NINE OUT OF TEN Effectiveness of actions to reduce harm from nuisance calls in Scotland As part of A Response to Scotland’s Nuisance Calls Commission – An Action Plan, the Scottish Government commissioned this research to analyse the impact of actions set out there and to examine the outcomes of past interventions. This was carried out by Antelope Consulting. Antelope Consulting
[email protected] TheScottishGovernment @ScotGov March 2018 Effectiveness of actions to reduce harm from nuisance calls in Scotland As part of A Response to Scotland’s Nuisance Calls Commission – An Action Plan, the Scottish Government commissioned this research to analyse the impact of actions set out there and to examine the outcomes of past interventions. This was carried out by Antelope Consulting. Antelope Consulting
[email protected] January 2018 Dedication This report is dedicated to the memory of our good colleague and friend Brian Smith of Angus Trading Standards. He fought valiantly against nuisance calls in Angus, and supported the commissioning and carrying out of this study, but left us far too soon. Acknowledgements Too many people have helped with producing this report to thank everyone individually. Members of staff at both ICO and Ofcom were generous with their time, and some network operators in the Nuisance Calls Memorandum of Understanding group also made significant inputs. In Scotland, Trading Standards and Police staff were particularly supportive. Independent experts also made valuable comments on the Working Paper that underlies part of this report. We thank all these and many others, not forgetting the Scottish Government who commissioned the work.