Nunsthorpe News!

Issue: 07 Date: 13.12.2019 01472 310013 Sutcliffe Avenue, DN33 1AW

Katie McGuire Principal It’s with sadness and gratitude that we prepare to say goodbye to some members of our teaching team, as they leave us for pastures new. Mrs Kayleigh James and Mrs Dee Frascogna finish with us next week: we wish them both well and want to thank them for their hard work over the years. Mrs Evelyn Lawrance will be leaving later in the Spring term, but she will still be here to welcome her class back in January! We are currently interviewing for new staff and will have news for you next week!

o here we are nearly at the end of term and with the Christmas festivities stretching out in front of us. We thought S we’d like to share with you some of the things we have done since coming back to school in September………………. We welcomed three new members of staff to our team, Miss Bloomfield, Mr Loche and Miss Winfarrah, who have all settled well into school life. We changed the way we do school meals and this has been a tremendous success, ensuring we have less waste and no parents getting into arrears. We were lucky to be able to announce upcoming class trips for years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, to Lincoln Castle, Gainsborough Old Hall, Hull Heritage Learning, Cleethorpes and Eden Camp. Reception children had a visit from Tesco staff, who brought them lots of lovely stationery so that they could set up a message centre. Luke Temple the Children’s author paid us a visit. He is a powerful role model for children who are reluctant readers. Luke’s presentation was actioned packed and had the children laughing out loud. Afterwards children were able to buy a copy of Luke’s latest book and have it signed by him. Year 4 took a trip to Lincoln to visit the Collection Museum as part of their topic on the Romans. They had a tour of the gallery, experienced an archaeological dig and handled Roman Artefacts. At school we held a celebration tea party for our children and their parents who had achieved 100% attendance last year. What a fabulous achievement and what a lovely time we had! Year 1 went on a visit to Lincoln to learn about castles, knights and the Tudors as part of their History topic. We held our termly parents evenings over two nights and you had the opportunity to meet your child's teacher. Then phew………….. we had a break for half term! Year 2 kicked off the new term with a visit to Cleethorpes. They visited the Royal National Lifeboat Institution station, which tied in with their History and Art topic. They spent time talking about staying safe near the sea, patterns that the waves make and what colours they could see in the sea! In the same week Year 5 visited Gainsborough Old Hall to experience life in Tudor times and Year 3 went to the Heritage Learning Centre in Hull to investigate the Stone Age. Children were able to dress up before having a go at some traditional crafts. We held Anti-bullying Week in school, this years theme was Change Starts With Us - teaching children and young people, parents and carers to know that it takes a collective responsibility to stop bullying. In support of Anti-bullying week we joined in with ODD SOCK DAY to encourage our children to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes them unique! On Armistice Day our year 6 children visited the Cenotaph at Nuns Corner to lay a wreath and link to the Oasis Inspire Peace Charter. Oasis 9 habits What are you working on today?

Compassionate Patient Humble

Joyful Honest Hopeful

Considerate Forgiving Self-controlled

Children In Need day was celebrated on Friday 15th November. Children came to school dressed in spots and we raised an amazing £269.00 for this great cause. The Taiko Festival took place at Grimsby Auditorium on Saturday 27th November and we were so lucky to have over 50 of our children perform on the stage . They absolutely blew us away. We were able to present a cheque to Nunny’s Farm for £345 as a result of a non uniform day. This was to help them after they suffered a break in. The whole school took part in Democracy Day 2019, with this year’s theme being ‘participation’. The day was an opportunity to remember that Democracy is about people and is built on inclusion, equal treatment and participation. Children took part in various workshop throughout the day. Miss Young took her Athletics Club to Havelock Academy to compete in the Schools Sports Partnership Games: we finished in 4th place which means we went through to the final. The Final was held yesterday at Havelock. Watch this space to see where we ended up on the leader board! The Community Hub held a Firework Display and served hot sausage buns and soup to everyone. The fireworks were fabulous. Year 1 had a BIG Christmas Sleepover at school. They had an amazing time dancing the night away to a disco! They had hot chocolate and made biscuits and Christmas decorations! All of the children were so well behaved and slept right through the night! Yesterday we invited you all to our GRAND PROJECT DAY where we launched our very own History Book. School was open for the afternoon and we showed off all the hard work your children have put into this project. At 2:10pm there was singing and speaking from every classroom in the school and there was an incredible sense of pride in the school. Children were proud of their achievements and parents were proud of their children! The entrants for the art competition received certificates, prizes and rounds of applause. Our overall winners’ children were overwhelmed to help their mum receive her prize on stage. Afterwards we all enjoyed refreshments in the Hall which was full to capacity—thank you. Today was Christmas Jumper Day and didn’t you all look fabulous in your finest bling! So, we’ve had a good round up of events that have taken place this Autumn term and still to come next week is the Early Years Nativity on Monday and Tuesday, Discos for years 2 & 4, craft afternoons with parents for year 5 & 6. Christmas lunch served by our Chef and his team on Wednesday and finally a good old fashioned Christmas family sing-a-long at home time on the last day.

Early next year Years 2 & 3 will be visiting Magna the Science Museum in Sheffield.

Raffle tickets are still on sale from the office and cost 50p Reception class will be performing their Nativity on each. We will be drawing the winning tickets on the last day Monday 16th December at 2:30pm and again on Tuesday of term and prizes will come home with your children. 17th December at 9:15pm. Entrance will be through the GOOD LUCK! Breakfast Club door. Please don’t be late.



Compassionate Patient Humble

Joyful Honest Hopeful

Considerate Forgiving Self-controlled