Program dated: October 23, 2017


D a y O n e : Monday, April 23, 2018 DEPARTURE

▪ Depart the U.S.A.

Overnight: Flight

D a y T w o : Tuesday, April 24, 2018 ARRIVAL – WELCOME TO ISRAEL!

▪ Arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport. ▪ Welcome by our representative and assistance with arrival formalities. ▪ Meet your tour educator and depart the airport. ▪ Welcome to Israel: Stop at the Ancient Roman Aqueduct, located on the pristine beaches of Caesarea. With the ruins of a past empire to your backs, enjoy the power of the sand, sea and the rush of the water as you celebrate the beginning of your journey throughout Israel. Opening remarks by Rabbi Kipnes; sing together the song Eli Eli, written by Hannah Senesh, which was written inspired by her walk on the shores of Caesarea, led by Cantor Doug Cotler. ▪ Continue your drive to the Carmel ridge. ▪ Check into the hotel. ▪ Dinner at the hotel. ▪ Our Journey: Opening remarks and orientation with Rabbi Kipnes, Cantor Cotler and your tour educator.

Overnight: Haifa

Day Three: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 FROM MYSTICS TO DREAMERS IN THE GALILEE

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Tikkun Olam hands-on experience with Leket, a volunteer organization that provides food for the needy by collecting excess produce from farms and food distribution companies. ▪ Drive into the Upper Galilee, through the beautiful scenic “Tuscany of the Galilee” to Tsfat. ▪ Meet Rabbi Or Zohar from Kehilat Ma’alot and go on a spiritual journey of Tsfat, the center of Jewish mysticism for hundreds of years and a contemporary artists’ colony, including: ▪ Guided visit to the Ari, Caro or Abuhav Synagogues, each with its great stories and mystical messages. ▪ A stroll through the quaint Artists’ Colony, shop in the galleries and crafts shops and engage in dialogues with local artisans inspired by the messages of . ▪ Meet with artist, Sheva Chaya in her studio, for an interactive window into the world of Kabbalah, glass blowing and questions of identity and Judaism. ▪ A special limmud (study session) overlooking Mt. Meron. ▪ Recite the Lecha Dodi at the exact spot of where it was composed, at the Ari Synagogue, with Cantor Doug Cotler. ▪ Lunch at your own expense in Tsfat. ▪ Wine tasting at the Tulip Boutique Winery. The Tulip winery is a part of ‘Park Tikvah’ (Park of Hope), where they employ adults with difficulties and donate a percentage of their profits to the association. ▪ Return to Haifa. ▪ Evening at leisure and dinner at your own expense.

Overnight: Haifa

D a y F o u r : Thursday, April 26, 2018 THE MOSAIC OF ISRAEL

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Check out of the hotel and drive to the shores of Atlit, site of a British internment camp for thousands of Jewish refugees who were caught attempting to immigrate to Israel during the British Mandatory period. ▪ Drive to the Givat Haviva Seminar Center to participate in a seminar on Arab-Jewish coexistence. Gain a deeper understanding of the security situation and politics involved in the border lands between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, and meet with local Israelis and Palestinians. The Center for a Shared Society at Givat Haviva, named after the famous WWII paratrooper, aims to build an inclusive, socially cohesive society in Israel by engaging divided communities in collective action towards the advancement of a sustainable, thriving Israeli democracy based on mutual responsibility, civic equality and a shared vision of the future. ▪ Lunch on own en route. ▪ Drive along the Trans-Israel Highway for a close-up view of the ‘Security Barrier’ along the seam zone between Israel and the Palestinian Territories. ,Enter the vibrant and colorful ancient city of :ברוכים הבאים - Welcome to Jerusalem ▪ and experience the convergence of the old and the new. ▪ Stop at the Haas Promenade for an overlook of the Old and New City of Jerusalem and to recite the traditional “shehechiyanu” blessing. ▪ Check into the hotel. ▪ Enjoy a night out with dinner on own, perhaps at the Old Train Station Plaza, with its fashionable restaurants featuring local and international cuisine. On certain evenings one can enjoy street musicians, Israeli dancing and other attractions.

Overnight: Jerusalem

D a y F i v e : Friday, April 2 7 , 2 0 1 8 THE LAYERS OF JERUSALEM

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ The Labyrinth of Israeli Politics: Dialogue with Prof. Reuven Hazan of the Political Science Department at Hebrew University. ▪ Depart for the of Jerusalem. ▪ Enter the Tower of David Museum and climb up to the rooftop for a breath-taking view of the Old City. Proceed to the the Kishle – Herod’s Palace in Jerusalem. The site known as the “Kishle” is adjacent to the Citadel and Tower of David Museum complex. The structure was erected in 1834 by Ibrahim Pasha who governed the Land of Israel (Palestine) from Egypt. When the Ottoman Turks regained the area in 1841, the “Kishle” continued to serve as a military compound. During the period of the British mandate, it was used as a police station and prison where some members of the Jewish underground were also incarcerated. Today, the prison is separated from the police station and is an integral part of the Museum complex. ▪ Enter via historical in the Jewish Quarter for visits to archaeological treasures and other highlights, among them: ▪ The four Sephardi synagogues, which reflect the richness and diversity of Diaspora Jewish traditions. ▪ The Cardo, the main street of Jerusalem in the 6th century. ▪ King Hezekiah’s First Temple-period “Broad Wall”. ▪ Hurva Square, the central square of the Jewish Quarter. ▪ Lunch on own in the Jewish Quarter. ▪ Stop by Ezrat Yisrael, the pluralistic section of the Kotel (), for a text study and reflection. ▪ Stop at the Kotel (Western Wall) and experience the special atmosphere of this holy site. ▪ Return to the hotel and prepare for Shabbat. ▪ Kabbalat Shabbat services at a local synagogue. ▪ Shabbat dinner at a local restaurant.

Overnight: Jerusalem

D a y S i x : Saturday, April 28, 2 0 1 8 INTO THE DESERT, MASADA AND THE DEAD SEA

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Descend to the Dead Sea Basin and ascend by cable-car to Masada, Herod’s mountain palace and the site of the Jewish Zealots’ last stand against the Roman Legionnaires. Discuss Masada’s role as a symbol of Jewish defence and its current significance in modern Israel. ▪ Torah reading atop Masada. ▪ Enjoy light refreshments on your own account in at the Masada Visitors’ Center. ▪ Take a short hike to Nahal David, the freshwater spring and waterfalls in the Ein Gedi Nature Reserve, a lush oasis in the Judean Desert overlooking the Dead Sea. ▪ Lunch on your own en route. ▪ Experience an astonishing sense of weightlessness as you float in the super-saline Dead Sea. ▪ Return to Jerusalem. ▪ Ben Kodesh Lechol: Havdallah overlooking the Old City, led by Rabbi Paul Kipnes and Cantor Doug Cotler. ▪ Stroll along the Ben-Yehuda Street and Nachalat Shiva pedestrian malls, joining the many Israelis out on the town, with dinner on own. ▪ The Night Spectacular at the Tower of David Museum: The walls of the Citadel serve as a stage for a night-time show – a celebration of sight and sound – that depicts the story of Jerusalem.

Overnight: Jerusalem

Day Seven: S u n d a y , April 29, 2018 MEMORY NEAR AND FAR

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Challenges and Triumphs of Religious Pluralism and Social Justice in Israel: Dialogue with Anat Hoffman, Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC). ▪ Depart for the Yad Vashem complex, the Jewish National Memorial to the six million Jewish victims of the Holocaust, including (choose between First timers OR Returnees tracks): First timers: ▪ The Avenue of the Righteous ▪ The Historical Museum ▪ The Children’s Memorial Returnees: ▪ The Art Museum ▪ The Holocaust Film Archive ▪ The Exhibitions Pavilion ▪ The Sculpture Garden ▪ The Valley of the Communities All: ▪ A concluding Memorial Service ▪ Depart Yad Vashem for the Machaneh Yehuda open-air market and experience the sights, smells, and tastes of Jerusalem, with a chance for lunch on own. ▪ Optional: Return to the Old City; Explore the Western Wall Tunnel, the underground continuation of the ’s Western Wall, exposed in recent years. ▪ Return to the hotel. ▪ Dinner at your own expense and evening at leisure.

Overnight: Jerusalem

D a y E i g h t : Monday, April 30, 2018 TEL AVIV DAY

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Check out of the hotel and drive to Tel Aviv, known as the “city that never sleeps,” with its centers of culture, recreation and national history, great beaches and fine stores. ▪ Visit the Jaffa Overlook for an introduction to Tel Aviv at the place where it all began. ▪ Israeli Activism: Dialogue with members of the Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism’s (IMPJ) pre-Army academy (mechina) in Jaffa. ▪ Lunch on your own. ▪ Start Up Nation: Explore the world of renowned Israeli inventions and creations at the State of Mind Innovation Center, followed by a dialogue with an up and coming start-up entrepreneur. ▪ Transfer to the Sde Dov Domestic Airport and check in for the flight to Eilat. ▪ Upon arrival in Eilat transfer to the hotel and check in. ▪ Dinner on own. ▪ Enjoy an evening out at the Eilat boardwalk, with the live music and local vendors.

Overnight: Eilat

D a y N i n e : Tuesday, May 1, 2018 PETRA DAY

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Early departure for the Arava Border Crossing. ▪ Upon completion of passport procedures, cross into Jordan and travel through the Araba to the ancient Nabatean City of Petra, situated between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea which was an important crossroad between Arabia, Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia. Petra, half-built, half- carved into the rock, is surrounded by mountains riddled with passages and gorges, and is one of the world's most famous archaeological sites where ancient Eastern traditions blend with Hellenistic architecture. ▪ Lunch at a local hotel or restaurant. ▪ Late afternoon return to the Arava Border Crossing and transfer back to the hotel. ▪ Dinner on own.

Overnight: Eilat

D a y T e n : Wednesday, May 2, 2018 INTO THE DESERT: CHANGING REALITY

▪ Breakfast at the hotel. ▪ Check out of the hotel and depart Eilat, driving north through the Israeli Arava to the Reform Kibbutz Lotan and explore creative Jewish approaches to community life and the environment; meet with local kibbutz members and hear their personal stories. ▪ Depart Lotan and drive to the Ramon Crater where you’ll explore the crater’s geological wonders with a stop for a walk to the unique natural phenomenon known as the Carpentry Shop. ▪ Spirituality in the Desert: View the multi-faceted nature of the Ramon Crater and enjoy a moment of reflection, led by Rabbi Paul Kipnes and Cantor Doug Cotler. ▪ Lunch at your own expense en route. ▪ Continue north through the Negev Desert and visit the gravesite of Israel's first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, located at Sde Boker, overlooking the Wilderness of Zinn; learn about Ben- Gurion’s vision of making the desert bloom. ▪ Festive farewell dinner and final words and comments by Rabbi Paul Kipnes and Cantor Doug Cotler. ▪ Transfer to Ben Gurion International Airport and check in for your departure flight to the U.S.A.

Overnight: Flight

D a y E l e v e n : Thursday, May 3, 2018 RETURN HOME

▪ Arrive in the USA.