Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Dad No Rules Just Real Life by Jim Lindberg DVD Review: The Other F Word (2011) A few months ago, I was at a bar and ran into an old acquaintance. Over drinks, we were discussing punk rock and music when she recommended I check out The Other F Word, a movie created by Jim Lindberg (Pennywise) and Rare Bird Films. The movie is about being a full-time punk rocker and father. My old acquaintance is a big fan of Jim and Pennywise and really enjoyed Jim’s book Punk Rock Dad: No Rules, Just Real Life, so I figured I could trust her recommendation. Other than a five-year relationship with a mother of three, I don’t have significant first-person experience raising kids. Regardless, I cannot imagine how difficult it is to say “goodbye” to your children for several months at a time, but that’s the balance that these musician dads try to manage. The movie features many of punk rock’s elite: Fat Mike (NOFX), Brett Gurewitz & Greg Hetson (Bad Religion), Jim Lindberg (Pennywise), Flea (Fear/Red Hot Chili Peppers), Ron Reyes (Black Flag), & Joe Escalante (), Duane Peters (U.S. Bombs/skateboarding legend), Tony Adolescent (The Adolescents), Matt Freeman (Operation Ivy/Rancid) and more. The Other F Word hops around a lot, similar to a punk show: brief interviews with the dads, photos of them performing, while showing a these fathers interacting with their kid(s). Overall, I absolutely recommend this movie, if only to witness the juxtaposition between the punk rock stereotypes and the reality of these average men earnestly trying to be good dads. Check it out!! Punk Rock Dad No Rules, Just Real Life. As the lead singer of punk band Pennywise, Jim Lindberg spends his evenings screaming to thousands of kids to screw authority, & then goes home and tries to maintain some sense of authority over his three young daughters. Every father will be able to relate to Lindberg's hilarious parenting misadventures. About the Publisher. Collins has been publishing educational and informative books for almost 200 years. Throughout this rich heritage we have maintained an impressive record in creating market-leading products across various sectors. They’re punk rockers, and they’re also dads. For more than 20 years Jim Lindberg has been a driving force in the Southern California punk rock scene. After two decades with his long-running Hermosa Beach-based band Pennywise, Lindberg was forced to make an important decision: Continue to do long stints on tour or step back and become the father he had to be to his three young daughters. In 2007, Lindberg wrote his first book, “Punk Rock Dad: No Rules, Just Real Life.â€​ The release explored the dichotomy of raising a family while fronting an anti-establishment punk rock band. Lindberg says that there were offers to do a reality TV show based on his hectic lifestyle of trying to balance life on the road with his life at home, but he says his family declined, not wanting that sort of exposure. Instead, Lindberg became a part of director Andrea Blaugrund Nevins’ new documentary project, “The Other F Word.â€​ The film, which mades its weeklong debut in Los Angeles at the Nuart Theatre beginning Friday, features a slew of elite punk and rock ‘n’ roll dads including Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Tim McIlrath (Rise Against), Mark Hoppus (Blink-182), Art Alexakis (Everclear), Tony Adolescent (the Adolescents), Fat Mike (NOFX), Lars Frederiksen (Rancid) and more. “It was a long process,â€​ Lindberg said of making the documentary, which caught up with him during the last of his outings with Pennywise around 2008-’09. He also suggested most of the other dads that appear in the film. “I knew there were other dads in the scene that had a unique story,â€​ he said during a recent phone interview. “I think that the filmmakers did a great job of pulling the stories out of these guys because there’s some really heart-wrenching stories that are told in this film. It’s pretty heavy and I think the guys opened up to Andrea, maybe in a way they might not have with a tough-guy film maker. She’s a mother herself and she got them to talk about very sensitive issues about their upbringing and what having a kid was like for them and I think that’s why it’s such an effecting film.â€​ “There are a lot of punk rock documentaries that talk about how radical it all was, but this film finds the heart that’s beating underneath the punk rock, tough guy exterior.â€​ Lindberg admits that he was very unhappy during the period of time in which the documentary was filmed. “I realized that the end was coming soon for my involvement in Pennywise,â€​ he says. “I definitely felt a duty to go out and play almost two years’ worth of shows because we had put out an album and I wanted to live up to my commitments to the fans and the band. The main thing that everyone has to know is that I really cared so much about our band and our fans and the message that we put out there. I didn’t want to get into a situation where I was doing it because it was a job – I wanted to be there because I wanted to be there and yes, I did want to be there. When I was on stage, it was great, but there were times when I was needed at home and I couldn’t be there because of my commitments with the band. It was a very complicated situation and there were a lot of unspoken things happening while the documentary was going on – let’s just put it that way.â€​ Now that he’s seen the finished product, Lindberg says he looked at himself on screen and just wanted to give that version of himself “a bowl of soup and have him take a nap – that guy looks so tired.â€​ He’s happy with the documentary overall and says that he hopes that after seeing the film, people walk away with a new understanding of the punk rock lifestyle. “I really think a lot of people who might have looked at punk rockers as scary, tattooed guys who are out of control will see them as genuine, caring parents and that hopefully it will show that our generation is actually going to raise a group of kids that are more tolerant and open-minded and probably less prone to repeat the mistakes of the past,â€​ he says. “At least that’s what I’m hoping. That’s my dream world, that the message will finally get through and punk rock (triumphs) and we’ll produce a generation of better kids. I hope people come away with that.â€​ Though on stage Lindberg is a fearless frontman, known for getting red-faced as he passionately belts out the lyrics to popular Pennywise tracks such as “F*** Authority,â€​ at home, he’s certainly more tame – and tries to be less of a potty mouth. He says he always wanted lots of children, but never anticipated ending up with three daughters – he really thought there’d be more baseball involved. “As a parent, you kind of play the hand you’re dealt every single day,â€​ he says. “There’s constantly stuff coming at you that’s unexpected, but it’s been great. I love having girls, we have a lot of fun together and it probably balances out my gross guy side, having some females in the house.â€​ Lindberg takes his daughters to soccer practice, dance recitals and is proud that each of his girls is into listening to and performing music. His two oldest daughters – now 14 and 12 – have outgrown their Justin Bieber phase and have moved on to artists such as rapper Nicki Minaj and indie band Best Coast. His youngest, who is 8, he says, will listen to just about anything. Though he’s happy that none of his daughters currently have Bieber fever, Lindberg says he has a new found respect for the tween-pop genre. “When bands like ‘N Sync and Backstreet Boys first came out and kind of took over the music scene on TRL (MTV’s “Total Request Liveâ€​), that’s right when our band was reaching the height of our popularity,â€​ he says. “I was (angry) and I would always talk really bad about those bands and say they were fake and we just bagged on them. That was our job. But now, in hindsight, I realize what the deal is with that – young kids like it, so it has a purpose. Not everyone should have to listen to Minor Threat and it’s probably better that they don’t. I think Minor Threat and Black Flag are for guys who really have to release that aggression somewhere, so I’m happy that there’s a Justin Bieber out there as well as a Keith Morris (Black Flag and the Circle Jerks). They both serve a purpose.â€​ As for wanting his kids to follow in his footsteps, Lindberg says he’d like them to follow in “someâ€​ of those footsteps, but certainly not all of them. “It’s been a strange trip, the experience of punk rock in Southern California,â€​ he says. “I think a lot of people got into punk rock because they came from desperate situations or they came from dysfunctional families, which you’ll see a lot of in the film and it’s heart-breaking to see these stories, but the majority of people that got into it were just like me, middle class kids who were rebellious adolescents who just wanted to get into trouble. That’s why I got into punk music, because it sounded like trouble on a cassette tape.â€​ “I hope my kids look for different things when it comes to music. I hope they do it just because they love playing music. For me, being a young surfer/skater in the South Bay of Los Angeles, it was just all about getting into dangerous situations, but now it’s the exact opposite for me. I really just love playing music and being involved with it.â€​ Punk Rock Dad: No Rules Just Real Life by Jim Lindberg. Other Editions of This Title: Hardcover (5/1/2007) Description. Jim Lindberg is a Punk Rock Dad. When he drives his kids to school in the morning, they listen to the Ramones, the Clash, or the Descendents and that's it. He goes to all the soccer games, dance rehearsals, and piano recitals, but when he feels the need, he goes into the slam pit at punk shows and comes home bruised and beaten—somehow feeling strangely better. While the other dads dye their hair brown to cover the gray, Jim occasionally dyes his blue or green. He pays his taxes, serves jury duty, votes in all major elections, and reserves the right to believe that there's a vast Right Wing Conspiracy—and that the head of the P.T.A. is possibly in on it. He is a Punk Rock Dad. Praise For Punk Rock Dad: No Rules, Just Real Life … “The irony of Jim’s early punk rock rebellion makes this book a very funny and revealing read.” — Mike McCready, Pearl Jam. “Jim Lindberg is proof positive that childrearing can take the most recalcitrant punk and catapult him in to adulthood. — Dr. Drew. William Morrow Paperbacks, 9780061148767, 240pp. Publication Date: February 19, 2008. About the Author. Over the last 15 years, Jim Lindberg's punk band Pennywise has sold three million albums and headlined America's longest running music festival, the Vans Warped Tour. He lives in southern California with his wife and daughters. Punk Rock Dad : No Rules, Just Real Life. Jim Lindberg is a Punk Rock Dad. When he drives his kids to school in the morning, they listen to the Ramones, the Clash, or the Descendents— and that's it. They can listen to Britney and Justin on their own time. Jim goes to soccer games, dance rehearsals, and piano recitals like all the other dads, but when he feels the need, he also goes to punk shows, runs into the slam pit, and comes home bruised and beaten . . . but somehow feeling strangely better. While the other dads dye their hair brown to cover the gray, Jim occasionally dyes his blue or green. He makes his daughters' lunches, kisses their boo-boos, and tucks them in at night—and then goes into the garage and plays Black Flag and Minor Threat songs at a criminal volume. He pays his taxes, votes in all the presidential and gubernatorial elections, serves on jury duty, and reserves the right to believe that there is a vast Right Wing Conspiracy—and that the head of the P.T.A. is possibly in on it. He is a Punk Rock Dad. Отзывы - Написать отзыв. LibraryThing Review. When I found out that my wife was pregnant, I immediately faced a dilemma: how can someone with my lifestyle be trusted as a father? I’ve put in more hours in slam pits than pilots log in the air to . Читать весь отзыв. AWESOME. I enjoyed this book tremendously. It was extremely entertaining from the moment i opened the cover until i turned the last page. Jim Lindberg gives a funny honest offbeat account of becoming a father . Читать весь отзыв.