
Weakly interacting slim (WISPs)

Theory and phenomenology update Javier Redondo (LMU & MPP München)

1 Outline


ALPs, HPs, ...



2 Beyond

Universe transparency


Dark Matterstructure Dark Strong CP Anomalous anomalousproblem

g-2 EW


3 Beyond Standard model

Universe transparency

Flavor Dark MatterstructureTOP All problems at a time

(O(?) New particles...) One problem atEnergy a timeDark Strong CP (O(1) New particles...) Anomalous anomalousproblem

muon g-2 EW Hierarchy Problem BOTTOM Neutrino masses

Quantum Gravity

3 Hidden Sectors

Fields coupled through gravity or HE “messenger” fields...

Massive Messengers

Standard Model

e−, ν, q, γ, W ±, Z, g...H a, γ￿, ψMCP...

String Theory, SUSY breaking, ...

4 Hidden Sectors can be quite complicated

BIG guys guys (live in the mountains) ( is protected by a symmetry)

Goldstone Chiral

Gauge and more... Bosons

hard to detect; not only as hidden they have suppressed interactions but as hidden, also heavy! light they have no thresholds and they can have maybe at LHC or ILC... coherent forces

Let symmetry be our guide !

5 Hidden Sectors can be quite complicated

BIG guys Light guys (live in the mountains) (mass is protected by a symmetry)

Goldstone Chiral Bosons WISPsfermions (very) weakly interacting slim Particles Gauge and more... Bosons

hard to detect; not only as hidden they have suppressed interactions but as hidden, also heavy! light they have no thresholds and they can have maybe at LHC or ILC... coherent forces

Let symmetry be our guide !

5 There are ``WISPs’’ in the SM ... !

SM Planck scale γ



EW W ± SM l ν

6 Symmetries and WISPs

1- Shift symmetries and Goldstone Bosons

When a global symmetry is spontaneously broken in the vacuum (i.e. respected by the interactions but not by the vacuum) there appears a massless in the spectrum: a (if it is slightly explicitly broken... then it acquires a little mass-> pseudo)

2- Local U(1)s : Hidden

Gauge invariance protects masses of gauge bosons (m=0 for non-abelian group, not for U(1)) Masses can be given by the Stückelberg mechanism Kinetic mixing with the is the stronger of all mediator mechanisms (discussed here) (Additional U(1)’s are ubiquitous in PBSM)

3- Chiral sym : Mini-charged Particles/sterile nu’s Chiral symmetries may forbid a mass term for fermions; or protect it. When these particles have interactions with a hidden U(1) that mixes with Photon they appear as mini-charged particles

7 -like particles (ALPs) 0−

pseudo Goldstone bosons MAJORONS Global continuous symmetry 0 η￿ spontaneously broken at πη R-AXION FAMILONS high energy scale M a

String ‘ RADION Sizes and deformations of extra dimensions, MODULI Axiverse! gauge couplings



8 Local U(1)’s: Hidden Photons & kinetic mixing

Extra U(1) symmetries are ubiquitous BSM (for instance in String Theory) If the corresponding Hidden photon does not couple to SM particles -> HIDDEN PHOTON

γ γ￿

high mass messenger particles

Kinetic mixing is the 1 µν most relevant interaction I = χFµν B L −2 at low energies

9 Mini-charged particles (MCPs)

Low mass particles charged under the hidden U(1) appear as MCPs

γ￿ g Q = h χQh γ e

Aternatively, SM charged particles couple directly to HPs γ e γ￿ Qh = χQ gh

10 Generalities

1- stellar WISP emission (VOLUME)

ν￿s WISPS?

γ￿s (surface)

- Stellar constraints are very strong -> very WISP - WISPs can help fitting theory and observations (WDs)

11 Generalities

2- coupling to photons Axion-like Particle α µν Fµν F φ SM Msn φ 8πM α ￿ g = γ 2πM γ￿ Hidden Photon 1 χF Bµν −2 µν χ... - Very generic - Advantageous for experimental detection

12 Generalities

3- WISPy cold dark (any boson) V (φ)

φ - WISPs don’t thermalize!!! - DM set by initial conditions (after ) m φ 2 ρ ρ φ 0 , CDM ￿ measured × eV 4.8 1011 GeV F ￿ ￿ × ￿ - ALPs φ 0 ￿ π f φ ( M s ) ; HPs ... ??

- Isocurvature constraints

13 Beam

Status on ALP searches (as of Jan 2013) Dump

￿6 LSW SN1987a

￿8 Solar Ν Helioscopes CAST

Telescopes HB ￿ ￿10 1 ￿ SN Γ￿burst ALPS￿II, REAPR IAXO ￿ ￿ GeV

￿ xion ￿12 Transparency hint YMCE WD cooling hint

Coupling axion CDM


Log ￿14 ALP CDM ADMX Haloscopes EBL ￿16 X axion ￿ Rays

KSVZ ￿18 ￿12 ￿10 ￿8 ￿6 ￿4 ￿2 0 2 4 6 Log Mass eV

14 ￿ ￿ Beam

Updates on ALP parameter space Dump

￿6 LSW SN1987a

￿8 Solar Ν Helioscopes CAST

Telescopes HB ￿ ￿10 1 ￿ SN Γ￿burst ALPS￿II, REAPR IAXO ￿ ￿ GeV

￿ xion ￿12 Transparency hint YMCE WD cooling hint

Coupling axion CDM


Log ￿14 ALP CDM ADMX Haloscopes EBL ￿16 X axion ￿ Rays

KSVZ ￿18 ￿12 ￿10 ￿8 ￿6 ￿4 ￿2 0 2 4 6 Log Mass eV

15 ￿ ￿ Accumulated hints from White dwarfs (...)

Axion emission can accelerate the WD cooling between neutrino and surface dominated cooling periods. a ν a γ , ? e ν¯ Ceme gae Z ≡ fa Period decrease of G117−B15A WD luminosity function

Corsico et al. arXiv:1205.6180 Isern et al. arXiv:1204.3565

13 gae/10− 13 2.8 5.6 gae =0, 2.2, 4.5 (10− ) period decreaseperiod rate Number of WDs/ Vol & Luminosity Number of Luminosity

16 Transparency of the universe: lower limits of g!

Meyer et al, PRD87 (2013) Transparency of the universe to gamma rays and ALPs

Photons can convert into ALPs in galactic or extra galactic magnetic fields and reconvert back close to us

Points to ALP photon couplings 11 1 g 10− GeV− φγ ∼ B nG Requires very∼ small ALP masses

mφ < neV

Challenged by Magnetic-WD constraints! Gill et al. PRD84 (2011)

17 Status on HP searches (as of Jan 2013)

0 0 Jupiter Earth mwLSW Rydberg ￿3 Coulomb ￿3 CMB LSW Sun HB ￿6 ￿6 Non￿zero FI￿term Yale Helioscope mixing

ADMX ALPS￿II UWA CERN ￿9 TSHIPS ￿9 kinetic Cold I line Thermal Log Stückelberg isotropic ckelberg DM anisotropic Stü ￿12 ￿ DPB ￿12 Hidden Higgs mHh ￿m￿' ￿ Haloscopes

￿ ￿ ￿15 ￿15

￿15 ￿12 ￿9 ￿6 ￿3 0 3 6 Log Mass eV

￿ ￿

18 Major updates on HP parameter space

Lobanov et al. arXiv:1211.6268

0 0 Jupiter Earth mwLSW Rydberg ￿3 Coulomb ￿3 CMB LSW Dark Radiation Sun HB ￿6 ￿6 Non￿zero FI￿term Yale Helioscope mixing

ADMX ALPS￿II UWA CERN Cosmology ￿9 TSHIPS ￿9 kinetic I line Thermal Log Stückelberg isotropic ckelberg DM anisotropic Stü ￿12 ￿ DPB ￿12 Hidden Higgs mHh ￿m￿' ￿ DarkHaloscopes Matter ￿ ￿ ￿15 ￿15

￿15 ￿12 ￿9 ￿6 ￿3 0 3 6 Log Mass eV

￿ ￿

19 Solar HPs Ann et al. 1302.3884, Redondo & Raffelt (in prep)

Production is proportional to photon’s 1 2 4 Γ(γ￿)=Im χ m K2 Π −

2 2 ReΠL = ωP ;ReΠL = ωP /ZL

Ann et al. 1302.3884

ZL 2 4 Γ (γ￿)=Z ImΠ (γ) χ m L L L (ω2 ω2 )2 +(Z ImΠ )2 − P L K Forgotten renormalization factor is huge for small masses!!

2 2 2 2 ZL = ω /K = ω /m

20 Solar HPs Ann et al. 1302.3884, Redondo & Raffelt (in prep)

Production is proportional to photon’s 1 2 4 Γ(γ￿)=Im χ m K2 Π −

2 2 ReΠL = ωP ;ReΠL = ωP /ZL

Ann et al. 1302.3884

ZL 2 4 Γ (γ￿)=Γ (γ) χ m L L (ω2 ω2 )2 +(ωΓ (γ))2 − P L Forgotten renormalization factor is huge for small masses!!

2 2 2 2 ZL = ω /K = ω /m

21 Solar HPs Φ(γ￿L) Φ(γ￿T ) ￿

Boron Neutrino Flux


7 ￿ s 2 6

cm ￿ ￿ High Z 6 10 ￿ 5 Measurements B8 ￿ Low￿Z 4

3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Χ m 10￿12eV

Redondo & Raffelt (in prep) ￿ ￿

This changes many things in the meV range - Helioscopes looking for T-HPs - Dark Radiation - XENON10 Ionization

22 Solar HPs: XENON10 constraints Ann et all [1304.3461]

Φ(γ￿L) XENON10 Ionization 1104.3088 1039 1038

" 1037 s 2 1036 1 1035

keV cm 1034 2

2 33 m 10 2 eV Χ 1032 ! Φ Ω 1031 d d 1030 1029 1 10 102 103 104 Ω!eV"

23 Update: New Dark matter experiment proposed

24 Axion - photon mixing in a magnetic field Raffelt, PRD’88

- In a magnetic field one photon Q-mixes with the axion g = aγ F F µν a = g B E a LI 4 µν − aγ · Not axions, nor photons are propagation eigenstates! ￿ - Equations of motion can be easily diagonalised

2 2 10 0 gaγ B ω A 0 (ω k ) + − |2 | || = . − 01 gaγ B ω m a 0 ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ − | | a ￿￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ k - Dark matter solution v = ; ω m (1 + v2/2+...) ω ￿ a A χ || − exp( i(ωt kz)). a ∝ 1 − − ￿ ￿ ￿DM ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ggaaγγ BB It has a small￿ E field! χχ || || ∼∼ mmaa

25 Radiation from a magnetised mirror Horns et al , JCAP04(2013)016

Ea = ωaχ cos(ωat + kz).

magnetic field Eγ + Ea =0 |z=zmirror E = ω χ cos(ω (t z)). γ − a γ − 2 Photons radiated from the mirror with ωγ = ωa = ma(1 + v /2)

Note: measuring these photons, we measure the TOTAL DM energy, DM mass and the velocity distribution! also with directional sensitivity!

26 Cavity searches (haloscopes) Sikivie PRL ‘83

- Use two facing mirrors (simplistic resonant cavity in 1D)

10 resonant ωγ L π +2πn detector 5 ￿ ? ￿5

10 transmission coefficient t dark matter distribution 1/t 8 ∼ 2 δω v 6 10− 6 ω ∼ 2 ∼ δω t2 4 ω ∼ ωL chose out amplitude 2 maL = π large 2 4 6 8 10 1/t 2 6 ω[1/πL] t 10− ∼ 27 Dish antenna searches (broadband!) Horns et al , JCAP04(2013)016

nice shielding - Mirror radiation is perpendicular to the mirror’s surface (emitted coherently from the surface!)

spherical dish - concentrate emission using a spherical dish antenna! ?


magnetic field

Comparing both methods...

2 2 2 Pcenter Adish EDM, χ ρCDMAdish Pcenter Adishma || ≈ ￿| | ￿∼ 6 2 2 Pcavity ∼ 10 P = κχ m ρ QV (α￿) . resonant cavity a CDM cavityG0

28 Dish antenna searches (broadband!) Horns et al , JCAP04(2013)016

nice shielding - Mirror radiation is perpendicular to the mirror’s surface (emitted coherently from the surface!)

spherical dish - concentrate emission using a spherical dish antenna! ?


Comparing both methods...

2 2 2 Pcenter Adish EDM, χ ρCDMAdish Pcenter Adishma || ≈ ￿| | ￿∼ 6 2 2 Pcavity ∼ 10 P = κχ m ρ QV (α￿) . resonant cavity a CDM cavityG0

28 dish antenna searches (broadband!) Horns et al , JCAP04(2013)016

1 m^2 dish 5T magnet

29 dish antenna searches (broadband!) Horns et al , JCAP04(2013)016 kinetic mixing

HP mass 1 m^2 dish 5T magnet

30 Conclusions

BSM physics accommodate WISPs very naturally

ALPs, HPs, MCPs, and others...

WISPs can be responsible for DM and explain astrophysics anomalies

We can look for them in laboratory experiments (couplings to photons)

Solar HP flux revisited -> DM detectors (XENON10)

New DM detection concept (DIsh antenna)

31 For the Dark Forces’ lovers

WD luminosity function Dreiner et al. 1303.7232 also constrains DARK PHOTONS Number of WDs/ Vol & Luminosity Number of

Luminosity ONLY IF THERE ARE NEW light MCPS !!!!!!! mMCP ￿ 10keV

32 but that was well known ...

0 0

Accelerators 0.1 "

Beam 2 WMAP h #3 Dump #3 DM

Lamb Shift ! Ortopositronium Thermal Accelerator cavities DM #6 Vacuum Biref. #6 Q

10 CMB


#9 SN1987A #9

WD cooling hint White Dwarfs #12 #12

Red Giants

#18 #15 #12 #9 #6 #3 0 3 6 9 12 15

Log10mMCP eV well... this plot was done thinking about massless HPs ...

! "