CURRICULUM VITAE Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s): ARZUHAN BURCU GÜLTEKİN Nationality: Turkish Republic Gender: Female E-Mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Education: DEGREE / UNIVERSITY / INSTITUTION / DEPARTMENT YEARS DIPLOMA NAME Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Bachelor Degree / Department of Architecture, 1993 - 10.09.1997 Architect Istanbul - Turkey. Istanbul Technical University, Master’s Degree / Graduate School of Science, Engineering and Technology, 1997 - 07.07.2000 M.S. Architect Architecture Program, Istanbul - Turkey. Gazi University, Doctor of Philosophy / Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, 2000 - 26.01.2007 Ph.D Architect Architecture Program, Ankara -Turkey. Professional Experience JOB TITLE EMPLOYER AND LOCATION PERIOD Gebze High Technology Institute, Faculty of Architecture, Research Assistant Department of Architecture, 1998-2001 Gebze/Kocaeli – Turkey. Gazi University, Technical Education Faculty, Department of Research Assistant Construction Education, 2001-2007 Ankara - Turkey. Gazi University, Technical Education Faculty, Department of Assistant Professor Construction Education, 2007-2015 Ankara - Turkey. Ankara University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department Associate Professor of Real Estate Development, 2015-Continuing Ankara - Turkey. Master’s Thesis Aydın, A. B., “A Method of Analysis and Evaluation for the Wall Covering Materials that May Be Used in the Interior Spaces”, Master’s Thesis, Istanbul Technical University, Graduate School of Science Engineering and Technology, Architecture Program, Istanbul - Turkey, (2000). (Adviser: Prof. Dr. Nihal Arıoğlu). Doctoral Thesis Gültekin, A. B., “Proposal of A Model for Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of Construction Products within the Context of “Life Cycle Assessment” Methodology”, Doctoral Thesis, Gazi University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Architecture Program, Ankara - Turkey, (2006).