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Index of Modern Authors

Barnes, Timothy D. 105, 117, 120, 227, 229, 232 Leemans, Johan 108 Barth, Fredrik 24 Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. 248 Bowes, Kim 188–190, 203 Brubaker, Rogers 41–42 Maier, Harry O. 191 Burrus, Virginia 220 Markschies, Christoph 187 McLynn, Neil 63, 66, 87, 89, 92, 99, 101, Carr, E. H. 25–26 104–105, 129, 147, 152, 170, 177, 184, 187, Cattaneo, Enrico 62 198, 200, 203, 216, 232, 234, 248, 288, 296, Chadwick, Henry 13 304 Courcelle, Pierre 290 Meslin, Michel 2, 13, 70–71, 105, 177, 231 Moreschini, Claudio 137 Dassmann, Ernst 291, 294 Douglas, Mary 37–38 Nautin, Pierre 116, 121 Duval, Yves-Marie 155, 194 Nirenberg, David 47

Eco, Umberto 310 Rebillard, Éric 28–30, 41 Edwards, Mark 54 Roueché, Charlotte 103

Gaddis, Michael 46 Sanders, E. P. 31 Gibbon, Edward 16 Sandwell, Bella 28–30 Gottlieb, Gunther 116 Seeck, Otto 227, 230 Graumann, Thomas 144 Shaw, Brent 41 Gregory, Timothy E. 26–28, 38 Sizgorich, Thomas 28, 93 Sotinel, Claire 152 Hanson, R. P. C. 76–77, 136 Humphries, Mark 59, 65 van Haeringen, J. H. 227 Van Nuffelen, Peter 108 Kaufman, Peter I. 64, 66–67, 68, 69–70, 105, 106, 107 Williams, Daniel H. 2, 13, 64–65, 66, 69, Kurtz, Lester R. 10 73, 91, 94, 105, 126, 139, 147, 152, 198, 288, 293


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General Index

acclamations 275 ; Palladius; Secundianus; Aëtius, bishop of Antioch 18–19, 122, 214 Valerian) Alexandria, Council of (362) 160 “” 2–3, 50–52, 114, 135, 144, 146, 149–150, “Altar of Victory controversy” 217–218, 225, 152–153, 162, 165–166, 167, 219, 243 263 (see also: “Homoianism”; rhetoric) Ambrose, bishop of Milan “Arians” 6–7, 48, 93, 115, 136, 137, 168, 170, as catechumen 102, 107, 124 174–175, 176, 214, 262, 266–267, 276 as governor of Aemilia-Liguria 13, 63, 65, in 300, 305 105, 109 in Milan 172–173, 187, 243–250, 285, 292–293, election 1, 7–8, 60–67, 101–109, 111, 167 297–299, 305–306, 308 hymns 274–276, 295–296 (see also: ; “Homoians”; rhetoric) in Rome 117, 193, 223 Ariminum, Council of: see Rimini, Council of in 117–121, 123, 179, 216 Arius, presbyter of Alexandria 50, 114, 115, 122, 135, letters 103, 174–175 136, 146, 149, 152, 154, 156, 158, 268 to his sister Marcellina 226–250, letter to Alexander of Alexandria 145–149, 162 289–295, 309 (see also: “Arianism”; “Arians”) to Gratian 124–127 asceticism 29 to 214 Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria 16, 51, 54–55, to Valentinian II 217–218, 226–239, 58–59, 114 261–269, 270–272, 310 response to the Council of Rimini (359) 78 relations with Maximus 215–216, (see also: Milan, Council of) 218–220, 242, 271, 302 Attalus, “Arian” presbyter 151, 176 sermons 4, 112, 130, 167, 310 Augustine, bishop of Hippo Works: De fide 9, 112–142, 148, 154, 165, as preacher 22, 28–29 167–168, 194, 201 Confessions 4, 31–32, 97 De officiis 172–173, 260 in Milan 298, 308–309 De spiritu sancto 125, 129, 195–197, 199–202, on catechumens 34–35 205–212 on Milanese martyrs 290, 293, 308 Sermo contra Auxentium 226–239, 252, 269, Auxentius, bishop of Milan 1, 7–8, 59–62, 272–281 122–123, 161, 306 (see also: Justina; Milan; ; and the Council of Rimini 71, 81, 85, 98, 266 Paulinus, presbyter of Milan; and 79, 83–87, 91–92, 141, ; Valentinian II) 146, 170–171, 180, 258, 310 Anemius, bishop of Sirmium 118, 144, 152 and Italy 62–63, 72 Aquileia, Council of (381) 9–10, 114–116, 142–156, as “Homoian” 87 166, 204, 257, 266 death 101 correspondence 115, 147, 149, 152, 154–155, 162, (see also: Damasus; Hilary of Poitiers; 176–186, 191–192, 193–195, 197, 310 Valentinian I) divergent opinions at 150, 152–154 Auxentius, bishop of Durostorum 122, 135 (see also: Anemius; Constantius, bishop of identified with Auxentius “Mercurinus” Orange; Eusebius, bishop of Bologna; 253–254


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General Index 339

Auxentius “Mercurinus”, “Scythian” bishop 12, creeds 171, 229, 239, 252–260, 264, 274, 277–281 as compromises 53–54, 75–79, 159 and the imperial court 254–255, 256, 266, ecumenical 48–49, 74–80, 88 277, 283 local 35–36, 49, 88, 168 as “Arian” 278–280 (see also: Nicaea, Council of; Rimini, Council as “Homoian” 285 of; Sirmium) (see also Auxentius, bishop of Durostorum) Cresconius, Milanese criminal 305

baptism 208–210 Damasus, bishop of Rome 96 and community membership 15, 33–34, 88, 245 and Ambrose 193 deferred 34 and Auxentius of Milan 72 rebaptism 255 and Ursinus 100, 181–182 “barbarians” 42–43, 131 as touchstone of orthodoxy 209, 270, 303 in Roman armies 221, 245, 305 response to the Council of Rimini 150 (see also: Auxentius “Mercurinus”, Goths; ‘dated creed’ (359): see Sirmium ; Justina) demons Basil, bishop of Caesarea 17, 96–97, 105 as reliable witnesses 292 “Basilica Crisis”: see Milan Demophilus, bishop of Constantinople 122, 135 bishops Dionysius, bishop of Milan 59, 68 as religious professionals 14, 22, 39, 83 exile 108 awareness of doctrinal issues 53, 68, 114, 158 legacy in Milan 63, 64, 69, 89–90, 100 coalitions among 49, 53, 54–55, 152–154, doctrinal debate 163, 306 and ordinary Christians 14–23, 25, 30, 38–42, intolerance of local rivals 94, 95, 170–171, 180, 46–49, 67, 68, 87–88, 158, 166, 168–169, 191–193, 212, 223, 259 172–173, 246, 256–257, 284 “Blasphemy of Sirmium” (357): see Sirmium modern representations of 52–53, 61–74, 114, 172 Calligonus, chamberlain of Valentinian II 234 (see also: bishops; communities; identities) Carthage, Council of (401) 290 “Donatists” 128, 303 Castulus, “Arian” presbyter 243–244, 249, 256 catechumens 34–35, 36, 88, 307 Elvira, Council of 36 exclusion from mass 35–36, 49, 204 Eunomius, bishop of Cyzicus 17–20, 122, 135, (see also: Ambrose; Augustine; Valentinian II) 142 Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia 299–300, 303 “Eunomians” 14, 18–21, 115, 134, 188, 214, communities 308 303 and associations 31, 46 Eusebius, bishop of Bologna 148, 149 Christian 5–6, 30–38 Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea defining boundaries of 33, 41–43, 189–191, 309 Chronicle 1 doctrinal 8–9, 37, 55–56, 116, 169, 188 Eusebius, bishop of Vercelli 58–59, 75, 80, 88, religious 15–16, 31 103, 162 (see also: baptism; doctrinal debate; identities; rhetoric) Filastrius, bishop of 94–96 consensus 69, 88, 100, 108–110, 111–112, 286 Forum Cornelii (Imola) 174 Constantine I, emperor 203, 265, 306 “framing”: see rhetoric Constantinople 16–21, 69, 188, 208 Council of (360) 76, 134, 150, 251 Gaudentius, bishop of Brescia Council of (381) 51, 142, 270 Tractatus 21 (on Filastrius) 94–95 “Council of Sects” (383) 17–18 Germinius, bishop of Sirmium 122 (see also: Demophilus; Gregory, bishop of Altercatio Heracliani cum Germinio 73 Nazianzus) Gervasius and Protasius, Milanese martyrs Constantius, bishop of Claterna 174–175 288–297 (see also: Forum Cornelii) Goths 42–43, 120, 130, 172, 208 Constantius, bishop of Orange 150 as “Arians” 177, 245, 305 Constantius II, emperor 74, 184, 265, 267 presence in Milan 245, 247, 305 in Milan 58–59, 62 (see also: “barbarians”)

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340 General Index

Gratian, emperor 9, 11, 161, 165, 181–182, multiple 15, 23–25, 67 225 religious 5–6, 46–47 and “Altar of Victory controversy” 217 Illyricum 113–114, 115, 130, 131, 170, 174, and De fide 112–114, 116–129, 157, 160 177, 304 and Hadrianople 113, 119–120 Isaac “the Jew” 185 and the Council of Aquileia 142–144, 147, 154, 176 Jerome, presbyter and biblical scholar 1–3, baptism 117, 204 185, 192 death 198, 213, 215 Altercatio Luciferiani et Orthodoxo 159, 169 Epistola Gratiani 124–129, 195, 196, 200 Chronicle 1 in Milan 117, 125–127, 129, 195–213, Jews 28, 292 214–215, 297 anti-Semitism 304 religious legislation 127–128, 134 associated with pagans and heretics 185–186, (see also: Justina; Magnus Maximus; Milan; 194, 266–267, 278–280, 292, Valentinian I; Valentinian II) 300, 310 Gregory, bishop of Nazianzus 20–21, 134 in Aquileia 300 as bishop of Constantinople 209 in Milan 13, 185–186 Gregory, bishop of Nyssa 134 John Chrysostom 101 De deitate Filii et Spiritus Sancto 16–20, 134 as preacher 22, 28 groups: see communities; identities; rhetoric; Julian, emperor 80 schism Julian Valens, bishop of Poetovio 171 as “Homoian” 179 Hadrianople, battle 172 association with Ursinus 182–184 (see also: Gratian) “barbarian” associations 177 “heresy”: see rhetoric in Milan 176–181, 187, 192, 195, 197, 212, 256 (see also: Ambrose; “Arianism”; “Arians”; Justina, empress 123 “Eunomians”; “Homoians”; identity, as “Homoian” 204, 222, 301 Christian; “Photinians”) “barbarian” associations 247, 282 Hilary, bishop of Poitiers 16, 61, 67, 75, 157 in Milan 126, 197–200, 212, 243 Contra Auxentium 82–93, 310 relations with Ambrose 118, 216, 237, 254, in Milan 7, 82–85, 90, 141, 150, 161, 170, 288, 293 258–259, 263 response to the Council of Rimini 78–80, 92, legislation, religious 21 158 (see also: Gratian; Theodosius I; (see also: Auxentius, bishop of Milan; Eusebius, Valentinian II) bishop of Vercelli; Paris, Council of; Liberius, bishop of Rome 58, 75, 80, 100, 184 Valentinian I) Lucian of Samosata, satirist 18 historians, Christian 14, 22, 237, 288 Lucifer, bishop of Cagliari 59, 75, 157, 158, 162 (see also: Philostorgius; Rufinus of Aquileia, “Luciferians” 159, 169, 184, 187 Theodoret) “Homoianism” 168, 266 Magnus Maximus, emperor 213, 215–220, 270, (see also: “Arianism”) 288, 301–302 “Homoians” 50, 127, 135, 139, 156, 184 (see also: Ambrose; Gratian; Priscillian; in Milan 61–64, 168–169, 174, 179, 187–190, Theodosius I; Valentinian II) 198, 220–286, 287 “Manichaeans” 44, 215, 219, 303 (see also: “Arians”; Auxentius, bishop of Milan; Marius Victorinus 31–36, 97 “Homoianism”; Julian Valens; Justina; Martin, bishop of Tours 93–94, 170 Palladius; Valentinian II) (see also: Sulpicius Severus) , emperor 306 Milan 6–10, 13 as imperial residence 13, 126, 198, 205, identities 213, 304 Christian 15, 25–30 “Basilica Crisis” (381) 11, 125–126, 195–212, doctrinal 60–68, 99, 256, 269 225, 234 ethnic 24–25, 42–43 “Basilica Crisis” (385/6) 220–286 Jewish 31 chronology of 226–239

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General Index 341

Christian population 6–11, 59–69, 73, 86–91, “framing” 44–49, 55–57, 87, 141, 142, 191, 283, 107–108, 111–112, 113, 130, 167–175, 194, 287, 299, 307 223, 240, 246, 252, 274–277, 281, 283–286, Rimini, Council of (359) 53, 68, 76, 115, 150, 307–311 157–161, 236, 251 clergy 62–63, 96–98, 105, 171–172, 224 accusations of fraud 77–78, 80, 86, 158, 161, Council of (355) 58–59, 68, 75, 184 267–268 Portian Basilica 233–234, 238, 240 creed 71–72, 76–81, 85, 114, 138, 156, 162, religious diversity in 13, 68, 128, 169, 175, 165–166, 179, 257–258, 265–270 189–191, 256, 296, 308–309 (see also: Athanasius; Auxentius, bishop of (see also: Ambrose; Auxentius, bishop of Milan; creeds; Damasus; Hilary; Valens, Milan; Constantius II; Dionysius; bishop of Mursa) Gervasius and Protasius; Goths; Hilary; Rome Jews; Nabor and Felix; pagans; Paulinus, Council of (369–72) 72, 96, 160, 181, 185 presbyter of Milan; Sabinus; Council of (378) 117 Simplicianus) (see also: Damasus, bishop of Rome; Liberius, bishop of Rome; Ursinus; “Luciferians”) Nabor and Felix, Milanese martyrs 289 Rufinus of Aquileia 305 Nectarius, bishop of Constantinople 214 Ecclesiastical History 60–61, 101–102, 106 Nicaea, Council of (325) 51, 53, 135–137, 142, 154, 306 Sabinus, bishop of Piacenza 51, 58–59, 67, 72, 74–80, 87, 142, as Milanese deacon 96–97 148, 150–152, 156–165, 267 schism 6, 88, 180–181, 194 (see also: “Arianism”; Arius; creeds; in Antioch 209, 214 “Homoianism”; “Nicenes”; Rimini) in Constantinople 69 “Nicenes” 48, 50–52, 157 in Rome 100, 101, 104, 182 in Milan 61–64, 188 scriptures 76, 277 “Nicene fundamentalists” 80, 93, 137, 159, 251 argument from 124, 133, 146, 238, 274 (see also: “Arians”; “Homoians”; rhetoric) Secundianus, bishop of Singidinum 144, 145, 147, 154, 155, 162, 176 pagans 28, 266–267, 278–280, 310 Seleucia, Council of 76 in Milan 13, 280 Severus, blind man of Milan 290, 292, 296 (see also: Jews; rhetoric) Simplicianus, bishop of Milan Palladius, bishop of Ratiaria 98, 143, 162–163, 204 and Augustine of Hippo 97 and De fide 122–123, 126–127, 129, 130, 135, as presbyter 97 139–140 in Rome 32–34 as “Homoian” 146, 155, 168 (see also: Marius Victorinus) at the Council of Aquileia 143–150, 176 Sirmium Paris, Council of (360/1) 78, 81, 91, 160 as imperial residence 117, 118–119, 198 patronage 40, 169 ‘Blasphemy of Sirmium’ (357) 76 of religious figures 192, 223, 243 Council of (351) 74 (see also: Ambrose, in Rome; Jerome; Martin of ‘dated creed’ (359) 76 Tours; private worship) synod in (375/8) 118 Paul, apostle 17, 26–27, 133 (see also: Ambrose; Anemius, bishop of Paulinus, presbyter of Milan 187, 305, 308 Sirmium; Germinius, bishop of Life of Ambrose 61, 65, 102–103, 106, 167, Sirmium) 293–294, 297–298, 305–306 Sulpicius Severus 61, 68 Peter, bishop of Alexandria 209, 270 Life of 93–94, 95 Portian Basilica: see Milan Symmachus, Q. Aurelius 217, 302 Priscillian, bishop of Avila 219–220, 271, 301 Synesius of Cyrene, bishop of Ptolemaïs 65 private worship 11, 90, 169, 188–193, 202–203, 223, 256 Theodore of Tabennesi, Pachomian monk 29 Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhus refugees 174–175, 178 Ecclesiastical History 100, 118 rhetoric 42–47, 206–207 Theodosius I, emperor 120, 142, 154, 176, and heresy 3–5, 12, 44, 49–50, 113–116, 306–311 207

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342 General Index

Theodosius I, emperor (cont.) and Auxentius of Milan 90, 109, 161, 171, in Milan 288, 302–303, 304–305 203, 259 relations with Magnus Maximus 216 and the election of Ambrose 103, 272 religious legislation 17–18, 144, 208, 214–215, religious legislation 82, 264 270, 290, 302–303 religious policy 64, 82–85, 182, 200, 271 Thomas Aquinas 132 Valentinian II, emperor 11, 118, 126, 197–198 Timothy, bishop of Alexandria 214 and “Altar of Victory controversy” 217–218 as “Homoian” 204, 222, 247 as imperial residence 117, 125, 198, 213, as catechumen 204, 222, 264 215 death 303 Tyre, Council of (335) 54 in Aquileia 287 piety of 217–218, 242, 261 Ursinus, bishop of Rome and antipope 11, 100, relations with Ambrose 215–219, 234, 104, 171, 181–187, 192 241, 247 associated with Julian Valens 182–185, 197 relations with Magnus Maximus 215–217, doctrinal stance 184–185 218–219, 271 religious legislation 223, 229, 235–236, 250–252, Valens, bishop of Mursa 122 257–258, 260, 282 at the Council of Rimini 77, 158 (see also: Gratian; Justina; Magnus Maximus; Valens, Iulianus: see Julian Valens, bishop of Milan; Valentinian I) Poetovio Victorinus: see Marius Victorinus Valerian, bishop of Aquileia 155 violence, religious 39–42, 45–46 Valentinian I, emperor 80 (see also: rhetoric, “framing”)

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