Saint Peter’s Anglican Church September 2019

MONTHLY CALENDAR SEPTEMBER BISHOP WALTERS 1 – 12th Sunday after Pentecost 10 AM TO VISIT THE 2 – Labor Day Holiday 5 - Prayer & Praise Gathering 7 AM PARISH SEPT 15TH 7 - Teen Youth Group 6:30 to 9PM Bishop Trevor Walters, the Anglican th 8 – 13 Sunday after Pentecost 10 AM Network in Canada bishop for western 8 – Sunday Schools begin Canada, will be celebrating the 10 AM 12 - Prayer & Praise Gathering 7 AM th 13 – 14 – Men’s Fall Retreat communion service on Sunday, September 15 at St Peter’s. 14 - Teen Youth Group 6:30 to 9PM In addition, he will also perform confirmation, and reception, 15 – 14th Sunday after Pentecost 10 AM for several members of the parish. 19 - Prayer & Praise Gathering 7 AM Bishop Walters was with this parish on two occasions in 20 - Women’s & Men’s Luncheons 2018, and he was instrumental in guiding the parish through a 21 - Teen Youth Group 6:30 to 9PM rather challenging period. In September of 2018 he also 22 – 15th Sunday after Pentecost 10 AM confirmed and received a number of parishioners. On his 22 – Parish Golf Outing & Potluck 2 PM departure last autumn, he expressed a desire to return to the 26 - Prayer & Praise Gathering 7 AM parish, and so he was invited to be the keynote presenter for 28 - Teen Youth Group 6:30 to 9PM the Men’s Fall Retreat this year. Please join with the entire 29 – 16th Sunday after Pentecost 10 AM congregation on September 15th in again welcoming Bishop Walters! CONFIRMATION AND TO THOSE DESIRING CONFIRMATION or RECEPTION RECEPTION SUNDAY IS Being received into the church, or being confirmed, are very TH ON SEPTEMBER 15 significant steps for any Anglican. Should you desire to engage WITH BISHOP TREVOR in one or the other during the bishop’s visit, you MUST first WALTERS! contact Father Edward at least one week ahead of time to see that you are properly prepared and instructed.

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From the Rector for September

Welcome to the month of September 2019. I was meditating on the Scripture, Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD (NIV). I concluded that the truth of this Scripture is demonstrated in many episodes in Scripture. One of them is in the lives of David and Saul. By our human standards and estimate, David was an evil man who was not fit for public office. He made love to a married woman and made her pregnant. The woman’s husband was a gallant soldier and was away with the military fighting for his country and his king, David. When David got the news that the woman was pregnant, by him, he panicked. He played tricks to make it look like the husband was responsible for the pregnancy. He called the man from the battle front and pretended to give a short vacation. He told him to go to his own house and rest. But the man was so into his military career. In his heart he refused the king’s offer. When he left the king’s presence, he didn’t go to his house to be with his family. He stayed all night at the palace with the palace guards. When asked by King Davis the following day why he didn’t go to his house, the man said he couldn’t go to his house to enjoy a comfortable bed while the king’s army was out fighting the enemies of the nation. So, the man was sent back to where the fighting was taking place. Now David was in real trouble. He was stuck with a married woman carrying his baby. If the secret got out to the public that he was responsible for the pregnancy, it would be such a scandal. But his brains were working. He devised a really wicked plot to have the woman’s husband killed. He instructed the commander of his troops to put the man where the battle was hottest and then to let the rest of the troops withdraw and leave him there alone surrounded by enemy troops. That’s what happened. The commander staged an attack and then ordered the rest of the troops to withdraw and leave the woman’s husband all alone in the heat of battle. He was killed. As soon as David heard the man was dead, he called for the woman and married her. What a wicked thing to do. And on top of it, he married many other wives. He is our Mr. Dirty, so unfit to hold public office. He should be run out of town. David’s predecessor to the throne was Saul. By human standards and estimate Saul was the right man to hold public office. He was tall, and handsome, and had “no scandals” as per human standards. When he was crowned, some people frowned at him saying how can this man be a king. Then there was a war. Saul led his soldiers and routed the enemy. On return from the battle ground, some among his soldiers wanted to kill those who had frowned at him at his coronation. But Saul said no one was going to be put to death. He pardoned his enemies. What a fine human being. We can picture Saul as the kind of man who dressed nice, had one wife, went to church, and had a great reputation with his neighbors. He would be seen on Sunday and other important days dressed in a three-piece suit, walking hand in hand with his wife, with the other hand holding his little daughter’s hand, with two other bigger kids following close behind him. He did hunt David to kill him when it became apparent that David would be next king. Saul wanted his own son to be the king after him. As humans we understand Saul’s hatred of David. They were members of different political parties and each wanted power. So, despite Saul’s attempt to kill David, Saul remains Mr. Clean going by human estimate and elite etiquette. Now the really alarming thing is that God declared our Mr. Clean, Saul, to be unfit for public office, deposed him, and chose David whom according to us is so filthy and unfit. To exacerbate matters, God calls David “the man after my own heart,” meaning that David was the kind of man God wanted to be his servant. What? Is God’s assessment of human character all so convoluted? But, really, we don’t need to be so flabbergasted at God’s choice. Whereas we can think Saul to be cleaner than David, actually Saul was not so clean by God’s standards. And so was David also not clean at all. But Saul’s uncleanness attacked the very essence of God, while David’s was simply personal failure limited only to himself. That makes Saul’s failures capital crimes as far as God is concerned. felonies far more serious in gravity than our first-degree felonies. First, Saul dared to stretch his hand and offered a sacrifice to God because the man of God, Samuel, delayed in coming. To Saul, what was so important about Samuel. Anyone can offer a sacrifice. No, Saul. You are overthrowing God if you do. Next, Saul went to war with a certain nation, and God gave instructions to take no loot from that nation. Saul disobeyed. When he won victory over the enemy, he and his men brought home cows and bulls and sheep and goats. When Samuel came around, Saul announced that he had obeyed the command of the Lord. When Samuel asked about the animals, he heard mooing, Saul said that some of his soldiers asked to take plunder and he caved in to them. Such disobedience to God undermined the entire plan of God. It was a message to the nation that obedience to God was an option. For that reason, Saul was unfit for public office as far as God was concerned. He would spread the cancer of disobeying God’s Word. On the other hand, David’s sin, heinous as it was, was personal, limited only to himself. It is true his sin affected the woman’s husband. He lost his life. Bu it was not like a general call to rebellion against God. The “decent“ King Saul was disobeying direct commands of God in a way that would easily spread to the general public. And when he was called out about his disobedience, he always came up with some justification. But David, when he was confronted by a man of God about the sin with a man’s wife, orchestrating the man’s death, and then taking the woman as his own wife, David fell on his knees and repented. He did not attempt even for once to justify his sin. Indeed, God’s thoughts are not our thoughts, and our ways are not his ways. Happy month of September 2019. The Reverend Edward Kironde, Rector

ANNOUNCING JOURNEY GROUPS: Experience relational discipleship online (This add has been copied verbatim from the Journey Groups website)

We were made for relationships.

We all need a community where we can connect, learn, share, and belong. Walking with God was never meant to be a solo experience; it’s a relational experience! We’ve discovered many Christians are looking for these types of communities without any success.

A lack of belonging can lead to isolation and block your path to a deeper walk with God.

Deeper Walk has taken the initiative to provide small group gatherings online where relationships are formed and fostered, God is central, and fabulous content is discussed. We call these communities Journey Groups.

As a Journey Group member, you’ll receive a brief lesson each week via email, then meet online for an hour to strengthen relational skills while interacting with the group discussing the lesson. The content is important, however, these groups are relationally-focused and interactive!

The weekly topics include life-changing material from Deeper Walk, Life Model Works, and Thrive Today. Your group will talk about walking in freedom, growing your identity in Christ, developing emotional maturity, participating in a multigenerational community, practicing relational skills, and so much more!

Who offers Journey Groups?

Journey Groups are a resource provided by Deeper Walk International, and participation in Journey Groups will lead you through Deeper Walk materials and concepts, including the discipleship model of Freedom, Identity, walking in the Spirit, and Heart to Heart Community. Because Deeper Walk considers the Life Model concepts of community, maturity, healing from trauma, and living from God’s perspective to be foundational to a deeper walk with God, these concepts are interwoven in the curriculum. This is a great place to practice the relational skills training of Thrive Today, too! What is a Journey Group?

A Journey Group is a group of 5-7 people who meet once a week online in a video meeting to share their journey of growth in freedom and identity in Christ, relational skills, maturity, awareness of and walking by the Spirit, and creating connection and community in a way that creates a deeper walk with God.

Who will lead my Journey Group?

Your Journey Group Leader, also called a Field Guide, will have participated in a Journey Group, completed leadership training with the Journey Groups Director, completed Deeper Walk Institute Course 1, and will be experienced with Life Model concepts of belonging/attachment, maturity, healing from trauma, and tuning in to God’s perspective. Journey Group leaders may also Freedom in Christ facilitators, Immanuel Prayer facilitators, spiritual directors, pastors, life coaches, or counselors.

What will we do in my Journey Group?

Each Journey Group will follow the same format. At the start of each week, you will receive an email with a short lesson. Your Journey Group meeting begins on Google Hangouts or Zoom with a Check-In round of sharing what you notice in your current emotional world. After each person checks in, we move to share a short appreciation story from our week. Next, we will discuss the topic of the week. An overview of Year One’s Curriculum is below revealing the topics to be discussed during the meeting times.

Following the discussion, we listen to Jesus and journal what we sense from Him. Then we read what we wrote with the group. We close our Journey Group with prayer.

How often does a Journey Group meet?

Each group meets once a week for approximately an hour. Joy Jumpstart groups meet for four weeks. After completing Jumpstart your Journey Group will start a new focus topic (or unit) at the beginning of every other month. Each Journey Group unit will meet 7 times during the two-month period.

Is there a cost for participating?

Members of Journey Groups contribute $30 each month to participate. Journey Group Leaders (Field Guides) receive most of this fee and Deeper Walk retains a percentage to provide leadership training, to administrate the groups, and to produce promotional materials and deliver the weekly lessons.

How long does the Journey Group last?

A one-year curriculum is currently in place for Journey Groups, and we are developing a second-year curriculum. New units are introduced every two months, and we welcome you to stay with your Journey Group as long as you’d like. We also plan to develop a special focus curriculum, as well. Our goal is to build secure connections and guide you toward a deeper walk with God. You can also leave the group at any time, there are no contracts.

Please visit their website and take advantage of this resource. I highly recommend it.

th Rupert Feast Day is September 27

Saint Rupert of served as the Bishop of Worms as well as the first Bishop of Salzburg. Coming from the Frankish Royal Merovingian family. Considered a wise bishop, he was mostly turned away by the pagan community of Worms. Moving to Bavaria at the invitation of the Duke of Theodo of Bavaria, he then moved on to Altotting and Lorch and visited villages along the River. His planed missionary work in Avar was cancelled because of war, causing him to relocate to the Roman ruins of Juvavum which he renamed Salzburg. It was here that he reestablished Saint Peter’s Abbey and began the foundations for . He also founded a Benedictine nunnery at Nonnberg where his niece Saint Erentrude was the first abbess. Born about 660 AD, Saint Rupert died in the year 710 AD. He is often featured holding a container of salt while holding a crosier. He is the patron for the City of th Salzburg, and salt miners. His feast day is celebrated on September 27 .

PRAYER FOR LABOR DAY Lord on this Labor Day, we thank You for the blessing of work. We ask for strength to complete each day. We ask for rest when we are weary. We ask Your guidance

for everyone seeking employment, and we ask that You be with those whose faces we might never see but who work tirelessly each day for the good of us all. St. Francis Blessing of Amen. the Animals is on th Sunday, October 6 !

For summer’s passing and harvest home WE THANK THEE For autumn’s splendor and winter’s chill WE THANK THEE For seed that has fallen the promise of spring WE THANK THEE

Thank You To . . .

. . . Jerry for his service

as Treasurer and his . . . Kathleen for again . . . Deacon Larry for constant church taking on the youth his continual service service on a daily Sunday school and caring for all Saint basis! program! Peter’s parishioners!

. . . Bruce for his . . . Mike for . . . Mary Ann for all of continual work to keep coordinating the her extra efforts with the parish phone Sunday Prayer Team hospitality and the directory up to date! program! Altar Guild!

. . . John for his work in . . . Kathy for . . . Russ for holding maintaining the church maintaining the church the summer teen C. S. website and Goggle Facebook page! Lewis study sessions Business page! and for chairing the Zeteo Mission Group!

Golden Leaves

We see signs of summer's passing in golden leaves, shortening days, misty mornings, autumn glow. We sense its passing in rain that dampens, winds that chill, Harvest's bounty placed on show. Creator God, who brings forth both green shoot and hoar frost, sunrise and sunset, we bring our thanks for seeds that have grown, harvests gathered, storehouses filled, mouths fed. And, as your good earth rests through winter's cold embrace, we look forward to its re-awakening when kissed by Spring's first touch.


Team Zeteo Formed to Support Mission

Team Zeteo has been formed at St Peter’s as an arm of the Outreach Committee to support the Zeteo Missions in the Philippines. Giving leadership to the team is Russ Thye. Donell Roberts will be coordinating the collection of materials to be shipped to the Mission, John Guild is coordinating the parish’s social media efforts and Deacon Fawn Corbin (Deacon at St Thomas Anglican and a long-time friend of Kate) will coordinate with our parish treasurer for the transfer of funds. Also serving on the committee is Stacey Horlings. In addition, Seth Forwood serves as the representative to the Outreach Committee. Russ and Deacon Fawn are the two designated members of the team designated to maintain contact with Kate Berg at the Mission. A special brochure is being prepared to share with the congregation information concerning how to make financial, as well as, item contributions. For item contributions, a box will be placed in the church for parishioners to leave donated items. The box will replicate the actual shipping boxes to be used, and when the church box is filled the contents will be shipped to the Philippines. A list will be provided listing items needed at the Mission, as well as items not to be sent. A special important requirement for donated items is that, per Philippines custom regulations, only used items may be shipped using this special shipping method (new items would generate custom duties sometimes valued at more than the actual cost of the item!). Shipping items around the world is, to say the least, costly. A special shipping program is available to the team where a specific size box may be shipped to the Mission’s door for a flat rate of $150.00. At some point in the future the team will set-up a Zeteo Mission Sunday, in cooperation with Father Edward, where prayers for the children and staff will be offered, a mission report presented and perhaps photos and/or videos shown during adult formation. A report from Kate indicates that items shipped in the early summer have arrived, and that they are greatly appreciated. She also reports that the staff and children at the Mission are praying for the St Peter’s congregation and that the tropical storm caused zero damage. Thanks be to God! Should you desire to serve on Team Zeteo please contact Russ Thye. If you have items to donate please hold on to them until the collection box is placed in the church. And please, please pray for the Mission, Kate, the staff and all the children!

Add a Birthday or Anniversary Date!

If you have not seen your birthday or a family member’s birthday noted on our parish calendar, or in the Sunday bulletin, please notify our parish administrater Amanda (970-292- 8595). The same applies to couples anniversary date. The entire parish loves to celebrate each member’s joy on these special ocassions!

September Adult Formation Programs

Adult Formation programs for the month of September will begin on Sunday, September 8th, at 9:00 AM. The September schdule will be as follows:

September 1st – No Adult Formation – Labor Day Holiday weekend! September 8th and 15th – Developing a personal evangalism approach by Maude Hanson and Fr. Edward. September 22nd – Colorado State Univesity Campus Ministries by Director Michael Browning. September 29th – Considering the establishment of a St Peter’s Columbarium

Adult Formation Programs end before the 10:00 AM service at approximately 9:45 AM each Sunday from Setpember through May. Please join us!

Youth Sunday School Begins Sept 8th

Youth Sunday School begins on Sunday, September 8th, at 9:00 AM. Class groupings will depend on the number and ages of children that show-up the first Sunday. Kathleen Edmiston has again accepted the challenge of organizing the classrooms by ages. There is still a need for additional teachers and aides as each class must have a minimum of two adults present at all times. Please contact Kathleen if you desire to help. Also, there is a need for two individuals to handle a children’s nursery during the Sunday school time period. This could be minumilly paid position for the head person. See Terry Dunn if you desire additional details o this position.





Slammin Famine Update

Slammine Famine of Northrn Colorado reports that in 2019 they raised $133,000 which allowed the packing of 634,824 meals during the weekend session held at The Ranch. This means that 1,740 chjildren were fed for one entire year! They report that of these meals 1,260 boxes were shipped to Haiti, 324 boxes were shipped to Jamaica, 23 boxes were shipped to Guyana, 1,260 were shipped to Malawi and 72 boxes were shipped again to Haiti. The meals were delivered and distributed in cooperation with varing organizations on site in each country, incuding: The Interantional Red Cross, Food for the Poor, LeSEA Global Feed the Hungry and Mission of Hope. Our St Peter’s team packed a significant number of boxes during the session at The Ranch, and we all need to get geared up for another big session next February 21 – 23, 2020! In 2019 we had two tables of packers, so let’s double or triple that for 2020!

Men’s Fall Retreat

The Men’s Fall Retreat is set to kick-off an exciting time at the Saint Walburga Abbey at Virginia Dale. As of this printing the overnight accomodations are full, but there is still room in the Saturday only participation with sign-up deadline being September 8th. The cost for the retreat is $95.00 (includes 4 meals) per participant staying over on Friday night and $45.00 (includes 2 meals) for Saturday only participants. Paricipant checks for payment (made out to St Peter’s Anglican Church with “retreat” on the memo line) need to be givien to Terry Dunn prior to the retreat. The retreat presentor for 2019 is The Right Reverend Trevor Walters who is the Western Bishop for the Anglican Network In Canada (ANIC) church as a part of Anglian Church in North America. Bishop Walters will join us on Friday evening, and following the retreat he will be with the entire St Peter’s congregation on Sunday as celebrate at the 10:00 AM service.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Mike and Kathy McKeever of Wycliffe Bible Translators paid a visit to St Peter’s during the month of August to share the exciting things that are happening with the organization. News they shared was that the New Testament in the Lole languge is now available to about 20,000 reidents of Indonesia and in the Waran language edition to 2,480 people in Papua New Guinea. Also, the Bible in the Tharaka language is now available to about 180,000 people in Kenya. Even with all of this recent tranlation work, there are still about 1,600 languages worldwide waiting for the Bible to be translated. Work to tranlate the Bible to so many languages takes a great deal of work by both staff and volunteers. As with other not-for-profit organization Wycliffe Bible Translators is suported by donations from Christians around the world. Should you desire information, or wish to contribute, additional information may be found in the narthax at church.

Fall Youth Ministry Plans

It is hard to believe that school has already begun for the year! How did the summer go by so quickly? Not to worry, though, because the Youth Staff has great plans for the teens this fall that we think will challenge them and help them to grow in their faith in Christ. Our youth program, creatively named, Youth Group, meets at the church every Saturday night from 6:30 until 9 pm during the school year (Wednesday nights during the summer). We also have weekly Bible studies for boys and girls (Sundays at 4:30 pm for boys; TBD for girls). This semester, at the large group meeting, we will be using the Dare to Share curriculum, Gospel Journey Maui. This “reality TV” formatted discussion, filmed in Hawaii, involves 8 young people from divergent faith perspectives discussing life’s biggest questions. The religious views include Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, New Age, atheist, Mormon, and just plain confused. Can everyone be right? Of course not! The kids will discover from discussion that only a Christian worldview makes sense of the world and that only a relationship with Jesus truly satisfies the soul. They will also be trained in sharing their faith within groups of diverse perspectives, such as they will likely face in university. This will be a great, non-threatening opportunity for them to invite their friends to come and discover Jesus. We also will have a number of special events for the kids throughout the year such as retreats, event nights, and outreaches. We have our fantastic Laser Tag Outreach, on Saturday night, September 14th. We follow up in October with our Fall Retreat at the spectacular Sky Ranch in Pingree Park, on October 25-27. Please encourage your kids to always invite their friends to Youth Group and special events! If parents or anyone in the congregation ever has any question or concern about what we are doing in the Youth Ministry, please know that your phone call, e-mail, or visit is welcome. You can also call the church office and ask Amanda about specifics and details of an event. If finances are ever a problem, please speak to me about a scholarship. We want every kid to be able to participate fully in this ministry! Your Brother in Christ, Bill Ackerman 970-776-9488 [email protected]

The Women’s Fall Retreat is now set for Friday and Saturday of October 18 & 19. This is a new date as there was a mix-up in regards to dates with the Abbey. Apologies to all the women of the parish! Even with the new dates our presenters Revs Margie McCaslin and Barbara Russo are still be able to be with us. This year’s retreat will be only one night – Friday night – and this will reduce the cost significantly and allow for an unhurried arrival at church on Sunday. Participants will have the option of staying Friday night or just participating on Saturday. The cost for Friday and four meals is $95.00. The cost for Saturday only (with two meals) is $45.00. The fee needs to be paid before the retreat by check made out to “St. Peter’s Anglican Church”, with “retreat” written on the memo line. Remember, only 18 overnight spots are available for Friday! The women of the parish are encouraged to sign-up for the retreat as soon as possible. The sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board in the church sanctuary. It is anticipated that participants will share rides on both Friday and Saturday.

We Really Could Use Your Help! Please!!!

A small number of St Peter’s youth members are in college. Two people are There are 12 months in a year needed to handle a regular contact effort and 12 individuals or couples with these students to keep them are needed to handle coffee connected to the church. Things like preparation and clean-up for sending birthday cards, test week survival just one month per year. packages, Sunday church bulletins, special Please help! See Ron Stoops to items from the church, etc. This is an effort schedule a month of service. to help them know they are not forgotten. Please help by contacting Leslie Erickson.

Sunday Snacks at church are a voluntary effort on behalf Sign-up on the bulletin board to of all. The kids and we adults sponsor a Sunday’s altar flowers for both love ‘em! We can only a birthday, the memory of a loved have these snacks if one or just something special. If you parishioners volunteer to are providing the flowers, please provide them. A sign-up bring them in a half hour before the sheet is on the bulletin board service on your Sunday to prepare and if a family accepts a them for display! If you desire Abby Sunday once each half of the to obtain them, please notify her year we will be covered. (720-933-2328), and contribute by Please sign-up for a Sunday soon! check to the church’s “flower fund”.

Monthly Service Schedule - September

If you are not able to serve on the assigned date, please find a replacement and let Amanda Smith know (970-292-8595) by Wednesday of the assigned week.

Date September 1 September 8 September 15 September 22 September 29 th th th th th Proper 12 Sunday after 13 Sunday after 14 Sunday after 15 Sunday 16 Sunday after Pentecost Pentecost Pentecost after Pentecost Pentecost Celebrant Rev. Edward Kironde Rev. Edward Rev. Edward Rev. Edward Rev. Edward Preacher Kironde Kironde Kironde Kironde O.T. Ecclesiasticus Deut. 30:15-20 Ex. 32:1, 7-4 Seth Amos 8:4-12 Amos 6:1-7 Scott Reader 10:7-18 Mike Bertolette Forwood Gary Eifert Erickson Doug Edmiston

Psalm Psalm 112 Johnny Psalm 1 Russ Psalm 51:1-17 Psalm 138 Leslie Psalm 146 Johnny Psalmist Moore Thye Lynda Stoops Erickson Moore

N.T. Hebrews 13:1-8 Philemon 1-25 1 Tim. 1:12-17 1 Tim. 2:1-15 1 Tim. 6:11-19 Reader Leslie Erickson Kathy Porter Steve Keyser Doug Edmiston Ron Stoops

Gospel Luke 14:1,7-14 Luke 14:25-33 Luke 15:1-10 Luke 16:1-13 Luke 16:19-31 LEMS Gary Eifert Mary Harry Taylor Ron Stoops Russ Thye Mike Jerry Webb Anne Paul Marcia Harris Andrea Smith Bertolette Mary Anne Paul Intercessor Don Okland Paul Jacobson Johnny Moore Pat Okland Ann Jacobson

Sr. Acolyte Mikel & Monica Abbey Erickson Anthony James Mercedes Maeda Anthony James Zimmerman Theo Maeda Mikel Zimmerman Nea Thye Titus Maeda

Crucifer Asa Forwood Jack Moore Ushers Denny & MA Krisiti Bertolette Mikel & Monica Marcia & Bruce Andrea Smith & Llewellyn & Donell Roberts Zimmerman Harris Kristi Bertolette

Greeter Terry Dunn Jerry Webb Scott Erickson Kathy Porter Doug Hutchinson Altar Mary Ann Jerry and Bonnie Mike and Kristi Flowers Llewlellyn Webb Bertolette Prayer Team Adult Holiday Personal Personal CSU Campus Columbariums Formation Evangelism Evangelism Ministries Snacks Webb Zimmerman Church Vacant Vacant


Saint Peter’s Anglican Church Calendar: September 2019 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12th Sunday Teen Group after Labor Day 6:30 PM Pentecost 10:00 AM Rector’s Day ST TERESA of Off Holy Eucharist CALCUTTA © Pat & Don «Don 7AM Prayer & Study

Okland Okland Group

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13th Sunday after Rector’s Day «Asher 7AM Prayer Men’s Fall Retreat Pentecost Off & Study Teen Group Group «Pat 10:00 AM Nuland 6:30 PM Holy Eucharist «George Frysinger «Paul Jacobson Forwood 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14th Sunday 7AM Prayer after & Study Men’s & «Asa «Theo Group Pentecost Women’s Forwood Maeda 6PM Vestry 10:00 AM Mteeting ST NINIAN Luncheons Holy Eucharist ST MATTHEW Rector’s Day «Ken Off Dinick & «Jerry Teen Group Andrea 6:30 PM Webb ST CYPRIAN Smith 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15th Sunday after Rector’s Day 7AM Prayer Teen Group Off «Russ Thye «Jonathan & Study Pentecost 6:30 PM Wretlind Group 10:00 AM «Eva

Holy Eucharist Maeda ST RUPERT PARISH GOLF 29 30 16th Sunday Fellowship with coffee and snacks after after Pentecost every Sunday service! 10:00 AM ST MICHAEL Holy Eucharist & ALL © Erin & Aaron ANGELS

Nuland « Birthday © Wedding Anniversary «Ann Jacobson Rector’s Day Off

The Our Daily Bread devotional

guides covering the months of

September, October and

November are now available in

the St Peter’s narthex!

Treasurer Update for September

New Windows were installed in June and the difference is amazing. The AC actually cools the building quickly and our costs for running the AC for the summer camp was much less than anticipated. Please take a look at the 27 sills of windows covered by individual donations. Donor plates have been installed! Don’t forget to pass the bulletin board on the east end of the sanctuary to review the parish financial statements. They are usually posted prior to the monthly Vestry Meeting. The Finance Committee would like to have your questions or concerns. Quarterly giving statements will be out in early October. They will be prepared as soon as the financial accounting system is posted. Recently, a couple of folks asked to adjust or remind them their pledges for 2019. Just let Jerry know is you need any assistance. The Finance Committee will meet in early September to review 2019 Financials, adjust the budget where necessary, to develop a “strawman” budget for 2020 (Major Categories) and to outline the Fall Stewardship Campaign. More information will follow.

ACNA BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER ORDER UPDATE For those who ordered books, the order has been placed but both editions of the first printing are now out of print. Our order will be filled when the 2nd printing is available sometime in October.

Jerry Webb, Treasurer

Saint Peter’s Anglican Church Head of the Church: Jesus Christ A Biblically-Based Anglican Community The Most Reverend Foley Beach, Archbishop Sunday Services at 10:00AM Anglican Church in North America Sunday Christian Education at 9:00AM The Right Reverend Bill Atwood, Bishop, Sr. Warden, Dr. Terrence Dunn, Telephone: 461-0436 International Diocese Jr. Warden, Mr. Dennis Llewellyn, Telephone: 674-1254 The Reverend Edward Kironde, Rector The Reverend Larry Doyle, Deacon

Website: 4044 Duffield Avenue, Loveland CO 80538 970-292-8595