CURRICULUM VITAE Professor Dermot Moran PhD (Yale), DLitt (NUI), MRIA Professor of Philosophy NUI Statutory Chair of Philosophy (Metaphysics & Logic) University College Dublin January 2015 PERSONAL: NAME: Dermot Brendan MORAN PhD DLitt MRIA ADDRESS School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Dublin 4, Ireland PHONE (WORK): Direct: +353 1 716 8123 Secretariat: +353 1 716 8186 or 716 8267 FAX NUMBER: +353 1 716 8258 E-MAIL:
[email protected] HOME PAGE: EDUCATION: • DLitt (2013) National University of Ireland in Philosophy • Ph.D. (1986) Yale University in Philosophy • M. Phil. (1976) Yale University in Philosophy • M.A. (1974) Yale University in Philosophy • B.A. (1973) University College Dublin in Philosophy & English (Double First Class Honours) PHD DISSERTATION: • Nature and Mind in the Philosophy of John Scottus Eriugena: A Study in Medieval Idealism. (Yale, 1986). Published: Ann Arbor, Michigan: University Microfilms International (UMI), 1987, xii + 399 pp. Open Library OL18910684M. Thesis Director: Professor Karsten Harries (Yale). AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION: § Phenomenology & Existentialism (especially Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre). § Contemporary Philosophy of Mind (especially intentionality, consciousness, subjectivity, embodiment, empathy, intersubjectivity) § History of Twentieth-Century Philosophy (analytic and Continental traditions) § Medieval Philosophy, esp. Christian Neoplatonism (Eriugena, Eckhart, Cusanus) § History of Modern Philosophy -- Idealism (Descartes to Kant) AREAS OF COMPETENCE: § Philosophy of Mind (e.g. Dennett, Searle, Putnam, Chalmers) § Metaphysics (Aristotle, Aquinas, Kant) § Environmental Ethics CURRICULUM VITAE Dermot Moran 27/02/15 CURRENT ACADEMIC POSITION: § Professor of Philosophy (Metaphysics & Logic), School of Philosophy, University College Dublin. Tenured full professor since 1989. § Head (Chairperson) of the Department of Philosophy, University College Dublin, served three 3-year terms: 1989-1992; 1993-1996; 1999-2001.