
Jesse James files #1

Table of Contents Newspaper and magazine clippings from various sources

1. proves a elusive in death as he was in life, The Minneapolis Tribune, July 15, 1979, p.2E

2. Bullet that wounded Jesse discovered at 's farm, [Faribault], The Daily News Extra, August 8, 1979, p.4

3. Gun of James Gang displayed; obtained at Madelia Capture, The Monitor, No. 5, April 27, 1939. n.p.

4. A unique chapter of American History: The Rise and fall of Jesse James, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, August 4, 1925, p.19

5. Jesse James legend shrouded in mystery, The St. Paul Sunday Pioneer Press, June 17, 1979, p. 13

6. No white hat for people's choice, Jesse James, The Post, June 19, 1988, n.p.

7. Why James boys' nags were shod backward, revealed, The St. Paul Pioneer Press, January 5, 1930, n.p.

8. used guerrilla tactics in court battles- The Kansas City Star [?], January 13 or 14,1950, n.p.

9. No such person as Jesse James, The Minnesapolis Star, November 24, 1938, n.p.

10. Associate of Notorious Jesse James, Man who boasted two notches on gun... .The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon, SK, Canada, January 1936, n.p.

11. Jesse and Frank James: The Family History. Steele, Phillip W. Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Company, 1987. 112 pp. Jesse James files #2

Tabteof fconterfts1- Newspaper and magazine clippings from various sources

1. The James bofs gato-war^Civtf Way Illustrated: January/February 1994rpp.28-33,58,60-62

2. The night they bombed "Castle James"- Olfltimers Wild West. April 1980, pp. 21-27,41

3. The day the James home was bombed, Real West. January 1980, pp. 38-41,56 *Note that we have the entire issue of this publication

4. Those dirty little cowards'*, Real West April 1988, no. 219 , pp. 32-36

5. The trial Of Jesse James Jr., Old West. Summer, 1987, pp. 12-17

6. The bullet that kilted Jessd James, True West. Octbber, 1987, pp. 50-51 [2 copies]

7. The man who shot Bob Fdrd, PjoneerWest. May 1980, pp. 16-19,56-64

8. HOrses of the heros- Oldtimers.WiUJ West AnmiaU979. pp. 38-49

9. Clell and Ed Millerf members of the James Pan^. Fitzgerald, Ruth Coder, Paper first presented at the National Association for Outlaw Lawman Histdryi Rahsds City, , 1987.

10. New book traces Jesse James's family, Northfield News. September 19, 1987, n.p. Jesse James files #3

Table of Contents- Newspaper and magazine clippings from various sources

1. What w&s Jesse James like 83 years ago, Faribault t)ailyNew& pp. 1-? This item is incomplete (missing at least one paragraph, and deteriorating) 2. Digging up the raid story this week... ., rt.t, September 23, 1932?., n.p. *No proper title for this item 3. Bandits couldn't intimidate them, n.t, September 23, 1932?, n.p. 4. The Jackson republic, n.t., n.d., n.p. 5. Claims James brothers were not in Northfield , n,t, n.d., ap. 6. Bill Stilus still living says story about James gang, n,i, n.d., n,p. 7. Actor ill famous bank faid dead, n.t., August 9> 1929?, n.p. 8. Notthfuild bdnk raid heros dies, n.t., April 18, 1930?, n.j}. 9. Wisconsin claims Jesse* James, Northfield News [?], Jund 8, 1978? 10. RoVin' found, Blue Earth County 7, May 17, 1*935?^ n.d. 11. Record of fight for Jesfce Jatnes rewatd found ih files... . Minneapolis Tribune, April 26, 193?, n.p. 12. Old clock saw James robbery, n.t., n.d., n.p. 13. Veteran horserace trainer recalls capture of bandits, n.t., n.d., n.p. 14. New booklet on Northfield bank raid published, n.t., September 8~ 1933 [?], n.p. 15. James boys bank holdiip vividly told by local man, Pes Moines Register Tribune.[?]. n.d., n.p. 16. Memories of stirring times, Webster Journal [?], n.d., n.p. 17. A daring was foiled... .n.t., n.d., n.p. *No proper title for this item 18. General Ames too modest to tell part in Northfield bank raid, Northfield News [?], September 2, 1929 [?], n.p. 19: Northfield raid of 50 years ago is vivid memory, n.t., June 19, ?, n.p. 20. Survivor recalls part in bank raid of 1876, n.t., n.d., n.p. 21. Tuesday marks 50th anniversary of raid on Northfield bank, n.t., n.d., n.p. 22. Raid on Northfield bank is recalled, n.t., n.d., n.p. 23. Old timers tell of James Gangs's Northfield raid, n.t., n.d., n.p. 24. Northfield bank robbery most daring work of James-Younger gang in Southern Minnesota, n.t., n.d., n.p. 25. James-Younger gang staged hot battle with Northfield citizens after bank holdup, n.t., n.d., n.p. 26. Younger btothets captured shortly after gang divided, One killed, one wounded, n.t., n.d., n.p. 27. James brothers stopped in Falls in an attempt to dodge Northfield posse, n.t., n.d., n.p. 28. "This is the eighth of a series of articles recounting activities of the James-Younger bandit gang... .", n.t., n.d., n.p. *No proper title foi 29. Webster man tells of capture of Younger bandit gang in Madelia., n.t., n.d., n.p.

30. Tales and trails of yesterday.,nkt, n.d., n.p. 31. Northfield bank robbers stopped at Charles Brust Sr., hotel here, n.t.. n.d., n.p. 32. The Northfield saga,n.t, n.d., n.p. 33. Career of James-Younger gang is ended by prison and death, n.t., n.d., n.p. 34. Killing of bandit Jesse James is told by officer who arrested slayer, n.t., n.d., n.p. 35. For ten years following the Civil war... ., n.t., n.d., n.p. *No proper title for this item 36. Jesse leaps chasm in escape, n.t., n.d., n.p. 37. .. Vought writes the story of the James—Younger brothers raid, n.t., November 17, 1915, n.p. 38. tried to buy horse from marshal for raid, n.t., n.d., n.p. /

39. ... bank raid; recalls events of memorable day in September... . n.t., n.d.,n.p. * Incomplete title for this item 40. Dr. Wheeler took leading part in repulse of bank robbers in 1876, n.t., April 18, 1930 [?], n.p. 41. Madelia lad played part of "Paul Revere" in capture of Youngers, n.t., July 25, 1930, n.p. 42. Webster man gives his story of James-Younger raid... ., jut, n.d., n.p. 43. Heard on square: Bill Schilling says... . n.t., April 15, 1948, n.p, 44. Frank, James, and were cornered in a hideway... . n.t., n.d., n.p. *No proper title for this item 45. James gang raid on Northfield bank 50 years ago marked ' doom, n.t., n.d., n.p. 46. Story of Northfield bank robbery a told by Cole Younger... ., Daily Argus-Leader, Sioux Falls, S.D., n.d., n.p. Jeslse James files #4

Table df Contents Newspaper and magazine clippings from various sources

L "Jesse lamei", 90-years old, Seeks parcfoa from* Missourigovernor, declaring he was never killed, n.t.,h.d.,n.p.

2. Tree reputed rendevous of Jessi J&nies, gangsters, Falls* n.t., September 7, 1930, nip.

3. Wontari sure that Jesse lived to be 100, n.t.,n.d., n.p.

4. Family put Jesie Up on escape, h.t,nkd., ri.pi

5. had its time in the Alamo, rt.t.» .h.d., h.p.

6. Jesse J;amtes, ESq, Bandit, rt.t> n.d,, rt.p,

7. Leetle Jesse James, n.t., n.d., n.p.

8. According td pioneer tale: James brothers bedded for Dakota, n.t., n.d., n.p.

9. Charlie's kkeietoh may not be Oharlie after ill, n.t, n.d., n.p.

10. Jesse James safe. RCJ [?], October 12, 1876 [?], p. 4., col 2 [?]

11. The James and Younger boys, RCJ [?], November 2, 1876 [?], p.l.; col 7 [?]

12. kefortned and happy: Trotted rheets man he saved from crime, n,t, n.d., n.p.

13. Charles Bhi&t, Sr., recalls Jamei gang'i visit here, New Ulm [?], h.d., n.p.

14. Glorifying Jisse Jarhefc, Philadelphia Public Ledger [?), h.d., n.p. 15. Monument to jesse jaes, but none to his pursuers, n.t., n.d., n.p. *Letter to the editor of "The Journal"

16. Jessfe James, Ea^.AX., n.di, ti.p.

li. public enemy, h.t, n.d., n.p.

18. $20,000 reward dead or alive!... . n.t., n.d., n.p.

19. Among our readers, Stanley News Press. Abermarie, N.C., [?]., n.d., n.p.

20. Doing right by grandfather., n.t., n.d., n.p.

21. ifotbrious jesie James is recfell&d at uiiiqtie reunioh, tlibblngj Efaily frribdneLn.d. , n.p. li. the Nbrihfteld 6ahk Rdid, September 1&76. wben tbe Jamis kiti YoUnget gang met thteir Waterlod, ri.t, n.d., n.p.

2$. Aleihehtd of Jesie JameJs., n.t. tivticbi^ari?]^ n,d.> n.p.

24. banket granddaughter 6f ieise Jalmfes puts her grahdsire'i ricd>rd straight., n.t., ri.d,, h.p. Jesse James #5

Raiders of the tost archives: "If robbers should come", Heywood saves Carleton cash... ., The Carletonian. May 1, 1987, p. 7

Whiting also witnes^barik raid, SfftiMites [?}, Ndvefmber^S; 1887 [?J, fi.pj

General Ames too modest to teli part iri Northfield bid, Reprint of ih6 Northfaeld iMwh. Aiigiist 2, 1^, n.p. ^2 copies

Jesse James5 gang interrupted dinner^ Mirtndapolis &tar. March 7, 1949, n.p.

90 yearfc ago in Northfield: Eyewitness recalls attempted bank robbery by Jesie James, Sfr Paul Ptioheer Prtesl Augufet &8i, 19l66, n.p.

Fr6m then oh, Jesse stuck to train robbbry.. i . MJnikeslpdriia Siunldajj/ fribuhei J&nuaiy 18^ 1948, p. 1

Jaihefc boys it Northfiild, "Ncfc", sdys Yoiin^er's bobk, MitfoAattolb kuhdav TiibtMie. Jahuky lfe, 1948, p.l

It lasted ohly s£v

Jesse Jam£s-Yd>uhgfer j*ahg bit the dUst in thfe fkmoUr ISfdrthfifeld bknk raid.. i . Mimkedpdlid Simdajy tribute*. September 1, 1946, p. 1

"Ah dxditihg interchange of leaden c6utti£s Jesse James #6

1. Cole Younger, after capture, 1876, [photograph], Courtesy of History Collections, University of Library, n.d.

2. , after capture, 1876, [photograph], Courtesy of Western-History Collections, University of Oklahoma Library, n.d.

3. Bob Younger, after capture, 1876, [photograph], Courtesy of Western History Collections, University Of Oklahoma Library, n.d.

4. Manila envelope, [10" x 6.5"] addressed to "Librarian, Public Library, Northfield, Minn.'* From School of Business Administration, Un Minneapolis, Minneapolis 14, Minnesota. Envelope contains:

1) The Jesse James home near Excelsior Springs, Missouri, [postcardJ 2) Jesse James first grave, [postcard] 3) Jesse James family plot, [postcard] 4) Capture at Madelia, [photograph], n.d. 5) Bank robbers, [photograph], n.d. 6) A.R. Manning, [photograph], tiA. 7) Joseph Lee Haywood, [photograph], n.d. &) Alonzo E. Bunker, [photograph], n.d. 9) Jesse James, [photograph], n.d.

5. McClellan (Clell) Miller, a member of the James- Younger gang, Was killed at the Northfield, MihnesOtk bank robbery 6n September 7, [photograph], n.d.

6. Jessfe James in 1875, at age 28, about a year after his marriage to his Cousin Zerelda (Zee), [photograph], n.d.

7. A widely circulated picture which purports to be Frank and Jefcse James and their mother;, [photograph], nrd.

8. Col^ Younger, the only extrovert in the James-Younger gang. Pictuer taken in 1&76 after injuries inflicted Upon him during his, Bob Y Jim Younger5s and Charlie Pitt's capture, [photograph], rt.d. 9. Cole Younger after release, [photograph], n.d.

10r James Youilger, while serving time in thrStillwater Penitentiary; 1889, [photograph]

11. kobert Younger* while serving time in the Stillwater Penitentiary^ 1890, [photograph]

12. Cole Younger^ while serving time in the Stillwater Penitentiary, n.d. [photograph]

13. The Younger family, children bf the wealthy landowner Henry W. Younger of Jackson County... ., n.d. [photograph]

14. One Photocopy of photographs containing:

1) Jim Youhger, horilbly Wounded was captuted.. i . 1) Cole Younger, despite being woUnded eleven tifries.,. . 3) Robert Younger, ihot and seriously WoUhded... . 4) William Mes» alias Bill Chaldwell. t, . $) Charlie Pitts, alias SahtUel Wells,..> 6) Clelland 0. (Clell) Miller, died... . ll Jesse Woodson James in 1864 (aged 17 yeirs) \Vhile sekving as a guerilla fighter.., .n.d., [photograph]

16. Mumified [Sic] ear at Schilling Museum, [description of, as catalogued by W.F. Schilling... .], n.d.

17. keminder. Mrs and Mrs. Ailed f reeberg o£ St. Cloud rah across the house in which Jesse James was killed... Northfield Shopper. Apri 1970, p.9

11 Wanted dead of alive... . [photograph, plui advertisrheht for Time-Life fioofes],,n,d .

19. New York Detective Library: "The man oh the black horse,.. ." Vol. 1, No. 470, [photocopy o^ cover of book serial title], n.d. 20. The stroller visits the old home of Jesse James. [Parphment pap$r poster reproduced fromth e Kansas City Stbif; 1932, c6urttesy df the J Bank Museum, Liberty Missouri)

kt j^og Cabin Library. uJ

?3. One photocopy of photographs containing:

ft-fchk J&meS, in late middle life, n.d,, [photograph] > I j Udlfe Youngef, aged about 65, n.d., [photograph] W#b Lee Haywood, n,d.> [photograph] £4.6n6 photocopy of photographs containing: JeSse James Frank Janies, n.d., [photograph]

25Gne plidtdoopy of photographs containing: Charlie frits Cole Younger, n.d., tphotograph]

One phbWcdpy of photographs Containing:

1) JesSe James in 1870... . [Carl W. Breihari Collection] i) Jesse James at 24 [Carl W. Breihan Collection] ty Jii 1870, Frank James looked like any young American... , £Carl W. Breihaft Collection] A) Jim Younger after caputre, at the Faribault [sic], Minn. Jail.., . [Cad W. Breihart Collection] 5) Bob Younger afi a yOung man oil his father's farm... . [Carl W. Breihan Collection] 6) tittle Ybuhger, as he appeared during the Civil War [Carl Wi Breihan Collection]

26. the Northfield raid, Northfield News, July 10, 1807, pp. 1-2,4. 27. One Unmarked manila envelope containing: Photographs of; r "" r |) [Jdseph Lee Hiaywood], n.d. *No identification of photograph |) [Joseph Lee Haywood], n.d. *No identification of photograph 3) [Cole Younger], n.d. *No identification of photograph 4) Color slide, n.d., no identification of photograph, property of Northfield Historical Society £) | [), n.d,, *No identification of phqtbgmph Drawing of [Joseph Lee HayWood], n.d. *No identification of drawing Jetse James, n*d. [Cole YoUn&ef], ni, *No identifidaticjn bf phdtdgtaph [Jimes Youhgferj, rid. *N6 identifidatioh of photograph ' 10) [ARi Manning, h.ti. il)UMdemifiedpioyriphof [Northfleld]t n>& *Noted on babk uPrdperty of CarlL. Weicht'\ l2)Ui!iidentified p ttdg^h bf 1 k n.d. ; ,, , if j 13)Flihderii Hotel, t.t. Vku&ht, £rop., lUadeliai Miih.5 n.d. [dbMg] 14) Unidentified dfa^iiigi [i iter page], Of Northfield feank raid, n.d. l5)Lalrgi blade arid whiti phdtdgraphid r^ptodudtidn of Joseph tde kaywood *No identification of photograph 28. One rrianila ehvelope marked A. Peatsdn Co. Inc." addressed to Mr. Lee L. Fossum containing photographs of: 1) Stiles. Northfield bank robber, Shot on street during fight by Mr, Manning, September 1876 2) Jim Younger. Northfield bfthk robber. Taken after capture, September 1876 3) Cole Younger. Ndrthfield b^nk robber. After capture, September 1876 4) Charlie Pitts, Northfield b^ilk robber. Taken after death; killed at time of capture, September 1876 5^ JeSst Jkme^, n.d. 6J) h6b Ybuh^er, Northfield bakk rdbber. Taken after capture, September 1876 73 Miller. Northfield b^nk robber, killed in ffont of bank, September 1876 8) Mnk James, n.d. 9) Envelope also contains letter from A. Pearson Co., Inc. to Jampe, Fossunv Jacobsen and Bbr&ife dfeted September 23,

29. Incomplete newspaper article "... proved as elusive in death as he was... .n.t., July 15, 1979 I

n Jesse James #7

1. "Weight of evidence says Jesse James was here", by Maggie Lee, The [Northfield News. September 25, 1980], n.p.

2. "Researcher thinks Jesse wasn't here", [The Northfield News, July 30, 1981], n.p.

3. "What do you think. Getting Northfield history straight." [The Northfield News. September 5, 1924], n.p.

4. "From his grave "Jim" Cummins voices hatred of the James boys", TheKansas City Star, September 22, 1929, Section C, n.p.

5. "Bank raid documents found... . [The Northfield News. August 12, 1982], n.p.

6. "St. Paul Arch marks stat os James-Younger gain raid on Northfield bank in 1876, n.t., n.d., n.p.

7. "Cole Younger's story of Northfield raid, capture of James gang, related. [The Fairmont Daily Sentinel 1939], n.p. * Article incomplet

8. "Homecoming visitor recalls Jesse James raid in Northfield, ..[The Faribault Daily News [?], July 20, 1932 [?], n.p.]

9. "Member of posse capturing Youngers fetes wedding", [The Minneapolis Journal November 24, 1929 [?]], n.p., photograph

10. "Cleveland, N.D. resident married 50 years- ... " [The Minneapolis Journal November 24, 1929 [?]], n.p.

11. "Last of posse that daught Younger bandits now 83... ." [The Minneapolis Journal November 24, 1929 [?]], n.p.

12. "As boy and man...." The Webster Journal Webster, South Dakota, July 17, 1930, n.p.

13. "Interest is still keen in bank raid story... ." [The Northfield News], September, 10, 1926, n.p.

14. "The lesson endures", [The Northfield News]. September 10, 1926, n.p.

15. "The rise and fall of Jesse James", [The Pes Moines Register], n.d., n.p. * Article incomplete ;**?

16. The Northfield raid 50 years ago and the capture of the raiders", The Sioux City Sunday Journal October 10, 1926, n.p.

17. "Pioneer Minnehaha County farmer tells of Jesse James visit here", [The Rock Co. Star. Luverne, Minn], [February 23, 1939].

18. Northfield, Minn., - The Waterloo of the James gang..:', The Milwaukee Journal July 24, 1974, part 1, n.p. Jesse James #8

1. [43 index cards with handwritten notes pertaining the Jesse James. No author, no date]

2. The great Northfield Minnesota bank raid,, September,.7,, 1876. Historical-background. No author, no date [One typed sheet]

3. The James bbyk at Northfield. Breihan, dart. W.. n.d. [One 16 page typed essay]

4. The Northfield b;ank raid. Radio talk by Carl L. Weicht, Wednesday^ April 17, over statioh W.C.A.L. [n.d.> One 10 page typed essay]

5. Letter fromA.O . Sdrbell td Carl Weight. Web&ter (South ftakotal August 19, 1,929. [One page, two Sided letter].

6. [One 4" X 11" sheet of paper with handwritten notes pertaining td the Jekse James gdng. [nd author, ft.d.]]

7. [One 8.5" X 11" feheeto f paper with handwritten ndtes pertainihg to the Chronology Of the James gang ih 1876]j)[n.a., n.d,] Jesse James #9

1. The Northfield bank raid. September 7. 1876. A story of the heroism of pioneer... . Northfield News. Inc. Seventh, edition, 1971

2. "The James gang and Ndrthfield" [O'Grady, Doriald J. the Pioneer Press and dispatch: history at your door 1849-19&3, 3. St £aul, Northwest Pubs,, C1983, pp. 47-49] *PhotOcOpy Of three pages fromboo k 4. Northfield Life. Chapter II- Supplement, September 7, 1971. Northfield Press, Inc. cl971 ^Contains a number of short items abot bank robbery.

5. Terror at Northfield". Mieux, CO, Inland: The Magazine of the Middle West. Winter^ 1957, No. 18, pp.2-5. Jesse James #10

1. Reward! Dead or Alive. $5,000 will be paid for the capture... . ^Reduced replica of wanted poster for James and Younger gangs

2. Ring of bright leaves... . [The Northfield News, AugUst 121, 1970, n.p.] ^Clipping from the Northfield News

3. ["Only photo showing bank area exactly as it was in 1876"] *Photocopy of photograph, n.d.

4. Scriver's Block, occupied by First National Bank, the scene of the robbers attack, n.d. ^Clipping from newspaper of line drawing

5. Joseph Lee Haywood, Northfield's bank cashier, who was shot to death... . Courtesy of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, Inc. of photograph

6. Dr. Henry M. Wheeler, who at the age of nineteen first noticed the outlaw's presence... » Courtesy of Pinkerton's National Detecl Inc. ^Photocopy of photograph

7. Frank J. Wilcox, bank bookkeeper, who was covered ... Courtesy of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, Inc. Photocopy of photc

8. Anselm R. Manning, Northfield hardware merchant. Manning is but one of the citzen's who... . Courtesy of Pinkerton's Nation Agency, Inc. *£hotOcopy of photograph

9. Alonzo E. Bunker, bank teller in the Northfield bank... . Courtesy of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, Inc. ^Photocopy of photc

10. Colt pistol used in the Northfield Raid by Cole Younger, n.d. ^Photocopy of photograph

11. Jesse James rides at Northfield. Santiago, Minn., collector displays lethal weapons, The Minneapolis Tribune, May 23, 1938

12. The Outlaw trail. Following the James-Younger gang. Northfield Area Chamber of Commerce. April 1997. ^Pamphlet that prov route taken by James Younger gang to and from the Northfield bank raid. -*/& fc

13. 50" X 9.5" sheet with drawings of [First National Bank], interior 1873 + 1878), 1976; Study plan of Northfield Historical Socie Scriver Building, 1980

14. 16" X 8.5" sheet with handdraWn sketch of downtown Northfield detailing buildings and location of events occurring during the Noi raid, n.a., n.d.

15. James-Younger gang outlaw trail tdur, Northfield, Minnesota. Prepared by Lee L. Fdssum and Barbara Buselmeier for The Noi Chamber of Commerce., c 1983, 7 pp.

16. In this room Joseph Lee Haywood refusing to betray his trust was shot by bank robbers September 7, 1876... . [4.5" X 5"handprinted i

17. 8.5" X 11" [photocopy of Joseph Lee Haywood]

1$. Furteral discourse. Joseph Lee Haywood. September 1Q, 1876. Leonard, Rev. D.L., Pastor of Second Congregational Church, Nortl Minneapolis, MN; Johnson & Smith, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1876. 15 pp. [One original, one photocopy]

19. 5.25" X 5.25" undated photograph of Scriver Building

20. 8" X 10" glossy photograph ["Pistol said to be picked up on street after raid]

21. Pioneer merchant who became hero. A. R. Manning... .n.t., n.d. [*Phdtograph Clipped from newspaper]

22. 3.5" X 1.5" photograph, plus accompanying desciption of Northfield bridge crossed the the same time, by Jesse Ames, owner of Am vice president of First National Bank, and James Younger gang, n.a., ri.d. Jesse James #11

1. Jesse James gang back in the saddle again. Northfield re-enacts... .Ojeda, Julia [The St. Paul Pioneer Press, March 27, 1988], n.p.

2. News. Centennial edition. Part 4. Supplement to The Northfield News. The Northfield News, September 9, 1976. 16pp *2 copies t missing pp. 5-12

3. News, Centenniail edition. Second section. Supplement to The Northfield News. The Northfield News. September 9, 1976. 22pp *2 c

4. 1993 Souvenir edition Defeat of Jesse James Days. A publication of The Northfield News. September 10, 1993, 13 pp.

5. Defeat of Jesse James Days. 111th Anniversary. September 9-13, 1987. Northfield, Minnesota [*pamphlet]

6. Defeat of Jesse James Days, September 6-10, 1989, Northfield, Minnesota [*pamphlet]

7. Defeat of Jesse James Days - Bank raid re-enactment script. Joseph Lee Haywood- Memorium. Published by the Northfield Are* Commerce, n.a., n.d, 4 pp. * 6 copies

8. Northfield bank raid re-enactment script. Revised addition September 1993. McCrae, Don 8 pp. *2 copies

9. Come to Northfield for Jesse James' last stand. September Aerial WCAL/FM 89.3/AM 770 Pubilc Radio from St. Olaf College.

10. Defeat of Jesse James. Souvenir edition, 1876-1990. The Northfield News. 12 pp.

11. Minnesota city observes downfall of Jesse James. [The Gazette. S& Joseph, Missouri], n.a., n.d.

12. Spirit of'76 (1876 that is) returns, The Minneapolis Tribune. September 7, 1969, section B, pplB-2B

"Northfield, Minn.: leafy campuses and a Jesse James festival" The Christian Science Monitor, June 21, 1983, p. 16 *2 copies Northfield to note Jesse James Day. Pioneer Pictorial. The Saint Paul Pioneer Press. September 5, 1948

"Shades of Jesse James"You shot him Henry; I guess he's yours. Gold Nugget. Bezdicek, Doug, September 9, 1970. ppl-2

"He was parked. - Nicolas Gustavson, Swedish immigrant who did not understand English..." .Photograph taken from [The Northfield > n.p.

One 6.5" X 4.25" photograph original of Jesse James Coffee Shop, n.d.

One 7.25" X 9.25" photograph original of horse tied to parking meter outside "Laura's Hamburger Shop", n.d.

Defeat of Jesse James Days Schedule of events, Saturday, August 28, 1976-Sunday, September 12, 1976; flier, *2 copies

Photo of bank raid re-enactment. The Northfield News [?], ?, 1968

2.5" diameter Defeat of Jesse James buttons, Northfield, Minnesota, September 8-12, 1982. Numbers 2792 and 11673 *2 buttons Jesse James #12

Contains documents pertaining to the prison sentence and parole of Younger brothers

1. 12" X 7,75" drawing of The State Prison of Minnesota, Stillwater, n.a., n.d.

2. 8" X 3" drawing of Minnesota State Prison, at Stillwater, n.d., n.d.

3. 8.5" X 11" photocopy of photographs:

1) Memorial to Younger brothers 2) Outsie of transfer to prison of Younger brothers 3) Remaining building of old Stillwater prison 4) Inside of transfer to prison of Younger brothers 5) Monthly report of Jim Younger paroled July l4, 1901, tb Hehry Wolfer, Warden Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, Minnesota, &i 1901

6) Monthly report of Cole Younger paroled [n.d.], to C.j McReeve Warden Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, Minnesota, dated August

7) Parole record of Cole and "Jas" Younger, July 10, 1903. Registration number 699 and 700. (2 copies)

8) Parole agreeement for T.C. Younger, July 23, 1901 (2 pp.)

9) Photocopy of Minnesota State Archives cover sheet from Stillwater State Prison,n.d. Jesse James #13

Contains correspondence

1. Letter dated November 14, 18?9 from ! G. Ames

2. Letter dated August 14, 1901 from Jim Younger

3. Letter dated September 13, 1948 from ? "Lee" Hawk.

4. Note from Jim Younger to Warden Wolfer regarding a cigar advertisement, [October 10, 1901]

5. [Letter from A.O. Sorbel, Webster, S.D., to Carl Weicht], 6 pp.

6. One 8.5" X 11" photocopy of photograph of unidentified street, n.d.

7. One letter from Minneapolis Public Library, Business and Science Department to unnamed person regarding attached newspaper page Charlie Yeager, n.a., August 31, 1982

8. One letter from Hazel A. Faubion, St. Joeseph, Mo. to Mr. Don Pavek, dated September 7, 1978 regarding book she wrote entitled Tales < "St. Joe.". Book includes a chapter on Jesse James.

9. Photocopy of handwritten note from ? McKenzie about finding the Northfield robbers in Le Seur county while on a hunting expedition., n.d.

10. One white manila envelope containing:

1) Handwritten letter from W. J. Olin, 1122 Norton Avenue, Sioux Falls, S.D. to F.L. Vought, Clear Lake, S.D. dated June 7, 1924 regardi Smith and Wesson gun possibly used by one of the Northfield bank robbers. 2) Letter from Paul Koenig? To Mr. Headly regarding clippings andjetter that pertain to gun possibly used by one of the Northfield bank robbe

11. "Dear Walter: Last night I was reading... ."n.a., November 20, 1962 [Incomplete letter]

12. The Jesse James Raid, Standke, Jami, Sovereign, Sheri and Kim Gillispie, May 23, 1974 7 pp. school project. Jesse James #14

"Welcome to our town! A few years ago "Jesse James" impersonated by "Chapter II, page 5, Northfield Life 1, Autumn 15

"A ghost on the square" [poem], n.a., n.d.

[Photograph of bank raid reenactment], n.t., n.d.

"Certainly there is no other single event in the history ofMinnesota... ." n.t., n.a.,n.d. [5 columns]

"A bad guys trivia test" Farihautlt Daily News EXTRA, Faribault, Minn., Wednesday* September li, 1979, [p.] 1

The Gr^at Ndrthfifeld Bank kobbery [gam£ in a plastic bag] infcludes:

1) 1 gold covfer sttfcet 2) 1 5 pp. introduction 3) 1 5pp. sceiiarictS 4) 1 10.5" X 4" cardbOkrd sheet 5) 53 5'X 3" paying cards Jesse James #15

"Heard on the square; Bill Schilling says", n.t, April 15, 1948

"Oscar Shumway owns safe that balked James-Younger robbers in Northfield raid", n.a., n.t, n.d.

"Northfield will mark 50th anniversary on Tuesday of James-Younger bandit raid", n.a., at., n.d. "Scenes of James-Younger raid at Northfield", n.a., n.t, n.d.

"The Northfield raid", n.a., at, n.d. * 2.5" X 9.75" photocopied column

"A Northfield anniversary", n.a., n.t, n.d. *2" X 6" photocopied column

"The Northfield bank robbery: Story of the affair as written for The Northfield News", n.a., n.t.:, n.d. * "4.24 X "2.25 photocopied column Defeat of the Jesse James Gang: small town routs notorious outlaws in the Northfield bank raid [Defeat of Jesse James Days, 1985] * 24 j containing a number of articles about the Northfield bank raid. Maggie Lee, ed. Articles include:

1) "James gang defeat not dead history" p. 2 2) "Seven minutes that live... ." p. 3 3) "Defeat unfolds: Northfield escapes aftermath of war; Ames mill gives town tie; James recruit proposes raid of northfield 4 4) "Defeat unfolds: Gang exits Missouri under double cover; Elaborate preparations precede Northfield raid", p. 5 5) "Defeat unfolds: Jesse's cover blown in Mankato; Pose as cattle buyers waylays suspicions; Bandits scout shops for loaded guns", p. 6 6) "Robbers spot enemy: Mississippi Gov. Ames; Gangsters patrol bank as raid time ticks nearer", p. 7 7) "Trio enters bank brandishing pistols; Wheeler, Allen sound alarm to passers by; Teller's exit slowed by bullet from Pitts", p. 8 8) "Bandits open fire as town folks get guns; Refusal to open safe brings death to Heywood". p. 9 9) "Jesse's gang knew of Ames family", p. 9 10) "Manning grabs gun, shoots bandit's horse; Second bullet catches Cole Younger in the hip; Wheeler aids Manning in wounding Young* 11) "Heywood's heroic death rewarded", p. 10 12) "Shop keepers provide shelter as battle rages in street; Swedish immigrant shot: Northfielder takes shelter", p. 11 13) "Student's aid during raid preceded by surgical career", p. 11 14)"Gustafson killed", p. 11 15) "Cole rescues brother amid flying bullets; Town left reeling as James gang exits", p. 12 16) "Hail of bullets", pp. 12-13 17) "Reliving history", pp. 12-13 18) "Bedtime tales abound as raid enters history", p. 13 19) "Younger blames liquor for Northfield ; Posse stops at saloon ; robbers pass by; Dead, bloody robbers attract gawkers", p. 14 20) "Gang spends night in Shieldsville woods; Dead Stiles identified by brother-in-law", p. 15 21) "Bandits aid widow with $1,500 for farm; Wheeler spirits bodies away for dissection; Gang splits; some stay with dying Bob Younger" 22) "Young marksman wounds Frank James; Meeting with medic provides fresh mounts, clothes", p. 17 23) "Bank route", p. 17 24) "Sioux city editor guides James duo; Brothers head south to hide in Mexico; Youngers, Pitts attract chase near Madelia", p. 18 25) "Gangsters foiled in tried to steal horses; Foursome shot, captured brought to Madelia", p. 19 26) "Prisoners attract tourist trade; Capture brings relief to Northfield homes; Bunker declines offer of dead Pitts' finger", p. 21 27) "Restoration of bank emphasizes historical accuracy", p. 20 /

/ 28) "Younger refuses invite to identify Heywood's killer; St. Louis prisoner termed Northfield robber", p. 21 29) "Youngers stand trial in Faribault court; Trio pleads guilty, gets life in Stillwater; Jesse shot by Ford in Missouri, 1882", p. 22 30) "Northfielders recall tales of raid spun by ancestors", p. 22 31) "Youngers released, 1901, Jim commits suicide; Younger biog claims James not party to Northfield raid", p. 23

"Looking back: Bone to run... .", Minnesota Monthly Kenney, DaveFebruary 1999, p. 26 * Article incomplete'

The Northfield bank raid: Fiftieth anniversary finds interest undimmed in oft-told take of repulse by James-Younger gang Reprinted Northfield News of August 27, September 3, 10, and 17, 1926, 22 pp. * 5 copies, no covers The Northfield Bank Raid. September 7, 1876, First edition, 1933, 32 pp. * 1 copy, dark rust colored cover The Northfield Bank Raid, September 7.1876. Second edition, 1938, 32 pp. * 2 copies, light rust colored covers The Northfield Bank Raid, September 7, 1876, Fifth edition, 1948, 32 pp. * 1 copy, light rust colored cover The Northfield Bank Raid, September 7. 1876, Sixth edition, 1953, 32 pp. * 2 copies, light blue colored covers The Northfield Bank Raid, September 7, 1876, Seventh edition, 1962, 32 pp. * 4 copies, 1 gold, 3 green colored covers

; • ';^„ ,v^-.^.-_- Jesse James #16

1. 1 11" X 14" manila envelop containing: 2. "20th Century-Fox" presents "Jesse James"... envelope. *Cover envelope for color photographs taken from 1939 movie This is valuab 3. 7 color photographic stills taken fromth e movie * These are valuable

4. The great Northfield bank raid. The Minneapolis Tribune Picture, February 14, 1982, 16 pp.

5. "An anniversary worth noting. Glamor and adventure are not frequently worth noting... .",n.a., n.t, [1936], n.p.

6. "Movies to put Northfield in new spotlight. Jesse Jams exploits, this time in pictures... . ", n.a., n.t.,n .d., n.p.

7. 2" X 10.25" column"Across the editor's desk.", n.a., n.t, [February 2, 1939?], n.p.

8. "Across the editor's desk", n.a., n.t., [January 29, 1939?], n.p.

9. ''Northfield outraged by Jesse James film story. Movie implies local citizens were tipped off about famous raid", n.a., n.t.,n.d., n.p.

10. "Jesse James robs the bank at Northfield ["These action pictures , taken from the film, "Jesse James", for The Journal, show Hollywooc of the Northfield, Minn., bank robbery.], The Minneapolis Journal n.d., n.p. *2 copies, One item is an a manila envelope, it is an advan of deterioration and should be stabilized and laminated. Jesse James #17

"Missouri's Jesse James museums Historic Traveler. Elia, Lisa. July/August 1995, pp. 22-24

"How does bank raid fit into history". n.a. [The Northfield News], Centennial edition-Part four, September 9, 1976, pp. 3-4

"W.W. Pye, for many years a prominent attorney here... ." n.a. [The Northfield News], Centennial edition-Part four, September 9, 1976, p. 3

"Number four", n.a. [The Northfield News], Centennial edition-Part four, September 9, 1976, p. 3

"Jesse James" City of St. Joseph. http://www.ci.st-joseph.mo.us//jesjames.html, 12/20/01 3 pp. *3 copies

"Joseph Lee Heywood: hero of the defeat of Jesse James" n.a. [The Northfield News], Centennial edition-Part four, September 9, 1976, p. 32

Bridge Square and Division Street bridge, [photograph], n.a., n.d. Part of 1976 calender

Artist's portrayal of the infamous raid on the First National Bank by the James-Younger gang, September 7, 1876. Part of 1976 calender

"Killed long ago, these outlaws refuse to die", [ The Wall Street Journal], September 6, 2001. Winegar, Karen, n.p. *2 copies

Robber and hero : the story of the Northfield bank raid / George Huntington; with an introduction by John McGuigan. Northfield, Minn. : Ch Way Co., 1895. 125 p.: ill, map, photos.; 20 cm., *2 copies Jesse James #18 "Robbery & ! Desperate attempt to rob the bank!". The Rice County Journal, n.a., September 14,1876, Vol. 5, No. 2, p. 1 *3 copies

The Northfield bank robbery. Pye, William, W. The News, Northfield, Minnesota, December 11, 1947, p. 12 Jesse James #19

1. RebW did hero : the story of the Northfield bank raid. Huntington, George n.p\: Cbliede City Press, I960, 55 pp. Ndtes: Replinf!' GriginaHyii^^^^orM^dTi^Ad^^Tflvf Go., 1895. *5 copies, one without cover ; * ; * ! • \ ' • j' i ' j • • ! 2. Jes& Janies; The truth about the Northfield raid as told by eyewitnesses and the men who shot it out with the bandits in the street battle. Northfield: Mohn Printing Company, 1939, pp. 38 Notes: Reprint. Originally published: Northfield, Minn. : Christian Way Co., 1895. *1 copy

3. "The lesson endures". TOeNdrthfiflAsaga. n.a,. n.d\. 22 pp.

i i h 3. "t»refa ce ',hi)k.a.,h.(ll.,3dpi). \ ' 4. &oiUr W llerl) ahje itdry^tlje iaifa

All articles in this folder are incomplete CJU+ 1. Sioux Falls Man Saw Youngers... .n.a., n.d, n.t., 1.5 columns 6L/-Hcuu (W*m Qi'\ve?/

2. "James brothers returned to their home, ... .", n.a., n.d., n.t., 2 columns

3. "... who lives at 929 West Seventh street... :", n.a., n.d., n.t., 5 columns

4. ".want the world to know that the... .", n.a., n.d., n.t., 6 columns

5. ".. record of which go back to the civil war... , n.a., n.d., n.t., 1 column

6. ".. are members of the posse", n.a., n.d., n.t., 4 columns

7. "exemplified, and the one... .", n.a., n.d., n.t., 3 columns

8. "Minnesota has cared to assume so grave a... .", n.a., n.d., n.t., 2 columns

9. "Northfield was second choice", n.a., n.d., n.t., 3 columns

10. "horse-trader declaring that he did not... .", n.a., n.d., n.t., 2 columns

11. "W.P. VanAmberg was that day... .", n.a., n.d., n.t., 2 columns

12. "Sioux City Family Treasures Bullet Pierced... "Mosher, Jr. Dr. Sidney, n.d., n.t., 3 columns

13." Mayorality Race Brings Out Thi... .", Derome, J.A., n..d, The Argus..., 1 column

14. "The Scene of the Battle", n.a., n.d., n.t.., 3 columns

15. "The Northfield Saga", n..a., n.d.,n.t, 6 columns

• 16. "killed in 1882 in St. Joseph, Mo.,... ." n.a., n.t, n.d. [incomplete article]

17. "rying a double burden, galloped down the street toward... .", n.a., n.t, n.d. [incomplete article]

rf, Pr^da.v>rTrcrr\ A.A. Sdfbe) - /ULUJCUJ ^^p&f^ ^ ierf l^o/,^ h^-axuud