Scalabrinian Congregation - V O L U Me Ii the Scalabrini Fathers in North America 1888 - 1895 the Scalabrini Fathers in North America

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Scalabrinian Congregation - V O L U Me Ii the Scalabrini Fathers in North America 1888 - 1895 the Scalabrini Fathers in North America HISTORY OF THE SCALABRINIAN CONGREGATION - V O L U ME II THE SCALABRINI FATHERS IN NORTH AMERICA 1888 - 1895 THE SCALABRINI FATHERS IN NORTH AMERICA 1888 - 1895 by Mario Francesconi, c.s. VOLUME II 1983 Published by Province of St. Charles Borromeo Missionaries of St. Charles - Scalabrinians Provincial Archives Center for Migration Studies New York (CMS) Scalabrini International Migration Network (SIMN) The Scalabrini Fathers in North America, 1888-1895 First English Edition Translated from the Italian by Joseph Zappulla Copyright by The Center for Migration Studies of New York, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. 1 Volume II was reviewed and transcribed in digital format in May 2015 by Peter P. Polo, c. s. Please send comments and observations to NY PROVINCIAL OFFICE. Thank you. i CONTENTS page Chapter I - The Italian Bill on Emigration ............................................................................. 1 Chapter II - The First Years of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles 1. The General Government ....................................................................................................... 8 2. The Management of the Mother House .................................................................................. 8 3. The Mother House of Via Francesco Torta ........................................................................... 10 4. Plan for an Italian-American Seminary ................................................................................ 11 5. Perpetual Vows .................................................................................................................... 14 6. The Patron Saint and the Cardinal Protector ....................................................................... 19 7. The Departure for the Missions ............................................................................................ 21 8. Sensitization Work ............................................................................................................... 23 Chapter III - The First Scalabrinian Mission in New York 1. The Church of the Most Precious Blood ............................................................................... 29 2. The Church of St. Joachim a. National Parishes ........................................................................................................... 34 b. A Difficult Beginning for the Parish ................................................................................ 37 3. The Arrival of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini and Her Nuns ....................................................... 42 4. The Cristoforo Colombo Hospital .......................................................................................... 49 Chapter IV - The Beginning of the Boston, Pittsburgh, Providence, New Haven and New Orleans Missions 1. The Parish of the Sacred Heart in Boston, Massachusetts (1888-1895)................................ 52 2. The Parish of St. Peter in Pittsburgh, Pa (1889-1894) .......................................................... 56 3. The Parish of the Holy Spirit in Providence, R.I. (1888-1894) .............................................. 57 4. The Parish of St. Michael the Archangel in New Haven, Connecticut (1889-1895) ................ 59 5. The Mission in New Orleans, La. (1889-1894) ....................................................................... 61 Chapter V - The Beginning of the Missions in Buffalo, Cincinnati, Bridgeport, Cleveland, Kansas City, Our Lady of Pompei in New York, Hartford, Meriden and Erie. 1. The Parish of St. Anthony of Padua in Buffalo, N.Y.(1890-1893) ......................................... 75 2. The Parish of the Sacred Heart in Cincinnati, Ohio (1889-1895) ......................................... 76 3. The Mission of Bridgeport, Connecticut (1891-1896) ........................................................... 78 4. The Parish of the Sacred Rosary in Cleveland, Ohio (1891-1896) ........................................ 78 5. The Parish of the Holy Rosary in Kansas City, Missouri (1891-1895) .................................. 81 6. The Parish of Our Lady of Pompeii in New York (1892-1896) ................................................ 82 7. The Mission of Hartford and Meriden, Connecticut (1892-1898) ......................................... 85 8. The Mission of Erie, Pennsylvania (1891-1894) ................................................................... 85 Appendix No. I Correspondence between Bishop Scalabrini and Father Zaboglio from September 19, 1888 to December 28, 1896 ........................................................................................... 88 1. Father Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, September 19,-1888 .......................................... 89 2. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father Zaboglio, October 17, 1888 .............................................. 91 3. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, October 19,1888 ........................................... 92 4. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, November 9, 1888 ........................................ 95 5. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G. B. Scalabrini, October 28,1888 .......................................... 95 6. Father Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, November 3, 1888 ............................................ 97 7. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, November 20, 1888 ...................................... 98 8. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, November 16, 1888 ...................................... 98 9. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, December 3, 1888 ...................................... 101 10. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, December 8, 1888 .................................... 101 ii 11. Bishop G. B. Scalabrini to Father Zaboglio, October 12, 1888 ......................................... 102 12. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, January 1, 1889 ....................................... 103 13. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, January 1889 ........................................... 104 14. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, January 31, 1889 ..................................... 105 15. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, February 20, 1889 .................................... 106 16. Bishop G. B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, March 25, 1889 ....................................... 106 17. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, April 13, 1889 .......................................... 107 18. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, June 29, 1889 .......................................... 112 19. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, August 5, 1889 ......................................... 113 20. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, September 7, 1889 ................................... 115 21. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, September 25, 1889 .................................. 117 22. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, October 18, 1889 ...................................... 118 23. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, May 27, 1890 .......................................... .122 24. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, June 26, 1890 .......................................... 124 25. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, September 18, 1890 ................................. 125 26. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, September 21, 1890 ................................. 126 27. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, December 8, 1890 .................................... 126 28. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, January 20, 1891 ..................................... 126 29. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, March 13, 1891 ........................................ 128 30. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, March 18, 1891 ........................................ 129 31. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, March 30, 1891 ........................................ 130 32. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, March 29, 1891 ........................................ 132 33. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, April 9, 1891 ............................................ 133 34. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, May 18, 1891 ........................................... 134 35. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, June 17, 1891 .......................................... 135 36. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, September 13, 1891 ................................. 136 37. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, October 8, 1891 ........................................ 137 38. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, November 1, 1891 .................................... 138 39. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, November 2, 1891 .................................... 140 40. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, November 12, 1891 ................................... 141 41. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, December 21, 1891 .................................. 142 42. Father Zaboglio to Bishop G. B. Scalabrini, February 12, 1892 ....................................... 148 43. Bishop G.B. Scalabrini to Father F. Zaboglio, March 4, 1892 .......................................... 150 44. Father F. Zaboglio to Bishop G.B. Scalabrini, March 7, 1892 .........................................
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