Creating Super Soldiers for Warfare: a Look Into the Laws of War
CREATING SUPER SOLDIERS FOR WARFARE: A LOOK INTO THE LAWS OF WAR Christopher E. Sawin* I. Introduction “The wars of the future are very likely going to resemble many of the science fiction movies that we are watching right now.”1 Extreme developments in technology coupled with competition for global control have triggered futuristic ideas of utilizing super human * J.D. Candidate, Suffolk University Law School, 2017; Journal of High Technol- ogy Law Managing Editor 2016-2017; B.A. Criminal Justice, Curry College, 2013; United States Marine Corps Veteran, Infantry, 2005-2009. 1 See Michael Snyder, The U.S. Military is Creating Iron Men, Super Soldiers and Terminator Robots to Fight Future Wars, TRUTH (Oct. 10, 2013), archived at (envisioning that future wars will be fought utilizing robots or human enhancement technology); see also Sean Adl-Tabatabai, US Army Says Next Major War Will Be Fought By Robots and Cyborgs, YOUR NEWS WIRE (July 25, 2015), archived at (predicting that by around the year 2050, war fighting will be performed by robots and genetically modified super soldiers, rather than ordinary humans). The battlefield of the future will be populated by fewer humans, but these humans would be physically and mentally augmented with enhanced capabilities that improve their ability to sense their environment, make sense of their environment, and interact with one another, as well as with ‘unenhanced humans,’ automated processes, and machines of various kinds. ALEXANDER KOTT ET AL., VISUALIZING THE TACTICAL GROUND BATTLEFIELD IN THE YEAR 2050: WORKSHOP REPORT 7-8 (2015).
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