and its just punishment of eternal death ness that covers up a poor sinner’s every rag and and hell. stain, wound and wretchedness. Studies show that parents are their kid’s strong- est influences in faith matters. Dr. Christian Now, don’t misunderstand. This doesn’t mean So the Lord, who gave His life as a ransom for Smith, director of the influential National Study of that admittance to the Table of the Lord de- many, and who possesses all the fullness of the Youth and Religion, wrote: “In most cases, parents pends on the depth or strength of the feeling of Godhead also makes this banquet into a Table are the most important Christian pastors teenag- sin. The knowledge of sin is simply known by of Grace for sinners. It is here that the forgive- ers will ever have—for better or worse.” The the examination of one’s life, especially as it re- ness of sins, life and salvation is poured out in a sense of separateness between home and church, lates to the Ten Commandments. Feeling has heavenly flood of grace upon those who only he said, “must be replaced by a more coopera- little to do with it. It’s about the Word of our possess guilt, death, and forsakenness. The Sav- tive, integrated, comprehensive approach to the Lord speaking His truth that makes all of us liars ior Himself is present here, and just as alive and faith formation of young people. and sinners. Sin is not something we determine, real as in Galilee. Here He comes, not in the it’s something that God has already determined manner of His second coming in full glory to THE BEGINNINGS OF SUNDAY by His Word and we suffer its due penalty. We judge the living and the dead, but quietly and SCHOOL only know what sin is, that it even exists, by the hidden as the shepherd who seeks the lost, and Law of the Lord. St Paul writes, “If it had not the doctor who heals the laceration. So as you BONES OF THE CHURCH Englishman Robert Raikes, born in 1735, was a been for the law, I would not have known sin. head into the hectic days of fall and the dol- Christian layman who was pained to see un- The “body” of a church has four kinds of bones: For I would not have known what it is to covet drums of winter, don’t forget about the Table of schooled children working six days a week in if the law had not said, ‘You shall not covet.’ ” your Lord. It’s the one place that you receive factories and mines. On Sundays, children 1. The WISHbones are those folks who spend all their time wishing someone else would Our Lord’s Table is only for the sick, the sinful, true peace and rest from a world that is spinning roamed the streets, often getting into trouble. the lost, the prodigal. out of control and into death and hell. It’s the Most did not know how to read or write and do all the work. one place that is true life for our Lord promises knew nothing about Christ or the church. 2. The JAWbones are those who do all the The host of our Lord’s Table is Jesus, the friend that this is His flesh and Blood, poured out to talking and very little else. As Raikes labored to reform England’s prison of sinners. We shudder to think who this Jesus you for the forgiveness of sins, and also for the system, he noticed that many children were im- 3. The KNUCKLEbones are those who knock is, who is so pure and holy, but who still invites pledge of your resurrection unto eternal life. prisoned, stirring him to action on their behalf. everything anyone else tries to do. sinners into His presence, to eat at His Table of There is no greater gift on earth than the gift He arranged for halls and homes to be used for that pours forth from this Table of Grace and 4. The BACKbones are those who get under grace. The whole of Jesus’ life is a ransom given educational purposes on Sundays, the one day Mercy. Sir, Jesus, give us this bread, this flesh of the load and get the work done. for your body and soul. And the whole of Jesus’ children didn’t have to work. He found volun- sacrifice upon the cross is compressed into Yours, that avails our sinful-dying flesh unto teers to teach reading writing and math, as well What kind of bone are you? Communion. He did this in the hour of His de- eternal life, always. as the Bible and Christian beliefs. parture. He took bread, blessed it and broke it. The first Sunday school class was held in July He took the cup, filled with wine, His blood In Christ, 1780. Amazingly, by 1788 some 250,000 chil- shed. He made, by His Word and life, these two Pastor Raffa dren were attending such schools. This occurred human elements His flesh and His blood. And despite some people’s opposition to the educa- He said: this gift, My flesh, My Blood, is the gift tion of lower-class children. that removes all your sin, that takes away your BAPTISM on Sunday, August 2nd we wel- serve dessert and beverages. The September comed Chandler John Stoecker to the family of meeting will be an LWML meeting. God. Chandler is the son of Andrew and Mindy I am planning on going to the Green Lake Stoecker and younger brother of Sadie. Conference. There is an ingathering of supplies for the Attic Workshop (a world-wide mission). TRANSFERS IN: If you can bring one or some of the following Mrs. Jennifer Teeters and children Henry and items, I can take them as a gift from Pilgrim Lena from St. Peter and St. Paul Lutheran Church, Zone 7. Church in Osseo, WI. Bar soap, toothpaste, combs, brushes, aspirin, Neosporin, cough and cold medicines, school JOSHUA BIBLE STUDY—Beginning Sep- supplies (pencils, paper, crayons) towels, new or tember 6 at 12:30 and September 10 at 9:00 we gently used washcloths, small toys, children’s will commence our study of the book of Joshua. story books, bedding, and children’s clothes. As we take a dive into the book we will see how Thank you in advance for your help. the Lord prepared Joshua to lead Israel to take possession of an eternal gift of land. He suc- QUILTING FOR MISSIONS ceeded, not because he was a brilliant strategist The Ladies of Pilgrim Quilters will or charismatic genius but because he believed in again resume meeting on Wednesday, God’s Holy Word. Hold on for the ride. It’s September 9th at 9:30 am. and then going to be fun. All are welcomed –Pastor we will resume our regular work days Raffa. of the second and fourth Wednesday of each month thereafter. Please bring your own lunch, SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CATECHISM dessert and coffee will be furnished as we take CLASSES will be starting soon. Sunday school turns bringing a dessert. starts on Sunday, September 13th at 9:15 in the We would like to invite anyone form the con- Music Room on the lower level. Catechism gregation who would like to come and help classes for 5th—8th grade starts on Wednesday make quilts for various mission outlets. Our September 2nd at 4:00 pm. Registration forms group is very relaxed and friendly enjoying fel- will be available for Catechism students in the lowship with other members of Pilgrim. We Cry Room on the table, please pick one up and make simple quilts with all donated materials and fill it out for each student in the catechism then they are tied together. We do have some classes. Please return to the office before Sep- machines so everyone can work on one or help tember 2nd. There will be a brief Parents meet- cutting squares, ironing fabric, sewing and help- ing at 5:30 for the parents of Catechism stu- ing to tie quilts. As always we can use more cot- dents. Please plan on attending. ton fabric, large rolls of batting and polyester thread. If you have a sewing machine in good LADIES GUILD/LWML working condition that you would like to donate All ladies of the congregation are invited to join we could always use one more as sometimes our us as we begin the 2015-2016 meetings. We machines break down and need to be repaired. meet Tuesday, Sept. 15, (the third Tuesday) at We look forward to seeing new faces and fa- noon. We look forward to welcoming you. miliar ones from our group on September 9th. Please remember to bring your salad or sand- Thank you, the Pilgrim Quilters. wich. Your hostesses, Janet M. and Barb J. will CONCORDIA SEMINARY St. Louis Have you ever considered becoming a pastor or deaconess ? If so , Rev. Bill Wrede form Con- cordia Seminary, St. Louis would like to meet with you at: Concordia University WI in the Alumni Heritage Room, 12800 N. Lakeshore Dr. Mequon, 53097 on Tuesday, September 15 be- tween 8 am. - 4:30 pm. and on Wednesday, Sep- tember 16, between 8 am - 3:00 pm. or St. Paul Lutheran Church 701 Washington Street, Graf- ton 53024 on September 16, between 4 pm. - 8 pm. Rev. Wrede is interested in meeting with prospective students of all ages - elementary school age through adults. Appointments are individual, informal and family/friends are wel- come to come with you. Appointments are not necessary but are encouraged. If you are inter- ested in scheduling a specific time, please con- tact Rev. Wrede at 314-505-7221 or [email protected].

PILGRIM KNITTERS will be starting up again this fall. If you are a knitter or would like to learn how to knit, please join our group on Saturday, Sep- tember 5 at 2:30. We will be working on joint projects and knitting for charity groups, and for ourselves. Come join us and see what the Pil- grim Knitters are all about.

FRIENDS OF CONCORDIA will be travel- ing to The Fireside Theater in Fort Atkinson of Saturday, September 26, 2015 for West Side Story. West Side Story is an epic tale of love eternal undiminished by the dangers that sur- round it. It is a story with a message of hope that rings as clearly today as it ever has. Reservation information regarding cost for adults and youth(14 and under), pick up loca- tions and times are available by calling Sandy Vick in the Advancement office 262-243-4333. and phone numbers) available for each student. Sunday School Have you moved in the last year? Has your phone number changed? Do we have current contact The 2015-2016 Sunday School year be- information should your child become ill during gins Sunday, September 13th promptly at 9:15 the hour that they are with us each week? Reg- a.m. for all children age 3 through 8th grade. We istration forms are available (just ask) or contact . meet in the “Music Room” (lower level). Sunday School Superintendent Diane Swanson

For those who have not enrolled their We are in need of substitute teachers. children yet, please know that we feel music is an There are occasions when teachers need to be important part of our Sunday School program. away. Please contact Diane Swanson immediately We will learn new hymns as well as sing story- if you are interested in helping us. related and fun Sunday School songs. At the Attendance is important. Our teachers end of our 2014-2015 Sunday School year we spend a great deal of time preparing lessons each presented a program based on story-related week. If you know you will be away, we appreci- songs and hymns. ate the “heads up”.

We celebrate birthdays on a weekly ba- Just a reminder that children’s bulletins, sis during our music time. Students and teachers paper, and crayons are available on clipboards in place pennies (one for each year of their life) the Narthex every week for use during worship. into our birthday bank. Last year our birthday Please take home your artwork and return the bank collected a total of $5.67, which will be clipboard and crayons to the container provided. used for a special project at a later date.

We will again be using the Growing in Christ Sunday School curriculum. In our class- rooms the Bible Story is read and told. The Key

Point of the story is brought out and applied to the students' lives. The Law/Gospel dynamic in the text is highlighted and applied to the stu- dents’ lives. The story details are reviewed. Connections are made to the catechism, liturgy, and hymns of the Church.

Stories for September include:

Joseph and His Brothers (Genesis 37), Joseph’s Troubles (Genesis 39), Joseph Feeds Egypt For more information on what is accepted (Genesis 40-41), and Joseph Forgives (Genesis and what is not, please either see the bulletin 42-45; 50:15-21). board by the office or go the website at We are only asking parents of new stu- dents to complete registration forms this year. We do need to have current information (address DAILY LECTIONARY Sept. 12 Psalm 96 SEPTEMBER 23- Jeff Dalton, Sr. This outline is a devotional reading plan that Proverbs 23-25 BIRTHDAYS Will Taylor covers the entire Sacred Scriptures each year. Sept. 13 Psalm 97 1- Diane Behrens 24- Cathy Pollow The selections are based on ancient models Proverbs 26-28 Rebecca Virchow 25- Caroline Kreis and are generally in harmony with the liturgi- Sept. 14 Psalm 98 Brian Skrentny 26- Christopher Held 2- Connie Hackbarth Jody Svien cal church year. The average reading is three Proverbs 29-31 Angie Skrentny Samantha Chapman chapters daily. The lectionary is in accor- Sept. 15 Psalm 99 3- Jeffrey Held Lexie Steiner dance with Martin Luther’s suggestions: Ecclesiastes 1-3 Haley Densow 27- Sandra Thames “But let the entire Psalter, divided in parts, Sept. 16 Psalm 100 4- Nathan Farrington 28- Joshua Farmier remain in use and the entire Scriptures, di- Ecclesiastes 4-6 5- Mark Baker 29- Eric Johanen vided in lections, let this be “Preserved in Sept. 17 Psalm 101 7- Ben Olson Aaron Becker the ears of the church”. Also: “after that Ecclesiastes 7-9 Jolene Gundrum 30- Aaron Olson another book should be selected, and so on, Sept. 18 Psalm 102 8- David Pajewski Yvonne Rosenthal until the entire Bible has been read through, Ecclesiastes 10-12 9- Norma Benz Sarah Spalda and where one does not understand it, pass Sept. 19 Psalm 103 Christian Dahl Tyler Densow that by and glorify God.” Song of Solomon 1-4 Alex Chapman Abigail Voll Kathy Parker Sept. 20 Psalm 104 SEPTEMBER’S READINGS 10- David Zenda Song of Solomon 5-8 Sept. 1 1Chronicles 29:10-13 Daniel Neuman ANNIVERSARIES Sept. 21 Psalm 105 Job 31 – 33 11- Jason Kiviaho 2- Steve & Cindy Wiedmeyer Jeremiah 1-3 Sept. 2 Psalm 86 12- James Krubsack Carl & Becky Steiner, Jr. Sept. 22 Psalm 106 Job 34 – 36 Kelly Lange 4- Allen & Margie Latall Jeremiah 4-6 14- James Spaeth 6- Chris & Beth Gatzow Sept. 3 Psalm 87 Sept. 23 Psalm 107 Tyler Smith 8- Robert & Theresa Barenwald Job 37 – 39 Jeremiah 7-9 15- Heath Wiskirchen 10 Richard & Dorreen Dembski Sept. 4 Psalm 88 Sept. 24 Psalm 108 Connie Gliniecki 11 Keefe & Lindsey Olig Job 40 – 42 Jeremiah 10-12 Marilyn Roell 15- Jim & Diane Behrens Sept. 5 Psalm 89 Sept. 25 Psalm 109 Madysin Fettig 16- Gilbert & Margaret Maffit Proverbs 1-3 Verlaine Gronowski 18- Jeff & Betty Schneeweis Jeremiah 13-15 Sept. 6 Psalms 90 16- Amy Heinen Ronald & Joyce Virchow Sept. 26 Psalm 110 Proverbs 4-7 Braedon Brehm 19- Dan & Lori Schulz Jeremiah 16-18 Sept. 7 Psalm 91 17- Mary Schwittau 21- Jeff & Patricia Otten Sept. 27 Psalm 111 Proverbs 8-10 Susan Hepner 23- Ronald & Cheryl Virchow Jeremiah 19-22 Sept. 8 Psalm 92 Nicole Olson 25- Scott & Amy Goetzke Sept. 28 Psalm 112 19- Jennifer Strohmeyer Mark & Natalie Baker Proverbs 11-13 Jeremiah 23-25 20- Cindy Schreiner 28- Steven & Jennifer Strohmeyer Sept. 9 Psalm 93 Sept. 29 Psalm 113 21- Scott Sullivan 30 - Paul & Ruth Kohler Proverbs 14-16 Jeremiah 26-28 Joyce Virchow Sept. 10 Psalm 94 Sept. 30 1Chronicles 29:10-13 22- Pat Knuth Proverbs 17-19 Jeremiah 29-31 Jonathan Thames Sept. 11 Psalm 95 Phyllis Laabs Darkow Proverbs 20-22