No.65 - AUTUMN 2014 THE MAGAZINE OF LLeylandeyland TTorqueorque 665.indd5.indd 1 225/9/145/9/14 222:46:272:46:27 Ron Augustyn Hon. PRESIDENT Managing Director, Leyland Trucks Peter G. Jukes Hon. VICE PRESIDENT Operations Director, Leyland Trucks Hon. CHAIRMAN David E.Berry, 40 Bodiam Drive, SALES & WEBSITE CO-ORDINATOR Toothill, Swindon, Wilts, SN5 8BE Mike A. Sutcliffe, MBE, FCA, ‘Valley Forge’ SECRETARY and 213 Castle Hill Road, Totternhoe, MAGAZINES EDITOR Dunstable, Beds. LU6 2DA TREASURER Gary Dwyer, 8 St Mary’s Close, West St. EVENT CO-ORDINATOR Sompting, Lancing, W. Sussex, BN15 0AF Ron Phillips, 16 Victoria Avenue, BCVM LIAISON Grappenhall, Warrington, WA4 2PD John Howie, 37 Balcombe Gardens, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Horley, Surrey, RH6 9BY David J. Moores, 10 Lady Gate, PRESERVED LEYLAND RECORDER Diseworth, Derby, DE74 2QF CHASSIS RECORDS, Don Hilton, 79 Waterdell, Leighton TECHNICAL & SPARES Buzzard, Beds. LU7 3PL WEBMASTER Gerry Tormey, Contact via David Berry MEMBERSHIP Subscription levels are £27 per annum (Family £31), £33 for EEC members, £38 (in Sterling) for membership outside the EEC. Anyone joining after 1st April and before 31st July will have their membership carried over to the next 31st July, ie up to 16 months. This is good value for money and new members are welcomed. Application forms are available from the Membership Secretary or via the Website Overseas subscriptions and sales using PAYPAL Please note that our PayPal address is now
[email protected] and not to mention the previous one. LLeylandeyland TTorqueorque 665.indd5.indd 2 225/9/145/9/14 222:46:282:46:28 Issue No.