Mats Lindström / EMS / Sweden Delavnici

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Mats Lindström / EMS / Sweden Delavnici EyesWeb 2 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 15.00–17.30 Delavnica / 17. JUNIJ Procesiranje live video signala v realnem času. / Workshop / Pure Data (PD) 3 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 10.30–13.00 Processing of video-camera images in real time. Delavnici / Jakopičeva galerija Več osnov PD-ja: Vizualije v PD-ju: GEM / Workshops / More basics in PD: Doing visuals in PD: GEM 11. JUNIJ Jakopičeva galerija EyesWeb 3 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 10.30–12.30 Delavnici / Pure Data (PD) 4 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 15.00–17.30 Tehnike subtrakcije ozadja. / Techniques of background subtraction. Workshops Odprt Laboratorij / Open Worklab Jakopičeva galerija EyesWeb 4 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 15.00–17.30 Zaznavanje in sledenje primitivnih oblik; analiza izraznega giba. / Miller Puckette / USA / Kirata, elektronika / Guitar, Live electronics Performans / Tracking of blobs; expressive motion analysis. Iz zvoka je možno izluščiti določene parametre ter jih uporabljati za manipulacijo Performance / Galerija Kapelica @ 20.00 drugih zvočnih parametrov. Z Informacijo o fazi in amplitudi kitarskih strun bodo 15. JUNIJ tako v realnem času krmiljeni klasični algoritmi za sintezo zvoka. / Sound, can Miller Puckette, PhD / CRCA / USA / Predavanje / be used as a source of control for musical parameters. The strings of a guitar directly provide phase and amplitude information that will be used to drive Research work at the Center for Research in Computing and the Lecture / Galerija Kapelica classical synthesizer algorithms. Arts (CRCA) - at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), USA @ 20.00 UCSD je že več kot 30 let prisotna na področju raziskovanja in produkcije elektronske glasbe. Danes so večinoma študentje gonilna sila razvoja Mats Lindström / EMS / Sweden / Performans / novih glasbenih vmesnikov ter raziskovanja na področju akustike in Anna Koch / WELD / Sweden / Performance / prostorskega zvoka. / UCSD has been involved in computer music Mestni muzej @ 22.00 One / Scratch Memory (2009) research and production for over 30 years. Today, activity is largely One se nanaša legendarno skladbo Fluorescent Sound Davida Tudorja, ki driven by students, who design new interactive musical instruments and je bila izvedena leta 1964 z neonskimi lučmi. / One is a reference to David do research in acoustics and spatial audio. Tudor’s legendary piece Fluorescent Sound performed on fluorescent light Puckette je končal doktorat iz matematike na univerzi Harward. Do 1987 član MIT Media Lab-a. banks in 1964. Kasneje deluje na IRCAM-u kjer razvije program Max/MSP. Trenutno je direktor CRCA v San Scratch Memory se ukvarja z reciklažo gibalnega materiala in preizprašuje njegove izvorne vrednosti. / Scratch Diegu, kjer je razvil odprtokodno programsko orodje Pure Data (PD). / Puckette obtained a PhD in memory is about rediscovering and recycling body movements and questioning their original value. Mathematics from Harward. Member of MIT’s Media Lab until 1987. Later, at IRCAM he wrote the Max/MSP program. He is now associate Director of the CRCA at UCSD in San Diego, where he Koch je plesalka in koreografinja. Od 2006 umetniška direktorica eksperimentalne platforme Weld developed the real-time open-source software Pure Data (PD). v Štokholmu. / Koch is a dancer and choreographer. Since 2006 she is the artistic director of the experimental platform Weld in Stockholm. 16. JUNIJ 25. Maj–18. Junij 2009 IOhannes Zmölnig / IEM / PD-Graz / Austria / Delavnici / Lindström je skladatelj in elektronski glasbenik. Od 2004 je umetniški vodja Švedskega inštituta za elektro- Ljubljana / Slovenija akustično glasbo EMS. / Lindström is a composer and a musician, working with live-electronics. Since 2004 Lukas Gruber / PD Graz / Austria / Workshops / he is the artistic director of the, Institute for Electroacoustic Music in Sweden EMS. Georg Holzmann / PD-Graz / Austria / Jakopičeva galerija @ Termini delavnic so 18. JUNIJ Pure Data – PD navedeni zraven opisov Pure Data (PD) 5 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 10.30–13.00 Pure Data (PD) je odprto-kodno programsko orodje za generiranje in obdelavo / Workshop times are Delavnici / Festival zvočnih umetnosti Ear- music, audio technology re- Izbirne vsebine: Mreženje s PD-jem (netpd) / avdia, grafike, videa ter s pomočjo senzorjev pridobljenih podatkov. / Pure listed next to their Workshops / Zoom je eden izmed prvih večjih search as well as educational Audience topics: Networking with PD (netpd) Data (PD) is an Open Source software environment for real-time generation description Jakopičeva galerija projektov inštituta. Kot osrednji activities. akterji bodo predstavljeni uvelja- and processing of audio, graphics, video and sensor data. Pure Data (PD) 6 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 15.00–17.30 vljeni inštituti iz evropskega pro- The Sonic Arts Festival “Ear- Odprt Laboratorij / Open Worklab Gruber je študiral telematiko na Tehnični Univerzi v Gradcu, kjer trenutno stora in ZDA, ki se ukvarjajo s Zoom” is one of our first ma- končuje doktorat na inštitutu za računalniško grafiko in vid. Kot vizualni podobno dejavnostjo. Festival jor projects and is featuring umetnik nastopa po vsem svetu. / Gruber studied telematics at the Technical Mats Lindström / EMS / Sweden Predavanje / nastaja v ko-produkciji različnih established European and University Graz and is now working on his PhD at the Institute for Computer Anna Koch / WELD / Sweden Lecture / slovenskih inštitucij, ki soobiku- American institutes conduct- Graphics and Vision. Performing as a visual artist all over the world. / Galerija ŠKUC @ 18.00 Inštitut za Raziskovanje Zvočnih jejo program, kot širitev njihovih ing similar activities. The fes- Koncepti za deli One in Scratch Memory / Umetnosti (IRZU) je mlada nev- že obstoječih zvočnih aktivnosti. tival is also aimed at creating Holzmann je študiral zvočni inženiring na Inštitutu za elektronsko glasbo (IEM) v Gradcu. Končuje doktorat The concepts behind One and Scratch Memory ladna organizacija, ki temelji na a dialogue amongst other na Tehnični univerzi v Berlinu. Uporablja PD za performanse in nastopa po vsem svetu. / Holzmann studied interdisciplinarnem konceptu. The Institute for Sonic Arts Slovenian institutions which sound engineering at the IEM Graz and is now working on his PhD at the Technical University Berlin. V okviru svojih dejavnosti pre- Research (IRZU) is a recently are already running individual Performances all over the world using Pure data. / pleta tri glavne komponente, in founded non-governmental cycles of contemporary music Zmölnig je študiral vočni inženiring na IEM v Gradcu, kjer tudi končuje doktorat. Je aktiven razvijalec PD-ja sicer izobraževanje, umetniško organization. It is based on an and sonic art. in ostalih odprtokodnih programov. Želi si nastopati po vsem svetu. / Zmölnig studied sound engineering at produkcijo ter raziskovalne interdisciplinary concept and the IEM Graz and is currently working on his PhD. He is an active developer of Pure Data and other Open Radio Slovenija dejavnosti na področju avdio is carrying out artistic produc- Source software. He would like to perform all over the world. / tehnologij. tions in the field of electronic Galerija Kapelica Pure Data (PD) 1 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 10.30–13.00 Uvod v PD: Instalacija PD-ja / General introduction to PD: Installation of PD Argentinski park Sponzorji / Supported by / Programska produkcija in infrastruktura / Pure Data (PD) 2 / Delavnica / Workshop @ 15.00–17.30 Program production and infrastructure / Glasen uvod v avdio: Odprt Laboratorij / A loud introduction to audio: Open Worklab IOhannes Zmölnig / IEM / PD–Graz / Austria Performans / Georg Holzmann / PD–Graz / Austria Performance / Jakopičeva galerija Cankarjev dom Blind Date @ 20.00 Blind Date je avdio-vizualni performans, kjer performerji začnejo z belo podlago (prazen program) in počasi gradijo in spreminjajo algoritem, ki hkrati Mestni muzej deluje v realnem času. / Blind Date is an audiovisual performance where the Jakopičeva galerija performers start with a blank canvas (i.e. an empty patch), and gradually build- Metod Blejec Design Galerija ŠKUC up and modify a running program, in the tradition of Live Coding. 25. MAJ 28. MAJ 6. JUNIJ Murcof / The Leaf Label / Mexico / Performans / Diemo Schwarz, PhD / IRCAM / France / Predavanje / Keith Rowe / UK / Kitara, elektronika / Guitar, live electronics Delavnica / Glasba Murcofa je minimalistična in temelji na vzorcih, ki so pogosto Performance / Current research and applications at the Real-Time Music Interaction Lecture / Workshop / Kosovelova Dvorana Galerija Kapelica Jakopičeva galerija iztrgani iz konteksta orkestralne glasbe sodobnih skladateljev. / Murcof’s Team (IMTR), Ircam-Centre Pompidou Cankarjev dom @ 20.00 @ 20.00 Rowe je v zgodnjih 60-ih letih pričel igrati jazz. Je ustanovni član britanske @ Termini delavnic music is sparse, minimalist, sample-based electronics. Many recordings Skupina IMTR razvija interaktivne sisteme za modeliranje, analizo skupine AMM, ki je ključnega pomena za razvoj sodobne improvizirane so zraven opisov / feature orchestral samples from works by modern composers. in sintezo zvoka v realnem času, vmesnike za analizo gibanja, ki se glasbe. / Rowe began his career playing jazz in the early 1960’s, He was Workshop times are uporabljajo v glasbenih in plesnih performansih. / The IMTR team works

—— Preview end. ——

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