A-Horizon, 447
A A-Horizon, 447, 452 Aabwas, 522 AAS, 565 Aatis, 523 Abas, 522 Abdomen, 532-533, 540 ABE, 570 Abiotic, 140-141, 170, 172, 176, 187, 189, 193-194 Abiotic Factor, 176 Abnormal Tides, 268 Abrin, 315 Abrus precatorius, 315 Absence of Disease, 575 Abyssal Plain, 49 Abyssal Zone, 204-205 Abyssopelagic, 204 Acacia auriculiformis, 383 Acacia formosa, 384 Acanthaster planci, 252, 261-262 Acanthurus lineatus, 247, 256 Access Routes, 614 Access to US Markets, 553 Accidental Spills, 576 Accumulation of Salts, 457 Accumulation Rate of Soil, 441 Acetone, 578 Acetylene, 663 Achiak, 334 Acid, 73, 78, 87, 164-165, 188-189, 383, 427, 440, 445, 498, 521, 525, 649, 675, 679 ACOE, 5 Acrocephalus luscinia, 374 Acropora, 223, 252 Acrostichum aureum, 363 Actitis, 304 Active Listening, 2 Acute Care, 571 ADA, 563, 565 Adaptation, 160, 180, 182, 184, 223, 250, 310 Addictive Nature, 530 Adding Value to a Product, 545 Administrative Procedure, 623 Adobe-Brick, 705 Adult Basic Education, 570 Adult Supervision, 725 Advanced Life Saving Skills, 567 Adverse Impacts, 598, 654-655 Advocacy, 1 Aerial Bombing, 35 Aerially-sprayed Herbicides, 586 Aerobic Bacteria, 453 Aerodramus vanikorensis, 385 Aerosol Propellants, 650 Aesthetic Design, 711 Africa, 63, 102, 166, 318, 330, 364, 490, 587 Aga, 338, 500 Agatelang, 322 Age of Dinosaurs, 69 Agencies Tasked with Implementing Environmental Laws, 644 Agenda 21, 660 Agfayan Soils, 381 Aggregate Market, 422 Aggregate Supply, 422 Aggrieved Party, 622 Aghurub, Chief, 26 Agingan Point, 418 Agricultural Clearing, 326 Agricultural Crops,
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