FREE (3-IN-1 EDITION), VOL. 3: VOLS. 7, 8 & 9: INCLUDES VOLS. 7, 8 & 9 PDF

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Sincebeach width measures have been carried out on 50 transects over the 4. Statistical analyses of beach width highlight very little significant change over the last 30 years in spite of massive gravel nourishment amounting tocubic meters. The results suggest that this nourishment may be necessary to stabilise beach width that would otherwise diminish due to chronic gravel loss to the very steep nearshore zone, within a context of cessation of gravel supply by the nearby Var river. We wish to thank Mr. Arnaud Bonnin, director Vol. 3: Vols. 7 the environmental services of the city of Nice for providing us with the beach width and nourishment data. Beach erosion High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) become a problem of increasing concern for many coastal 8 & 9 B ird; Anthony, resulting in extensive recourse to beach nourishment. Although nourishment is now widely practised, there is still debate as to whether it is the best solution to the problem of beach erosion Finkl and Walker Rapid socio-economic development in the Nice area, the most important urban zone permanent population:on the French Riviera Fig. The solution to the problem of beach sediment depletion and the consequent narrowing of the beach in Nice bay has resided in artificial beach nourishment and flattening of the beach profile in order to restore the sediment budget and to lessen beach face steepness and reflection. Due to armouring of the shores of the reclaimed Var delta, the only current source of gravel for the 4. The beach has been recharged over the last 30 years to the tune ofcubic meters, making this little known long-term operation one of the most important in France, and certainly one of the most significant for gravel beaches in the world. This paper analyses the nourishment practice in Nice Vol. 3: Vols. 7 and its efficiency. Several canyons practically impinge on the beach, especially in the Nice embayment east of the Var delta, and appear to be the seaward prolongations of the steep coastal 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7. The gravel beaches in the two embayments collectively called the Baie des Anges on either side of the Var delta represent former discrete interlinked barriers of dominantly limestone clasts reworked from coastal outcrops of Pliocene deltaic puddingstones supplied by the lower Var and Paillon catchments and the other smaller rivers Anthony; Anthony et al, The French Riviera beaches are exposed to fetch-limited, low-energy wind waves with mean and significant heights of 0. The erosion and fragile status of the present gravel beaches are due to a combination of several interacting factors that include past direct beach aggregate extraction, the construction of barrages in the lower Var river, drastic reduction of beach width due to the Vol. 3: Vols. 7 of urban fronts and the construction of the famous Nice sea-front Promenade des Anglais, and destabilization of the beach face and back-barrier water table as a result of the construction of roads, a major rail link and various other infrastructure, including sea walls. The implantation of artificial shorelines associated with leisure ports and reclamation fill, especially the Var delta fill for the construction of Nice- Riviera airport see Anthony, this issueand 8 & 9 emplacement of groyne fields by local government authorities not working in concert, and showing no concern for the downdrift consequences, have also been important factors. Paradoxically, some of these structures were constructed to stave off beach erosion. The net effects include zero natural sediment inputs and consequent erosion, as well 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 modification of the sediment drift structure and the beach morphodynamics. The conjunction of a sediment deficit, of an increasingly polycellular drift system induced by artificial shoreline development, and of barrier constriction through infrastructural implantations on the upper beach has led to beach narrowing and steepening, enhancing the already highly reflective morphodynamic conditions prevailing on these beaches and on the steep inner shoreface. The nourishment spots have been empirically determined by the environmental services of the city of Nice from data acquired two to four times a year on beach width from a Vol. 3: Vols. 7 of 50 transects Fig. This yields a dataset of 87 beach width measurements since Localisation des transects de mesure de la largeur de la plage avec les noms des secteurs de plage. There has been a significant concentration of nourishment in the western half of Nice bay compared to the eastern half, with hardly any nourishment in the central sector Fig. The widest sectors attain a mean value of The mean seasonal beach widths Fig. Inter-annual variations are more significant, with a mean of However, the mean variability per transect is quite low 3. This variability is quite uniform, and highlights a particularly stable beach width in the central sector transects 23 to This relative stability is also brought out by regressing beach width over time Fig. This trend is confirmed by the linear regression analyses for each transect Fig. Nice bay thus shows three sectors of mild beach-width gains transects 2 to 3, 13 Vol. 3: Vols. 7 22 and 41 to 51 and two 8 & 9 sectors transects 4 to 12 and 23 Vol. 3: Vols. 7 The results show that 8 & 9 overall massive nourishment, representing the input of cubic meters of gravel per meter of beach throughout Nice bay, has hardly resulted in significant beach width changes, both gains and losses respectively for the three and two afore-mentioned sectors being extremely mild. These results are hardly different from those reported by Cohen following the first 18 years of nourishment, notwithstanding a nourishment of nearlycubic meters of gravel over the last 11 years. In 8 & 9 to the first question, the treated nourishment data merely concern the nourished sectors and volumes without taking into account the spread of nourished material by bulldozers Fig. A more likely explanation is that of gravel loss to the extremely steep nearshore zone, especially via the micro-canyons that practically impinge on the beach Anthony; Cohen The steep shoreface adjacent to the beach High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) the Nice embayment Fig. However, while these operations may be efficient in summer, generally characterised by low-energy waves, they bring closer to the steep nearshore zone several cubic meters of beach gravel that may then be irreversibly evacuated downslope during storm conditions associated with surge Vol. 3: Vols. 7. Autumn, winter and early spring storms with surges bring breaking waves high up the micro-tidal beach, resulting in the build-up of steep reflective berms. Energy reflection may thus contribute in further transporting gravel downslope to depths from which it can no longer be recovered by fair-weather waves. The dominantly rounded nature of the recharged clasts may contribute to this offshore transport by encouraging rolling. The beach south of the Var delta is extremely degraded in places by chronic erosion 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 the face of complete depletion of natural gravel supply by the Var river, and has all but disappeared in places. Unchecked beach erosion on this part of the French Riviera coast is thus an important potential hazard. Anthony E. Schwartz ed. Bird E. Cohen O. Finkl C. Hamm L. Hanson H. Olivier Cohen and Edward J. Contents - Previous document - Next document. Outline 1 - Introduction. Author's notes We wish to thank Mr. Full text PDF 2. Zoom Original jpeg, 52k. Zoom Original png, 25k. Zoom Original png, 29k. Zoom Original png, 28k. Zoom Original png, 54k. Zoom Original png, 44k. Zoom Original jpeg, 54k. Bibliography Anthony E. List of illustrations Title Fig. Electronic reference Olivier Cohen and Edward J. A brief overview of plan-shape disequilibrium in embayed beaches: Tangier bay Morocco [Full text]. Browse Index Authors Keywords Geographical index. Follow us RSS feed. Newsletters OpenEdition Newsletter. In collaboration with. In All OpenEdition. Home Catalogue of journals OpenEdition Search. All OpenEdition. OpenEdition Freemium. OpenEdition Search Newsletter. High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 3 : Includes Vols. 7, 8 & 9 - -

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William Mendel Newmanca. The first stage, inwas the collection and preliminary editing of the texts; the second stage, inwas the annotation of the charters and the preparation of the introduction and index; the third stage was the checking of the texts, done in the s by Jean-Baptiste Giard and perhaps by Newman himself, who may also have revised his introduction at that time; and the final stage, from towas the revision of the entire work by Theodore Evergates, in collaboration with me. I have always followed Prou and wish to continue to do so. Unless something is really wrong one should not change my ms. More serious High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) the question of the introductions. When in the 19th century the French High School Debut (3-in- 1 Edition) began to edit cartular[i]es, it was proper to have an introduction. But so many monastic histories have been published that the situation has changed. Thinking now of small houses, why do we publish their charters? The history of the monastery is of only local interest in as much as we know few facts not contained in the charters. These charters should be used to help understand social, economic and institutional problems rather than for [the] local history of the house. The present introduction, which is essentially the work of Professor Evergates, is based more on these principles than on what Newman wrote almost forty years ago. Inin a personal letter, he wrote:. I believe it a mistake for an indexer to be too learned and to group names in a linguistic 8 & 9. And how about identifying people? I did so whenever it was 8 & 9 in my unpublished cartularies and finally decided that few scholars would undertake editing if they were obliged to do genealogical research of any extent. Is it not more realistic to get the documents published with an index, and hope that someday someone will publish an article on their genealogies? It is in this spirit, which we believe is also High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) spirit of Newman, that we offer the present collection to the public, with a consciousness of its unevenness but a confidence that it will advance both the knowledge of the region on which Newman worked and the understanding of the broader problems in which he was interested, though he rarely addressed himself to them in his published works. The reputation of William Mendel Newman rests entirely on his publications. He was an active researcher for less than half his adult , taught for only three years in three different institutions, and received none of the honors dear to the hearts of academics; but as a publishing scholar he ranks among the leading American medieval historians of the twentieth century. In he considered giving it up because he might then be less moody, and in he admitted that he preferred writing his diary to working. He usually wrote the entries every day, and sometimes more than once a day, but there are some collective entries and a few considerable gaps. My initial hesitation to use it, owing to its intimacy, was overcome by three considerations. First, the fact that Newman kept the diary, although he destroyed most of his personal and scholarly papers, and left no instructions concerning it in his 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7, shows that he wanted it to be preserved. Second, a few passages suggest that he expected the diary to be read by others. Notably, on 4 May he wrote:. If one read this diary, one might think my judgments changed rapidly and violently. He was a very private man and during his lifetime concealed many of his achievements as well as his grievances from the world. Yet he considered himself ill-treated and misjudged, and his diary, although much of it is not to his credit, is ultimately an apologia. To understand all is to forgive all, and by justifying Newman his diary helps to explain why men like him behave as they do. Very few scholars, furthermore, have left such a detailed record of their lives, especially during their formative years. It may be argued that scholarly works, like works of art, should be allowed to speak for themselves, without reference to the lives of their creators. Many outstanding artists and writers have been a source of misery to themselves and their families and of difficulties to people who admire their creative works. He High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) to scholarship largely because he despaired of finding elsewhere the happiness for which he yearned and of which he felt unjustly deprived. In they moved to Enid, Oklahoma, which remained their home till they died in After graduating, inhe spent another year at Harvard and took an M. He returned to the United States inafter nine years in Europe, and taught for a year as an instructor at the University of Michigan. He was in Cambridge from untilwhen he went to St. Much less is known, therefore, about his life after than before. In August he went to France and remained there for eleven years, returning Vol. 3: Vols. 7 to the state of Washington, where he lived first in a rented house on Lummi Island and then from in his own home—the first and last he ever owned—near the town of Bellingham, where he died on 27 April It is significant, I think, that he went to live in one of the most distant corners of the United States, far from colleagues or a major university, and that he spent some of the happiest and most peaceful years of his life there. Because the diary for is missing, it is impossible to say why Newman gave up the beginnings of High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) apparently conventional career teaching American High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) in order to embark on a new life of solitary research into the history of medieval institutions, for which he was suited neither by temperament nor by 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7. In principle he preferred a life of involvement rather High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) of withdrawal, and after he left Michigan and gave up teaching, which he disliked, he more or less abandoned research for almost a decade. Aside from working for his brother, he liked St. Louis and threw himself into his work first in the purchasing department and then as personnel manager of the White-Rodgers Electrical Company. He served on the school committee of the Municipal League and the scholarship committee of the Harvard Club, which he enjoyed. He returned to historical research only when he found no other employment and could not face doing nothing, and he wrote his most important book during his second stay in France. The first of these was his health; second, his relations with his family; third, his financial position; fourth, his perception of prejudice; and fifth, his temperament and personality. Had any one of these been different, he might have followed another course in life, and perhaps have been happier, although scholarship would have been poorer. Each of them therefore deserves to be considered here as a factor shaping his life and work. Throughout his life Newman believed that bad health kept him from doing his best Vol. 3: Vols. 7 and excluded him from certain occupations. Then other defects were eyes, moderate Vol. 3: Vols. 7, etc. Had his relations with his parents and brother been better, he might in spite of his health have entered a business career or worked in one of the department stores his family owned in Missouri, Iowa, and Oklahoma. He disliked Vol. 3: Vols. 7 all 8 & 9 of his family, and his many aunts and uncles and cousins remain shadowy figures in the diary. His father was born in and his mother in ; they were married in ; and both died in When they moved from Pierce City to Enid inthey expected to encounter some hostility because they were Jewish, but they were socially as well as financially successful. They visited Florida and Asheville when Newman was in school and regularly went to Charlevoix in the summer. When Lenna was invited to join the Board of the Y. He married in and divorced in High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition), after adopting three children. 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 disapproved of both the divorce and the adoptions, and his sympathy for his sister-in-law, with whom he kept in for many years, was one of the factors which alienated him from his brother. As early as he felt he had been Vol. 3: Vols. 7 in the past because he had been on better terms with his family. He kept as far apart from them as possible, because of quarrels when they were together, and referred to them in increasingly harsh terms when they were apart. Louis and especially during the disputes after their parents died. I did not attend the funeral held in Enid, Okla. His remarks in Les seigneurs de Nesle High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) the strength and importance of medieval families, whose influence he 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 as greater than that of the church or custom, may have reflected his personal experience. When I am financially independent of them and live far away as I dothey will keep still. In fact he lived well within his means and usually managed to save at least half his income, even in the years when he bought furnishings for the home he planned, including silver, china, and rugs, and later also books. He always lived carefully and took some pride in looking less prosperous than he really was. His private income allowed Newman to devote himself to research, without having to earn a living, but it also imposed upon him a degree of isolation which was heightened by the two other, more personal factors which help account for his withdrawal into medieval history. The first of these was his awareness of being a Jew, for although he was not a religious man, and rarely went to temple, he had a strong sense of Jewish identity. The fifth and final factor which tended to isolate Newman and exclude him from a normal career was his dislike of women, which amounted almost to misogyny, and his preference for men as friends. I have very little faith in men, none in women. A woman is always selfish, some men are sometimes unselfish. She has brains, culture, looks, and apparently a good disposition. He was desperately lonely, and longed more than anything else in the world for the companionship of a sympathetic, gentle, intelligent—and preferably young and good-looking—man. He was indeed repelled by any specifically sexual contact with either a man or a woman, as he was by even a shadow of indecency in a book, play, or of music. After the war he gave some 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 advice to several ex-servicemen who were tempted to re-enlist because they were having difficulty in finding jobs. But these casual meetings led to no lasting friendships. He had a few friends who went back to his days at Vol. 3: Vols. 7 and Harvard and who occupied a special place in his affections, but they could not fill his need for a sensitive and loving comrade. His eagerness often put excessive demands on new acquaintances, while his self-doubts led him to expect of them more than was 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7, especially that they should seek him out after a first meeting. Some friendships lasted a few weeks, others a few months, and one a couple of years, but they all ended in disillusionment and unhappiness for Newman. I still worship him [Paul]; his courage and determination to do right and get well caused me to admire him almost beyond reason, even while my reason told me it was exaggerated. And the one [Dick] went High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) to have a good 8 & 9 and the other [Paul] to suffer in silence that in itself is enough to explain the difference in my attitude. Human sentiment is peculiar. Louis between October and August —a Vol. 3: Vols. 7 of extreme emotional turmoil, following the failure of the friendships with Paul and Dick, his rejection by the army, and High School Debut (3-in-1 Edition) decision to leave Cambridge in order to work for his brother in St. His mother, whom he had hated and loved for many years, died in Februaryand his father in November. Louis and almost vanished after he moved to Seattle. He never lost his 8 & 9 of loneliness, however, or 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 desire for 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 ideal friend. Even at Andover his friends were almost more important to him than his academic work, and at Harvard he deplored the fact that Friendship, with a capital F, meant so little to the students there. He had no doubts about the purity of his own motives, and many entries in the diary express his sense of outrage at the insensitivity of other people towards him. He knew that he was competitive, touchy, and retiring, 32 but tended to see these not as faults but as the concomitant aspects of a praiseworthy desire to succeed, independence, sensitivity, and modesty. He was jealous, suspicious, and 8 & 9 ungenerous, especially to people whom he regarded as more able or successful than he was, 33 Vol. 3: Vols. 7 usually attributed any disagreement with his views to ill will or jealousy. His skin was so 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 as to be almost nonexistent, and he never forgave a personal slight, which was probably the real reason he disliked Marc Bloch and many other professors. Yet he was genuinely well disposed towards mankind in general, and at times went out of his way to advise and assist men who were in trouble. This sympathy, in addition to his learning and retiring personal disposition, 8 & 9: Includes Vols. 7 at contrast with his seething inner feelings, called forth a response in others and gave him an unobtrusive charm which was attractive though not memorable. Several living people who are mentioned in the diary, and with whom I have been in touch, have little or no recollection of Newman now. Though he rarely went to museums or concerts, he was fond of art and music and once wrote that he would have liked to have been a professional musician if he had only been more talented. He admired beauty in objects and formed a considerable collection of china, rugs, silver, furniture, and glass, of which he left three pieces to museums in his will. He began to be interested in flowers in the s, and his garden was a source of joy in his later life. His real love was books, however, and there are many references in his diary to reading.