בס“ד Parshat Vayera 18 Cheshvan, 5779/October 27, 2018 Vol. 10 Num. 8 (#386) To sponsor an issue of Toronto Torah for $180, please email
[email protected] or call 416-783-6960 Avraham 1, Angels o Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner Forty days atop Sinai communing with arrives with two such motions. place “where sceptered angels held their G-d, without the complaints of his (Berachot 4b) residence, and sat as princes, whom the nation, might seem like an ideal • Yechezkel 1:7 describes malachim as supreme King exalted to such power, vacation for Moshe Rabbeinu – but having a single, straight leg; the and gave to rule, each in his hierarchy, according to various midrashim, it was Sages explain that they lack knees, the orders bright.” anything but. In mild versions of the and so they never sit down and rest. story, the heavenly population of (Bereishit Rabbah 65:21; but see But our midrash paints malachim as malachim [“angels”] wished to deny Shemot Rabbah 25:2) deficient, specifically because they Moshe the Torah; per some texts, they • In certain situations, the Sages rule cannot sacrifice as Avraham did – for attempted to kill him. (Shabbat 88b; that halachah does not require sacrifice is what makes us worthy of the Shemot Rabbah 28:1; Devarim exceptionally burdensome activities; Divine covenant. Torah is about korban, Rabbah, Haazinu) their language is, “The Torah was not offering our resources to G-d; chesed – given to the ministering malachim,” offering our resources to others; and In one midrash, G-d protected Moshe for whom these activities would be medinah – channeling our resources, by resorting to Mission Impossible effortless.