The City Record. Department of Finance
THE CITY RECORD. LIII. NUMBER 15918. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1925. PRICE 10 CENTS. THE CITY RECORD. Invoice Received Finance Dates or in Depart- Voucher Contract ment of Name of Payee. Amount. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. No. Number. Finance. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the Board of City Record. BOARD OF CITY RECORD. 136533 8-31-25 9-15-25 Brooklyn Citizen 1,666 66 JOHN F. HYLAN, MAYOR. 155016 10-27-24 11-10-24 Wynkoop-Hallenbeck-Crawford Co 295 00 P. NICHOLSON, CORPORATION COUNSEL CHARLES L. CRAIG, COMPTROLLER. GEORGE Board of Elections. STEPHEN G. KELLEY, SUPERVISOR. 126995 7-16-25 8-20-25 John J. Donovan 28 00 Board Supervisor's Office, Municipal Building, 8th floor. of Estimate and Apportionment. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. 82617 5-19-24 John J. Horan Distributing Division, 125 and 127 Worth st., Manhattan, New York City. Bellevue and Allied Hospitals. Subscription, f20 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy. 136756 9-19-24 9-15-25 Radium Chemical Co. 10641 237 8 SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees), $5; Official Canvass of Votes, $1; Registry Lists, 20 cents each assembly district; Law Department Sum 136749 9-15-25 Wm. Langbein & Bros 150 30 element, $1; Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, $2 each section; postage extra. 136728 7- 9-25 9-15-25 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the CITY RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) 131932 8- 1-25 75758 9- 1-25 Frank P.
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