Cotumh 167 Pounds of Fighting Flesh
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THE EVENING WORLD, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1913. i UP-TO-DA- EDITED BY TE AND NEWSY BEST SPORTING PAGE IN NEW YORK ROBERT EDGRENJ HOW TOE CHOYNSKI ALMOST REACHED THE TOP THREE IMPORTANT CHOYNSKI LOST CHANCE Copyright, i :,:.. j..- 'in- - I'resi ! t iKshlt g Co. (The New York World), BOUTS TO USHER WMP.M Jim "EYE-TOOT- I H" AT TITLE WHEN JS - IN THENEW YEAR W'clsh-Dunde- -: PUNCH JOST MISSED MARK Smitli-Pelke- y, and Cross-Anderso- n Battles to Be 1 )e:ided To-Mon- AUjr VlalCA rUHUl A ijvci r lii ao Choynski By John Pallor k. a Tap Beside the One history win he made it i - whin clubl all over theeouu R- - Landed On Me in the Tenth, trv Mill imln-- r ti 'he New ie- by holtllt.s 'uoxiig Shows, at whin' Always Said Afterward. manv prominent pugilists .ll appea Jeffries in boats, Ti.e urea most praealneti ttghta of the lot ore the twenty-rou- n sern.p between (Junboot smit of CsW fornla and Arthur Petty of Chlcopee I open aren UNTOLD TALES OF THE RING. Muaa . at flat 'offr. th a air In Kan rratWlacOi a d BO he Welah) the i rhtweigh f ring by IVihert twern Preddle This If the second of a MTlm of a'orln the champion of Bngland, and Johnny Kut: boxers both of IB pawl nasi present. Ths series deals with t nrleans 4 aelf- - Jee of city before the be reel to ill tha art of e should of Interest hvu rf C. of New nr'.e.ina. snd a 1 appear I SOSI IWtOB a week. Ths atorlsa will at Tilt firat betni"en I. each CTOSS of tM Saturday oti tha famous CorLntt-Flts-Blssisn- artjala appeared lad and rai D or IW Ang'ie1 City. city and td Anderson battle at Caraon at Tom DdoCarey'g PaelBo a. A at Vtr nut), t'ul, Oa aj light, UU, air Tha Prase Ptfbtlahlnc 'o. (The Naw Tork World). ivh Bttaalmmona w a go hack to th NB of the smaller BMiTfWtlfBM if to-da- y has been referred to staire again, for tlm Mate .Uuletlc Com Choynski." This may sound well enough mission at its regular weekly meetio rroquaatly aj "another the rm, crop fight the youngsters who never saw the biastid his hopes of o to tho new of fans hy refua;r to pertnlt him to DOB at an light. Hut sTaTifr -- roal Choynski those who Ocjy Hti FIRST U."S5e In'. In tabi 4'ate. The of th. aaw Joe Choynski land his wallop on IH eVWTWNOrAy FKCH JOE'S UEPT Atlantic Qarden A C tru-.- l to conv'.n:-th- Maher, Fttzalnunona, Jeffrtaa and a it isius: Commlsslonarf thai Fit wai ,n good shape to engage la a fcouL few other fighters who dldnt need to be called "hopes" In their day, will If Tt"b ateAlllater, the crartlt Ugh Indulge In a quiet smile. heavyweight t Cttllfornla, defeats Bai t: Levlnaky at the Oarden a. C. o no wallop iik Probably harder than Federal League Can Put Bond ty night he will be knmediate Ohoynski'e was ever connected with matched to met neorge Chip tiefore tr. COtUMH 167 pounds of fighting flesh. When eAtoe oMIb, McAllister l working hav Team Brook yn Cost B0TIS Levlntky or any other "hope" ahows in at for the tout at lliwklna'a road Btit ton .md PlrU I'.'.oom. who claa'. bo Jsck a Choynski wallop he'll have to In the otl or d go. are also IraiB ra tT, considered. Jer-tii- cvjer Of Blillion, Says M'Keever Ins faithfully. Bealdea having the wallop, Choynski tVilHs rtee her. who la tra'nlnsr at Ds waa one of the cleverest fighters In Hawkins's road house hta Ebbets's Partner Isn't Worried by Proposed Invasion, but hfiut with Joe "Yountr" Hhugrue tiefor the world. He was badly handi- th,- Collar city A. C, of Troy, n. y., o capped by his light weight, which LATEST NEWS OF FEDERAL LEAGUE Monday nlrht. has sl been prartiaall. cr -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - Tells of Confronting New Baseball Organization's inm-i-- aassasssasswasjssajssis Obstacles to Johnny irirriui, th- small man among heavy- matohad meet I made him a. Bhortstop Bob Fischer, who was rslsaeed by the Dodgers to Toronto last season, has signed with Pittsburgh. St crack Western lltrhtwelght. for tel weights, although he waa Juxt a little la eapeoted that Jack tCUler, the Pirate utility laflelder who waa traded to ths Cardinals, will also sign a Pitts Attempt to Rival Dodgers. round! at Akron, u., on the night o H, too big to bo a middle. The only other heavyweight of his poundage was burgh oontraot neat Monday. Jan. height Fissldsnt gfteminger of the at. to tile team denies that the Federal Zesgns contracts com tain any reserve Fltialmmons, who bad a considerable advantage over Choynski In the new Federal Isaague offlosrs win enlist local capital, Four clubs In th's vicinity w'U put oi Me admits, though, that they contain tan-da- y olauas similar to that of and American a 0 the tha Rational locating In vary Mg .a an special shows afternoon al mob. SUPPOSrvo its boast of bustasss here knows C. dapper O'Net- Tiseguss. t'-'- follows: Fairmont a Brooklyn here's what the pro- it's Inevitable Bhst city will cat Young v: Tha made offera to players We work team, champions League. a strsst through Washington vs. Johnny Harvey and Fox Mow Choynski Missed Chance at Title. Fsdarals have firs of the of ths International moters are up against before they can ths Park or 111.1 property and mainly for that reason Kid Herman Pakln, Atlantl came very close The meat offered ooatraata are Oat field era Blmmermaa and Oalton, First Baseman Bwaclna, Bscond Baseman Oets successfully launch tttelr club: Harden A. C Battling Levlnsky vs. Tor' There was one time la Cboynskl's career when he they won't be willing- to lead their -- . and Pitcher Zse. The Outlaws are also reported to be after Pitcher Altchleoa, eold last year by tha Indians to Payment of from 8060,000 hs Daly; Irving A. C . Brooklyn Bob "atoh.-- to getting a decision over the great Jeffries, which would bavo meant that - financial eld to the new undertaking. vs. vs tha Dodgers. for the purohees of Weak- a no Freddie HIrks. otto Kohler "I sm certain that there room Johnny QoaVanus A. Brook- Choynski. Instead of Jeffrlea, would In all probability have had that chance says U1 organised baseball lagtoa Park, ths oaly available for new In Brooklyn, Dohani C Ben Johaaea, President of the Anxertoaa Deagua, that hs hopes tha Federals give s club but thS lyn Tim Xskgan vs. "Porky" Fly no to Bfbt Fltialmmons for the world's championship title at Coney Island. a good fight. Be says a bitter war would purify the game, "X am courting a fight," says Ban. alts la Brooklyn for a baaahaU Federals might possibly locate over In !n stadium. The cost of oemstxuuUag Lons; Island," went on the Uodger l, Jeffries, string Fltsalmmona knock out OoTbett at Caraon, went Into "If any Olant player trlee to uae the Federal League as a club to frighten us Into increasing his salary Z will Frankte PJem ng, eh- is one ef tha after concrete and ateal grand stsads, "but even there they will find write to him immediately to ola the Federal Dengue," eays John a. roster, Secretary of the Olante. best feat her wi ghta n this country, has a number of flghta and mad quite a reputation on the raclfla CoaaL Joa amounting $300,000. land values very high, and It Is not il aays to asarly Ths been s gi up by Tom McArdla to ntse: OesynShi, about that time, cane to tha conclusion that ha could use Jeffries aid ward a. Oatea, of Indianapolis, counsel for the Federal Deafue. that If the majors attempt to enjoin expenditure of a big sum of mosey reasonable to anjppoee that fans In New Tommv lloiich of Philadelphia In ons anti-tru- York aay of their players organised bassbaU will be attacked as a trust under the Sherman law and aa main- are going to deaert ths Clan's of tl S three t, boutl to tie e ! Me business. Choynski, like Fltsslnunone, never eared how big his oppon-ssst- a for playere, and last, but not least, s.v and Highlanders and travel over to i t A, n taining a blacklist. the svar-preee- fsar that the city at th., Pair Saturday were. had absoluts oonndenr In his skill his punch. Three Long Island to aen a game. night. two Praiilt lie and Jamas A. Otlmore, President of ths Federal League, la In tow, bnt &e has been avoiding all reporters. la said will cut a street through the mid-di- e Ii the other bouts It "I cannot eee how the Federal League li r: ttun will meet Freddie llaaa years before he had knocked Fltaslramons fist on Ma hank In Boston and had Is Washington an' that he arranging 'or ths placing of a club la Oreatav Bew Tork. uad ttiat Washington Park, Brooklyn, the old of Park la tbs will ever be atria to command enoutch Mike htorr ssey II tackle Burae. Bsught hits a live-rou- nd draw. And he had fought the best of them, all over hi a of the Dodgers, will be the grounds used.