Israel and UAE Reach US-Brokered Deal to Normalize Relations Israel's

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Israel and UAE Reach US-Brokered Deal to Normalize Relations Israel's Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 51 AUGUST 21, 2020 1 ELUL, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ Kamala Harris is Biden’s VP pick By Gabe Friedman (JTA) — It’s official: Kamala Harris is Joe Biden’s choice for vice president. The California senator, who made history Tuesday as the first Black woman to join a major party presiden- tial ticket, is still in her first term. But during several years in public office, the 55-year- old lawmaker’s outspoken opinions on a range of issues and her presidential run have given Jewish voters plenty to U.S. President Donald Trump and other administration officials announcing the deal between Israel and the United scrutinize. She is also married to Arab Emirates, Aug. 13, 2020. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Jewish lawyer Douglas Em- Getty Images hoff, who would become the Sen. Kamala Harris in country’s first Jewish second Washington, D.C., June 24, Israel and UAE reach US-brokered husband. 2020. As a senator, Harris has been aligned with Biden on votes or even strong public deal to normalize relations Israel: She is seen as a strong criticism aimed at swaying supporter with ties to AIPAC, Israeli policy. By Josefin Dolsten President’s Vision for Peace and focus its a goal of countering Iranian influence in the country’s largest pro- While the more liberal efforts now on expanding ties with other the Middle East. Israel lobby, and unlike some pro-Israel group J Street has (JTA) — In a diplomatic breakthrough, countries in the Arab and Muslim world. Most Arab countries do not recog- Democrats has not broached endorsed the centrist Biden, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are The United States, Israel and the United nize Israel’s existence. The Jewish state the idea of conditioning aid who also has committed to normalizing ties. Arab Emirates are confident that added currently has ties only with Egypt and to Israel to influence its poli- keeping spats with Israel pri- The deal was finalized in a phone call diplomatic breakthroughs with other na- Jordan. cies. During her presidential vate and the idea of not allow- on Thursday, Aug. 13, between President tions are possible, and will work together “The UAE is employing its decision for run, Harris separated herself ing any “daylight” between the Donald Trump, Israeli Prime Minister to achieve this goal,” the statement read. normal relations with Israel,” the UAE’s somewhat from the main- U.S. and Israel in diplomatic Benjamin Netanyahu and Sheikh Mo- The statement, which referred to the foreign minister said in a statement, ac- stream moderates in the terms, it has not backed Har- hammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the crown two countries as “two of America’s most cording to the Times of Israel. pack, firmly opposing the prince of Abu Dhabi. reliable and capable regional partners,” Speaking to media Thursday, Trump idea of condemnatory U.N. Harris on page 14A In a joint statement by the United said that Israel and the UAE will sign suggested that agreements between States, Israel and UAE posted by Trump agreements in the coming weeks related Israel and some of its other Muslim on Twitter, it said that this was a “historic to investment, tourism, air travel, secu- neighbors in the region could come soon, diplomatic breakthrough” and will “ad- rity, opening embassies and more. The the Times of Israel reported. Hillel confronts vance peace in the Middle East.” two nations also will work together on “Things are happening that I can’t talk As part of a peace deal, Israel will pause developing a vaccine for the coronavirus, about,” he said. its plans to annex areas of the West Bank, it said. After promising the move during mul- Jew-hatred according to a joint statement released The Gulf states have been growing tiple election campaigns last year, Israeli Thursday, Aug. 13, by the White House. closer with Israel in recent years, but the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had (JNS) — Amid the rise in based hate crimes on college “Israel will suspend declaring sov- UAE is the first to establish formal ties anti-Semitism on college campuses roughly doubled ereignty over areas outlined in the with the Jewish state. The countries share Deal on page 14A campuses, Hillel Interna- between 2009 and 2017; a tional announced on Monday majority of these reported that it is launching a new crimes targeted Jews. initiative to ensure that uni- “All Jewish college students Israel’s historic deal with the versity administrators and have the right to study in a staff are trained to recognize safe, welcoming environment and confront Jew-hatred. free of harassment,” said Hil- The Campus Climate Initia- lel International president and UAE could be just the beginning tive will work with adminis- CEO Adam Lehman. “Hillel is trators to provide measure- uniquely positioned to partner By Israel Kasnett Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed ment tools, best practices, with colleges and universities Al Nahyan, the crown prince education and training de- to develop tools to prevent (JNS) — A joint statement of Abu Dhabi, announcing the signed to empower university anti-Semitism on campus by U.S. President Donald “Abraham Accord,” a peace leadership to understand the and help empower university Trump, Israeli Prime Minister deal between Israel and the threats of anti-Semitism, take administrators to respond Benjamin Netanyahu and United Arab Emirates, is the proactive steps to minimize decisively and aggressively first since Jordan signed such them and directly address when issues of anti-Semitism an agreement in 1994. What them when they occur. unfortunately arise.” does this deal include, and The new initiative comes In addition to working what does it portend for the amid an alarming rise in closely with a cohort of future? anti-Semitic incidents on pilot-program campuses, the Richard Goldberg, a se- college campuses. Hillel Campus Climate Initiative will nior adviser at Foundation measured 178 anti-Semitic use digital and online collabo- for Defense of Democracies, incidents this past academic ration to extend those suc- told JNS that “the peace A map of the Gulf states. year on the North American cesses broadly across a much agreement paves the way campuses it serves — an all- larger field of college leaders, for full normalization of said, “I believe there is a good forth for a while, and Israeli time high even with months helping them create and diplomatic, trade and travel chance we will soon see more ministers have attended con- of campuses being physically refine best-practice policies relations between Israel and Arab countries joining this ferences.” closed due to the coronavirus. and procedures customized the UAE.” expanding circle of peace.” For example, former Trans- Online harassment of Jewish to their individual campus But this is apparently only Joshua Krasna, an expert portation and Intelligence students and anti-Semitic cultures and environments. the start of a broader relation- on strategic and political de- Minister Yisrael Katz visited vandalism has continued in CCI will also showcase its ship between Israel and the velopments in the Arab world Oman in 2018. Former Min- recent months, even with expertise by bringing together Persian Gulf states. at the Jerusalem Institute for ister of Culture and Sport Miri campuses closed. This dan- university and Jewish com- Trump hinted as such dur- Strategic Studies, as well as a Regev also visited the UAE gerous trend has been surging munity leaders for national ing his statement to the press senior fellow in the Foreign that year. for several years. conferences and forums fo- when he said, “I think you’ll Policy Research Institute, told “Since 2007, there has been Anti-Semitic hate crimes cusing on these issues. be seeing some very exciting JNS that “over the last few a steady drumbeat of a mes- and bias incidents on college things, including ultimately years, there has been a slow, sage that Israel is improving campuses more than tripled with the Palestinians.” but steady buildup in relations its relations with moderate from 2012 through 2019, Netanyahu also hinted at between Israel and the Gulf Arab countries,” said Krasna. according to the Anti-Defa- future diplomatic ties during states. Israeli businessmen mation League. Government his press conference when he have been going back and UAE on page 15A data shows that religious- PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, AUGUST 21, 2020 Congregation Ohev Shalom welcomes new youth director, Jayme Epstein The leadership of Con- the Jewish Theological Semi- Olim, Kadima and USY youth gregation Ohev Shalom is nary. In these strange times, groups. pleased to announce the hir- Epstein is striving to find COS USY is open to all ing of Jayme Epstein as youth ways to help Jewish youth stay Jewish 9th-12th graders re- director. connected to their Judaism as gardless of synagogue mem- Epstein grew up between well as each other. She hopes bership. Westchester, New York, and to grow the youth programs “We are looking forward to Dallas, Texas, and has been in at Ohev through unique and having Jayme use her skills, Orlando for eight years. She experiential programs that knowledge and experience to graduated from Texas Tech enrich the participants lives. take our youth groups to the University with Bachelors of Epstein is thrilled to be a next level,” said Amy Geboff, Business Administration in part of the Ohev family, and director of Youth and Family Marketing and Accounting. cannot wait to see where this Education. A little over three years ago, experience takes her.
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