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— — —— — — — . a THE TRUE AMERICAN. Devoted to Universal Liberty. V^OLUME I. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, .lULY 15, 184G. NUMBER 52. xr.n.ns. ainoiiiil of of B. (iiles. Va., the means ? In 18.39 the colo- ! whole society under all its tilings into ronsiilt-ralion, llie W. Governor of to La- Where are phases. t The I announce lo vou with the deepest pain, they will be willing to sacrifice not only all weekly. «t I wu Ih-LLAns j rubliih*»il and Fiftt Cfis-re " dollars re- country accepted favorably I good that •' Tlie True Amt' ricaii is des- fayeite, in 1829. nization society, with 130,000 my plan, and that, during my administration, disorders personal interests, pfT aiiuuin, In advance, vr Thrhh Dollars if nut {.lad but opinions, on which tined produce, '. Under the head of emancipation we no- ceived from Government for the settlement without serious opposition gave it effect, Hiihin ihreft moiiihs. to cannot be computed have broken out in the south of the depart- they can centre their vows and their efforts Cc'ple« to a club for progressing in tice this fact: the last years, of re-captured .Africans, had expended SOO,- creating for itself a Provisional Five Ten Doliira. The cause of freedom is Within 40 Govern- ment of Mexico, and in a part of those of to defend their country from ils perfidious I To nan tlait hohUrt, in SUM SiaiM, o»« dollM p«r ' our section of countrv, notwithstanding emancipation has taken place in 45 differ- 000 dollars to build up a colony of about ment, which should call together by law j Puebia, and Oajaca ; in those of Sinaloa invaders.
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