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·~R.,Dtnngr Tssinual ~S·1~ -n,3Jl- - - ·~r.,dtnngr tssinual PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE SEVENTY-FIRST CONGRESS SECOND SESSION SENATE LIST OF SEN.A.TOBS BY STATES A.la·bam.a--J. Thomas Heflin and Hugo L. Black. .MoNDAY, DecemlJe'l· 92, 19929 A.rlzonQr---Henry F. Ashurst and Cad Hayden. The first l\Ionday of December being the day presclibed by A.rk~.m.sas-Joseph T. Robinson and T. H. Caraway. the Con titution of the United States for the annual meeting OaUfornia-Hiram W. Johnson and Samuel M. Shortridge. of Congre , the second session of the Seventy-first Congress Col<n·acto-Lawrence C. Phipps and Charles W. Waterman. commenced this day. Ocmn.ectic-ut--Hiram Bingham and Frederic C. Walcott. The Senate assembled. in its Chamber at the Capitol. Delaware-Daniel 0. Hastings and John G. Townsend. CHARLES CURTIS, of Kansas, Vice President of the United Florida-Duncan U. Fletcher and Park Trammell. State. , called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock meridian. Georgia-William J. Harris and Walter F. George. I dalw- The Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Z~.Barney Thorne Phillips, of the city William E. Borah and John Thomas. of Washington, offered the following prayer: Illitwis-Charles S. Deneen and Otis F. Glenn. Indiana-James E. Watson and Arthur R. Robinson. Almighty God and Heavenly Father, who art the fountain of I(}wtz-Daniel F. Steck and Smith W. Brookhart. life and light, who turne t the shadow of death into the Ka.nsas-Arthur Capper and Henry J. Allen. mo1·ning, make us deeply conscious of Thy presence here and Kenttwky-Frederic M. Sackett and Alben W. Barkley. now, in the return of this hour when duty, that stern daughter Louisia1Wr--Joseph E. Ransdell and Edwin S. Broussard. of Thy voice, calls us again to counsel for the Nation's weal. Maine-Frederick Hale and Arthur R. Gould. Bless all in authority in our beloved land. Make these Thy Maryla·nd-Millard E. Tydings and Phillips Lee Goldsborough, . ervants glad with the gladness that is strength, giving them Massachusetts-Frederick H. Gillett and David I. ·walsh. patience and wisdom from on high for the work whereunto Michigat1r-James Couzens and Arthur H. Vandenberg. Thou hast called them. Minnesota-Henrik Shipstead and Thomas D. Schall. Light up this scene about us with gleams from the unseen Mississippi-Pat Harrison and Hubert D. Stephens. as we pause in reverent silence to pay tribute to the noble com­ M·issou1·i.-Harry B. Hawes and Roscoe C. Patterson. rade who e finely centered soul no foolish pride or selfish care Montana-Thomas J. Walsh and Burton K. Wheeler. could e'er disturb, and bind us ever closer with the cords of love Nebra.9ka--George W. Norris and Robert B. Howell. into a corporate fellowship. Nevada-Key Pittman and Tasker L. Oddie. Ble s us to the end with the vision of the single eye, with New Hampshir~eorge H. Mose and Henry W. Keye... continual fresh blossoms of growth and fre h fruits of trial New Jersey-Hamilton F. Kean. bravely borne for the sake of Him, the perfect flower and New Mwico-Sam G. Bratton and Bronson M. Cutting. fruitage of our race, Jesus Christ Thy Son our Lord. Amen. New Yorlv-Royal S. Copeland and Rubert F. Wagner. OALL OF THE ROLL North Carolina-F. M. Simmon and LeeS. Overman. 'l'he VICE PRESIDENT. This being the day designated by North Dakota-Lynn J. Frazier and Gerald P. Nye. tlle Constitution of the United States for the assembling of OhW-S. D. Fess and Roscoe C. McCulloch. Congress, the Senate, pursuant thereto, is now in session. The Oklalwma-W. B. Pine and Elmer Thomas. Oregm~harles L. McNary and Frederick Steiwer. Chief Clerk will call the roll. 1 The Chief Clerk (John C. Crockett) called the roll, and the Pennsylvania--David A. Reed and William S. Vare. following Senators answereq to their names: Rhode I slant:L-Jesse H. Metcalf and Felix Hebert. Asbm· t Frazier La Follette Sheppard So-uth Oarolina-Ellison D. Smith and Cole L. Blease. Barkley George McCulloch Sbipstea.d South Dakot(J,-Peter Norbeck and William H. McMn. ter. Black Gillett McKellar Shortridge Tennessee-Kenneth licKellar and W. E. Brock. Blainf' Glass McMaster 'immons 13Iease Glenn McNary Smoot Texas-Morris Sheppard and Tom Connally. B<>rab Goff Moses Steiwer Uta~Reed Smoot and William H. King. Bratton Goldsborough Norris Swanson Vermont-Frank L. Greene and Porter H. Dale. Capper Hale Oddie Thomas, Idaho Caraway Harris Overman Thomas, Okla. Vit·ginia-Claude A. Swanson and Carter Glass. Connallv Hastings Patter· on Townsend Washington-Wesley L. Jones and C. C. Dill. Copclan'd Hayden Phipps 'l'J:ammell West Virg·inia-Guy D. Goff and Henry D. Hatfield. Couzens Hebert Pine Tydings Dale Heflin Pittman Yandenberg Wisoon.sinr-Robert M. La Follette. jr., and John J. Blaine. Deneen Johnson Reed Wagner Wyoming-John B. Kendrick. Dill Jones Robinson, Ark. Walsh, Mas . Fess Kean Robin on, In<1. Waterman NOTIFICATI()N TO THE HOUSE l!'Ietcher Keyes SchaU Watson Mr. WATSON submitted the following resolution ( S. Re ·. Mr. SH.hlPPARD. I desire to announce that the junior Sena­ 167), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and tor from Utah [Mr. KING] is absent from the Senate on account agreed to: of illness. I ask that thi"' announcement may stand for the 'lay. Resolved, That the Secretary info1·m tbe Honse of Representatives I also wish to announce that the senior Senator from Missis­ that a quorum of the Senate is assembled and that the Senate is ready Hippi [1\Ir. HARRISON] and the junior Senator from Mississippi to proceed to buRiness. [Mr. STEPHENS] are necessarily absent on important business NOTIFICA'I'ION TO THE PRESIDENT in their State. This announcement may stand for the day. Mr. FRAZIER. My colleague the junior Senator from North Mr. WATSON submitted the following resolution (S. Res. Dakota [Mr. NYE] is absent on official business of the Senate. 168), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and I wish to have this announcement stand for the day. agreed to: Mr. McMASTER. My colleague the senior Senator from ResoZvecl, That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed South Dakota [Mr. NoRBroK] is unavoidably ab ent. I ask to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Repre­ that thig announcement may stand for the day. sentatives to wait upon the President of the United .States and inform The VICE PRESIDENT. Sixty-eight Senators have an· swereu to theh· names. A quorum is pre ent. 1 Not sworn. 3 276198 9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE DECEl\ffiER 2 him that a quorum of each House is assembled, and that Congress Is Senate Resolution 168 ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make. Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed 'l'he VICE PRESIDENT appointed Mr. WATSON and Mr. RoB-­ to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Representa­ INSON of Arkansas as the committee on the part of the Senate. tives to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him HOUR OF DAILY MEETING that a quorum of each House is assembled and that the Congress is ready to receive any communication be may be pleased to make. Mr. FESS submitte-J the following resolution ( S. Res. 169), which was read, considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to : Pursuant to the foregoing resolution, the Vice President ap­ pointed Mr. WATSON and Mr. RoBINSON of Arkansas members ResoZt;ed, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock of the committee on the part of the Senate. meridian unless otherwise ordered. Senate Resohtti.on 169 DEATH OF SENATOR WARREN Resolved, That the hour of daily meeting of the Senate be 12 o'clock Mr. ROBII\SON of Arkansas. Mr. Pn-sident, during the brief meridian until otherwise ordered. period between the extraordinary session, which closed Novem­ ber 22, 1929, and the beginning of the regular session of the Senate Resolution 170 Congress on this day, one of the most beloved and useful Mem­ Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep t·egret and profound bers of this body passed away. Senator FRANCIS E. WARREN, the sorrow the announcement of the death of the Hon. FRANCIS E. WARnE~, senior Senator from Wyoming, was a brave soldier in the Union late a Senator from the State of Wyoming. Army. He was a pioneer in the development of the West. After Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the a service of over 37 years in this body, at the advanced age of House of Representatives and transmit a copy thereof to the family of 85 years, while chairman of the very important Committee on the deceased. Appropriation of the Senate, and while in the full possession Resol'Ved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the of all his powers and faculties, Senator WARREN was sh·icken deceased the Senate do now adjourn. with pneumonia and his illness proved fatal. In the absence of CALLING THE ROLL his colleague the junior Senator from Wyoming [l\1r. KE.."i­ The SPEAKER. The Clerk will call the roll by State . DRICK] I submit the resolutions which I send to the desk and The Clerk called the roll by States, and the following Members a~k for their immediate consideration. answered to their names : The resolutions ( S. Res. 170) were read, considered by unani­ mous consent, and unanimously agreed to, as follows: AL.ABA:\IA John :IcDuffie.
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