

P C Cast | 352 pages | 07 Oct 2008 | Penguin Putnam Inc | 9780425226889 | English | New York, NY, United States Greek Gods and Goddesses of the Sea

Maritime scenes featuring a host of sea-gods were very popular in Greco-Roman mosaic. He was an ally of the . He kept the storm-winds, squalls and tempests locked away in the hollows of the floating island of Aiolia, to be released at the command of the gods. The birds presided over the halcyon days, a period of calm good Goddess of the Sea sailing. was the goddess who spawned the sea's rich bounty-- fish and shellfish--as well as dolphins, seals and whales. Aphros was the god of the sea-foam who, along with his brother Bythos, carried ashore at her birth. She was born from the foam of the se, when the castrated genitals of Ouranos were cast down from heaven. Although Aphrodite was a heavenly goddess she retained a close kinship with the sea. Her name means "deep wave" and she was the wife an Ethiopian king named Enalos "the man of the sea. He was one of the , three hundred-handed, fifty-headed , and a son-in-law of who made his home on the floor of the Aegean sea. He and his brother Aphros brought the goddess Aphrodite to shore following her sea-birth. His name means "sea-depths". She was a goddess of the Samothracian Mysteries, and the mother by of the Cabiri. It was crushed beneath the hero's foot and placed amongst the stars as the constellation Cancer. One, sent by Goddess of the Sea to ravage Troy, was slain by , another sent to punish the Ethiopians which was destroyed by . She was the goddess of Goddess of the Sea and dangers of the deep. Her name means "whale" or "sea-. She was chained to the sea-bed where her inhallation caused the seas to rise and fall. She was the wife of the Aegean storm-giant Briareus. He aided Poseidon in the wooing of Amphitrite, and as a reward was placed amongst the stars as the Goddess of the Sea Delphin. She may have presided over the mingling of fresh water with the brine Goddess of the Sea her name suggests. She was the daughter of the seal-herder god . She was born of the scum of the sea or the sea-gods and , and was associated with slime, sea-rot, fetid salt-marshes, eels and lampreys. By the storm-giant Typhoeus she became the mother of many a foul beast. She probably presided over her namesake "amber"-coloured clouds often seen accompanying the rainbow. Like Aphrodite they were regarded as minor sea-deities and frequently appear in maritime scenes depicted in Roman mosaic. Her descendants included the Winds and the Stars. She probably presided over her the "milk-white" swirls in the brine as her name suggests. Glaukos was originally a fisherman who was turned into a fish-tailed god after eating a magical herb. As daughters of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto they probably represented dangers of the sea, such as submerged rocks and reefs. They probably presided over the froth of sea-foam. When she was raped by her sons she leapt into the sea for shame. They included not only the Nereides, but also the daughters of Poseidon and the other Goddess of the Sea gods. They were spirits of whirlwinds, water spouts, and violent storm gusts. She was the sister of the boy Phrixus who fell sea from the back of the flying Golden Ram during her escape from Greece. Poseidon rescued and transformed her into a sea-goddess. As reward they were placed amongst the stars as the constellation Pisces. He guarded the western reaches of the sea, and the island and golden apples of the . She was a devourer of men. She was originally a princess named Ino who was entrusted with the nursing of . drove her husband mad, and fleeing his anger she leapt with her son into the sea, where the gods transformed the pair into marine- deities. They were providers of the sea's rich bounty of fish and protectors of sailors. He and his fifty Nereid Goddess of the Sea presided over the sea's rich bounty of fish and salt. In late classical times he was re-imagined as a god of the briny sea. She probably presided over storm surges and flooding waves. Her name means "the Lone Goddess of the Sea. He was originally the boy Melicertes, child Goddess of the Sea Ino of Thebes. His father was driven mad by Hera, and Ino, fleeing his wrath, leapt into the sea with the child where the two were transformed into marine divinities. His name is connected with the Goddess of the Sea word for seal. Pontos was little the liquid form of the sea itself rather than an Goddess of the Sea god. Poseidon received his domain when the three sons of Kronos drew lots for division of the universe. He dwelt in a golden palace on the sea bed with his queen Amphitrite and son . They were imprisoned beneath the island by their father Poseidon for their crimes. He was the herder of Poseidon's seals. She was the goddess of sandy beaches. She was the goddess of the island of Rhodes. They lured sailors to their deaths with their irresistable - song. Some say they leapt into the sea in despair when sailed past unharmed. She had the upper body of a , the tail of a fish, and a ring of six ravening dog-heads circling her waste. Some say she was slain by Heracles but restored to life by her father the sea-god Phorcys with flaming torches. They were practitioners of fell magic, bringing forth storms and drought, and killing men with the power of the Goddess of the Sea eye. The gods buried them in the depths of the sea. She was the mother of the fishes by her male counterpart . He presided over Goddess of the Sea wonders of the sea. By he was the father of rainbow and the Harpyiae storm gusts. She presided over the spawning of marine life in the sea. She may have presided over "swift" currents and sea rips, as her name suggests. Her parents and siblings represented other dangers of the sea. She was a companion of the god . A blow of his conch-shell horn calmed the waves. They belonged to the train of Poseidon. Sea Gods & Goddesses | Theoi

Lineart afQF by duongquocdinh. Fathom Mage from Magic the Gathering edited. All art posted belongs to the respective owner. Please visit each reblog source and Goddess of the Sea all the artists featured here your support! Thank you Goddess of the Sea much baby! Gotta work on more commissions now what is soci Here, have some water! Buy Katara Art Print by nymnom. Worldwide shipping available at Society6. Just one of millions of high quality products available. Mother oldie if you remember anything from my childhood you'll know that this is me. I need this. I got the tip that doing some fanart can Goddess of the Sea good for art frustration. So here's my shot at Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender. Actually, it worked as Avatar: Katara. Hydrate : Recover HP to this card's team. Had fun working on this guy. My main job was to retopologize and texture the figure. I did, however, have a hand in finalizing the sculpt to generate the textures. Base mesh. Another one of the four elements series: water Water elemental. Poseidon is one of the twelve Olympian deities of the pantheon in Greek mythology. His main domain is the ocean, and he is called the "God of the Sea". ArtStation - Poseidon, Vasilyna Holod. Pinterest is using cookies to help give you the best experience we can. Got it! List of water deities - Wikipedia

Shrines dedicated to the Sea Goddess existed along the Minoan seashore, where her religious cult and marine festivals were probably celebrated. There is also a reference to a sea-journeying goddess in a boat with a shrine, who was represented on Minoan golden rings. According to some hypotheses this traveling goddess gave divine protection to the whole island of Crete. As we can suppose from certain findings, the Mycenaeans worshiped the Sea Goddess or Mistress of the Fishes, who could be similar to the Syrian fish goddess Atargatis. On a seal-ring of carnelian and gold, found in the Mycenaean cemetery of Aidonia, she is depicted touching two big fishes or dolphins. The position and clothing of this figure are of Minoan influence, but her face and her hair are rendered in an unusual way. The other representation of the fish goddess came from the cult center of Mycenae. Between the terra-cotta statuettes discovered there, a female figurine exists with garment decorated with fish-heads, which probably served to show the sphere of her protection and activity over the sea. The Goddess of the Sea took part in the creation of the world, in which life Goddess of the Sea in the water. Goddess of the Sea some , and her partner, the serpent Ophionrepresented such couple. She was the mother of the three thousand daughters and three thousand sons of , "the origin of the gods" and "the origin Goddess of the Sea everything. There is another sea deity, Thetisthe daughter of and mother of Achilleswhose cult was active at the cuttlefish-coast of Thessaly and Sparta. Send commentscite this article. Article created on Sunday, July 28, Goddess of the Sea by Dr. Alena Trckova-Flamee, Ph. Goddess of the Sea Religion. Harvard, p. xiv, The Gods of the Greeks. New York, p. Description of Greece viii, Some rights reserved.