Field Intervention Management ORANGE POLSKA S.A.

To optimally manage the network infrastructure of INDUSTRY: a large operator it requires highly skilled specialists and perfect coordination of fieldwork. At the same time, maintaining the broad network and employing qualified staff generates significant costs. In the Orange Polska is the leading supplier of tele- competitive and saturated telecommunications communications services in . Orange market, reducing these costs becomes a significant Polska provides, amongst other, fixed voice, way of improving profitability. fixed broadband access, TV and Voice over Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) services. It provides Orange Polska, part of France Telecom Group, decided mobile services, including LTE-based services, to simultaneously attain two critical goals: reduce the third generation UMTS services and services costs of network service and improve the quality based on the CDMA technology. of performed tasks. Comarch’s implementation of dedicated solution was part of the Lean Management In addition, the Orange Polska Capital Group project in the department responsible for network provides leased lines, radiocommunications service. The network under discussion comprises and other telecommunications value over 300,000 square kilometers and more than added services, sells telecommunications 20 million subscribers. equipment, electronic phone cards and provides data transmission, multimedia services and various Internet services. THE APPROACH The Orange brand is highly appreciated by The main challenge was to provide an automated Polish consumers for the choice and quality system to regional and independent field units of the services offered. Currently, mobile and performing tasks in certain network areas. The fixed voice, mobile and fixed broadband, system therefore had to correspond with a broad and data transmission as well as multimedia decentralized organization of network infrastructure services: mobile television, mobile portal service and include all activities performed by and music content are provided under the employees. The orders for certain tasks had to match Orange brand. numerous locations and various specialists in a given time. In addition, the scope of the project defined IMPLEMENTED SOLUTION: several thousand of unique field activities performed by technicians requiring different skills. nn Field Service Management

From the outset it was clear that apart from the project scale, the tasks of implementing new technologies and establishing new attitudes in an organization that had strongly defined and stable structures would be major challenge. Introducing mobile devices, geographical information systems, and automated task scheduling were all bound to generate anxiety among users of the new system.

The business objectives: nn Centralize field work management nn Increase efficiency of work assignments and allocation of transport resources nn Utilize the new system to manage sophisticated orders related to network management nn Automate tasks dispatching nn Centralize monitoring and field situation nn Introduce tools enabling real-time task analysis allowing for constant improvements management with special focus on fixing to organization and technology network failures THE SOLUTION

To implement a new solution in such a big organization, the work had to be completed in stages. The new system had to take into account the time necessary for the adaptation of the solution. It also had to allow for the introduction of changes that would facilitate better results in the area of optimizing work.

The solution consisted of a set of modules. The primary modules – supporting field and back office employees – included: nn Dispatcher Dashboard ensuring easy to use graphical tools, including Gantt charts, for manipulating the assignment of work orders nn Automated Scheduling for accepting and dispatching orders for execution in the field. The module performs its tasks with no human involvement. Additionally, it is fully configurable, which enables the automation to be customized to fit Orange business goals. Moreover, the solution initially could function in the confirmation mode, which facilitated safely introducing automated scheduling into production processes nn Resource and Skill Management – the system stores technicians’ detailed schedules together with the skills assigned to each employee. This allows for the automation of task dispatching. The system also contains several thousand of different skills matched with type of work and technology nn Digital Map ensures optimal route planning and real-time monitoring of tasks locations, technicians, and network objects nn Mobile Access – a mobile application for real-time information on the list of tasks and feedback on task execution nn Reporting – comprehensive reporting system for report scheduling and for advanced analysis based on data available in the system

The system is integrated with the operator’s environment, including network inventory systems and trouble ticketing tools.

Network inventory Trouble ticketing

Network objects Orders Appointments

Field Work Orders

Orders and Time Automatic Tasks Resources Management Dispatcher Maps Mobile Reporting

Dispatchers Field Technicians Management

Solution Architecture Comarch Field Service Management covers end-to-end support of the field service delivery process. Features include: order and task management, a dispatching center tool, auto scheduling and routing, resource management, mobile access for techs and auditors, fulfillment partner management and spare parts Orders and management.


The solution allowed Orange Polska to reach established business objectives including: nn Successful implementation of Lean Management methodology for field service units responsible for mainta- ining the operator’s network nn Increased efficiency of field staff and dispatchers nn Complete analysis of resource allocation and usagenetwork management.


Comarch’s solution enabled us to introduce major improvements and streamlining in the organization. As a result, we could reduce operational costs. The system not only automated dispatching tasks but also, thanks to the integration, became a basic tool for completing the department’s everyday work.

Krzysztof Zielosko, Director of Network Support Tools Orange Polska


Comarch is a provider of complete IT solutions for telecoms. Since 1993 the company has helped CSPs on 4 continents optimize costs, increase business efficiency and transform BSS/OSS operations. Comarch solutions combine rich out-of-thebox functionalities with high configurability and are complemented with a wide range of services. The company’s flexible approach to projects and a variety of deployment models help telecoms make networks smarter, improve customer experience and quickly launch digital services, such as cloud and M2M. This strategy has earned Comarch the trust and loyalty of its clients, including the world’s leading CSPs: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Telefónica, E-Plus, KPN and MTS.

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