Observational properties of very weakly coupled

Tommi Tenkanen

Queen Mary University of London

Talk based on arXiv: 1706.07442 and 1705.05567

Nordita 12/7/2017

E-mail: [email protected] Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 1 / 14 Evidence for Dark Matter

Great deal of evidence for the existence of dark matter: rotational velocity curves of galaxies, Bullet Cluster, acoustic peaks in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation spectrum...

Still the nature of dark matter is unknown

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 2 / 14 What is Dark Matter?

What is the correct explanation for the invisible matter content observed in the universe? Does the dark matter exist? Or are there many dark matter ?

Are they WIMP’s, FIMP’s, SIMP’s, GIMP’s, PIDM’s, WISP’s, ALP’s, Wimpzillas, sterile , or primordial black holes? Or should gravity be modified?

How can we tell which model is the correct one (if any)?

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 3 / 14 Search for Dark Matter

Many on-going experiments exist

But... what if dark matter interacts only feebly with the known particles, or not at all?

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 4 / 14 Model for a Decoupled Hidden Sector

The scalar sector of the model is specified by the potential

1 λ λ V (Φ, s) = µ2Φ†Φ + λ (Φ†Φ)2 + µ2s2 + s s4 + sh Φ†Φs2 h h 2 s 4 2

Here Φ and s are, respectively, the usual Higgs doublet and a real singlet scalar.

The coupling between Φ and s acts as a portal between the Standard Model and an unknown Hidden Sector (the so-called Higgs portal).

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 5 / 14 Other options

We can also introduce a sterile ψ

LHidden = ψ¯(i∂/ − mψ)ψ + igsψγ¯ 5ψ

or promote s to be a complex doublet of a hidden SU(2) symmetry, and so on1

Either the scalar s, the ψ, the vector Aµ, or many of them simultaneously, can play the role of dark matter

How was the observed DM abundance produced?

1 See e.g. Heikinheimo, TT, Tuominen (arXiv:1704.05359) Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 6 / 14 Dark Matter production mechanisms

There are basically two mechanisms for dark matter production: freeze-out and freeze-in

-4 -4

-6 -6

-8 -8 Γ Y Y

10 -10 10 -10 log log

-12 -12

-14 -14 Γ

-16 -16

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

log10 x log10 x

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 7 / 14 The Freeze-Out

Dark matter is initially in thermal equilibrium with the SM particles. This requires a rather strong coupling, λsh ' 0.1.

May lead to a WIMP miracle: thermal relic with weak cross-section and a mass ms ∼ EW scale gives the right relic abundance.

Starts to be very constrained by experiments2

2 For a recent review, see e.g. G. Arcadi et al. (arXiv: 1703.07364) Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 8 / 14 Frozen-in Dark Matter

−7 Requires λsh . 10 , or otherwise the singlet sector thermalizes with the SM (this is sometimes called a FIMP scenario)

Cannot (usually) be tested by collider experiments but can be tested by cosmological and astrophysical observations

These include indirect detection signals, astrophysical imprints of self-interacting or non-thermal DM, imprints on CMB etc.

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 9 / 14 Review of freeze-in scenarios

Out now! See arXiv: 1706.07442

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 10 / 14 No particle DM?

What if DM does not consist of new particles but primordial black holes (PBHs)?

PBHs can easily form in the early Universe from sufficiently large density perturbations3

Especially the LIGO observation of O(10)M BH mergers is interesting for PBHs

3 See e.g. Carr et al. (arXiv: 1705.05567) and Carr, TT, Vaskonen (arXiv: 1706.03746) + refs. therein Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 11 / 14 Primordial black holes (arXiv: 1705.05567)

monochromatic lognormal,σ=2 0.0 0.0


K M -0.5 WD NS -0.5 WB FL EROS -1.0 -1.0

Eri II

Evaporation PBH PBH f -1.5 f -1.5 10 10 log log

-2.0 HSC -2.0

Seg I

-2.5 -2.5

-3.0 -3.0 -15 -10 -5 0 -15 -10 -5 0

log10(Mc /M⊙) log10(Mc /M⊙)

power law,γ=-1 power law,γ=1 0.0 0.0

-0.5 -0.5

-1.0 -1.0 PBH PBH f -1.5 f -1.5 10 10 log log -2.0 -2.0

-2.5 -2.5

-3.0 -3.0 -15 -10 -5 0 -15 -10 -5 0

log10(Mc /M⊙) log10(Mc /M⊙) Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 12 / 14 Primordial black holes (arXiv: 1705.05567)

lognormal lognormal, all constraints 6 6

5 5

4 4

σ 3 σ 3

log f 2 2 10 max 0

1 1 -0.5

0 0 -15 -10 -5 0 -15 -10 -5 0 -1.0

log10(Mc /M⊙) log10(Mc /M⊙) -1.5 power law,γ<0 power law,γ>0 6 6 -2.0

5 5 -2.5

4 4 -3.0

σ 3 σ 3

2 2

1 1

0 0 -15 -10 -5 0 -15 -10 -5 0

log10(Mc /M⊙) log10(Mc /M⊙)

Tommi Tenkanen Observational properties of very weakly coupled dark matter 12/7/2017 13 / 14 Conclusions

The nature of dark matter is still unknown

Weakly coupled hidden sectors contain many interesting features, which have NOT been studied extensively

Primordial black holes are a compelling alternative to particle DM and may constitute all DM

Cosmological and astrophysical observations provide a valuable resource on testing different dark matter models

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