Carranza Scorns German Invitation to Join with Japan in Alliance Against United States Government
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THE METAL MARKET WEATHER MMfflUT. wsi Tssasi rmr, imieds eeRteri "O" TS Monday rnrally reír., New Mexico: Sunday cloudy, colder east miau portion: Monday as Ta 1H4 gises fair. Arito tu Sunday generally ralr; Miaday fair and wrnwt. nimtMvmmr S 37TH YEAR PASO, EL TEXAS. SUNDAY. MARCH 11,1917 ENGLISH SECTION jHIRTYTWO PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS CARRANZA SCORNS GERMAN INVITATION TO JOIN WITH JAPAN IN ALLIANCE AGAINST UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GOOD ENOU GH FOR tílM. VESSELS SAIL WORD OF ZIMM ERUIN NOTE WITH POWER FORWARDED TO PRESIDENT 10 SHOOT WILSON oy MEXICAN CIEF ON SIGHT Relations Between United Stales and Mexico Said to Be Bet- . ter Than Ever Before as Result of Carranza' Evidence of Friendship. Mere Appearance of German Sob-mari- or Its Periscope Will Financial Assistance and Moral Support Guaranteed de Facto Entitle Any American Com- - Government; Complete Recognition to Follow Presidential Elections Today. mandar to Take Any Steps He Considera Necessary. That Mexico Is prepared to stand with the the United states, and luggcst that the untied states tn any warfare with an Eu president of Mexico, on his own Ini- Merchantmen Leave Port Under Lrapean power Is Die word brought to lbs tiative, should communicate with i.nrner yesterday ny an American rnim Mex Jspsn, suggesting adherence at once Policy of Armed Neutrality Mco City. This man, who has for months to this plan; at the same time offer to British to been In the offi- - Backing of Ad- REALIGNMENT OF Willing AY UNIONS COURT DECLINE! close touch with htgbest mediate between Germany and Japan. and Have Full. RAP rrrs oi uw at. laciu government, is re- - "Please call to the attention of the ministration in Form of War Release Americans president of Mexico that the employ wtlFon received toe rirst news of the Ger- mem of ruthless submarine warrare Insurance, Guns and Gunners. WORLD POWERS Fighting in France LD man plot to Involve Mexico and Japan tn promises to compel England to make SOLVE TO DISSOLVE war on the United states rrom cuiten vo peace In a few months." By Associated Prest nustlano Carranza, first enter or the con Belter Than Ever Before. By Associated Press. New York, aren to. The belief that, stltuttonal amy and In charge of the ex- - Relations between Carranxa's government Berlin. March 10 (Via London,) March tn the event or war Ijasalteili' the United cutive power or Mexico. and the United States are said to be bet- EIGHT-HOU- R Special Messenger to 10 The Eagesllche Rundachsu, com- States and Germany,; American off! cera HARRIMAN Seal Washington. ter today than they have ever been, as s Mot only did or menting, os the new or the arming- or fighting with the forces or Canada Cltlien arranta refuse to result this fsvelaltoii or Germany I per- should have no In become a party to an alliance against the fidy toward the United American merchantmen!, says: dlftteuHy obtaining state. Carraoss'.t release to aid in- training Ameri- United States, but he took the rirst oppor- Inclination to stand with Wilson "The arming of merchants ships thelr President war, can troops, was expressed' sere today WRANGLE tunity of Utforming the Washington; gov- in Ida otJpogttton to the proposed German means, regardless of whether the Major SYSTEM ernment Of tats German proposals and reign of terror on seas believed to a by General Sir fiero Hughes, sent the is causas belli arises In the course of a spséisl mass to inform have won him confidence a weeks. formertyCaiuvltSn SMMfflffilriiHtla. inter President the rull of the few days or few We desire do no; see Wilson of the machinations the Berlin American government. all emphasis, "I not of to establish, witb due yr irovernment. Carranrs to Be the United States In every Declares be reciprocity," 'Sam dcfard. President. the tact that Dr. Heckscher Result of Should be legal steps' tn Compromise Plan to Be Presented to Break Up As a or action, Oerroan All over Mexico It ts conceded cien- respect becomes the attacking party the "There no the result this sgsnti that President Wüson'a Policies Will way. But your Yankees would mighty to Mexico city are plotting sgltatt the lire!1'1 barren xa will be elected of Soon in Into shape," of fStlsen Cerrania. and tnia.1t Is said, ar- - ' republic at next Sundsy's national elec Ba Formation of Two Groups, ':"! 9m came to New York Piiday to Controversy Irrespective of isting Between Pacific Lines Bs ror carranta s decision to remain in wiiawiy mi we announcement or gtnam isa. By Associated Pratt, Germán Rosso - Japanese and Cotsrt's ? HoWins; a naii ff lavujveci by Decision Washington, March 10. The American government today began the prep- Anglo-America- n. itst I Faaswfal Jatdges. actual d he ame on bnslnesi lx la -- all ar. htu. kun aa aa 'tomhsn rajrablie. arations to arm American merchantmen IT Major erst nssssenger to - the sdávanlstratlon tn Washington can Hgainst Germany's ruthless submarine war- admitted he' had conferred with whom the first chief en .. Leonard Wood, numrnanttfug s copy of tn note to (lermaii American rtnanclsrH will give fare. Nippon's Life Interests enera! the Chiefs Notify ftesi-- 1 trusted sent Tf9f&p. Demand east, Of nrer Bro Petition of Government to Separ Minister von KcJttiardt Mexico City I?.IY' ' Oovernmeat Back lip Vetéete. eoartosntof the this at by , h ; nee, 8am. Would say nothing, de- German seorstary or rorslgn rélsaoní, When' die vessels sail under toe policy Coalition Sir dent That No Strike. Will Be ate Central Pacific From South- the refu,e1 during tXÜ'ubealr.lspÍlyear. :W&r."V&ÍB claring Uatt lh-- view or the loterlVatlon-a- Carrañas anresantatlvs the past wtll be or armeü neutrality they will do so wllb Wffl Lose All l Gov- Denied, fall tacking of UM admUHstratton, ex- Concern for altuatlan pjinrontlur America he did Permitted to Embarrass ern Pacific One Justice rsschsaTZ not reel free to, talk otnelalty. pressed I the form of war risk insurance White Race If U. S. Intervenes ernment ID Case U. S. Is Drawn Filing Dissenting Opinion; Ap- and naval guns and gunners. It was made "ir there is war," he salu7 "the Yan- LJT kees or wtji prove dctiaaat" rrom ,,bS. clear today, that' In the background will be in War Against His Country. today that they have Oid-Wcr- War. peal May Be Taken. of the wuéh wm h)m House ".íl.0names 'ií not degenerated from or years Into Berlin to Ambassador von Bernslorrr st ''LT.f the of men the entire resources of the United Sutes those whom his aso. I have beep con- ready for action should Germany attack aoqualuted with ThTs' to By dition? In me United army at cttv. t he.led' an American ship in violation of the warn- Associated Presa. es for By Asjoetgted press. By Associated Press. rVLJT tntniatsr "'I' submitted to the president to have - so years folio WS: and ing or the American government. Berlin. March 10. (Via Wlrlesg to Tucksr- or Your Midlers are amonr ClevelshaV Ohio, March of St. LOBjla, Mo.. March 10, The litigation been approved by htm. the rmest to Jan. 10, Hostile Submarines'. town) In a forecast of the world's political be round anywhere and the nttlroM eight hour controversy government "Berlin. 1tJ. A secret alliance between the united Slates Hecks-ctle- spirit or liberty Is instituted by the to dissolve the "On or The state department's view of defensive situation after tan war, Dr. Siegfried the still mighty good of whether tlte supreme conrt the 1st ebrnary we Intend and carranxa's government is reported to or tn the United Harrtman railway system, partially to begin gubmsrlw warrare armament as expressed today waa that Die a member the foreign relation States." holds the Adsmstm law constitutional or have been rousuminated at the last meet- mere appearance of a German submarine or committee of the relgjistag, predicted to Sir 8sm expressed nts opinion that unconstitutional was foreessted In Clero successful when tlie xupreme court re In spite nt this, it la our in- ing of the "peace" German warship would get to keep Us periscope near an American armed l the Associated Press today that President never near land today by action or a conference of versed a decisión or the district court for tention endeavor to neutral the winch debated the question of the to wuson 6 war policies "would result in toe enough to New York to shell the city. brotherhood leaders. United States or America. If this at- Mexico or would entitle lbs vessel take all suppose Minnesota and ordered itin Union Pacific to withdrawal from thn punitive measures of protection on the presumption formation of two groups or world powers." "But all the German sub- To Thresh Out Plans Nest Week. divest Itself of the nutherti Pacific, took tempt IS net successful we propose an expedition, it is said that this alliance has that the submarine's purpose was hostile. Or. Heeksciwr. wan T'fnshT years tras marines hi the universe did son-re- ta Announcement or the four unions' com- a new angle today when the federal court alliance on the following basis with been tn effect ever sine,' the Mexican' dele- This was Based on Germany's announcement an active dlrettor of the getting Into Mew York harbor. They promise plan to be threshed out at a meet Tor the district or Utah dented the petition Mexico: gates to the conference were informed that that her submarines would attack without Une, la prominent In parliamentary clrv could rio$ do much, harm," he said.