St. Stephen & Martyr 17500 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, Illinois 60487 708-342-2400

St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr Catholic Church 17500 South 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60487

Parish Office Phone: 708-342-2400 | Parish Office Fax: 708-342-1545 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1–8:00pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-4pm Saturday Noon—5pm | Sunday 9:30am—1:00pm

Religious Education Phone: 708-342-1544 RE Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1pm-4:30pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm Evenings and weekends by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Cardinal Joseph Bernardin Parish School (CJB) 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone: 708-403-6525 | Fax: 708-403-8621 | web: | email: [email protected]

Pastor Anointing of the Sick—Please contact the parish office if you or a loved one Rev. Thomas A. Bernas need this sacrament. Associate Pastor Rev. Mirek Kulesa Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in English and 1pm in Polish. Pastor Emeritus Baptisms can also be celebrated with the Parish Family at one of our weekend Rev. James Finno Masses. Please contact Fr. Tom in the parish office for the necessary

Deacons preparations. A baptism preparation class is required to have your child Robert Conlin baptized at St. Stephen’s. New parishioners are required to register. William Engler Chuck McFarland Communion for the sick, elderly, handicapped, or homebound parishioners William Schultz can be arranged by calling Barbara Black at 708-466-9962. Pete Van Merkestyn Funerals can be arranged through the parish office. Administrative Asst. to Pastor Marriages - St. Stephen’s Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of Laura Uher both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. For Adult Formation more information, please contact the parish office. Barbara Black Confessions - Saturdays after the 8AM Mass or by appointment. Communications

Maintenance Director New parishioners are invited to register: nd th • After the 10am Mass on the 2 and 4 Sundays of every month.

• At the parish office. Director of Music and Liturgy David Boyle For those in need: Morning Receptionist • Counseling services are available through the Holbrook Counseling Center Noreen Galvin of Catholic Charities. To get help, call 312-655-7725 or visit the website at Director of Religious Education • For Bereavement and Crisis Counseling, please contact Deacon Pete Van Sandi Morgan Merkestyn. Appointments will be taken on Wednesdays at 10am, 11am, and Assoc. Director of Religious Ed. 12pm. Please call the parish office or email Deacon Pete at Leslie Krauledis [email protected] to arrange for an appointment. Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant • For parishioners struggling and in need of assistance, please contact Dee Zvejnieks Religious Education Secretary the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry through the parish office. • For those seeking help through a twelve-step program, St. Stephen’s offers CJB Interim Principal English and Polish support groups. Please contact the parish office for more James Antos information. CJB Admissions Director • For information about Domestic Violence awareness, services, and Cynthia Labriola Devlin prevention, please contact Deacon Bill Schultz at the parish office. FATHER TOM’S TIDBITS Dear Friends, Today's Gospel reading is the third of three parables in 13 that deal with the theme of the unexpected reversals brought by the Kingdom of God. The other two parables are about the tiny mustard seed that grows into a large tree and the small amount of yeast that makes a large batch of dough rise. All three are about the few and the many and the Kingdom of God. As this parable opens, Luke reminds us that Jesus is making his way to Jerusalem. This journey, this exodus as Luke refers to it, makes up the entire middle of the Gospel. He is teaching as he goes. A question from the crowd gives Jesus the chance to make a prophetic statement. Luke uses this question device a number of times in his Gospel. A few weeks ago, the question “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” led to the parable of the Good Samaritan. The question about will only a few be saved uses typical Christian language about salvation but also expresses the Jewish concern about whether everyone who calls himself a Jew is actually faithful to the covenant. This was a concern of the Pharisees. Jesus answers that they must strive in the time remaining to enter through the narrow door because many will be trying to get in but won't be strong enough. He then moves to a parable about another door. Once all those entering the master's house are in and he locks the door, there will be no way for others to get in. Those left outside may knock, but the master will say he doesn't know them. Unlike the Gospel reading from a few weeks ago where Jesus was teaching about prayer, and we were told to knock and the door would be opened, in this parable, the master will not open and say he does not know us. People from the north, south, east, and west will take our place inside. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets will take our place in the Kingdom of God. Those who do not make it through the narrow door will be cast out to where there is wailing and grinding of teeth. The answer to the question if only a few will be saved is no. In the end, many will be saved, but many who thought they would be saved will not be saved. The parable is a prophetic warning to repentance in order to enter the kingdom. We are preparing for another year of instruction in our Religious Education Program as well. You may be asking yourself, “What is the Religious Education Program?” The Religious Education Program, formerly known as C.C.D., was instituted to provide a fundamental religious education to those students attending public schools. The purpose of the parish Religious Education Program is to assist parents with their sacred responsibility of educating their children in the Catholic faith. Students are taught Catholic Christian doctrine in an atmosphere which reflects love, care, and respect for the uniqueness of each person. The gifts and talents each of us possesses are the means through which our commitment to the Christian challenge of service can be fulfilled. We are called to help our children recognize and develop their gifts and talents. We are called to foster in our children a sense of Christian responsibility and social justice. We are called to be witnesses to our Catholic faith, to teach by example and to model Christian qualities. The Religious Education Program is seen as an ongoing process for adults as well as for children. In the programs for young people, we seek to have parents involved in the process. During preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and Reconciliation, parents and families are actively involved in bringing the young person to the celebration of these sacraments. There is an integration of family activities both at home and at church. The National Directory for Catechesis lists six goals for catechetical programs. They are: 1. To promote knowledge of the faith by teaching the “basics” of the faith as revealed in the signs of creation, Sacred Scripture, Catholic tradition and human experience. 2. Provide liturgical education which teaches about the form and meaning of the liturgy and the sacraments and help individuals prepare their minds and hearts to enter into these mysteries of our faith. 3. Provide Moral Formation which teaches the moral teachings of the Church which are the fulfillment of the Commandments. 4. Introducie various prayer forms which teaches that a “climate of prayer” and participation in prayer invites individuals into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 5. Promote Community Life, teaching that the human person needs to live in society. Society is not optional, but a requirement of human nature. 6. Instill a Missionary Initiative that promotes that all Christian service is an expression of love and is performed by Christians for the purpose of building up the Kingdom of God on earth. Christ’s method of formation was accomplished by diverse yet interrelated tasks. His example is the most fruitful inspiration for effective catechesis today because it is integral to formation in the Christian faith. Catechesis must attend to each of these different dimensions of faith; each becomes a distinct yet complementary task. Faith must be known, celebrated, lived, and expressed in prayer. The Church clearly defines the purpose of catechesis and what the expectations are of the parents and catechists, in terms of sharing the faith with the children entrusted to us. This year we are making some changes in our program to enhance the religious education process for our students and their families. These changes are designed to allow for more opportunities for the children and their families to deepen their relationship with the Lord. Some of the more noticeable changes include adding additional time and additional class days to allow the catechists to have more classroom time with the students; we are instituting an expectation that students preparing for their First Communion and Confirmation will be required to attend Mass weekly. By attending Mass weekly, the students and their families will be able to participate in the liturgical celebrations of the Church and they will also experience first hand the various liturgical practices, celebrations, and seasons of the liturgical calendar, We are adding additional formational sessions for parents and catechists to help them develop their own faith, and provide them with additional resources to assist them in their roles as parents and catechists. In addition, we will be adding a liturgical component in all grade levels through Family Masses, prayer services, and devotional activities and other opportunities are being included to bring together and connect the parish and the catechetical programs. So, as you can see there are sound reasons for these changes. We are not simply making changes to add extra work or cause added burdens. We take very seriously our responsibility of sharing in the catechetical formation of our young people and I hope we can count on your support and assistance in this time of transition. This is a work in progress. To make this work we will need everyone’s prayers and assistance. Hope to See You at the Parish Picnic!! From Our Associate Pastor DROGA DO NIEBA Często, gdy przewidywana jest przerwa w dostawie wody, jest to rozgłaszane przez megafon, aby ludzie mogli zgromadzić ją na czas, gdy zostaną zakręcone zawory. Większość z nas rozumie takie działanie i uznaje za coś normalnego. Gdyby jednak ktoś zaczął pytać przez megafon: „Ludzie! Czy chcecie iść do nieba?”, część uznałaby go zapewne za pomylonego, część być może stwierdziłaby (czasem wręcz żartobliwie), że i tak pójdą do piekła. Lecz jednak to nie koniec. Głos zapraszałby tych, którzy chcą iść do nieba, słowami: „Chodźcie ze mną, weźcie swoje megafony i głoście wśród miast i wsi, że warto jest wejść na drogę wiodącą do nieba”. Jaka jest ta droga? Czy wszyscy mogą na nią wejść? Na te pytania odpowiada liturgia słowa 21. niedzieli zwykłej. Prorok Izajasz w pierwszym czytaniu przytacza słowa samego Boga, który wysyła swoich wybranych, by ogłosili Jego chwałę wszystkim narodom. Ci wybrani przez Niego ludzie mają przekazać innym to, czym żyją: pragnienie oglądania Jego chwały, życia z Nim w pełnej łączności. Mają oni iść do narodów pogańskich. Być może i ja dostrzegam dzisiaj w swoim środowisku „trudne tereny” do głoszenia Ewangelii. Pierwszym jednak etapem głoszenia jestem ja sam, bo z czym pójdę do ludzi, jak nie z tym, czym sam żyje... Muszę dać się ewangelizować, stale wzniecać w sobie pragnienie nieba. Bóg będzie przychodził z umocnieniem wiary zarówno poprzez świadectwo innych, jak i bolesne doświadczenia. Może narodzi się bunt przed przyjęciem świadectwa wiary od kogoś, kogo uważam za mniej zdolnego czy mniej inteligentnego. Mówiło się niegdyś dość złośliwie, że jesteśmy w jakiejś dziedzinie sto lat za Murzynami. Popatrzmy jednak na żywą wiarę mieszkańców Afryki. Podczas przeistoczenia radośnie klaszczą, witając zstępującego w Hostii Jezusa, podczas gdy niektórzy młodzi ludzie u nas w kraju, zamiast przyklęknąć, kucają w obawie o zabrudzenie sobie odzieży. Ludzkość od początku dziejów świata znała system kar i nagród. Rozmaite kodeksy karne przyczyniały się do zaprowadzenia porządku w państwach. Doświadczenia, które na nas spadają, dopuszcza Ojciec Niebieski. Nie są one karą za grzechy, ale mają na celu przypomnieć nam właściwy kierunek drogi – niebo. Ktoś powiedziałby: „Co to za ojciec, który krzywdzi swoje dzieci?”. To pytanie ludzie zadawali sobie również wiele wieków temu, widząc smutek z powodu bolesnych doświadczeń. Patrzyli oni jednak na cierpienie z punktu widzenia życia ziemskiego, widząc w nim tylko krzywdę. Autor Listu do Hebrajczyków pisze, że „ tego Pan miłuje, kogo karze”. Bóg chciałby, abyśmy żyli wiecznie w niebie, dlatego dopuszcza różne doświadczenia, by przyniosły w duszach obfite owoce, kierując nasze oczy ku niebu. I mnie często trudno jest spojrzeć w niebo, widząc ból i cierpienie innych. To właśnie ludzie doświadczeni cierpieniem uczą nas takiego patrzenia. Jeszcze kilka lat temu polskie gazety rozpisywały się o sparaliżowanym Januszu Świtaju, który domagał się eutanazji. Jednak za jakiś czas media zamilkły. Nie pisały już o tym, że pan Janusz spotkał ludzi, którzy opowiedzieli mu o Bogu. Nikt nie wspominał o fundacji, którą założył, o planach, a przede wszystkim o jego głębokiej wierze. Gdyby jednak wcześniej ktoś wywiózł go za granicę i pomógł w samobójstwie, umierałby z przeświadczeniem, że kończy z sobą na zawsze. Teraz jednak, mimo cierpienia i ograniczeń, żyje nadzieją nieba. Pierwsze pytanie, jakie pada w czytanym dziś fragmencie Ewangelii brzmi: „Czy tylko nieliczni będą zbawieni?”. Gdy je słyszę, przypomina mi się rywalizacja ze szkoły: nie cieszy to, co ja mam i co mają inni, ale tylko to, czym mogę zaimponować kolegom. Wzbudzone we mnie pragnienie nieba winno promieniować na ludzi znajdujących się w moim otoczeniu. Przecież Jezus mówi do swoich uczniów również takie słowa: „W domu Ojca mego jest mieszkań wiele”. Jednak kroczenie drogą prowadzącą do nieba wymaga wysiłku – pracy nad sobą. Mistrz z Nazaretu podaje przykład człowieka, który puka do drzwi, bo chce wejść do domu, lecz gospodarz nie otwiera mu, mimo że pukający powołuje się na znajomość z nim. Sama znajomość Pisma Świętego, teologii, katechizmu nie czyni godnym przebywania w królestwie niebieskim. Ich znajomość to jedynie wstęp. Znajomość Jezusa rozpoczyna się, gdy człowiek zaczyna żyć sprawiedliwie. Tych, którzy nie mogą być wpuszczeni, Jezus nazywa „dopuszczającymi się niesprawiedliwości”. Czym więc jest owa sprawiedliwość? Sprawiedliwość ma wielorakie funkcje i łączy się z różnymi cnotami, gdyż ma ona, jak pisze św. Tomasz z Akwinu, dwie części: odstępować od zła i czynić dobro. Życie w sprawiedliwości każdy realizuje tam, gdzie go Stwórca postawił. Wzywając do podjęcia drogi zbawienia, Bóg zaprasza nas do tego, abyśmy tym pragnieniem zarażali innych. Dobrze tę prawdę oddaje tekst Edwarda Stachury Ite missa est. Tytuł to nawiązanie do słów, którymi kończy się każda Msza Święta. Utwór rozpoczyna się słowami: „Idź, człowieku, idź, rozpowiedz, idźcie wszystkie stany, kolorowi, biali, czarni”. Nie ważne, jaki wykonujesz zawód, ile masz lat, jakiej jesteś narodowości, twoim powołaniem jest głoszenie Chrystusa.

PIKNIK PARAFIALNY Z wielką radością informujemy, że tradycyjny Piknik Parafialny odbędzie się w tym roku w niedzielę 25. sierpnia 2019 czyli w Wigilię święta Matki Bożej Częstochowskiej. Serdecznie zapraszamy na Mszę Świętą celebrowaną w języku polskim oraz angielskim o godzinie 11:30 am (w tym dniu nie będzie mszy o godzinie 1 pm) a następnie do wspólnej zabawy przy polskiej muzyce i nie tylko polskim jadle. Zapraszamy również do włączenia się w przygotowanie tego wydarzenia.

STUDENT REGISTRATIONS FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION RECENTLY BAPTIZED AT CLASSES NOW BEING ACCEPTED SAINT STEPHEN’S Families with children in We would like to welcome to our grades 1-8 may register for the 2019- 2020 program year by coming to the parish family these children Religious Education Office between who were recently bapƟzed here the hours of 8:30AM and 4:00PM, at Saint Stephen’s. Monday–Thursday and Friday from 8:30AM to 12:00PM, or by going online to the parish website for the Registration forms for 2019-2020. Completed registration forms may be dropped off in the mailbox on the wall outside the religious education office in the evenings and on weekends when the office is closed. Registration for all class sessions will be on a first -come, first-served basis.

2020 MASS INTENTIONS The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones, living or deceased, is a beautiful and Henry Krupski wonderful part of our Catholic tradition. Our 2020 Mass Intention Book is now open. Intentions will be taken on a first-come, first -served basis. We ask that you bring a list of intentions desired (name of person to be remembered at the Mass and name of the person requesting the intention). The donation for each intention is $10.

TOOTSIE ROLL SALE FOR SPRED THIS WEEKEND The Knights of Columbus will be selling Tootsie Roll “banks” after each Mass this weekend, to benefit the SPRED group at James Kelly St. Stephen. SPRED provides religious education and parish activities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The banks sell for $2.00 each, are full of chocolate or fruit flavored Tootsie Rolls, and can be recycled as a coin bank. Thank you for your support of those with intellectual disabilities.

ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED NOW FOR THE FALL Boys and girls entering fourth grade and up are invited to become an Altar Server. Servers play Lyla Bembenek an important role in our liturgies, and serving allows you THANK YOU!!! to participate in the Mass. Please consider this fun and We would like to take this opportunity very important ministry! No experience is necessary; we to thank Bill Farley for all his assistance in train you, and you will get lots of help. helping keep our parish lawns cut and well This is a great opportunity for boys and girls to maintained over the years. Bill, you did a provide a valuable service to the St. Stephen’s community great job. Thanks for sharing your time with us. by being a part of our Eucharistic celebrations each We are looking for volunteers who would be willing weekend and at weddings. to continue the work Bill did. If you can assist us, please contact the parish office.

GREETERS NEEDED St. Stephen’s Greeters Ministry is looking for friendly, welcoming people who would be willing to greet our St.parishioners Stephen’sand visitors before the Sunday Masses. All that is needed is a friendly smile, a welcoming spirit, and a willingness to be at Mass 20 minutes early. Greeters are scheduled on a revolving basis for the Mass timesParish of their choice. The newPicnic schedule for the fourth quarter of 2019 is being prepared. If you would like to join this ministry please contact TomFaith Mitus  at Food 708-479-6980  or [email protected]. Friendship Fun 

Today, Sunday, August 25, 2019 Our Lady of Czestochowa Bilingual Mass 11:30 AM (There will be no 1PM Polish Mass that Sunday) Parish Picnic Follows. Activities for the young and young at heart! Music - Raffles - Pull Tabs Inflatables - Tinley Park K9* - Firetruck* Polish Food - Hamburgers/Cheeseburgers Hot Dogs - Desserts - Drinks All are welcome THE PILGRIM STATUE OF FATIMA PATRIOTIC ROSARY The Pilgrim Statue of Fatima has Please come join us in praying been an Ambassador of Peace. This is the Patriotic Rosary for our country on especially true in our times. Wednesday, September 11th. The The pilgrim statue promotes Our Patriotic Rosary will be prayed after the Lady’s intercession through prayer. This 8:30AM Mass outside of our church pilgrim statue provides an inspiration to (weather permitting). It will also be both our young and old equally to prayed at a special 6:30PM 9-11 Prayer answer God’s call. Service, which we be held starting at The Pilgrim Statue of Fatima will 6:30PM. All are invited to come join your voices in this be here at St. Stephen’s, in our chapel powerful prayer for America. from August 31st - September 6th. The The Patriotic Rosary dedicates one Hail Mary in rosary will be prayed every night at 6PM, the traditional rosary to each state of the United except for Monday, Labor Day, States and asks God’s protection of and guidance for September 2nd. Everyone is welcome. our country. The Patriotic Rosary includes intentions for the BINGO UPDATE three branches of our government and our elected We would like to thank everyone officials before each decade. A quotation from who volunteered to help us with offering an historic American leader such as George Washington BINGO here at Saint Stephen’s. We are is read after the reciting of each mystery, and a patriotic looking to hopefully begin our parish song ends each decade of the rosary. bingos in mid-to-late September. We are Come and join us as we pray for our nation and currently awaiting on license approvals from the State of our elected officials state by state. Illinois. It is still not too late to volunteer if you would like to help us. Please contact Laura at the parish office.

QUEEN OF HEARTS WEEKLY WINNER Tom Healy - Card #37 Four of Clubs - Pot Rolls Over!!! Next drawing will take place on Wednesday, August 28th. Did you get your tickets yet? WELCOME TO OUR PARISH FAMILY!!!!!! We would like to welcome the following new parishioners who joined our parish in the month of July. Robert & Jamie Burns of Mokena Marybeth & Patrick Egan of Tinley Park Christina & Edward Eubank of Tinley Park John & Kristin Goodwin of Tinley Park James & Ramona Jachymiak of Mokena Joanna & Piotr Krupski of Mokena Lt. Michael Balcerzak Major Michael Gryczka Michael Leavy & Gloria Guem of Tinley Park L/Cpl Benjamin Brasher Lt. Dan Kniaz Mark & Antoinette Liescke of Oak Lawn Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro Msgt. Laura Langley Casey & Kristina Maher of Orland Hills Major Vincent Cesaro Sgt. Joseph Malone Amy & Steve Mitchell of Tinley Park Capt. Michael Chimienti Capt. Christopher Mazurek Mildred Napolski of Mokena Kerri & Heriberto Nevarez of Tinley Park PV2 Joseph Clavio Daniel C. McDonald, USN Sarah Sarabia & Tason Spizzirri of Tinley Park Lt. Dylan Conover Sgt. Matthew O'Boyle Roman & Michelle Stecko of Manhattan LCMR Amanda Griffith Lt. Elizabeth Ernst-Signore Scott & Kelly Wood of Tinley Park

Jacob Elliott USN LCDR Marilyn Walsh FOOD DRIVE NEXT WEEKEND! Sgt. Evan Grober Major Thomas Walsh Our monthly food drive will take place at all the Masses next weekend in support of the Tinley Park Food Pantry. Any help you can give them would be greatly appreciated. PARISH WEDDING “SING TO THE LORD: COORDINATORS NEEDED GATHERING THE CANTORS” Our Parish Wedding Coordinators “Sing To The Lord: Ministry is dedicated to providing the bride Gathering The Cantors” will be an and groom assistance and support in event for all parishioners who are organizing and assisting at the wedding interested in serving the parish as rehearsal and ceremony within the Parish. psalmists and/or cantors. Our wedding coordinators facilitate many of the details Ideal candidates are people who possess a and logistics of the wedding liturgy. They are trained in pleasant singing voice, are comfortable singing in front of assisting at the liturgies and have a full understanding of people, and are able to learn music quickly. Portions of liturgical norms that direct planning and preparation. the 2007 United States Conference of Catholic ’ They are a great assistance to the bride, groom, document “Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship” will family members and friends. They are present at the be explored and discussed, and there will be lots and lots rehearsal, and they are there on the wedding day to of singing! Attendees are asked to prepare a psalm or a ensure that all goes smoothly and reverently. And they song to sing in this very kind and friendly atmosphere. assist in the cleanup. They work with the Pastor, WHEN: Wednesday September 4th, at 7PM and the Director of Liturgy and Music to ensure that WHERE: Church wedding celebrations occur with minimal confusion. Please contact David Boyle, Director of Music & We are currently looking for volunteers to assist in Liturgy by email at [email protected] or by this ministry as a Wedding Coordinator here at Saint calling the parish office. Of course there’s no cost, but Stephen’s. As a coordinator you would be able to select we’ll need an idea of how many participants we’ll have so the wedding that fits your schedule. For more information, there are enough printed materials for everyone. Feel or to volunteer, please call or email: Eileen at: 708-415- free to contact David with any questions! 1485 or [email protected] SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY The Society of St Vincent de Paul was formed in Paris, France, in 1833 by six college students who were looking to live out the gospel message of taking care of His "least ones," as Jesus Himself spelled out. Members of the Society of St.Vincent de Paul (or "Vincentians)" are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in need. The purpose of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference here at St. Stephen’s Parish is to reach out to those in need in the community and assist them in all possible ways – always with the spirit of love for the poor. They are energized by the awareness that service to our brother or sister in need is in fact an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ. Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are keenly aware that poverty, suffering and loneliness are present in our communities. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers tangible assistance to those in need on a person-to-person basis. It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. This aid may take the form of intervention, consultation, or often through direct dollar or in-kind service. An essential precept of the Society's work is to provide help while conscientiously maintaining the confidentiality and dignity of those who are served. The Saint Stephen Saint Vincent de Paul Society is dependent on the generosity of our parish family and friends for their funding. We are all called to help. If you know of someone in need of assistance, please refer them to our confidential phone number: 708-342- 2400 extension 205. The phone is monitored daily and a response can be expected within 48 hours.

SAINT COLETTA’S NEEDS YOUR HELP!!! LAST CHANCE TO CAST YOUR VOTE!!!! St. Coletta’s has been nominated to win a $24,000 grant from Baird & Warner’s Good Will Network. Ten local charities were nominated by Baird & Warner’s Chicagoland sales offices, and the general public has been asked to visit now through August 31st to vote. This grant would make a big impact on the residential participants they serve. It will help provide basic care needs such as hygiene products and clothing plus medical care. It will also provide their participants with opportunities to engage in the community. In order to win this grant, Saint Coletta’s needs your help. From now to August 31st, they are asking everyone to visit to vote for St. Coletta’s to receive $24,000. The more votes they get, the better their chances are of winning the grant. So they are asking for everyone’s help! Please cast your vote today for Saint Coletta’s! St. Coletta's of Illinois, celebrating its 70th year, provides services to over 250 adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities through residential care, educational programs, medical care, religious and pastoral care, vocational services, and specialized facilities. To learn more about St. Coletta’s, please contact us at 708- 342-5200 or visit our website at OUR LADY OF Having survived two attacks upon it, Our Lady's CZESTOCHOWA image was next imperiled by the Hussites. The Hussites On August 26th, the successfully stormed the Pauline monastery in 1430, Church celebrates the Feast of plundering the sanctuary. Among the items stolen was Our Lady of Czestochowa. For the image. After putting it in their wagon, the Hussites STRATEGIC PASTORALmore than PLANNING 600 years, her went a little ways but then the horses refused to go any ASSESSING NEEDS tranquil face, scarred by further. Recalling the former incident that was so similar, Strategic pastoral planning is the work of the council. assaults by arrow and sword, the heretics threw the portrait down to the ground, which Strategic pastoral planning is the process of assessing needs, has looked out over a pilgrim- defining strategies, establishing goals and determining the shattered the image into three pieces. One of the resources which will best supportfilled church achievement built in of her the honor, goals. plunderers drew his sword and slashed the image twice, Strategic pastoral planning ones tablishesa hill called a futureJasna focusGora, andnot causing two deep gashes; while attempting a third gash, answers two questions. Questionfar from #1: Krakow. What will She we has do? been The he was overcome with a writhing agony and died. answer to this question comesthrough by establishingbattles andthree-to-five wars, The two slashes on the cheek of the Blessed year parish-wide goals. Thehanded goals areoff definedfrom emperors through fullto Virgin, together with the one on the throat have always parishkings involvementand hidden awayin assessment in catacombs. of need. People There have are multipleprayed reappeared after artistic attempts to fix them. The waysfor her of help,assessing walked the onparish: their demographicknees in pilgrimage data gathering, to see portrait again faced danger in 1655 by a Swedish horde individualher, and ministryleft their input, crutches parish-wide behind questionnaire,after being cured one-on- of of 12,000, which confronted the 300 men guarding the onetheir interviews ailments. and Hundreds appreciative of miracles inquiry. have been credited image. The band of 300 routed the 12,000 and the to this miraculous Question #2: image How andwill weOur do Lady it? Theof Czansweręstochowa’s to this following year, the Holy Virgin was acclaimed Queen of questionintercession comes over by centuries. developing strategies for each goal. Poland. Usually strategies The origin are writtenof fothisr one miraculous year and revisited image at thein In September 14, 1920, when the Russian army endCzestochowa, of the year. Poland The councilis unkn invitesown for the absolute commissions certainty, and assembled at the River Vistula, in preparation for invading ministries to be fully involved in strategy development. but according to tradition the painting was a portrait of Warsaw, the Polish people prayed to Our Lady. the next When an individual discerns to be on the council, he Our Lady done by St. John sometime after the Crucifixion or she wants to be aware that the ministry of the council is day was the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows. The Russians of Our Lord and remained in the Holy Land until planning—planning for the future and helping make it quickly withdrew after the image appeared in the clouds happen.discovered Planning by a Helenaspecial miofnistry the andCross requires in the individuals fourth over Warsaw. In Polish history, this is known as the whocentury. have The interest painting and was ability taken in to thisConstaninople, kind of ministry: where Miracle of Vistula. assessingSt. Helena's parish son, needs, the Emperororganizing Constantine, the data, determiningerected a During the Nazi occupation of Poland in World parish-widechurch for itsdirection enthronement. and seeing This that image it iswas implemented. revered by War II, Hitler order all religious pilgrimages stopped. In a Successfulthe people planning of the city. requires an understanding of a parish’s demonstration of love for Our Lady and their confidence present state During in orderthe siege to understand by the Saracens, what the the future invaders state in her protection, a half million Poles went to the shouldbecame be. frightened when the people carried the picture in sanctuary in defiance of Hitler's orders. Following the a procession Pastoral around planning the city;empowers the infidels the fled.parish Later, to usethe liberation of Poland in 1945, a million and a half people resourcesimage was wisely threatened and minimizewith burning reactive, by an evilcrisis-oriented emperor, expressed their gratitude to the Madonna by praying activity.who had Strategic a wife, pastoral Irene, planningwho saved focuses it and concern hid iton fromhow before this miraculous image. theharm. life Theof theimage Church was incan that become city for a 500more years, faithful until and it Twenty-eight years after the Russian's first effectivebecame manifestationpart of some of dowries, the Gospel. eventually It organizes being ministerial taken to attempt at capturing the city, they successfully took efforts so there is direction and alignment. Strategic pastoral Russia to a region that later became Poland. control of Warsaw and the entire nation in 1948. That planning establishes a vision for the future. To have a vision After the portrait became the possession of the year more than 800,000 brave Poles made a pilgrimage of where a parish wants to go is to be pro-active. A vision Polish prince, St. Ladislaus in the 15th century, it was establishes a responsible way to plan, organize, and work out to the sanctuary at Czestochowa on the Feast of the installed in his castle. Tartar invaders besieged the castle ways to realize the vision. A vision facilitates a parish to be Assumption, one of the three Feast days of the image; and an enemy arrow pierced Our Lady's image, inflicting the pilgrims had to pass by the Communist soldiers who intentional about its congregational life and leadership. a scar. StrategicInterestingly, pastoral repeated planning attempts takes a tolook fix at the the image, entire patrolled the streets. parishartistically operation have andall failed. fits each part of the operation together Today, the Polish people continue to honor their for a unified Tradition and purposeful says that whole. St. Ladislaus The Parish determined Council works to beloved portrait of the Madonna and Child, especially on throughsave the a imagestep by from step repeatedprocess in invasions, order to address so he wentrelevant to August 26th, the day reserved by St. Ladislaus. Because themeshis birthplace, and set specificOpala, goalsstopping Goals for and rest themes in Czestochowa; that relate to of the dark pigment on Our Lady's face and hands, the thethe majorimage functions was brought and needs nearby of parishto Jasna life. GoraAccomplishing ["bright image is affectionately called the "Black Madonna," most thesehill"] goalsand placed strengthens in a small the lifewooden of the churchparish andnamed furthers for the its beautifully prefigured in the Bible, in the Canticle of mission.Assumption. The following morning, after the picture was Canticles, The pigmentation is ascribed primarily to age carefully Defining placed thein theStrategic wagon, Pastoralthe horses Planning refused Team to and the need to keep it hidden for long periods of time in Conductingmove. St. aLadislaus strategic pastoralunderstood plan isthis the to responsibility be a sign offrom the places where the only light was from candles, which council.Heaven Thethat councilthe image may should delegate stay the in workCzestochowa; of a strategic thus colored the painting with smoke. pastoral plan to a planning team. In common practice, the he replaced the painting in the Church of the Assumption, The miracles attributed to Our Lady of planning team remains within the council. They may delegate August 26, 1382, a day still observed as the Feast Day of Czestochowa are many and most spectacular. The parts of the work to subcommittees. The work of strategic the painting. The Saint wished to have the holiest of men pastoral planning demands specific skill sets of planning and original accounts of them, some of them cures, are organizingguard the that painting, may be so associat he assigneded with membersthe church of the and parish the archived by the Pauline Fathers at Jasna Gora. whomonastery have honed to thethese Pauline skills. Fathers, who have devoutly Papal recognition of the miraculous image was protected Throughout the image the forprocess, the lastthe sixcouncil hundred will want years. to made by Clement XI in 1717. .

Football is in the air!! It’s time again for Footballmania. Footballmania, sponsored by the Men’s Club, is an exciting sweepstakes fundraiser based on professional football. All sweepstakes game cards have an equal chance to win prize money based on the performance of the random football teams printed on the back. Game cards contain 3 random teams in each of the 17 weeks of the pro football season (you get 3 new teams each week). To play the game, participants simply add up the points scored by their 3 teams. Every week, the 15 highest scoring game cards and the 3 lowest scoring game cards all win prizes. In addition, two grand prizes are awarded at the end of the season. There are 4,960 unique game cards, each of which has a minimum 1 in 16.6 chance to win a prize during the season. Footballmania participants can win $1,000s in cash prizes based on the number of points scored by the football teams printed on the backs of their Sweepstakes Game Cards. Each week CharityMania calculates the winning game cards. Every week, the 15 highest scoring game cards, and the 3 lowest scoring game cards all win prizes… a new chance in each of the 17 weeks of the sweepstakes! Football Mania tickets are now available. Tickets are still only $20 each and good for the whole NFL regular season. The Men's Club will be selling them in the narthex. They are also available at the parish office during the week. Purchase five or more tickets and receive a free football. No skill is required. Funds raised will benefit the Parish Life Center. Any questions, please contact Paul Michael Yedwofski at [email protected].

Ge t y our Ɵck ets tod ay!

Saint Stephen’s Men’s Club

Tinley Park, Illinois


“For behold, some are last who will be first and some are first who will be last.” (Luke 13:30)

Our standards in society are different from God’s standards. We often rank people by what they have, how powerful they are, or how successful they are. Jesus reminds us that God will not judge us by the same earthly standards. When God asks you, “what have you done with the gifts I have given you?” How will you respond?

Sharing Our Treasure

Thank you for your continued Stewardship in support of St. Stephen’s. Please consider making electronic donations through Byline Bank or through More information on how to make electronic donations is available at the back of the bulletin or on our website

STEWARDSHIP Stewardship is a way of life, a way of thanking God for all His blessings by returning a portion of the time, talent and treasure allotted to us. Stewardship is based on the spiritual principles of the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus; and where it has been implemented, both givers’ and receivers’ lives have been changed. Stewardship engenders a spirituality that deepens our relationship with Jesus. Stewardship involves intentional, Collection 08-18-2019 planned and proportionate giving of our time, talent and treasure. “Give and it shall be given to you. Good measure Regular Sunday $18,521.00 pressed down, shaken together, running over, will they pour into the fold of your garment. For the measure you Sharing $195.00 measure with will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38) Assumption $505.00 “Above all, let your love for one another be constant, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be mutually hospitable Mission Appeal $243.00 without complaining. As generous distributors of God’s manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another, Total $19,464.00 each in the measure you have received.” (1 Peter 4: 8-10)

Greeters Schedule SUMMER VACATIONS We sincerely thank our parishioners August 31st - September 1st who mail or deliver their weekly envelopes 5PM - Julie Lacerna, Dolores Soverino, to the parish office for the weekends that Mary Tafoya they are out of town or on vacation. 8:30AM - Eileen Tyrrell, Mike Tyrrell It is very helpful to be able to rely on your 10AM - Chris Losey, Mark Losey, Anna Williams continued support even when you cannot personally 11:30AM - Natalie Sims, Jackie Szymanski, B.J. Witry attend Mass here. Thank You!!!!! Meetings/Events 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Benediction Daily Chapel Sunday, August 25th followed by Divine Mercy Prayers Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Sale Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Friday, August 30th 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Parish Picnic (immediately 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sacrament following 11:30AM Mass) Daily Chapel 3:00 PM Baptism 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Parish Office Monday, August 26th 8:45 AM - Scripture Study #126 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 7:00 PM - Al-Anon Polish #153 Parish Office 8:00 PM AA Pol #161

Tuesday, August 27th Saturday, August 31st 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Men's Club Football Mania Parish Office Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 6:00 PM Rosary Daily Chapel 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM AA #158/159 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Wednesday, August 28th Parish Office Men's Club Fundraiser Gatto's Restaurant 6:00 PM Our Lady of Fatima Statue - Rosary - 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Chapel Parish Office 8:00 PM AA Pol #161 Sunday, September 1st Men's Club Football Mania Thursday, August 29th Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Adoration of Blessed 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Sacrament Daily Chapel with Rosary @ 8:30am Parish Office 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 3:00 PM Baptism Parish Office 5:30 PM - Meals Program PLC

INTERESTED IN JOINING THE CATHOLIC CHURCH? Welcome! We are happy you are interested in learning about the Catholic faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which men and women become members of the Catholic Church. It takes place within the context of the church community, and after a suitable period of formation, culminates in the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If you are interested in learning more about or becoming part of The Catholic Faith or if you are a Catholic who needs to complete their Sacraments of Initiation, this is the place for you! Who is RCIA for? The RCIA is for adults who are interested in becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church. This would include anyone who is not baptized, or a person who was baptized into another faith denomination and would like to become Catholic. It is also for baptized Catholics who have not received the Eucharist (First Communion) and Confirmation. What is RCIA? The Rite of the Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program is one that models the process of conversion and is marked by different stages and rites (ceremonies). The process is for non-baptized adults (catechumens) and baptized Christians (candidates) to be fully initiated into the Catholic Church. RCIA is first and foremost an opportunity for people to develop or deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ. During this process each participant will learn about the doctrine of the Catholic faith, and have opportunities to get questions answered. If they should desire, a person may enter into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. If you are ready to begin the process of learning more about becoming Catholic, please contact our parish office. You will be contacted by a staff member who will meet with you to determine the next steps for you. Since everyone's situation is different, the individual circumstances and sacramental needs of each person will be assessed. This is what determines the process to be followed and the time frame involved. For more information about our RCIA Program, please contact the parish office. Classes begin after Labor Day. Please pray for those who are sick and in need

Sunday, August 25th of healing from our 7:00 am Steven Booth Doyle Family Divine Healer: Parishioners of Saint Stephen 8:30 am Rosemarie Pagliero Tom & Joanne Fesi-Willett Maryanne Lis Family Maria Ariza Ann Lewitke Georgie Ann Maloney Tony & Rox Pantano 10:00 am Luis Molina Marquez Family Kristen Baldyga Ruth Martinez 50th Wedding Anniversary of Larry & Marilyn Clemens Arlene Beavan Santo Messina Sheila Kenny Dcn. Pete & Jan VanMerkesten 11:30 am Mary Rita Wish Judy Carone & Family Kristen Caldwell James Nowlan Rudolfo Tebia Julie Lacerna Peggy Castro Tim O’Connell Halina Tylka Kamila Gosiewska Henry Czajewski Karen Cole Stacie Pavalon Lentz 6:15 pm Ann Quealy Hallberg Family Matt Creen Laura Reid Patrick O’Connell Papa Family Daniel Clausen Joe and Joan Ricciuti Barry Roman Scislowicz - 25th Anniversary - Family Ken Dellorto Randy Rucka Monday, August 26th 8:00 am Sylvester Zurawski, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Rychetsky Bridget Dougal Joe & Terri Schulte David Newquist Noreen Galvin Richard Esposito Barbara Scherer Ben Armijo Polignone Family Bill Galvin Margaret Schmidt Tuesday, August 27th 8:00 am Robert Przybylski Diane Przybylski Mary Garbaciak Natalie Sims Lucille Costello Mary Proper Sharon Grill John Soverino Byron Grober Meghan & Josh Sally Hartford Rachel Swallow Annabelle Lawrence Mangan Family Larry Hersh Louis Tassone Wednesday, August 28th 8:00 am Flora Johnson Family Rich Jaczak Rosemary Valentas Purgatorial Society Steve Kizaric Michael Wilson Ali Zanzig Liz Jenkover Rex Knapp Helen Zimmerman Thursday, August 29th 8:00 am Salvatore Spalla Spalla Family Angelita Lim Daughter

Eileen Groves Fred & Louanne Frus

Friday, August 30th 8:00 am John & Stella Engel & Stanley & Mary Mikos Tom & Gladys Mikos As a Parish Family we pray for those Howard Kuzelka Delphine Zielinski who have been called from this life David Newquist Keith & Sharon Grill to eternal life in Christ. Saturday, August 31st 8:00 am Joseph Lodato Beverly Lodato LaVerne E. Mysker, James L. Baron, Darlene Clark Friends of Patty Utsch Margaret Cariola, Fred Altes, 5:00 pm Eileen Tess Family Lawrence Fitzgerald Amy & Dermot Kenny Gunnar Sorensen Barbara & John Stanovich Christopher Anderson Catuara Family John & Stella Engel & Stanley & Mary Mikos Tom & Gladys Mikos

Sunday, September 1st 7:00 am Mary Reynolds Family Kathleen McKeon Bob McKeon We pray for those engaged to be married 8:30 am Luke & Mary Marren Family Gil Miguel, Sr. Heidi Miguel Ken Hopman & Lindsay Rusch - II Mary Makowski John & Sue Bogumil 10:00 am Ali Zanzig Beverly Lencioni Thomas Rogan Family Matthew & Lucas Cummings Colleen Cummings 11:30 am John Farrington Whelan-Kapanowski Ligaya P. Deak Family & Friends Parishioners of Saint Stephen 1:00 pm Dominik Gosiewski Henry Czajewski Halina Tylka 6:15 pm Don Schmidt Orawiec Family Kathleen Schneider Richter Family Ways to Support the Ministry of St. Stephen Parish • GiveCentral—Through parishioners can make automatic donations at the time and frequency they choose. Donating through GiveCentral is a way to simplify your giving and is environmentally friendly. Signing up takes ONLY a few minutes. Go to our parish website and click on the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page. Donations through GiveCentral are processed via your credit card or bank card and at the frequency you choose. • Electronic Donations—St. Stephen’s accepts electronic donations through Byline Bank. To begin this method of donating, you will need to complete and sign the authorization form and attach a voided check and bring the items to the Parish Office. The authorization form is located on our website under Support/Sunday Giving. • Envelopes—Registered parishioners can also choose to receive weekly envelopes. Envelope packets are mailed out every other month. • Wills and Trusts—Please consider remembering St. Stephen Parish through your will or trust. Details are available on our website.

Bulletin Submissions If your parish group or ministry would like to submit a bulletin article, please send your submissions to the following email address: [email protected] Our deadline for submissions is the Wednesday, 11 days prior to the bulletin’s publication date. Please include a contact name, email address, and phone number when making a submission.

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