Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington 58(1) 1991
Number 1 A semiannual journal of research devoted to Helminthology and all branches of Parasitology ,V.' ' ••:!•-"('''•••': <•/ 'W'' : ,.-.>. •; v'' '•'.;>. Supported in part by the 'BraytonH. Ransom Memorial Trust Fund , •,,. ^CONTENTS -.,.,;/.,; , , '.^\, J ;; RADOMSKI, A. A., D. A. OSBORN, D. B. PENCE, M. /Il NELSON, AND R. J. ,-' , WARREN. Visceral helminths from an expanding insular, population of the long- nosed .armadillo (Dasypus noverricinctus) r. „ _......^»;..r..,....._ _..,.....' 1 ' KRrrSKY, D. C. AND W. A. BOEOER, Neoiropical Monpgenea. 16. New species of oviparous Gyrodactylidea with proposal of Npthogyrodactyltis gen. n. (Oogyro- dactylidae) ....:..i..._! . , ..._.-_..._..._^ ..__^. „ '7 GARDNER, S; L., S.J. UPTON, C. R. LAMBERT, AND O. C. JORDAN. Redescription of ' lEimeria ^come/r(Rastegaieff, 1930) from Myrmecopftaga tridactyla, and a first report from Bolivia ,T . „.. .„. .„„.. !...„._ ._.^<. „ 116 TELFORD, S. R., JR., D. J. FORRESTER, S. D. WRIGHT, M. E. ROELKE, S. A. FERENC, AND J. W.^McCowN. The identity and!prevalence of trypanosomes jn white- tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from southern Rorida ,„ „_._._ _. .„„„ 19 FONT, W. F. Life cycle ofAmphimerus elongatus (Trematoda: Opisthorehiidae). .. 24 MADHAVI, R. AND U. SHAMEEM. Cercaria chilkaensis II, a new zoogonid cercaria \ from the snail, Nassarius orissaensis, from Chilka.Lake, India .:....c. .\^.-. 2\\, !T. AND T. KIFONE. Anapfilaeorchis hamajimai gen. et sp. n. (Trematoda: Monorchjidae) from the loach, Cobitis ibiwae, in Japan _... J . .__. 35 Cox, W. T. ANDiG. L. HENDRICKSON. Observations on the life cycle of Proteocephalus : , tumidocollus (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) in steelliead trout, Onchorhynchus my- kiss .._._»lL.^___...i.. ..;^:^...... 1 ... ..^...:.»..^....^.., ^__._mll!._,_:^_ 39 GSrrwooD, D.
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