St. Edward  Iglesia Católica the Confessor San Eduardo el Confesor

MARCH 14, 2021 14 DE MARZO, 2021                


4° DOMINGO DE MASSES/MISAS Saturday/Sábado Weekday/Diarias (Weekday Masses Continued) Monday—Friday/ Lunes-Viernes ..7:15am Fridays…………………………..….12:05pm English/Inglés…………….….5:00pm Spanish/Español…………....7:00pm First Friday Mass ………………….7:15am First Saturday Mass ……………….8:00am Reconciliation/Reconciliación:

Sunday/Domingo Wednesday/Miércoles Wednesday / miércoles..5pm to 6:15pm English/Inglés:8:30am,10:30am & School Mass (during school year)..8:45am Saturday/sábado ..……..3pm to 4:30pm 5:30pm Eucharistic Adoration in church 9:30 am-6 pm or any time as requested/o por cita

Spanish/Español: …...…….12:30pm Spanish/Español…………………...6:30pm Page 2 ST. EDWARD’S CATHOLIC COMMUNITY TWIN FALLS, IDAH0 

YOUR PARISH STAFF             O    P                  

                                                                 !                                       !      "#                      $             "     !           Last Week’s Collection / #      Colecta de la Semana Pasada #                    O    #  $  #   P #                     &'()     #                        $ %          #                                     #                                                                #                       #    &                          #         !  #          #                                  Mar 1 - 7 offering / Ofrenda de 3/1 - 7 #          

$14,873.24          ' 

   READINGS FOR THE WEEK/LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA  !  ""  SUN/DOM . !% /%0%1/. 2% !%/.0 0 /0345#.! /   #$ %"6 !% /.%%7%!%40/ 0%"/% 2. !%/ 0 4/    % &'(  )$*+, 03%5#!8/% 61!%/ %1!%0/10% /% 0 / 8  +- MON/LUN +!% /.%2 "!. 0/0%%/%.% 43.56 ! /  TUE/MAR # !%/10%.2 !./ 0/08/13856!%/%

Idaho Catholic Appeal 2021 Goal WED/MIE + 1!8/%2% !8/10% /% 0% /%83856!% / " $108,655 THU/JUE #9 .! /% 2%"!%1/."0.%/..0. 3 56! %/  FRI/VIE .7 ! /0%./% 0%281!./ 0 /0. 0.13 5- " #$%$&' (%&   !% 0%/%80..,%!%0%8/.%0. $.! %/% '(()*+,  (+-.(/     SAT/SAB 6%%!%8/."2 !./ 014/%"0%%/%.3.56 ! "/  )         N.SUN/DOM 6 %! %/ 2%! / 0%./% 0% /%3%.5:4! /16      *  + %.!."/ # !%./% -8!8/%%2% "!%/.0 / 0/0 /83 56%%!%/ %%! / 0% 0."/. 0 4/  MARCH 14, 2021 –THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Page 3 PARISH NEWS/NOTICIAS PARROQUIALES


March 15-21 Church will be CLOSED Apr   , -   Wed., 17               ;//              IP,/! "

!              Fri., 19 7;/! "#

      .    <(/! "7 ,           Sat., 20 ;/ / ! "   )     


PRO-LIFE COMMITTEE  , 7 !      +  &3  8  , 9     :                                              ; Can you help St Edward the Confes- sor with a sponsorship in our weekly WOMEN’S ENDOW GROUP church bulletin? With the support of )   -    /!  advertisers, our parish receives this publication free of charge. We invite   ,   0              you to expand your reach and grow     1        your business with a print ad and/or a          "     digital ad featured on Parishe-                ,  /  $%2324233&         )       Robert (Bob) Martin    &%      5  '      800-950-9952 x5865            1       6  -             FEAST OF ST JOSEPH     MARCH 19, Mass Schedule   7:15 AM English  12.05 PM English  7:00 PM Spanish ! "   O= ! P.   +  + &#&2$%$&) R          0                        0 "@     +       ;)   @                ;* R  ;                                      /  $%2324233&  Page 4 ST. EDWARD’S SCHOOL NEWS     R! "       R                                           ! R                              "   #  $                       $   "       #       "  #   %&%'             () *   +

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O                        P   !"#    $  %  St Edwards Conference St Vincent de Paul Society &  $  R$(          244 Main Ave S., Twin Falls, ID 83301         O  R     )    St Vincent de Paul Society wants to extend a warm and     P heartfelt thank you to all who donated to our CANNED O%  R       !      & FOOD DRIVE and SOCK DRIVE. Because there is such a need for food and warm clothing we are continuing both. P         *+    *  !        It is through your donations that we are making a difference in our community. O       P    We now have a website which we encourage you to visit and ,                see the work that we do and how you can help. It is now possible to make online donations at your conven-                    * ience:          -    Your donation can be set up as a one time or as a recurring O          P    * monthly.    Remember it is your donations that Help Us To Help Others.        R& ./0)"*123 !  Thank you and God Bless,  4   4        4     St. Vincent de Paul Society.    !(    !     

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,  O         !     ! 4  ! !        !         P  "    # $% &              6 O                R  7!        !  !  &  !  !    )    6  P         !              " #  $     !  "# ! !                  !    !   !   %                 %     $&& '   PACK THE PLAY PEN FOR SAGE WOMEN’S CENTER  %             !    ( !  !  .  /     !     O1!       )  !        P   3 #  !   1 1  %      !      / ! 3(    ! %       *! +,      &45*6$/7   !  ! . /  89:; - << 9++  Page 6 COMUNIDAD CATOLICA DE SAN EDUARDO TWIN FALLS, ID. CATECISMO      ?4 0       ,6  07 !    !      !         !    !     !      !   FC !   0   !       O/546=$6/>54664     !     !     5P   7/ (*>/ 1   !   C  F       C   !       C       1     !       0  C   !          7A     C         &   CLASES DE BAUTISMO                 , @ !( 4  8      C,        9            ! A     :                   9:,  0    .+A'*H= '+H' ! A  +I=1 *           &   C                    * 7                                           C        E  F 0      %       %    GRUPO JUVENIL SAN JOSE, SAN JUAN DIEGO !  I                                F       0   /                                , CM(3%       !!        "           A      C@  &%3 ! '       GRUPO DE ORACIÓN '   A  E  %   E   “UN ENCUENTRO CON JESÚS” %  % '    ) ' *% '    E !!   E  " ' ,%'%     ' '      ! !!   !   !!  !  '    E  !      !   '  !  F      C !  ?#    / 1     '   F E    6E    ! %      #!   $    E      89:;K<, +: '  !    E 7A    VIA CRUCIS !    A 0 ,1  , C&2*+$-  '  ! F      '  1&  E         '  7A E         !" '  &  E  !   #  ! %& ' * & E !! &       #  '(   '  I E %  )           E      !6     H    F    $ "#   Dia de San Jose   , C        /   *+ Marzo 19,horario de misas:  8  %$  1$  ,    1  9$- 7:15am ingles $        - :  ; 12:05pm ingles    $ 8   0 (1 -  $   7:00pm español    ',+ $ <#- PASTORAL LEADERSHIP / LIDERES PARROQUIALESPage 7 * Religious Education / Educación Religiosa * Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors / * Pastoral Council/ Consejo Pastoral Juana Rosas…...………..…….…(208)733-3907 Ministros de la Eucaristía y Lectores Juanita Marron - Vice-chair, Mary Galindo, * Youth Minister / Director Juvenil English: Shane Stastny, Pete Turner, Nadine Adams Lisa Gifford………..………………(208)733-3907 Sat. 5pm Cathy Bentley..…….423-9641 & Andy Arenz *Business Manager / Administradora Sun. 8:30am Mary Ann Gilmore..944-9783 * Finance Council / Consejo Financiero Rhonda Eldredge………………(208)733-3907 Sun. 10:30am Lisa Gifford.…….....733-3907 John Knerler, Ed Amstutz, Armando Cordero, * Baptism Classes / Clases de Bautismo Weekday Katy Touchette…...293-2343 Colette Markell, Willy Watt English: Ted & Alyce Wasko..(208)749-1727 Español: * Liturgy Commission / Comité Litúrgico Español: Artemio y Rafaela Perez.(208)404-9987 sábados Dania Chavez……(208)735-1095 …………………………………………………………. * Catholic Inquiry / Catecumenado domingos Veronica Roberto (208)421-1670 * St. Edward’s Catholic School Mike Havener.…………………..(208) 490-3465 * Altar Servers / Monaguillos Principal / Rector Katy Touchette………………….(208) 293-2343 English: Julie DeWit…………...(208)404-1828 Angela Hild………...…………..…(208)734-3872 * Mystagogia-continuing the journey Español: Ana Vazquez……..…(208)316-0259 School Board /Consejo Escolar John & Linda Hurley.(208)420-9091 * Pilgrim Virgin / Virgen Peregrina Kelli Burton ……………………… (208)631-5983 * Soup Kitchen / Comedor para Necesitados English: St Edward’s Foundation Tim Dye…..………………………(208)421-0677 Sheri Rickert……10:30am…..(402)326-7811 Hank Hafliger……………………(208)280-0118 *Eucharistic Adoration / Adoración Español: *Pro-Life Committee Paul Sohacki…………..…...(208)317-1832 Gerardo y Cristina Herrera…(208)350-3274 Steve Schmid…………………….(208)731-8277 * Prayer Chain / Cadena de Oración * Hispanic Committee / Comité Hispano (presidente) * St. Vincent de Paul Dee Bergman…………………(208)733-9217 Benjamín Chávez……. .…….(208) 749-6020 Social Services……..…………...(208)734-5558 Dar Wagner……[email protected] * Knights of Columbus / Caballeros de Colon Store…………………………………(208)734-9143 * Music Coordinator / Coordinador de Música Dave Garcia…...... …...………...(208)490-6976 *Regnum Christi Women’s Team English: Mark Manno…..……(208)886-0690 Pam Di Lucca……………………...208-404-1477      !   Do not lose hope; St. Joseph also experienced          moments of difficulty, but never lost faith and was able         to overcome them, in the certainty that        God never abandons us.          !"   #   # - Francis                           "   !  !                       &    '   )    No pierdas la esperanza;  "     +   ,  San Jose también experimento momentos de dificultad, pero nunca perdió la fe y fue     capaz de superarlos, en la certeza de que     - . Dios nunca nos abandona            -Papa Francisco   “The World’s Largest Seamless Siding Company” Rosenau funeral home & crematory Kevin Rosenau • Seamless Siding • Seamless Gutters • Log Home Siding • Metal Soffit & Fascia Ph. 208.944.3373 2826 Addison Ave • Windows & Patio Doors •Metal Roofing Fax 208.944.3371 Twin Falls, ID 83301 Twin Falls, ID 1-800-859-0348 Elko, NV [email protected] (208) 733-9683 (775) 738-2227

Tax Preparation R.C. Morris CPA 1132 Locust St, Twin Falls, ID 208-944-9301 DEPOT GRILL Pat Szot Pat Szot ® Eyewear Boutique ® Ann’s Realtor , RRC Twin Falls, ID SINCE 1927 Realtor , RRCCRS Office:208-734-0400 208-734-0400 Office: 208-734-0400 FAMILY DINING OPEN 24 HOURS Cell:208-316-5001 208-316-5001 Fax: 208-733-6112Cell: 208-316-5001 A DAY CLOSED SUNDAY AT 9PM Contact Robert Martin to place an ad today! [email protected] 1411 Falls Fax:Ave. East Suite208-733-6112 1000A 733-0710 [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x5865 Twin Falls,[email protected] ID 83301 545 SHOSHONE ST. S. GEM STATE1411 REALTY, Falls Inc. Ave. East Suite 1000A Twin Falls, ID 83301


“Your Glove Cleaning Service” 1631 Blue Lake Blvd. N, Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 Residential • Commercial & Office • Bonded/Insured Twin Falls: 734-5313 Buhl: 543-8887 736-6200 (Twin Falls) 678-4040 (Burley) (208) 914-1019 • 208-733-1067 Dr. Prins O.D. [email protected] Bill Ystueta Owner/Operator/Parishioner Anything YARD KIM & KRISTIE Landscapes, Pavers THOMPSON Fences, Decks DR. JOHN ROBERTS & DR. KEVIN HALL 208-735-8191 Sonny Silva • Ernie Silva 208-731-4242 Family and Aesthetic Dentistry 22339 Kimberly Road 256 Martin St., Twin Falls, ID 83301 Kimberly, ID 83341 [email protected] Call Today: 208-733-5346 208-410-1461 • 208-420-6131 [email protected] DRY IN ONE HOUR Gem State Welders Supply Welders come to us for great values on welding supplies & equipment .... Come See why For Yourself! 1440 Kimberly Road in Twin Falls 733-9553 or 1-800-427-8075

DICK’S PHARMACY MEDICAL OFFICE PHARMACY ORCHARD DRUG 526 K Shoup Ave. W. 476 Cheney Dr. W., Ste. 140 995 Washington St. S Twin Falls, ID 83301 Twin Falls, ID (In Swensen’s Market) Twin Falls, ID 83301 208-734-7373 208-734-3007 208-736-7060 JEROME DRUG BUHL DRUG KWIK-MEDS 111 Pioneer Court Ste. 2 419 Broadway Ave. S. 256 Overland Ave. Jerome, ID 83338 Buhl, ID 83316 Burley, ID 83318 208-324-2440 208-543-5353 208-878-6337 MEDSYNC PHARMACY HUB CITY DRUG HOME I.V. SERVICES 801 S Vista Ave 447 N. Idaho St. 526 L Shoup Ave. W. Boise, ID 83705 Wendell, ID 83355 Twin Falls, ID 83301 208-364-7777 208-536-9968 208-735-8700 Your Friendly Pharmacists - Dan, Doug, Ken, Ed & Jacob Fuchs, RPh / Kent & Kenny Alexander, RPh CUSTOM CONCRETE & STAMPING BILL’S FENCING Large Job Specialist JEREMY HURD Commercial • Institutional • Residential 208-969-0228 Ornamental • Chain Link [email protected] Wood • Vinyl Fencing 2567 Navajo Cir. Since 1973 Free Estimates Twin Falls, Id 733-5454 • 731-3162 Parishioner

MEXICAN RESTAURANT 677 Filer Ave, Twin Falls, ID 801 S. Lincoln, Jerome, ID 208-736-7408 208-644-9218 Serving the Magic Valley for Over 21 Years Magic Valley Mall Taqueria | Twin Falls, Idaho 208-731-0131 Mention this Ad for $1000 in Free Upgrades and a $500 Donation to St. Edwards in Your Name

Rui Gomes 208-732-7368 208-678-7368 Twin Falls Burley 208-731-2387 Andrew & Susan Barry

Life Long Parishioners Proudly Serving the St. Edward’s Community!

Cesar Duran (Hablo Español) Kaylee Duran 208.329.0725 208.539.4913 For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • St. Edward’s Catholic Community, Twin Falls, ID A 4C 05-0295