ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Altitude: 508 M

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ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Altitude: 508 M Phytosociological Research Center Worldwide Bioclimatic Classification System S.Rivas−Martinez(+) & S.Rivas−Saenz (Adapted to Synoptical Table 14/02/2020) ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Altitude: 508 m. Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Temperature observation period.: 1932−1960 (29) Rainfall observation period....: 1932−1960 (29) (C/mm) Ti Mi mi M’i m’i Pi EPi Jan. 7.10 11.80 2.40 17.70 −2.80 70.0 13.95 Feb. 8.80 14.30 3.20 20.80 −2.50 65.0 19.43 Mar. 11.10 16.60 5.70 23.30 0.70 78.0 34.53 Apr. 14.00 20.00 7.90 27.00 3.40 50.0 53.44 May. 16.20 22.20 10.30 29.40 5.00 41.0 75.46 Jun. 21.40 28.70 14.10 35.70 8.30 24.0 118.71 Jul. 24.60 32.30 16.40 39.10 10.30 3.0 149.53 Aug. 24.60 32.60 16.60 38.10 11.50 8.0 139.96 Sep. 21.30 28.10 14.60 35.10 8.60 23.0 98.82 Oct. 16.30 22.00 10.60 29.40 4.30 56.0 59.48 Nov. 11.50 16.80 6.30 23.40 0.50 77.0 29.80 Dec. 7.80 12.30 3.20 17.90 −2.10 79.0 15.83 Year 15.39 21.48 9.27 28.07 3.77 574 808.94 BIOCLIMATIC INDICES AND DIAGNOSIS Thermicity index..............................(It): 296 Compensated thermicity index.................(Itc): 296 Simple continentality index...................(Ic): 17.5 Diurnality index..............................(Id): 16.0 Annual ombrothermic index.....................(Io): 3.11 Monthly estival ombrothermic index..........(Ios1): 0.12 Bimonthly estival ombrothermic index........(Ios2): 0.22 Threemonthly estival ombrothermic index.....(Ios3): 0.50 Fourmonthly estival ombrothermic index......(Ios4): 0.88 Annual ombro−evaporation index...............(Ioe): 0.71 Annual positive temperature...................(Tp): 1847 Annual negative temperature...................(Tn): 0 Estival temperature...........................(Ts): 706 Positive precipitation........................(Pp): 574 N. of P>4T P:2T−4T PT−2T P<T T<0 Months 5 3 2 2 0 Latitudinal Belt...: Low Eutemperate Continentality.....: Oceanic − Low Semicontinental Bioclimate.........: MEDITERRANEAN PLUVISEASONAL−OCEANIC Bioclimatic Belt...: LOW MESOMEDITERRANEAN UPPER DRY 1 ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) 508 m P= 574 38° 26’N 6° 25’W 29/29 y. T= 15.4° Ic= 17.5 Tp= 1847 Tn= 0 m= 2.4° M= 11.8 ° Itc= 296 Io= 3.1 M’= 39.1° m’= −2.8° MEDITERRANEAN PLUVISEASONAL−OCEANIC LOW MESOMEDITERRANEAN UPPER DRY WATER INDEX CARD ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Altitude: 508 m. Latitude: 38° 26’N (C/mm) T PE P VR R RE DF SP DR HC Jan. 7.1 14 70 0 100 14 0 56 31 4.0 Feb. 8.8 19 65 0 100 19 0 46 38 2.3 Mar. 11.1 35 78 0 100 35 0 43 41 1.2 Apr. 14.0 53 50 −3 97 53 0 0 20 0.0 May. 16.2 75 41 −34 62 75 0 0 10 −0.4 Jun. 21.4 119 24 −62 0 86 33 0 5 −0.7 Jul. 24.6 150 3 0 0 3 147 0 3 −0.9 Aug. 24.6 140 8 0 0 8 132 0 1 −0.9 Sep. 21.3 99 23 0 0 23 76 0 1 −0.7 Oct. 16.3 59 56 0 0 56 3 0 0 0.0 Nov. 11.5 30 77 47 47 30 0 0 0 1.5 Dec. 7.8 16 79 53 100 16 0 10 5 3.9 Year 15.4 809 574 * * 419 390 155 155 * R = Reserve VR = Variation of the reserve RE = Real evapotranspiration DR = Drainage HC = Humidity coeficient DF = Deficit SP = Superavit ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) 38°26’N 6°25’W 508 m 29/29 y. T= 15.4 Ic= 17.5 MEDITERRANEAN PLUVISEASONAL−OCEANIC m= 2.4 Tp= 1847 LOW MESOMEDITERRANEAN M= 11.8 Tn= 0 UPPER DRY M’= 39.1 Itc= 296 m’= −2.8 Io= 3.1 P= 574 mm PE= 809 mm Imbibing 3 Oct. Saturation 26 Dec. Reserve Use 28 Mar. Deficit 20 Jun. DJFMAMJJASOND 2 ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m SUMMARY OF RIVAS−MARTINEZ CLASSIFICATION Continentality Index [B1a] + Type ................: B. Oceanic + Subtype .............: 1. Semicontinental + Variant .............: a. Low Thermic types [B1.A3] + Latitudinal zone ....: B. Temperate + Latitudinal belt ....: 1. Low Eutemperate + Thermic type ........: A. Warm + Thermic subtype .....: 3. Subwarm Bioclimatic types [B8.3b.5a] + Macrobioclimate .....: B. MEDITERRANEAN + Bioclimate ..........: 8. PLUVISEASONAL−OCEANIC + Bioclimatic variant .: + Thermic type.........: 3. MESOMEDITERRANEAN + Thermic subtype......: b. LOW + Ombrothermic type ...: 5. DRY + Ombrothermic subtype : a. UPPER Bioclimatic Classification ...............Mepo.Mme.Dry.Sec ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m PRECIPITATION PARAMETERS Warmest semester of the year.....................(Pss): 155 Coldest semester of the year.....................(Psw): 419 Warmest four months period of the year..........(Pcm1): 58 Following warmest four months period............(Pcm2): 282 Positive precipitation dryest 3 months...........(Ppd): 34 Positive precipitation dryest 2 months..........(Ppd2): 11 Positive precipitation dryest 1 month...........(Ppd1): 3 Positive precipitation warmest 3 months..........(Pps): 35 Positive precipitation warmest 2 months.........(Pps2): 11 Positive precipitation warmest 1 month..........(Pps1): 3 Positive precipitation coldest 3 months..........(Ppw): 214 Positive precipitation coldest 2 months.........(Ppw2): 149 Positive precipitation coldest 1 month..........(Ppw1): 70 Winter Spring Summer Automn Seasons Tr1−W Tr2−P Tr3−S Tr4−F Rainfall 214 169 35 156 Seasonal rainfall rhythms: W > P > F > S ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m TEMPERATURE PARAMETERS Average warmest month [T].....................(Tmax): 24.6 Average coldest month [T].....................(Tmin): 7.1 Maximum temp. warmest month [M]..............(Tmmax): 32.6 Minimum temp. coldest month [m]..............(Tmmin): 2.4 Absolute Max.temp. warmest month [M’]........(Tamax): 39.1 Absolute Min.temp. coldest month [m’]........(Tamin): −2.8 First warmest contrasted month [M]...........(Tcmax): 32.6 (8) First coldest contrasted month [m]...........(Tcmin): 16.6 (8) Estival temperature.............................(Ts): 706 Positive temperature dryest 3 months...........(Tpd): 705 Positive temperature dryest 2 months..........(Tpd2): 492 Positive temperature dryest 1 month...........(Tpd1): 246 Positive temperature warmest 3 months..........(Tps): 706 Positive temperature warmest 2 months.........(Tps2): 492 Positive temperature warmest 1 month..........(Tps1): 246 Positive temperature coldest 3 months..........(Tpw): 237 Positive temperature coldest 2 months.........(Tpw2): 149 Positive temperature coldest 1 month..........(Tpw1): 71 3 ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m SEASONAL PARAMETERS Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Warmest semester...(Sms) o o o o o o Dryest semester....(Smd) o o o o o o Warmest 4 months...(Cm1) o o o o Dryest 4 months....(Cmd) o o o o Vegetation Activity(Pav) oooooooooooo Ultragelid...[M’<=0](Pf) Hypergelid...[M <=0](Pf) Gelid........[T <=0](Pf) Subgelid.....[m <=0](Pf) Pregelid.....[m’<=0](Pf) o o o Agelid.......[m’> 0](Pf) o o o o o o o o o HiperAgelid..[all>0](Pf) o o o o o o o o o ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m OMBROTHERMIC PARAMETERS Annual aridity index.[PE/P]...................(Iar): 1.41 Mediterranean index of July.[PE/P]............(Im1): 49.84 Mediterranean index of July & August..........(Im2): 26.32 Mediterranean index of June, July & August....(Im3): 11.66 Months Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Pp(x10) 790 700 650 780 500 410 240 30 80 230 560 770 Tp 78 71 88 111 140 162 214 246 246 213 163 115 Io (Iom) 10.1 9.86 7.39 7.03 3.57 2.53 1.12 0.12 0.33 1.08 3.44 6.70 Seasons Winter Spring Summer Automn Pp(x10)/Tp 2140 / 237 1690 / 413 350 / 706 1560 / 491 Io (Iot) 9.030 4.092 0.496 3.177 Semesters December−May June−November Pp(x10)/Tp 3830 / 650 1910 / 1197 Io (Iosm) 5.892 1.596 ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m Aridity Value Index (AVI) [10xPP/TP=IO]: 5740/1847=3.11 There is No Yearly Aridity Months Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Pp [P*10] 790 700 650 780 500 410 240 30 80 230 560 770 Tp [T*10] 78 71 88 111 140 162 214 246 246 213 163 115 Iom [Pp/Tp] $$ 986 739 703 357 253 112 12 33 108 344 670 Avm [200−Iom] *** *** *** *** *** *** 88 188 167 92 *** *** Seasons Winter Spring Summer Automn Pp / Tp 2140 / 237 1690 / 413 350 / 706 1560 / 491 Iot [Pp/Tp] 903 409 50 318 Avs E[Avm<200] *** *** 443 *** Upper ultrahyperarid [1] Upper hyperarid [1] Weak lower arid [1] Strong lower semiarid [2] 4 ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m BIOCLIMATIC INDICES I CI of Supan (1884) [Tmax−Tmin] ..................(Sp): 17.50 CI of Gorezinski (1920) [1.7*Sp/sin(Lat)−20.4] ......: 27.46 CI of Conrad (1946) [1.7*Sp/sin(Lat+10)−14] .........: 25.76 + Oceanic (20<CI<40) CI of Currey (1974) [CI=Sp/(1+Lat/3)] ...............: 1.27 + Subcontinental (1.1<CI<1.7) Rainfall Index of Lang (1925) [R=P/T] ...............: 37.29 + Steppic (40>R>0) Aridity Index of Martonne (1926) [Ia=P/(T+10)] ......: 22.61 + Subhumid (30>Ia>20) I of Emberger (1930) [Q=100*P/(Tmmax²−Tmmin²)] ......: 54.30 + Subhumid (90>Q>50) I of Dantin & Revenga (1940) [DR=100*T/P] ...........: 2.68 + Semiarid (3>DR>2) Aridity Index of UNEP [I=P/PE] ......................: 0.71 + Humid (I>0.65) Potencial Erosion I of Fournier (1960) [K=Pi²/P].....: 10.87 + Very low (K<60) ZAFRA (ESP BADAJOZ) Latitude: 38°26’N Longitude: 6°25’W Altitude: 508 m BIOCLIMATIC INDICES II Bioclimatic classification of Gaussen & Bagnouls (1957) + Climate ....: A.
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