Exporting Your RMMV Game

This appendix covers the process of project deployment—exporting your RPG Maker MV game as an executable package for people to play on various platforms.

Overview In the Ace version of this book, I didn’t cover project deployment at all, given that games created in RPG Maker VX Ace could only be played on Windows PCs, making the process rather more straightforward. However, I think it bears mentioning in this second edition, as games created with this version of the engine can be played on PCs, Macs, and even mobile/tablet operating systems (iOS and Android). So, without further ado, see Figure A-1 for a screenshot of the Deployment screen (which you can reach by clicking File and then Deployment; it has no associated hotkey).

Figure A-1. A screenshot of the Deployment menu . Note the various platform options for your game project’s deployment

Version 1.1 of MV added the option to exclude unused files, which is extremely useful for cutting down the size of your game’s project. Here’s how you would go about deploying the game project for each platform.

© Darrin Perez 2016 361 D. Perez, Beginning RPG Maker MV, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1967-6 APPENDIX A ■ EXPORTING YOUR RMMV GAME For Windows After selecting “Exclude unused files” and choosing your output location, click OK. Then a pop-up will say that MV is “Creating a distribution package.” Once the package is ready, you will get a pop-up with a checkmark saying “Succeeded to create a distribution package.” You can run the game if you’re using Windows by opening the package folder and clicking Game.exe.

For Mac OS X Make sure that “Exclude unused files” is toggled and that your output location is correct; then click OK. The distribution package will be created and you will get the same pop-up as with Windows when MV has finished the process. If you’re using a Mac, you can run the file by clicking on it. On Windows, will appear as a folder which, curiously, can be explored much like any other folder. You can actually play the game on your default browser (if it meets the minimum processing requirements for MV) by finding and clicking on the index.html file.

For Web Browsers Of course, MV 1.1 also has an option to make a game directly for web browsers as well (1.0 had no such option). After creating the distribution package you can (according to Kadokawa’s MV Help file) “run your game on a web browser by uploading your exported project folder to a web server.”

For Android/iOS You’ll notice that I left this deployment option for last. As it so happens, creating a complete package for one of the mobile operating systems is a rather involved process. Using the Deployment option merely gives you the project files to be further worked upon, based on your mobile OS of choice. Hence, I won’t be covering how to do the deployment, but will instead direct you to Kadokawa’s rather extensive documentation on the subject. For Android apps, you’ll want to find the “Converting to an Android App” section of MV’s Help file. For iOS apps, the process is covered in “Converting to an iOS App.”


Useful Resources for RPG Maker MV

This appendix is a compilation of helpful resources for just about anything related to your RMMV games. Do you need help with a certain idea that you have stuck in your head? Perhaps you could seek aid from one of the links listed under “Tutorials and General Help.” Are you thinking of hiring someone to help you create your very own commercial game? Some of the other links should cover that. On that note, let us begin.

Tutorials and General Help for RMMV Game design, like most things in life, is a constant process of renewal and learning new ways to tackle old (and not-so-old) problems. Following are some links to sites that contain tutorials and/or communities of people willing to help out aspiring role-playing game (RPG) designers . : The official forum for ’s video game development engines, including RMMV. tutorials/ : Also part of the official site. As the web link suggests, this subforum offers tutorials for many topics concerning RPG Maker MV. : One of the most populated unofficial forums related to RPG Maker VX Ace on the Internet. This link leads to their new MV subforum. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for on the official site, this should be your next destination. : A relatively new unofficial forum that, as the web site name states, is dedicated to talking about RPG Maker MV.

■ Note Search engines will steer you toward whenever they get a chance. Degica has done a fairly good job of positioning itself as the universal destination for all things RPG Maker (which, given that it’s the publisher, is fair play). You can buy resource packs (music, art, and so on) from them, as well as a few other items of interest.

© Darrin Perez 2016 363 D. Perez, Beginning RPG Maker MV, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1967-6 APPENDIX B ■ USEFUL RESOURCES FOR RPG MAKER MV Art and Spriting Need art for your RMMV game? Want to learn how to create it yourself? I have you covered with a pair of links. To be fair, art is easily my weakest asset when it comes to game design. However, a wise man once told me: “You need not know everything . . . only the people who do .” : A community on deviantART for RPG Maker artists. As a general statement, deviantART is an incredibly useful site for all things art. If you have an artistic inclination, you could join the community; otherwise, it is probably a good place to look for people who can create unique sprites and/or other pieces of art for your RMMV games. : Offers a variety of cool tutorials for making your own pixel art. The tutorials are specifically targeted at RPG Maker XP, VX, and VX Ace users but should have relevance outside the RPG Maker series as well. After all, art is art.

Tutorials and References for JavaScript A veritable treasure trove of resources for JavaScript exists on and off the Internet. Following are but some of the sites available: : Codecademy’s mission, as stated, is “Teaching the world how to code.” It does an exemplary job at it, if I may be so bold as to offer an endorsement. It has course plans for several of the most popular programming languages, including JavaScript. : This site has a helpful and easy-to-understand reference to many of JavaScript’s internal workings. : A very comprehensive guide on JavaScript for both beginners and programmers with a little more experience.

Sounds and Music No game is truly complete without an awesome soundtrack. Here are some links to music that can spruce up your project accordingly. : The site of Benjamin Carr, alias Scythuz. I have had the pleasure of purchasing some of his tracks in the past. He delivers high- quality work at competitive rates. There is a contact page on his site, if you would like to commission some music tracks from him. : Links to a list of music resources for RPG Maker. : Has a large list of sites that provide music and sounds for free and commercial use.

364 APPENDIX B ■ USEFUL RESOURCES FOR RPG MAKER MV Video Game Writing Tutorials The story and general flow of an RPG are two of its most important elements. Here are some links to sites that discuss video game writing : and-get-filthy-rich/ The article in question is from 2012, but it has a good treatise on writing a good story for your games. Nick Palmer wrote up a pair of helpful tutorials for writing an RPG story on the official RPG Maker blog.

■ Note If you require someone (or a group of someones) with whom to collaborate on a project, posting a thread in the official forums is never a bad idea. It may well be that you find like-minded individuals with design strengths to offset your weaknesses.

Plugins These are perhaps way to add or change the functionality of your game. If you decide to cut your teeth on JavaScript within RPG Maker MV, looking at other people’s work is probably the best way to begin. Seeing what others before you have done is a great way to discover exactly what is and isn’t possible within RMMV. : Provides a large list of RPG Maker MV plugins for use. As of the time of this writing, there are 407 plugins available. Himeworks MV Plugins ( ): Tsukihime, or just Hime for short, is an experienced RPG Maker scripter. In fact, I used his Change Currency script to solve the arena token currency text problem in Chapter 7 of the first edition of this book. He has since turned his eye toward MV and making plugins for it. I highly recommend checking out his work! Galv’s Scripts ( ): Galv is but one of many skilled scripters within the RPG Maker community. As of the time of writing, he has 22 plugins for RPG Maker MV on his site, covering a variety of things you might need for your own game.

■ Note If you are planning on releasing a commercial game, make sure that the scripts you are using are permitted in such a game. Most scripts list such licensing details in the comments section, but, when in doubt, don’t hesitate to ask the scripter directly.

365 APPENDIX B ■ USEFUL RESOURCES FOR RPG MAKER MV RMMV Games There’s no shame in taking a look at the games created by your fellow RMMV users and seeing what can be done with the engine. It may well be that you figure out how to do something new after seeing other games in action! On that note, following is a link to a list of some of the RMMV games that are available: : A list of completed RMMV games on Given the large number of games on the list, I did not check to see whether any of them are commercial (cost money). It is still very much worth a look.

Closing Notes In closing, I’d like to emphasize that the RPG Maker community is filled with many talented and wonderful people. If you ever need help with anything related to RMMV, don’t hesitate to ask them for help. Just treat them with a modicum of respect (this is probably good advice relating to anybody, in the real world as on the Internet), and everything will be fine. Good luck with your endeavors, and may your games be awesome!

366 Index

„ A „ C Action economy, 7 Change Encounter event command , 119–121 Action patterns , 61 Change Party Member event command , 92, 106 Actor event commands , 353–354 Character Generator , 84–86 Actors tab, 45–46 Classes tab, 47 Android/iOS , 362 Common event Anti-fi re barrier , 208–209 Common Events tab , 201 Arena game enemy arena exterior creation , 155 anti-fi re barrier , 208–209 arena shop Barrier Change skill , 205–207 gold to arena currency , 167 exit event , 203–204 items and accessories , 165 random battles , 210 Show Choices prompt , 166 smoke bomb, creation, 209–210 test option , 168 Common Events tab , 201 token shop settings , 164 Compass Key Item , 214 Autorun event , 164, 341 Conditional branch command , 33–34 battle event , 158–159, 161, 163 Control Self Switch event , 35, 289 categories , 153 Control Switches command , 25–26 result event , 162–163 Control Variables , 35, 38, 101, 203–204 sign-up creation , 157–158 Create Else Branch, 34, 218, 341 sign-up event , 156, 164 Armors tab , 54–55 Atom „ D downloading , 312–313 Damage Floor option, 134 features , 312 Damage formulas , 66, 70–72 IDE , 312 Darklord-fi nal battle sprite , 307 Autonomous movement , 19 Database armors and accessories , 149 bow, Harold, 60 „ B enemies attack items , 60 Barrier Change skill , 205–209 Harold skill , 59 Battlebacks items name and eff ects, 150 Event ID and Tile ID , 101 weapons list , 148 Get Location Info event command , 101 Demon Castle map Terrain Tag , 101 blocking event, creation , 297–302 Battle Processing events , 115–116, 341–342 crystal event, creation , 284 Big Bomb , 150, 179 Darklord-fi nal battle sprite , 307 Bookcase interaction event , 142–143 FinalBossDefeated switch, 308 Boss encounter , 144 Nihil Break , 307 Bridge , 354–356 Pre-Battle Autorun Event, creation , 303–306 Button event, 21 Desert Event , 344–345

© Darrin Perez 2016 367 D. Perez, Beginning RPG Maker MV, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1967-6 ■ INDEX

Dragon Quest 3 , 58, 110 Fishing village , 184 Dragon statue event , 276–277 general shop map , 83 Dragon statue, interaction interior map , 84 interaction event merged inn, 82 dummy variable, 137 sample map in RMMV , 80 Jump to Label , 139 Floor damage, 105 Set Event Location , 137 Forest Event perimeter drawing , 136–137 creation , 346–348 player’s directional facing, 139–140 overview , 345–346 Dungeon action patterns, minotaur , 117 boss event expansion , 126 „ G Change Encounter command , 119–121 Game design fi ve static encounters , 118 Augustus, boss gameplay (see Game design ) immortal state , 124 interparty banter,Harold and Marsha , 124–125 skills , 122 Minotaur and Snake enemies , 116 troop event, 123 treasure chests , 119 base stats, premade MV Classes , 111 DungeonLocation , 202, 204, 277–278, 281 battlebacks , 100–102 enemies and player progression , 95–97 equipment , 93–94 „ E Harold skills , 110–111 Enemies tab, 55–56 items , 92–93 Event editing mode, 16, 38 Mage Class Stats , 112 Event icon, 16–17 Marsha skills , 109–110 Events creation random encounters, command, settings , 24–25 world map , 97–98 Control Switches window , 25–26 seaside’s shops, 97 exit event , 26 side-view battles , 99–100 Show Text event window , 24 Stone Cave transfer event , 27 enemies , 116 transfer player event dialog , 27 fi rst fl oor, 112–113 Event Searcher, 10, 40–42 second fl oor, 113–114 Exit item/skill Game world common events , 203–204 fi shing village exit scroll, 203 general shop map , 83 transfer events , 202 interior map , 84 merged inn, 82 sample map in RMMV , 80 „ F port town and giant tree , 79 Final Dungeon Seaside characters Ancient Armaments, 286–287 Change Party Member event crystal event, creation , 283 command, 92 Cursed Cave, 289–290 character events placement , 85 Cursed Cave map , 281 Character Generator , 84, 86 fi nal fl oor, 296 conversation , 89–90 fi rst fl oor, 287–289 Inn Quick Event , 88–89 new enemies, 284–285 Label and Jump , 90 second fl oor location , 86 Ancient Bow, 293 Shop Processing window , 88 Ancient Onyx Brooch , 293 Show Balloon Icon , 90 encounter list , 295–296 Show Choices , 90 entrances , 291 Transfer event , 79 sidequests , 310 world map, 78 teleportation puzzle , 281–282 zoom level , 76 uncontrollable movement puzzle , 309 Get Location Info event command , 101 368 ■ INDEX

„ H riddles actor names, RMMV , 246–247 Hidden location choice , 244 creation , 227–228 conditional branch, 248 evented plot, page , 224–225 event creation , 244–245 player’s progression , 225–226 script option, 247–248 second town forest map , 255 „ I, J, K mountain village , 256 Inn Quick Event , 89 slippery fl oors Items tab , 52–53 eventing, sliding puzzle , 239–241 icy area creation , 241–242 intermission , 242–243 „ L redundant code, 241 Label and Jump, 90 RMMV eventing, 237 staging area creation , 237–238 „ M Mac OS X, 362 „ makeHpDamageText Method , 321–322 Quest-giver event , 193 makeMpDamageText Method , 323–324 Quick Event creation , 17, 27, 36, 88 makeTpDamageText Method, 325 Map creation default map, 28 „ R dialog screen, 29–31 Random encounter system, 114 map display screen , 28 Ratings , 62–64 map empty , 31 Regions , 65–66 options, map, 28–29 Remote statue manipulation second area map, map , 249 events , 32, 37 puzzle logic event , 251–254 Map empty , 31 puzzle trigger event , 250–251 Minigames Resource Manager , 356 tricks and tips , 177 Riddles world map, 178 actor names, RMMV , 246–247 choice , 244 conditional branch, 248 „ N, O event creation , 244–245 New Event screen, 18–19 script option, 247–248 Nihil Break , 307 Rocksdale Nonplayer characters (NPCs), 16 enemies NPC update , 129 added new skills, database , 272 encounter list , 272 frost vipers , 271 „ P ghosts , 271 Parallel event , 175 liquid golds, 271 Player Touch event , 188 random encounter list , 273–274 Play-testing features, 342–343 regions, world map , 273 Plugins , 365 rogues , 271 Priority , 19 third dungeon, 270 Priority and Trigger zombies , 271 settings, tree, 36 event code, 262–263 Puzzles leaving process , 265–268 remote statue manipulation mountain village of , 260 map , 249 new items and equipment puzzle logic event , 251–254 armors , 268–269 puzzle trigger event , 250–251 Dew items, 270 369 ■ INDEX

Rocksdale (cont.) Skills tab , 49, 51 items added in database , 269 sound test , 10 Rocksdale’s item shop , 270 sounds and music , 364 weapons , 269 starting screen , 4 nonplayer characters (NPCs), 259 States tab , 69–70 plot events , 260 story , 5–6 setting up, exit skill/item , 277–278 Terms tab, commands section , 11 temple of , 264–265 terrain , 32 town greeter, 261 tilesets , 32 tweaked Mansion sample map , 262 traits , 48–49 village elder and home, creation , 262 trial version , 3 RPG Maker MV (RMMV) TP (see Tactical points (TP) ) action patterns , 61–62 Troops tab , 57–58 Actors tab, 45–46 vehicles , 348–349 Armors tab , 54–55 video game writing , 365 art and spriting , 364 Weapons tab, 54 Atom , 312–313 Zombie Lord , 350 attack skill , 49 Run-Time Package (RTP) , 9 Character Generator , 10 Classes tab, 47 CustomDamageFormulas , 313–315 „ S damage fl oors, 318 Scene_Gameover database , 10 addCommand method, 335 deployment menu, 361 Buff er interface, Atom , 334 encounter editing, 64 commands , 337 Enemies tab, 55–56 commandToTitle method, 336 event searcher, 10 gotoTitle method, 332 EXP Curve, 47 modifi cations, 332 Game_Action.prototype.itemCri , 319 createCommandWindow , 332 game over screen ( s ee Scene_Gameover) TextManager Object, 336 Game_Party , 340 Seaside characters game play Change Party Member event command , 92 arrow keys/mouse , 10 character events placement , 85 balance , 7 Character Generator , 84, 86 considerations , 7 conversation , 89–90 fi le save and location , 8 Inn Quick Event , 88–89 Playtest , 9 Label and Jump , 90 tried-and-true template , 6 location , 86 incapacitation, game over , 329–331 Shop Processing window , 88 items tab , 52–53 Show Balloon Icon , 90 JavaScript , 73, 311 Show Choices , 90 makeHpDamageText Method , 321–322 Second Dungeon makeMpDamageText Method , 323–324 Damage Floor option , 134 makeTpDamageText Method, 325 fi rst fl oor, 130–135 MV plugins, 317 Lava Cave map , 132 OOPS , 311 lava lake parameter curves , 47–48 bridge spanning, 132–133 parameters abbreviations , 67–68 dragon statue , 134 Plugin Manager , 10, 316 NPCs update , 129 ratings , 62, 64 random encounters regions , 65–66 action patterns, enemies , 147 Reserve Members check box , 339 enemies list , 146 Resource Manager , 10 skills, enemies , 147 RPG designers , 363 regions , 180 simple map , 12 second boss skills , 48 Autorun event , 145 370 ■ INDEX

bookcase interaction event , 142–143 Superbosses Boss2Defeated switch, 144 action pattern list , 275 boss encounter , 144 ancient dragon , 275 Dark General’s entry, database , 142 dragon statue event , 276–277 event creation , 143 Switches and variables Parallel Process event , 145 advantages, video game , 15 stone , 131–132 autonomous movement , 19 tower entrance, 132 button , 22 TowerOpen switch , 132 Conditional Branch event dialog , 34 treasure chests , 135 Control Self Switch event , 35 world map, 150–151 control variables, 35 Second town Else branch , 34 forest map , 255 event creation , 18–19 mountain village , 256 event icon , 16–17 Self-switches , 33 exit event , 23 Set Event Location, 138 fi nished button and exit , 21 Shop Processing, 87–88 game information, storage , 15 Show Balloon Icon, 90 priority, player character , 19 Show Choices , 90 priority and trigger settings, tree , 36 Show Choices event command , 166 self-switches , 33 Sidequests test option , 42 multistaged time-sensitive quest , 198 trigger , 20 permanent Activating State, settings , 191 description , 183 „ T, U Dire Bat encounters , 192 Tactical points (TP) fi shing village, well , 184 magic points (MP) , 325 Ironcast Club , 189–190 rpg_objects.js for EFFECT_GAIN_TP , 328 Iron Giant sprite , 188 searching , 326 Player Touch event , 188 tweaking , 327 sidequest giver , 185 Teleportation puzzle , 282 slow starter archetype , 190 Terrain tags , 103–104 town well, 187 Town Map Common Events well event, 186 creation , 359 time-sensitive quest Map Pictures , 357 bat troop and wings , 196–197 Picture event command , 358 description , 183 Transfer events , 202 NPC creation , 194–195 Treasure chest game outcomes , 193 Action Button trigger, 170 quest-giver event , 193 Erase Event, 171 Skills tab, 49, 51 NPC and Parallel event , 170, 175 Slippery fl oors NPC creation , 173, 175 eventing, sliding puzzle , 239–241 rewards , 169 icy area creation , 241–242 seven chest , 171 intermission , 242–243 seven-number lists , 172 redundant code, 241 treasure chest eventing , 172 RMMV eventing, 237 treasure chest room , 169 staging area creation , 237–238 variable , 169–170 Smoke bomb creation, 209–210 Treasure hunts States tab , 69–70 Compass Key Item , 214 Static encounters event , 218 Battle Processing event hidden passages command, 115 dungeon , 230 escape and lose, 115 event graphics , 232 fi ve static encounters , 118 Forest of Decay , 229 troop section , 115 side-facing secret passage , 230–231 371 ■ INDEX

Treasure hunts (cont.) „ W, X, Y, Z hidden treasure chests creation , 216–217 Wait event command , 91 location , 215 Weapons tab, 54 hunter’s shop view, 213 Web browsers, 362 location name display , 215 Windows , 362 NPC set up , 217 World map player and compass , 222 encounter table, 181 treasure note shop , 219–221 enemies , 179 Treasure notes , 222–223 Floor Damage, 105 Trigger , 20 graphics addition , 78 Troops tab , 57–58 map list, nested locations , 75 minigame areas, 178 start up procedure , 76 „ V Stone Cave maps , 76 Variables . See also Switches and variables Stone Cave, single map , 77 Event editing mode , 38 terrain tags , 103–104 map boundaries , 39–40 transfer events , 102 map Regions, transitions , 39 zoom level , 76