FIRST DRAFT (complete to 1974)






Shenfield 1990 ABBOT,W. J. L. 1891.Notes On some sections in and nearLondon. Proc. Geol.Ass. 11,473480. [Section B: West ,pp. 476-480] ABBOT,W. J. L. 1908.The Pleistocene vertebratesof south-east .SE. Nat. 13.96·113. AMBROSE,J. D. 1973.The sand and gravel resources oC the country around . Essex (Desaiption fA. 1:25,000 resourcesheet11..80). Inst. geol.Sci. AMBROSE,J. D. 1973.The sandand gravel resources or thecountry around Layer Breton and ToUeshuntJYArcy, Essex (Decripticn of 1:25000resource sheet TL91 and pan of 1L90).lnst. geol. Sci. AMBROSE,J. D. 1974.The sand and gravel resources of the country west of , Essex. (DescripIion of 1:25.000resource sheet ).Inst. gml. Sci. ANDREE, J. 173S, 1737,etc. An accountoft~ water. ANON.-_••Dover-court and its spa; with an tJl:COIUll ofthe townofHarwich. ANON.-.DescriptiYe handbook ofIpswil:h ••• , DoyucolITt ... etc• • . . [Geological informationpp. 97-99.] Ipswich. ANON.1739. Allaccountof the Tilburywater, containing a narrativeof the discovery of the medicinal qualitiesoC this spring, experimentson the water, the mannerofdrinking it, and several rernark:able cures. [SecE.N. 3,198 (1889)] ANON. 1797.An tJl:count of... sWing wellsat ••• HarwichandLa",uardFort. ANON. [CC.] 1798.Letteron a plan for forminga tlDlnel under the Thames. Gent. Mag. 'I,565. [Account0(a well at Tilbury Fort] ANON. 1836. [Note of bones fOlDld in a brickf"aeld at nCord.] Mining Review No. 8, 32A. ANON. 1842.A briefaccountofHodkySpa. MaT Southend, Essa. With an analysis ofdie waterby R. PbiUips. ANON. [MORRIS,J.] 1873.Excursion to Grays, Essex 23 April 1870.Proc. geol. Ass. Z,19. ANON. [MORRIS,J.] 1872.Excursion to nCord. Proc. Geol.Ass. Z, No. 7. p. 273. ANON. [MORRIS,J.l 1877.Excursion to Grays, Essex. Proc. Gml. Ass. 5. 125. ANON. 1883.The esplanadeand cliffs at Soulhend. Builtkr 44. 705. ANON. 1884. The recentearthquake.Buiilkr 46.591. ANON. [WOODWARD.1L7]1914.The type of Pliolophus wdpicepsOwen, Harwich specimen given to B.M.after beHeved to belost. Geol. Mag.dec. 5, 1,480. ANON. 1936. A dug-outboat from the LeaVaDey. Proc. prehht. Soc.N.s. Z. 144- • [Foundat Sewardstone] ANON. 1952.Geologicalstudy: the Thamesnear Tilbmy. Hydrtllllil:s Res., 36-38. ANON.[A. J. SUTCLIFFE?] 1966.The elephants. Report on theBritish Musemn (Natural History) 1963-1965,]0.31. [Mammuthus primigenius, Palaeoloxodon antiqgus] ARMFIELD.H. T. -.On some ancientbouldersscatteI'Cd in lhe district ofthe Colnes. ESsaarch Trans. N.S.4, 61. ARMSTRONG. R. B. cl a..ARKE, K. F. 1972.Water resources planning in south east England.J.ll1St. Well. E",. 26(1). 11-46. [Includesdiscussion. Refm ID Essex generally]

BANTON.J. T. 1931.On the relations ofthechalky boulder clay to Iheimplementiferousbeds ofIhc Pleistocene I fonnadon. Gml. Mag.d.263-265. (Refm to S.ItWamm (q.v.) Pleistocene classification in Proc.GM.A.I:r. 35.165-382. Blackwater Valley,Kelvedo1i. W'dham,. ToUesbury newrailway section. Febtead, Srebbing,Braintree,G~ Yeldham. p~ 266] . BAWTREE, E. W. 1889.Probable underziound effects DC Iheesrthquate of 1884. Es.ruNat. 3, 'SI. BAYNE, A. D. 1872.Royalillrutratetl history ofetukrn England. .• including a SUI'YeJ ofth easterncorutlies. PhyricalfeatrU'u, g~ology, etc.; of.•.E:ua . ••Vot. 1. Yannouth. BEARDMORE.N. 1854.Description of Ihenavigationalanddrainage WOIbrecendy executed on the tidalportionof the (witha section from the Thames 81Umehouse ID theLea at Bromley). Proc.lnst. C;".Eng.13. 241. BEAUMONT,O. F. 1887.WeUsectionatKelvcdon. Bsscx.EssaNaI.t, 189. BElL, A. Corbicwajluminalu. its associatesand distribulion. Geol.Mag. 9,430. BEU., A. 1911. On the zonal stratificationof theeastern British Pliocenes. EssaNaI. 1'.289-305. BElL, A. 1913. "ChoMziplaus moorer. A DeW species offossil ziphoid whale fromWalton-on-Naze.Essex. &sa Nat. 17, lOS-lOO. BELL. A. 1920-11.British oysters: patand preseIlL BssexNal. 19, 183.221; 300-302- BELL, A. &: R. ·1873. On the English crags and the stratigraphical division indicated by theirinvertebrate fauna. Proc. G~ol. Ass. 2, 185-218.[Walron.pp. 190-195.See also Geol.Mag. 9, 209-215 (1872)] BElL, R. 0.1884. Land shells in the Crag. Gml. Mag. dec. 3, 1,262·264. [Walton-on-the-Naze] BENHAM,C. E. 1892. Microscopic fossilsfrom the Colchester Chalk. BssexNat. 6, 46. BERDINNER..ILC. 1925.Geology ofthe Brentwoodand ShenfieJdsections. Proc. Geol.Ass. 36, 174-184. BINNS,A. &: BARROW, G. 1914.Excursionto die Royal Albert DocksExtension (south). Saturday Oct4 1913. Proc.Geol.Ass. 25,117-120. BLEZARD,R. G. 1961.Further subsidencesnear Stifford.Essex. EssexNat. JO, 309-313. BLFZARD.R. G. 1967.Field meeting at Aveleyand West Thurroc:k. 1 May 1965.Proc. Geol. Ass. 77.273-276. BLFZARD.R. G., BROMLEY, R. G.• HANCOCI{.J. M.•HESlER. S. W., HEY,R. W. cl KIRKALDY~J.F: 1967.The Region (North of the Thames). Geologists· Association Guitk 30A. [Itinerary VII. Saudi East Essex: Thurrock and Aveley, pp. ao-34 (by R.G.B.)] 1 BLYTIIE. R. 1955.The yearofabccarthquake.CountryLife 118.1010-1011. BONNEY.T. G. 1912.The drawiogon aRed Crag shell ce«. Mag. N.S. dec 5.'.141. BOSWELL.P. G. H. 1915.DifferaWal movementin EastAnglia in Tertiary times. Geol. Mag. dec 5. 2.198-206. BOSWELL. P. G. lL 1915.Rcponofan ~ursion to BrenlWood and GreatWarley. Saturday Apri117lh1915. Proc. Geol. Ass. U. 225-228. ' BOSWELL.P. G. H. 1917.The saratigrapby and peuolo&Y, oftheLower EoceN; deposits of the north-eastem part of theLondon Basin.Quart. J. geol. Soc. 11.536-591. [VCI)' imp.] BOSWELL.P. G. H. 1929.Tbc geology of lhe country aroundSudbury.Mem. geol. SIITV. BOSWELL.P. G. H, 1931.The straIigraphy of 1he glacial depositsofEast Anglia in reJationto early man.Proc. Geor. Ass. 42. 87-111. BOSWELL,P. G. H. 1952.The -Plcisrocene bowulary in the cast ofEJigland. Proc. Geol, Ass. 63. 301-302. BOSWORTII.G. F. 1909.Essex: Cambridge County Geograpbics. BOULGER.G. S. 1886.Some aMhiooalllOlCS on Essex watasbeds. Trans. E.F.C. 4. 1314. BRADY. A. 1860.On thee1cpbaDl remains atllfont. Rep.Brit.Aa. foe 1859.[Sections. p. lOO] BRADY.A. [COLE. W.]1881. RcpartoConIinary meetingSaturday 29 May 1880.Speech by Sir AntoniaBrady. Trwu. Epping Forest cl COUIIIJ ofEssuNat. Field Crub 1. xiii-xv. BRETr, D. W. 1972.Fossil wood of P1aIImus fIOmtheBritishEoc:euc PalMOIIlOlogy 15.496-500. (London ClaY. Harwich. pp.496-7) BRIGHI'ON, A. G. 1928.Noces OD the Middle and Upper QIaIkofthe CambridgedistricL Geol.Mag. 65.368-371. ANON. 1971.British Caenozokfossils. Trniary andQuaremary. BritishMuseum (Natural History). London. [Many oC the specimens illUSlraled arefiom Essex] BRooKE, V. 181S. On the Qisteoce ollhc fallowdeer in England duringP1eistoeene times.Nature 11,210-211. BROTIlERS, A. 1814. [Ona well atSoulhend.] Proc.Lit. Phil. Soc.Manchester 13(9). 91. [Sectiondescribed in 1812in Geol.SIITV. Mem. 4] BROWN. -.1891. CoJe. W. Annual rqxJItofthc for Ibeyear ended Dec:cmber 31st 1896.Bs$Q Nat. 10. 16-23. [Purchase of Red CJag fossilsfrom Waltoo. p. 20] BROWN.J. Articlesin CMlmsfordCIvonick: Geologyof Essex.31, 10;HOrns ofBos IongifrolU, 31.22; Geologicalresearches in Essex. 38. 3. BROWN,J. 1834.A noticeofsomeofIbc cootenlS of &he frcshwacer fonnalioa at Copfonl. near Colchester. Essex. Mag. Nal. Hist. 7.436-438. BROWN.J. 1835.A syoopticaItableof someof the mineralsubstances.and of the organic lUIlaiosfoundin Ibe gravel ofStanway.Essex. andtheneighbouring localilics wilhina radiusof fifteen miles. Mag. Nat. Hist. I. 349-353. 394. BROWN.I. 1834.A aoticc of a DeW IocaIily of specifiedfossilbonesofthecIcphaot and deer. and of Ihc geological conditions of Ibislocality.Mar. Nat. HisI• .. 353-3S4. [BaWngdon] . BROWN.J. 1836.A dcscripIioa ol1bc poIogical cooditioasofIhc0Wkand argill!M%ous beds. at Ba11ingdoa mu. Essex. willlinfcn:nccs. Mal. NIIL HisI. '.42-46. . BROWN.J. 1836. A DOCice ofthe pological conditions aeatainedfrom two secdoas in 1bc brictfic1d. eopfont. Essex; additionalIDIbesec.... Ibe poIop:al Q)Dditioos MCataiDCd from whicharc stated in VD.436-438. Mag.Nat.Hist. '.429431. . BROWN.J.1831. ObsrIvationsupon IhcbouIdcrs ofuaproc:tsete.. whichoc:cmin thedlluviumofEsseLMag. Nat. Hist. N.S.l,145-1SO. BROWN.J. 1838.Discoveryof a largepair of fossil horns in Essex. Mar. Nat. Hist. N.S. 2, 163-164.(From Clactoo;associated clcplumt] BROWN,J. 1839.Remainsof lhchycaa at Wallon. EssaLil. J.• 123. BROWN.I. 1839.The diffs alllarYtich.EssuUI. J.. 95. BROWN.J. 1839.Marine shells iu c:emcot. Es:JuUt. J•• 68. BROWN.J. 1839.Fossil bonesat CIactoo. EssexLit. J., 29. BROWN.J.1839. Geology of'EsJa.. EuuUt. J.• 14. BROWN,J. 1840.Noticeofa flu~marioc dc:posit containingmammalian remains,oc:curring in IhcparishofLitdc ClaclOn, on theEssex coasL Mag.Nal. Hisl. N.S. 4. 191-201. [Sectionnear Walron.p. 199] BROWN.J. 1841.A list of IhcfossilshclIs foundin a fluvio-awinc deposit at Clacronin Essex.Ann.Mag.NaI. Hisl.1.421429. BROWN,J. 1842. [Geologicalfeatures of thecoast from Harwich to Walton].Proc. Ashmolean Soc.Oxon. 1(18). 13. BROWN.J. 1843.Fossil remainsin Essex. Ann.Mag. Nas. Hisl. 11.325-326. rrost from GmysThurrock) BROWN.J. 1843.On somePleislOCCDe deposits near CopCord. Essex. Proc.geol.Soc. 4. 164-165. (Includes listof fossilsincluding OtodusappendiculatllS. Galeus prislodolllUS. Nolidonwpreds. Odontaspis rhaphiodon and Hybodus, whichweredetenniiJcd for the authorby Mrs P. Woodward] BROWN,J. 1845.On certain conditions and appearances of Ihe strata on Ihecoastof Essexnear Walton.Proc. geol. Soc. 4.523-524; Quart. J. geol. Soc. 1.341-342. [Walton,Clacton] BROWN.J. 1846.On tbeanalysisoflhc nodules. usuallyregarded as coprolitlc,in the Crag andLondonOay. Land. Geol. J.•17-20. BROWN.J. 1846.A lisl offossilsfrom a tkposil ofRed Crag. in lheparish ofBeaUInDnl. Essex: L BROWN.J. 1852.On the UpperTertiariesat Copford. Essex.Quarl. I. geol.Soc. 8.184-193. BROWN. J. 1853.Note on the artesianwell at Colchester. andremarks on some of Ihe microscopicfossIls from the Colchester Chalk. Alln.Mag.Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. 12. 240-243. BROWN, J. 1857.Note on elephanlremains from the gravel near BaUingdon Hill, &sex.Ann. Mag.Nat. HisI. 2nd ser, %0.396-397. BROWN.J. 1857.Note on bovineremains, lately found at Clacton, Essex. Ann. Mag. Nal.Hisl. 2nd SICr. 20, 391-398. BROWN, J. 1858. Mammalianremains.Geologist1. 439. [BaUingdon] BROWN.J. 1860. On some fossilremainsof mammalia lately discovered in Essex: with renwb on the positionof the beds of drift in that county.Proc. Geol. Ass. 1.29-35. BROWN. J. 1865.On some fossilremainsofmammalia lately discovered in Essex; with remarkson the positionof thebeds of drift in that county.and in thecounty ofSuffoUc. Proc. Geol. Ass. 1.29-35. [Colne.pp. 29- ; Clacton, p. 30; Ballingdon.p, 31- ] . BROWN.J. 1920. Extracts from some letters from John Brown.F.G.S •• ofStanway to S. P. Woodward.Wilhnotes by A.S. Kennard &: B.B. Woodward. EssaNat. 19. pp. 130-141. BRUFF. P. 1860.[On wells at Colchesterand Harwich in discuWon on paper by C.E. Amos].Proc.lnst. Ci'l.ElIg. 19.38. BRYAN. B. W. 1953.Descriptionof theHanningf"lekl scheme.I. Inst. Wat. Ellg. 7.430-434. BUCKLAND.W. 1824.Reliqlli« dilllviana!. or oburvotiollS olltM organicremainscolltaiMdill ctZlles.jimuu. tuId diluvial grtZllel. 2nd. edn. (Walton: list of fossils in superficial loam or gravel. pp. 13-14, 113.175. 180.192] BUI..L. A. J. 1942.Pleistocenechronology. Proc. Gtol. As,. 53.1-46. BUlL. J. M. 1936. A prehbltoric site at Twitty Fee. Danbury. EssuNat. %5.87-93. BUNYAN. J. E. 1975.The deVcloptitent of a flood storage area at BasUdon.J.lnst. Wat. ElIg. 19. 175-182­ BlITCHER. C. H. 1915. Notes uponPaJaeolithic implementsfrom Wanstead Park. EuaNat.18. 76-78.

CAMDEN. W. 1610.BritalUlia. [In KingRichard's time two ?elephant teeth were found at Walton.Seenal Coggeshal1 (see Narden). Anotherspecimenwas dug up in Queen Elizabeth·sreign] CHALUS. F. 1887.Notes on thegeologyof Che1msfOJd and neighbourhood. EssaNat. 1. 16. 209. CHANDLER. M.E. J. 1961. T~ LowerTertiaryJlortU ofsolllhunE1I8land. I. PaJaeocene floras.LondonClay Oora (supplement). [Essex. pp. 12. 13.23.31,37.39; Clacton 37.134.136; Frinton 31. 37.157.174,175.289. 299,300,315; HoUand-on-Sea 37.136; Rayleigh 32.: Shoeburyness32. 38; WaJton-oo-Naze 37] CHAPLIN. R. E. 1964.Some observations of the superfICial geology ofan area of western Essex. EssaNat.31, 226-229. CHARLESWORm, Eo 1835.On dteCrag of part of Essex and SuffoUc. Proc. geol. Soc. 2, 195. [Actuallyrefers wholly to Suffolk] CHARLESWORTII. Eo 1835.On the Crag of partofEssex and SuffoDc. Proe. geol. Soc. 2. 195-196. CHARLESWORTII. Eo 1837.Noticeof the occurrenCe of Vo'llIa lamberti on theSuffolk coat; willl observations upon its claim ID rankwith existingspecies.Mag. Nat. Hist. N.s. 1. 3543. [Harwich p. 38 - quotesPartinson in 3. S6J CHARLESWORnI, Eo 1837.Ona form of chambeml cephalopod_ sbetJs.connecting the generae nautil_ and ammonites. Ma,. Nat.Hist. N.s. 1. 533-534. r Although theIrUC Nautili are rather plentifuDy met withwhen any considerableexcavationsare made in the neighbourhoodofthe metropolis.the speciesorIhbl genusare by no means abundant lhroughoutthe wholeextent ofthe clay deposit overlying the chaJk.They are rather numerous in the Isle of Sheppey.and I have occasionallyseen veryfme specimens in the ctifTs ofEssex and Suffolk ••• j CHARLESWORTII. E. 1839.mustrated zoological notices. 2. On a tooth of the genus OtodllS Agassiz.from the London Clay.Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd SICr. 3.351. (From Walton] CHARLESWORTII. Eo 1846.On the occunence ofa species ofMosasaurusin theChalk ofEngland.etc. Lond. Geol. J.•23. [See Brit. Ass., (1845)] CHEETHAM. W.• 1885. Recent eathquake nores from personal observations in Essex. Trass. Ladsgeol.Ass. I, 9. CHRISTY.M. cl DALTON,W. H.1889.NotesonanaUuvialdepositin lheCann valley. EuuNat. 3.1-10. [ Chignal SLJames. With a list of the moUusca occmring therein] CHRISTY. M. 1904.On lheremains or a supposed pile-dweUing at WoodhamWaIter.Essex. EuuNat. 13, 280-282. OIRISTY. M. 1901. Bones of mammothat Wrabness. EssaNat.15. 46-47.102-104.148-149 (19081).151. OIRISTY. M. &.THRESH. M. 1909.A hi~ of the mineral waters and medicinalsprings of Ihe countyof Essex. BssexNat. 15, 185-253. [See Marshall,EN.16, 127-128(1910). Reviewed in Geol. Mag. dec. 5 7. 288 (1910)] CHRISTY. R. W. 1887. Notes on bouldersand pits with Roman{?) deposits, nearRoxwell, Essex.EssexNat. 1. 82. [Two erraticboulders from chalkyboulder clay] CHRISTY.R. W.IS87. WelJsectionatRoxwell.Essex.ElsaNat.I.150,280. CHRISTY, R. W. 1888. Bouldernear ,Essex. Essex Nat. %,47. CHRISTY. R. W. 1889. NOfCS on the geologyofthe district around .EssexNat. 3. 171-178.[Wilha list of moUusca from the alluviumat Roxwell,Essex] nARK. J. E. 1879.Recent shell deposits.Nat. m« J. 3. 3-7. 3 CLARK. P. 1898. Theencroachingsea on the east coast. EssexNaL 10.297-299. a..ARKE, W. B. 1830.Cbnia pon)sa. Mag. NaL HisL 3. 152.["I beg to add. that a gentleman who was sludyinglhe . crag fonnation at Essex. showed me.abouta monthsince. a very beautiful. thoughexaremely minute.Echinlls, withone of ftsspinesuninjured. which was takenfrom the Nazc Cliff,"] CLARKE. W. B. 1838.Nor.e on the Crag BedsoCSWfoltand Essex. Mag. NaL HisL N.S. 2.162. [Puts forward bonesfrom CJagof Walton:ed, dismisses as beingfrom other ~l CLARKE, W. B. 1837.On the geologicalstructure and phenomenaof Suffolk.and its physical relations\':ith and Essex. Proc. geol. Soc. 2, 528-534. [Observations madein 1827-9. Chalt. Harwichp. 529; London Clay. WaIton529; Cmg.Wrabness530; lacustrinc deposits of CopCord. Grays, Southend53; WallOn cl Harwich 533-534] a.ARKE. W. B. 1838.Letter from theRev. W. B. Clarkein referen<:e to the alleged eecurrenee of thebones of ten'eSCrial mammatia in the Red and Cora11ine Cragof Suffolk.Mag.Nat. Hin. N.S. 2, 224-225. (At Walton Naze.800 or 900 yards from thevillageandseveralrods from theshore. there was found an elephant tusk. 8 feet in length; thec:bord of thearc was 7 CL 3 ins., andthe the largestend, 18 inches. It was found in the LondooClay. sticking upright, justabove the low wa~ level.J Q..ARKE. W. B. 1840.On the geologicalSlnlCtme and phenomenaof &he county ofSuffolk,and its physical relationswith Norfolk and Essex. TrlUU. geol.Soc.S.359-383. [London Clay, Walton361; Crag 362; Ardleigh Wood 362; Danbury362; Wa1Ion 367; Harwich 367; , WeclcyBaaacks. EastHaD Colchester.Ardleigh. Barrackour. Harwich 369] a.AYlUN. K. M. 1957.Some aspcclS of theglacialdeposits ofEsscx. Proc. Geol. Ass.".1-21. Q.AYTON. K. M. 1957-8. Ftcld meetingat Danbury Hill, near Chelmsford, Essex. 24 July 1955.Proc. Geal. Ass. 68,22-15. Q.AYTON.K. M. 1960.ThclandfOrmsof parts of soU1hern Essex. TrtIIIS./nst. Brit. Geogr.28.55·74. CLAYTON.K. M. 1960.The landformsofparts ofsouthem Esscx. Trans./nst. Brit. Geagr. 28, 5S-74. a..INCH, G. 1877.On &he posl·glacial deposits of the Thames Valley.Sei. Goss. No. 154,224. COLE.B. G. 1892.Minaal spring at Wanstead EssexNaL6.47. COLE.W. 1881.Excursionto Grays lburrc)ck,Essex.SatunlayMay 14th 1881. TrtI1IStJCtions oft#r4 EppingPoreu andCOIllll1 ofEssaNtJlUTallsu' FieldClub1.xiii-xix. [Good bibliography] . COLE.W. 1881.Report of a visil ro Dfonl Saturday July 24111 1880.TrtlllStJCtions 0/the Eppins Forest and County ojEssuNallUalim'Field Club 1. xxviii-xxxviii. COLE.W. 1881.Reportof ordinary meeting SalUrday 29 May 1180. Speechby Sir AntonioBIDdy. Transactions 0/ theEpping Forut and County ofEssuNtJllUallsts' Field Club I, xiii-xv. COLE,W. 1881.ReportoC ordinaIy meeting, Saturday 27 November1880.Transactionsofthe Epping Forestand County0/EuuNtJlUTalisu' FieldClub I. lxiv. [Note: Mc P. Copland exhibitedsome specimens offossil wood from theLondon Oay atWalroo-oo-lhe-Naze, and Mrs Yeatessome glacial drift fossils picked up in Ihc oe.i&fIbouIbood ofHigh Becch.] . COLE, W. 1887.'Ibcrc WCIe giants in those day. QuoIc from Camdca's BritanIIia (1610)about teeth from Walton. EssaNaI. 1. 124. COLE.W. 1887.Repad of field andordinuy meetins in me RoyalLiberty ofHavcriog-aue-Bower SaturdayJune 18th 1887.EssuNat. 1. 143-148.[Gcology olsire of royal paIaco of Havaing by T.V. BoImcs p. 147] COLE.W. 1887.Ordinarymeeting 17 December 1887.Essex Nat. 1. 219. f"Mr Fitch also exhibited a large specimen of a fossilNaudlus (N. celllrtJlisl) overDine inches in diamctec, found iDtherailway tunnel under Spital Road, MaldoD. twenty-six feci belowsurfaceof bisbway. in the LandoDClay. which lhcrc lies beneath fourteen to sixteenfeet oC drift. ••• McFilCh also brought upa case of samplc:s of barings from a newwell in the London ClaY. in the yardof the PurlcighStation.on East CanneyFann. Cold NOIUln. Essex, rogethec wirha sectionofthesame.kindly lent 10 himby MrWJ. Foxlce,engineer10 theGreat Eastern Railway Company. Particularswin begiven in a fulUlC amnber.") COLE.W. 1888.Blocks of sandsroncnearOrseu andat Corringham.Essex. EssuNat. 2. 19. COLE.W. 1888.Reportof ordinary meeting. SalW'day February 25th 1888.EssuNat. 2. 35-37. [Mr Fircla quoleS fromEssex Wc:ekly News for Feb. 24. 1888:-At Hills petrifiedtree trunb discovered15 ft. below surface, in virgin clay.bored withship worm-pp. 36-37J COLE.W. 1888.Fossil elephanl al Dford. FromSc~nu GossipMarch 1888,70. EssuNat. 2, 53. COLE.W. 1888.Reportof ordinary meeting. Saturday April28th 1188.Essu Nal. 2,11-86. [AccountofR Stopc'sPectllllCwlU fromWalton-on-the-Naze with carved face.p. 82; "MrFilCh remarked thathe recentlysaw lheremains of a large bouldez nearPrestead Hall. Peering. whichhad come OUI of the clay pit there. p. 86.W] COLE.W. 1888.Field meetingalLaindoo HiDs, Saturday9 June 1888.EssuNat. 2, 126-131. COLE. W. 1888.Ordinary meeting. SaturdayNovember24 1888.EuuNat. 2.262-267. [Palaeolithicimplement fromSL SwilhinsFarm gravel pits alBarking Side;also Wallend 1 mile westofBarkingTown. pp. 262-263; Xanllwpsisleachiiand Otodus obliqulU fromrailwaycutting at MaIden.) C0LE, W. 1889. Mr Whitaker'snew work. EssexNat. 3.90. [Shortnote on The geology0/London andpart 0/the T~s Valley (1889).2 vols.] COLE, W. 1889.Report of meeting at Colchesrer. Saturday March30 1889.EssexHal. 3, 156-164.[MrShenstone alsoexhibitedpiecesofscptaria fromtheLondonClay at Walton-on-Naze. showingthe curious irregular vermlfonn, or fucoid srem-like bodies whichweatherout intobold relief on thelumpsoflhe rock strewedabout theshore. He had not been able to obtainany information as 10 thenatureof thesebodies.] COLE, W. 1889. Field meeting at Brentwood,South Weald, etc., 25th May 1889. Essex Nat. 3, 208-213. [Geological portions of report by Mc Moncktonand Mc H.B. Woodward.] COLE, W. 1889.Field meeting at Walton-on-Naze.Esse%Nat. J, 230-232. COLE, W. 1889.Report ofordinary meeting SaturdayNovember 2 1890. Essex NaL 3. 235-236. [Mr Wire also exhibited a piece offossil woodfrom the railwaycutting at'. Itwasfrom the London was crowded with fossil reredosor ship worms ... PalaeoUdtic flints from Grove Green Lane, Leyton, p. 235.) COLE, W. 1889.Report offield meetingat Bumham, round dte islands of Essex, Southend, Lcigh, Hadleigh Casde and South BenOccL EssaNat. 3',271-286. (LondonClay of Stokes Hall Cliffs, Althomc, p. 271.] COLE, W. 1889.Report of field meetingat . Ashdon.the Bartlow Hills, etc. SaturdayJune 221889._ Essex Nat. 3, 286·295. (G.S. Gibson:collection of Essex... Red Crag fossils ••• arranged by E. Chadesworth, from Walton, etc. in Saffron Walden Museum.] COLE, W. 1890. Onl. meeting January 11 1890.EssaNat. 4,17. [W. Crouch exhibits PaIaeoJithic implement from Late's Farm, Cannhall Lane, Wanstead. andNeolithic celt from alluvium at Earlham Grove, ForestGate.] COLE. W. 1890.Report ofordinaryand annual general meeting Saturday 1 February 1890.usaNat. 4, 17-18. [Maldon horseskeletons from floodgravel; horseteeth from river gravel at Barkingside andBos,p. 18.] COLE, W. 1890.Field meeting on Tyler's Common ••• SaturdayJuly 26, 1890. EssexNal. 4,194-198. [Noteson the mineral spring on Tyler's Common. See also 7, p. 148-149(l893).PaIaeolithic implement found between Brentwood and Tyler's Common.p. 198.] COLE, W. 1891.Report of the eleventhannual cryptogamicand botannical meeting. Friday and Saturday October10 & 11 (1890). Essex Nat. 4,218-225. (Boulder fromFamham, p. 225. See also E.N. 3, p. 89.] COLE. W. 1891.Report ofordinary meeting, SaturdayNovember 8 1890.Bssex NaI. 4..225-227. [Flints from Felstead, p. 226.] COLE, W. 1891. Report offield meetingat Newport,Quendon, etc. Bssex Nat. 5, 178-182. rOn the roadside towards "ShortgroVeS" (in Newport]is a very large block of sandstone, p. 179."] COLE, W. 1891.Geological ramble around Chelmsford(In conjunction with the Geologists' Association) Saturday July 11th, 1891. Essex Nat. 5,209-210. , COLE, W. 1892. Field meeting Sal July 281883. Lamboume. Proc. Essex Fkld Club 4, xxix-xxiv(?].[Boulder clay. Theydon Gamon, ] / COLE. W. 1892.Field meeting. Monday August 6 1883. and Roydon area. Proc. Essa Fkld Club 4, xxxiv-xliii. [Lamboume chmch, boulder clay, p, xlii] COLE. W. 1892. Ordinary meeting.SaLFeb. 23 1884.Proc. Essex Fkld Club 4,lxxvii-lxx~i. ("Mr F.W. COl)' and McF.W. EUiottexhibited some fossils from the LondonClay exposed during recent sewerage excavationsin the Queen's Road, Buc1churst HiD; and MrC. Thomas sent up a specimen of septarium from the same section••.. Mr Cole remarked that it wasweD to record the fact that the London Clay in that district wasfossiliferous. The specimens were fOlDld 17 It. below the sutface.] COLE, W. 1892.Noteson Essexearthquake.Tues. April22nd 1884. Proc. Essex Field Club 4. xcii-xciii. (Seealso Essex Telegraph (Tues. April 22 1884)Full accountof thecalamitous eanhquake in east Essexon Tuesday morning, Apri12~ 1884.) COLE. W. 1890.Report offield meetingat Kelvedon,Feeling and , Monday 7 April 1890.EssDe Nal. 4. 103-110. (General geological acxount, p. 104.] COLE. W. 1890.Field meeting at Wallon-on-Nazc,SaturdayJune 7th, 1890. EssaNal. 4, 129-132. COLE. W. 1892. Visit to the new docks at T"llbmy. Sal May 17 1884. hoc. E.F.C. 4, xcviii-xcix. COLE, W. 1892. Ordinary meeting SaLOct, 25 1884.Proc. E.F.C. 4, cxxv-cxxviL[W.n. Smith read "Riverdrift man in south-west Bssex"] . COLE, W. 1892.Ordinary meeting SaLMarch 28 1885.Proc. E.F.C. 4. cxl-cxli. [Paper read by A.W. Rowe "On somecrysrallinerocks from thedrift in the neighbourhood of Felstead, Essex". Published in Quart. J. geol. Soc. (1887), 351-363, "On the rocks of the Essex drift.It] COLE. W. 1892. Field and ordinarymeeting in Epping Forest and ChigweD.Proc. E.F.C. 4, dvi-clvii. {Note on strata in Royal Albert Dock] COLE, W. 1892.Ordinary meeting. SaLDecember 18th 1886.Proc. E.F.C. 4. cdviii-cxlix. (Erosionat WaJton] COLE, W. 1892.Report ofpresidentialaddress deliveredat the 12th annual meeting by E.A. filCh.EssaNal. 6, 71-74. [Question of finding coal in Essex. p. 72.] COLE. W. 1892. Supposed earthquake shock in Essex. Essex Nat. 6. 101. COLE. W. 1892.Report ofmeeting in the Theydons, Staplefonl Tawney, etc. Saturday May 28 1892.EssexNat. 6, 102-106. [At Hobbs Cross Farm, Mr James Smith showed in his garden a large mass of conglomeratebrought from a gravel-pit near Theydon MountChurch, and at Hill Hall. p. 104; borings in StaplefordTawney rectory,p, 106.] COLE, W. 1893.Field meeting and 139thordinary meetingat nrord. Saturday, April 29th 1893.EssexNat. 7. 92-95. COLE, W. 1893. Field meeting at Barlcingside and Wanstead.Saturday, July 1st 1893.Bssex Nal. 7, 104-101. COLE, W. 1893.1oint visit of the Club and "The Seue of Chelmsford Odde Volumes"10 Castle Hedingham. Wednesday, August 2nd 1893.EssexNat, 7, 138-143. [Claysat Castle Hedingham, pp. 141-142.] COLE. W. 1896. Interim report on the Central Musemn.EssexNat, 9, 145-146. [McMotbetSOle presented60 species of Crag fossils from Walton~n-the-Naze, p. 145.] COLE, W. 1894. Further notes on some sections on the new railway from Romford to Upminster, and on the relations of lheThames Valley beds to the boulderclay. Essex Nat. 8, 155. COLE, W. 1894. MammothlUsk near Chelmsford.EssaNatl, ?, 155. [From Bssex Weekly News, 10 November 1893] COLE, W. 1894.CoalWider soulh-easternEngland. EssuNal. 8, 142-150. [Includes notes by Holmes and Whitaker] COLE, W. 1895.Meeting at Colchester.Copford, Birth. etc. SaturdayJune 23 1894. EssezNIJl.I, 202~205. COLE. W. 1896.Report on theprogressoftheEpping~tMuseum.EssaNat. 9,146-149. ["MeT. Hay Wilson has been engaged also for somc time in collectingand pn:sen'ing a set of rock specimens i11uslIating the glacial geology of theForest", p. 141;glacial fossils from High Beech donated by Me GeUatley,p.148] COLE. W. 1896.Coal Wider south-easternEngland,boringsin search of coal in Suffolk. and Essex. Essex Nat. 9, 213-218. COLE, W. 1896.The Essex earthquake of 1692. EssuNal. 9.229-230. (Colchesaer, p. 229] COLE. W. 1896.Earth noises and supposedslight ~uakc at MerseaandColchester. EssexHat. 9, 230-231. COLE, W. 1891.Coal undersouth-eastemEngland. Boring in searchofcoal at Wectey, in Essex. Essex Hal. " 253-255. COLE. W. 1897.The Englishearthquake ofDecembCl' I7Ib 1896.EssuNal. 9. 258-259. COLE, W. 1897. Boring in search of coal in Essex. EssexNal.IO, 9-10. COLE.W. 1897.Repon of ordinary mcclingSaturday,Man:h6lb 1891.EssexNal. 10, 12-13. [Pleistoceneshells from Club's Musewnexhibited by McWcbb; specimensfrom SbalCord discovered by Rev. AJ. Law, p. 12] COLE,W. 1897.Annual report of Ihecouncil for the year ended DeccmbCl' 31st 1896.Essex NIJl. 10, 16-23. (Mentionof purchaseof Red Cmg fossilsfrom McBrownofWalton-on-thc-Nazc, p. 20] COLE. W. 1897. GryphJua incurva, with uppervalve iD position.EssuNIJl. 10, 61-62. COLE. W. 1897.GryphJua incurva, willtuppervalve in position.. EssuNal. 10.61-62. (Record of J. French's nole in 1nl.J. Microsc. Nat. Sei. (1897) of sucha specimenfrom theboulder day ofFelstead] COLE, W. 1891.F"aeld meeting at Hock1ey and Rayleigh.Essex.Saturday 19June 1897.Essex Nal. 10, 129-133. COLE. W. 1897.Boring in search of coal in Essex. EssuNat. 10. 136-139.[GreatWakering selected as the site for the third trial boring. See also EN. 10,296(1898).] COLE. W. 1897.Uphall Farm, Ilford. EssaNat. to, 143. rro be sold] COLE. W. 1898.Geology - serious subsidenceof the cliff atWalton-on-thc-Naze. EssexNal. 10, 236-237. roLE. W. 1899. Meeting at Braintree, 1 OclOber 1898.&sexNal. 10,404406. COLE, W. 1899.Geology - Sketch of the geology ofJlfOld - G.A. visit 13May 1899.Essex Nat.U, 149-151. COLE, W. 1900.Salinc constituents ofChalk. - derived waters in Essex -lecture to British WatelWorks Engineels in London on 5 June 1899by.DrJ.C. Thresh. Essex Nat. 11, 201-202- cots, W. 1901. Visit to , Saturday ~ June 1900.EssexHal. 11,261-264. [Esp. pp. 262-263] COLE, W. 1902.Visit 10 Ihcexcavationsat rheEastl.ondoa WarcrCompany's new reservoirs, Touenham and Walthamslow. Saturday 291h 1une 1901. EssaNal. l:Z. 150-1S2. COLE, W. 1902.Noccson Wdug-outWboats in Ihcancient aaarshcs ofIbcLea and IheThames. EssezHaI. 11. 163-166. COLE. W. 1902.Ancient boat found about 1830in IheLea river dcposiIsPear Temple MiDs. EssuNat. 12. 180. COLE. W. 1902.Notes relating 10 coast erosion in Essex and Suffolk. Exuaeted from d1e reports ofIhecommiueeof Ihe British Association.EssaNIJl. U, 221-224. COLE, W. 1902. Visit 10 Walton-on-Nazcand Frinron, Essex. EssaNal. 12.265-267. COLE, W. 1903.Palaeolilhic implementsfrom LcylOn. EssexNal. 13,84. COLE. W. 1904. Visit 10 Lamboume Forest 6 June 1903.Noce OD geologyand pipiography[?] by W.H. Dalton. EssuNIJI.13,245-247. [Crabcrec Hillpit, London Clay, BagshotBeds] COLE. W. 1904.Stone implemcn1S elC. from West Ham.EssuNal. 13,25S. COLE. W. 1907. Meeting in the Danbury and little Baddowdistricts iD. conjunctionwith IheGeologists' Association. Sat. 17th July 1906.EssaHat. 14,260-264. COLE, W. 1901. Excursion to Rayleigh Hills,Essex. EssuNiJI. 14.266-268. (Hadleigh.Thundersley, Dawes Healh] COLE. W. 1907.Pelvis of mammoch. EssaNal. 14, '1:12. [From Barking.] COLE, W. 1907. Museum notes. V. IX.Pelvis of mammoth(?). EssuNIJl. 15,30-31. . COLE, W. 1907.Forest ramble and visit to Mc HazeldincWarren's private musewn. Sat. April 27lit, 1907.Essex Nat, IS, 4748. COLE.W. 19081Visit to the Laindon Hills,Essex, in conjunctionwith IhcGeologists' Association. Essex Nat, IS, 144-146. COLE, W. 1911. Visit to Grays, Wed. 27 April 1910. EssezNat. 16. 181-183.[Notesby T.V. Holmes on lite w ·Saratigraphicalgeology of the Gmys district .] COLE. W. 1911. Meeting at Audley End and Saffron Walden.Sal 18June 1910.Essex Nat. 16, 185-190. (Calcrete] COLE, W. 1911. Meeting at Walton-on-Naze.Saturday 17 September 1910.EssezNat. 16,233-234. COLE, W. 1912. Visit to Ctacton-on-Sea. Sat. 30 Sept. 1911.Essex Hal. 16,322-334. COLE, W. 1913. Meeting in lite Arkcsdenand Elrndon district (the CbaIkdownsof Essex). Sat. 22nd June 1912. Bssex Nal. 17, 115-118. COLE, W. 1914.Visit to Chesterford, IckletoD and me Cambridgeboundaryof the county (the Chalk downsof Essex). SaL 31st May 1913.Essex Nat. 17,217-221. COLE, W. 1914. Visit 10 LeezPriory and Chignal St.James .. . SaL 21st June 1913. Essex Nat. 17,222-226. COLE, W. 1914. Field meeting at Fyfield and Nortoo Heath. SaL 19 July 1913. EssexNat. 17,227-229. COLE. W. 1914. Excursion to Mersea Island. Sat. 20 SepL 1913. EssexNat.17, 229-234. COLE, W. 1914.Lime-stone deposit of the River Can. Essex Nat, 17,239-240. COLE, W. 1915. Visit to the Royal AlbertDocksnew extension. In conjunction with theGeologislS' Association. SaL2 March 1914. EssaNal.18, 10-12. COLE. W. 1915. Meeting in the Fryeming and Blackmoredistricts, SaL6 June 1914. EssexNat. 18.16-18. COLE, W. 1915. Voyage on the River Lea, from Hertfordto Ponder's End. SaL 11 July 1914.Essex Nat. 18. 18-20. [GravelpitN.W. of Ware] COLE. W. & READER, T. W. 1906.Visit to the Essex Museum of Natural History, Romford Road, Stratford, Essex. March 1711I 1906.Proe. Geol.Ass. 19,310-312. COLES. R. 1935-6. The evolution of the coastal drainage of Essex. Essex Nat. 25,3649 (1935), 65-70 (1936). COLES. R. 19447War-time limingin Essex. Essex Nat. 17, 241-246. COOPER. J. [KING. C.] 1970. Report of field meeting to WallOn and Frinmn, Essex. January 17th. 1970. Tertiary Times 1(2), 24-26. COOPER. J. [KING, C.) 1970. Report oCfield meeting to Aveley, Essex. 21 February 1970.TertiaryTimes t,(2}, 26. COOPER, 1. 1972. The LastInterglacial non-marine mollusca from Avetey, Essex.Essex NaI. 33,9-14. COOPER, J. 1974. Report of project meeting to Orse«. Essex. TertiaryTimes2(1), 14-16. COOPER, J. 1974. Report of faeld meeting to High Onger, Essex. TertiaryTimes 2(1), 18-22. COOPER, J. 1974.The stratigraphicaldistribution of the English Palaeogene Decapod crustacea. TertiaryTimes 2(2), 83-85. . COOPER, J. & RUNDLE, A. 1. 1969. A temporaryexposure of London Clay at , Essex. Proc. Geol.Ass. 80, 189-192. CORDER. H. 1876. An ancient flint implement. Nat. Hist.J. 1,97-98; 120. CORDER. H. 1878. Notes on a freshwaterdeposit at Chigna1 SL James, near Chelmsford. hoc. Norwich geol.Soc. pL 1,31. I CORnER, H. 1881. Stone implements &omthe neighbomhood of Chelmsford, Essex. Trans. Essex Field Club 2, 29·30. CORDER, H. 1887.Gravel pilSand ancient pottery near Chelmsford. Essex Nat. I, 92. CO'ITON, R. P. 1847. On the Pliocene deposits of the valley of the Thames at IlConl. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 20. 164-169. [Two sections, p, 164] CROFT, R. B. 1883. On the River Lea below Hertford, Trans. Hert . Nat,Hist.Soc. 2,243. CROMWELL,T. K. 1818. Euursions in tire county ofEssex. Vol. 1. (Geological notes. pp. 65, 110. Ill, 122, 123,172] CROUCH, W. 1890. Notes on themineral spring on Tyler's Common [Upminster]. EssaNat. 4, 194. CROUCH. W. 18921Dagenham breach. Ess#!xNat. '.155-168. . aJRRY, D. 1965.The PalaeogeneBeds of south-east England. Proc. Geo'. Ass.76, 151-173. [Bibliography]

7 DALE.S. 1704.A letter concerning Harwich Cliff, andthe fossilshells lhere. Phil, Trans. 24 (291),1568. DALTON, W. H. 1876.Subsidencein east Essex. G~ol. Mag. dec.2, 3, 491-493. DALTON, W. H. 1875.A brief stelCh of thegeologyof Colchester(Colcbester Natwal HislOly Society). Essex Standard, Nov. 5. and sepanuely. p. 3 . (Colchester). DALTON,W. H.1880. Thegeologyoflhe oeighbourhoodofColchester [ER.O.•W.H.]. Se~ review in Geol. Mag. dec 2. 7. 279-280(1880). DALTON,W. H. 1880."Post..Qlacial" [N.E. Essex]. GtIOI. Mag. dee 2, 7, pp. 333,528. DALTON,W. H. 1881.ThcB1ackwau-z Valley.Essex. Trans. BssexFil:ld Club 2.15-18. DALTON. W. H. 1888.·Listof worksreferringto Britishmineraland lbennal wafers. R~pt. British Ass.• 1888. [See Anon. 1739;Trinder 1783]. DALTON, W. H. 1889. Discussionon paper by Christy, R.W.Noteson the geology of Ibe districtaround Chelmsford witha list ofmuDusca from the alluvium8lRoxwell.Essex.EssuNat. 3. 171-178. DALTON.W. H. 1889.On the Upper ClayofWaltoo Naze.BssexNat. 3,223-224. . DALTON, W. H. 1890.NoleS ofgeological r.unblcsin the BminbeC district in connection with the Easterexcursion ofthe club.EssexNat. 4. 79-82. DALTON, W. H. 1890.NOIe on the Upminscer Brickyard, 1890. BssexNat. 4. 186-187. DALTON,W. H. 1891.Letter on H. W. Moncktoo's paper"00 the boulder-elay in Essex-. EssaNar. 4, 199·201 (1891). EssuNat. 5,109. DALTON.W. H. 1891.Correspondenceon H. W. Monckton's "On the boulder-elay in Essex",EssexNas. 4, 199-201.(1891).EssuHat. 5, 133. DALTON, W.IL 1891.Remarks by on J.Frcnch's "00 theocxurrenceofWesdeton Beds in pan of north-western Essex. EssaNat. 5.210-218 (1891).EsRxNat. 5, 217. DALTON.W.IL 1894.Coal undcrSouth-Eastem England. EssaNat. 8,142-150. DALTON,W. H. 1900. A briefktch O!tM Cragformatioll ofEast MgUa: an outUM oftM .. • Beds which have • furnished the coll~ction ofCragfossils in tM EssaMweum ofNatlUal History . •. SlIatford.(E.F.C.Museum Handbooks No. 4). DALTON. W. H. 1891.Tbe undulations oftheQalk inEsscx. EssaNat. 5, 113-117. DALTON, W. H. 1891.The "Fault"at Wictham Bishop. Essu Nal. 5,204-205. [Sec also DaIIon (1881):Trans. Essa Fi~/d Club 2, 15-18) DALTON. W. H. 1901.Revjcw ofOr J. C. Thresh'sReporton the water supplyofthecounlyofEssex. EssexNat. 12.62-65. DALTON. W. H. 1902.Walten andFrinton iD 1902.[Geology] EssaNat. U, 217-221. DALTON,W. H. lOOS. Post-G1acial deposits of WallOn Naze. EssaNat. 13. 367. DALTON. W. H. 1907. Selenite. EssaNar. 14, 147-149. [Noteby T.S.Dymondpp. 148-149and J. Agricultural Scienc«(1905), p, 21. DALTON. W. H. 1908.Wells on FowlnessIsland, ancieutandmodem. Essex Nat. IS, 118-125. DALTON.W. H. 1908.PosIglacial beds in ~ Essex.EssaNat.1S, 136-137. DALTON.W. H. 1910.Subsidence ofcastem England andadjacent 8I'C3S. EssuNat.16, 96-101.[Withremarks on the )evesof the Essex coast by Hcmy Lavcr.] DALTON. W. H. 1889.Fowlncss. Essa NatllTalisr3.239-243. DAMANT.P. 1885.A series ofviewsof Ihcearthquake in Essex, 1884. DANIELS, M. C. 1971.Report offield and pojectmeetings to HighOngar, Essex. May 9 andJune 6, 1970. Tertiary T~s 1 (3),45-47. DANIELS,M. C. 1971.Repon offield meeting 10 Wrabncss,SlOur Estuary, Essex. February6. 1971.Tertiary T~s 1 (3),67-70. DAVIDSON,T. 1874. Monograph of lhcBritish fossilbrachiopoda. 4 (1). Supplementto the Recent.Tertiaryand CrelaCeOus species. Palaeonl. Soc. 27. DAVIS. A. M. (1926). An oolitic Rhaxella cbcrt from LittleHayes. Soulb EastEssex. G~ol. Mag. 63, 272-273. DAVIES, W. 1865.Discovery of an almostentire stuD of Rhinoc~ros Ieptorhintu at Uford. G~ol. Mag. 2, 334. DAVIES,W. 1874.Catalogue ollhe Pleisloceu wrlcbratafrom the n~ighbourhood ofllfordEssex in the collection ofSir Antollio Brady. [Notes by Sir A.Brady, Or H.Woodward and Prof. W.H.F1ower] Xltvll+75pp. DAVIS. A.G. and ELUOTT. GF. 1951.TheLondonOay of coastalSuffolkand Essex. G~ol. Mag. 88. 329-337• . [Essex pp. 330-334] DAVIS, A.G. and ELLIOTT, a.F. 1953.Field meetingat the SlOur Estuary, Sunday 18 May 19S2. Proc. G~ol. Ass. 64, 24. [Harwich] DAVlS, A. G. and ELUon. G. F. 1957.The paIaeogeography of the LondonClay sea Proc. G~ol. Ass. 68. 255-277. DAVISON, C. 1900.Eminenlliving geologisls:Rev. OsmondFisher.Geol. Mag. dec.4, 7, 49-54. DAWKlNS, W.B. 1863.On the molar series of Rhinoc~rostichorhintu. Natural History Review 3. 525. [Ilford, pp. 533,534] DAWKlNS, W. B. 1865. On the dentition ofRhinoaros megarhinus. Natural History Review 5,399. [Ilford and Clecton, p. 401] DAWKlNS, W. B. 1867.The boulder clay oflhcThames Valley.Geol. Mag. 4.430. [Havering-atte-Bower p. 430) DAWKlNS. W. B. 1867.On the ages of the ThamesValley deposits.Geol. Mag. 4. 564-S6S. DAWKINS, W. B. 1867. On the dentitionof Rhinoceros leplorhillus. Quart. J. 8col. Soc. 23, 213-227. DAWKINS. W. B. 1867. On the age of the lower brick-earthsof the Thames Valley. Quart.J. geol.Soc. 23. 91-109. DAWKINS. W. B. 1867.Geol.Mag. 4.78-80. DAWKINS. W. B. 1867.On the British fossiloxen. Quart.J. geol. Soc.13. 176-184. DAWKINS. W. B. 1868.Ona new species of fossil deer from Clacton. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 24.511-513. DAWKlNS, W. B. 1869.On the distributionof the British post-glacial mammals. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 25, 192-217. DAWKlNS. W. B. 1872.The classificationof the Pleistoeenestrata of Britain and the Continentby meansof !he mammalia. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 28.410. DAWKINS, W. B. 1872.TMBritish Pleisto~~ mammalia. Part 4. British Pleistocene Felidae:Fells pordus, elC. [Essex. pl, 24]. Palaeontogr, Soc. DAWKINS'. W. B. 1878.TM British PleistoceMmammtJlia. Part A. A preliminary treatise on the relation of the Pleistoeene mammalia to lhose now living in Europe. PaJaeonL Soc. DAWKlNS, W. B. 1879.On lhe range of themammothin space and time. Quart. J. geol. Soc.1S, 138-147. DAWKINS. W. B. 1880.The classificationof IheTertiary period by means of lhe mammalia.Quart. J. geol.Soc. 36.379-405. [Coryphodon eocaenus cl Pliolophusvulpiceps,London Clay, Harwich, p. 382: Ilford, Grays Thunoct. ClaclOn, p, 397; lists for Ilford, Grays Thurrock, p. 398: WaIthamstow. elk, goat. celtic shorthorn. reindeer. p. 402] DEELEY. R. M. 1916.The fluvio-glacial gravel of the Thames Valley.Geol. Mag. dec. 4. J, 57-64 cl 111-117. DE RANCE, C. E. 1876. On lhe relative ager of some valleys in lhe north and south of England.and of lhe various old post-glacial deposits occmring in lhem.Proc. Geol. Ass. 4, 221-253. [Grays, p. 241] DE RANCE. C. E. 1882. The water supply of England and Wales; its geology, undergroundcin:ulalion,surface distribution and statistics.x +623 pp. DE RANCE, C. E. 1884. Ninlltreport of the committee ••. investigatingthe circulation of underground waters in lite permeable formations of England. Rep. British Assoc. for 1883.147. [Essex. pp. 155-157J DERHAM. W. 1712.Observationsconcerning the subtemmeous IreeS in Dagenham, and othermarshes bordering upon the River of Thames,in the County of Essex. Phil Tmns. 27 (335). 478. DESPARD, R. C. 1858. Descriptionof Iheimprovementsin the second division ofIhe River LeaNavigation. Proe. lnst.C:iv.1ing.17.386. DmLEY. G. E. 1918. Additional noteson theChalkof the Medway Valley, Gravesend, west Kent. north-eastSaney and Grays (Essex). Proc. Geol: Ass. 29.68-105. [Grays p. 84- &. pl, 8] DffiLEY. G. E• .t KENNARD,A. S. 1916.Excursionto Grays, Saturday April15lh 1916.Proc,Geol. Ass. 17, 103-105. DINES, H. G. &. EDMONDS,F. H. 1925.The geologyof the country around Romford. Mem. Geol.Surv. DOUBLE, I. S. 1924. The petrographyof the later Tertiary deposits of the east ofEngland. Proc: Geol.Ass:35. 332-358. DYMOND. T. S. 1894. A remarkable meteor.BssexNat. 8, 158. DYMOND, T. S. 1898. A manganiferous conglomerate in Essex.1issexNat. 10,210-212. DYMOND. T. S. 1907. Sulphateof limein Essex soilsand subsoils.&saNal.14, 62-64 cl 148-~49. DYMOND, T. S. cl: MARYON.F. W. 1898. "Fresh-waaer chaJktt at Halstead. Essex.1issaNGl. 10,213-215.

EATON, C. H. 1973.TM sand tutdgravel resources oftM coUlltry aroundTuling. &sa(Description of 1:25.000 resource sheetn. 71). Inst. geol, Sci. EDWARDS. W. N. 1924.On a specimen of fossilwood from King's Anns Pit, Tipttee. Essex. Geol.Mag. 61. 538-539. [from gravels.derivedspecimen of Dadoxylonfrom PaJaeozoic] ELLIOlT. G. F. 1938. A London Clay brachiopod. Proc. geol. Ass. 49, 128-134. [mentionsSouthend,p. 131] ELLIOTI, G. F. 1971. Report of field meeting to Harwich,Essex. November 21st 1970. TertiaryTimes 1(3). 55-56. ELLIOlT, G. F. 1971. F"U'St. record ofEocene volcanics in south-eastEngland. Nature, Ph.,s.Sci. 230.9. EWANS,I. W. 1919. Excursion to . Sat. March 15th 1919. Proc. geol, Ass. 30, 71-73. EVANS, J. W. &. SlUBBLEFIELD. C. J. 1929. Handbook of the geologyof Great Britain. A compilative wode. [Esse,xp. 408a: Cretaceouspp. 415,416.428431; Tertiary; Quaternaryp, 490]

FALCONER, H. 1857. On the species of mastodonand elephant occurring in the fossil state in Great Britain.Part 1. Msstodon. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 13,307. . FALCONER, H. 1865. On the species of mastodonand elephant occurringin the fossil state in Great Britain.Part2. ElephanL Quart. J. geol. Soc. 21,253. Reprinted in Palaeontographical memoirs and notes0/the lateDr Falconer. vol. 2. FALCONER, H. 1868. On the European Pliocene and Post Pliocene speciesof the genus Rhinoceras. In Murchison. C. Palaeonlographicalmemoirsand notes a/the late Dr Falconer,vol. 2. [Essex, pp. 351,370] FlSHER, O. 1861. Fossil deer's horn at Clacton showing marks of human operations. Geologist4. 352. FISHER, O. 1893. On the brickpit at Lexden, near Colchester.With notes on the Coleoptera by T. V. Wollaston. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 19.393-401. ' FISHER. O. 1865. On a sudden sinking or Ihesoil in a field at Lexden in Essex. Geo! Mog. 2,101-103. [Woodcut originally printed wrong way up;page replacedin later number) FISHER. O. 1866. On the Wmp (of Mr Trimmer) - its age and probable connexion with theLast Interglacial events. Quart.J. geol.Soc. 22,553-565. FISHER,O. On theages oCtbe-trail- and ·warps". Geol.Mag. 4. 193-199. [llford, p. 194] FISHER,O. 1868.The boulderclay at W~ and the Thames Valley.Geol.Mag. 5,98-100. 147. FISHER.O. 1868.A fewnotes00 CJacton. Essex. Geol. Mag. S,213-215. FISHER,0.1887. On the subsidence atLcxden, near Colchester, EssuHat. 1.39,40. FlTCH. E. A. 1887.BOulder at Brentwood - from Chelmsford Chronicle 1838. Essex Nar. 1. 186. FlTCH. E. A. 1888.Fossil Coleopteraat Lexden.EssexNat. 2, 69. FRENCH,J. 1888.On thealluvial and otherRecent depositsat Felstead,Essex. EssexNat, Z,56-60. FRENCH,J. [with remarks by W.H. Dalton] 1889.00 the mollusca oC the shell-mad occwring at Felsteadand in olhuparts ofEssex. EssexNat. 3, 11-16.[See also EssexNat. 4, 80 (1890)] FRENCH,J. 1891.Coaespondenceon H. W. Monckton's NOn the boulder-clay in Essex." [E.N. 4, 199-201 (18~l)] . EssezNal.5,133-134. FRENCH,J. 1891.New wen at Felstead.EssexNat. 5,204. FRENCH,J. et at 1891.On the occum:nccofWestletoo Bedsin part ofnorth-westernEssex. Essex Nos. 5, 210-218. FRENCH,J. 1892.PaJacolithic implement itFelstead.Bssex Nat. 6, 78. FRENCH,J. 1892.On some plateaudeposits at Felstead and Srcbbing.EssexNat. 6, 132-138. FRENCH,J. 1907.On some geological seedORS atWitham,Essex. EssexNat. 14,274-275. FRENCH,W. J. 1968.Pleistoeenedeposits at ,Essex.Whh an appendix on temporaryexposures at Rayleigh by J. T. Grecnsmilh. EssuNat. 32, 163-174.

[G.,J.}1831. A catalogue of plantscollecred io Essex. wilh remarks on some ofthe othernatwal productionsof the county. Mag. Mt. Hist. 4, 446-448.[Geologypp. 447-448] GEPP,E. 1892. [Letter about small massofCIag (DOl;1I silK) at St.ebbing read at meetingSat. April 26 1884]. Proc. E. F. C. 4, xlvii. GEIKJE.J. 1874.TM greatlce-ageandUs relalionto IM antiquityofman. 2ndedn. 1877. "GEORGE, W. H.1972. Reponoffield mecling to Walton-on-the-Nazc.Essex. TeniaryT;mu 1(4),124-125.

OEORGE,W. H. 1976.Furthu informadon 011 copperas tokens. Tertiary Res.1(1),29630. GEORGE, W. &. PACKMAN.A. R. 1970.Field meeting ID examineme Waltonian division of theRed Ctag and the London Clay aposure at WaIroo-on-the..Naze, Essex. Tertiary Times. 1(1). 12-13.[22 Novembel' 1969] GEORGE,W. H. &. Vincent,S. 1976. Someriver exposwes of London Clay in Suffolkand Essex. TertiaryRes. 1(1),25-28. GIBSON,J. 1878.Well boring at Saffron Walden. Exttaet of a leuec .•. about 1830.Proc.Norwich geol.Soc. pt, 1,28-30. GRANVlLLE,A. B. 1841. The spas0/England• .. VoL 3. Southernspas. [GRANVILLE.A. B.] A brief account of HockleySpa ••• with an analysisof the warerby Richard Phillips. (Mainly from GranviUe's Spas0/EII81and. but includesadditional infonnalion) GREENSMITII.J. T. a: lUCKER. Eo V. 1966. Morphologyand evolulioo of inshore sheDledges and mud-mounds of modemintertidalOats, near BmdweU, Essex. Proc. Geol. A.r.r. TI, 329-346. GREENSMlTII. J. T.-&'1UCKER.Eo V.I967. Field meeting at BradweU, Essex. Proc. Geoi. Ass. 77,281-282­ GREENSMITH, J. T. &.1UCKER, Eo V. 1969. The originof Holoccncshell depositsin lhe chenier plain faciesof Essex, England.Mar. Geol.7,403425. GREENSMITH, J. T. a: lUCKER,E. V. 1971.The effect of laIC Plcistoeeneand Holoccnesea-levelchanges in lhe vicinityoflhe .cast Essex. Proc. Geol.Ass. 82, 301-321. GREENSMITH, J. T., BLEZARD,R. G., BRISTOW,C. R., MARKHAM. R. a: roCKER, E. V. 1973.G. A. guide 12: TMesluariM regioll o/SuJloll and Essex: [Itinerarym. WallOn-on-Ihe-Naze and Wrabness pp. 7-11 (R.M.); BA East Merscapp. 12·17(E.V.T. etJ.T.G.); DB Sales Point, Bradwe1l pp. 17-25(E.V.T. &. J.T.G.);mA Chelmsfordpp. 28-31(CoR.B.); IDBW &. S of Cbelmsfordpp. 31-35(C.R.B.); IVA Thurrockpp. 35639 (R.G.B.): IVB Aveleypp.39-41(R.G.B.)} GREGORY,J. W. 1892.Excursionto Walthamstow, Sat. May 7 1892.Proc. Geol. Ass. 12,338-339. GREGORY,J. W. 1914. The evolutionof theEssex river system,and its relalionto thatof the Midlands.Geol. Mag. dec,6 1.283-285. GREGORY,J. W. 1915.The Danburygravels. Geol.Mag. dec. 61, 259-538(7). (Bibliography] GREGORY,J. W. 1922. The evoludonoC theEssex rivers andofthe River Thames. Review by P. Thompson. EssexNat. 2.0, 112. GREGORY,J. W. 1924.The PlioceneageoC the Brain Valleygravels Essex.Geol. Mag. 61. 539-541. GREGORY,J. W. 1926.The gravelsofLiuJe Hayes, and the age of the Crouch Valley, south-eastEssex. Geol. Mag. 63,273-275. GUNN,J. 1876.On the probability oC fmding coal in the Eastern Counties.Proc. Geol Ass. 4, 35-44. [Harwichpp. 36-37; sce also Geol. Mag. dec, 21,187-188 (1876)] GWlNNELL, W. F. 1909. The evolution of rivers, particularlyof our southernrivers.S.E.Nat. 14, 54-61.

10 HAGGARD, H. J. E. 1972.The sand and gravelresourceso/the countryaround . EIsa (Description Of 1:2S,OOO resources sheetrt, 81).lnst geol. Sci. HAILS, J. R. cl WHIlE, P. C. S. 1910. PeriglacialfeatureS at Walton-on-Nazc. Essex. Proc,Geol.A.u. I., 205-219. . RAINING, P. 1976.Tht greatEnglish tarthquakt. London:Robert Hale. 219 pp. HARMER,F. W. 1874.The result ofthe geologicalsurvey of the Eastern Counties by S. V. Wood.jlD1.. and himself. (NorwichGeol. Soc.) Eastma Daily Press, April 11. HARMER,F. W. 1900.Thecrag ofEssex (Waltonian)and its relation to that ofSuffolk and Norfolk.QtIDI1. J. geo/. Soc. 56, 70S~744. HARMER,F. W. 1900.The Pliocene depositsof the east of England. PLII. The crag ofEssex (Waltonian) andits relation to that of Suffolkand Norfolk. With a report on the inorganic constitUeDrs of theCrag by Josepb Lamas. Geol.Mag. dec.4 7,282-285. HARMER,F. W. 1902.Asketeh of the later Tertiary historyof East Anglia. Proc. &01. Ass. 17,416-479. [Reviewedby W. Cole in Essex NaL 13,p. 4S (1903)]. HARMER,F. W. 1913-1922. The PliocenemolluscaofGreatBritain.Palaeont. Soc. HARRISON,W. J. 1882.Geologyof the countiesof England •• , [Essex pp. 86-91) HARRISON,W.1. 1894.On thesearch for coalin Ihe south-eastof England with special reference to Ihc probability of the existenceof a mal-field beneathEsseJt. HAUEY. A. R. 1923.The Lea and Roding Valleys:a study in geographic development. HATI..EY, A. R. 1926.The origin and developmentof the Lea Valley. Essex Nal. 21.148-154. HAUEY, A. R.1928. NoIeS on the regional geographyof Essex. Geography. HAWKlNS. H. 1.. 1932.Some episodes in the growth of south-eastem England. S. E. NaI.31,42-55. HAYWARD, J. F. 1949.Field meeting in the Sunday9 May 1948.Proc. Geol.Ass. 60, 222. HAYWARD, J. F. 1955.Boreholerecordsfrom the Lea Valleybetween Cheshunt and Edmonton. Proc. G~ol. Ass. 66,68-73. HAYWARD, J. F. 1956.Geological records from the valley of the , Essex NaI. 29, 333-335. HAYWARD, J. F. 1956-7. Certain abandonedchannels of Pleistoceneand Holocene age in dte Lea Valley.and their deposits.Proc. Geo'.Ass. 67,32-63. [Nazeingpp. 48·50; 51-52] HAYWARD, J. F. 1957·8.Bordtole records from die Lea Valley in the neighbourhood of Edmonron,Middlesex. Proc. Geol.Ass. 68, 39-43. HAYWARD,J. F. 19S7. The Nazeing Stage (pleistocene)in the Lea Valley. Essex Nat. 30,29-42. HAYWARD,J. F. 1958.The HistoricalStage (Post-Glacial)in 1heLea Valley. EssexNat. 30,103-107. HAYWARD,J. F. 1958.A !urthernOleon the Nazeing Stage in the Lea Valley. EssexNat. 30,108-111. HERRING, I. J. 1958.Two prehistoric rmds from Chingford.EssexNat. 30.112. HERRIES,R. S., MONCKTON, H. W. cl WOODWARD, H. B. 1891.Excursion la Brentwood,SL May 15th 1889 (In conj. with EP.C.). Proc. Geol.Ass. l1,lxii-lxvi. HIBBERD.S. 1861.Grays chalk pits. R~creative science. Hn...DRETH. P. N. 1972. UpperCrtuceous and Lower Ta1iary sequences in borehoJesnearEpping, Essex.Bull. Btol. Sun. (38), 67-71. HINTON,M. A. C. 1900.The PleistDcene deposits of the Uford and Wanstead distticL Proc, Geol.Ass. 1', 271-282. HlNTON, M. C. 1900.On thePleistoeene depositsof the IIfordand Wanslead district, EssexNat.ll,161-16S. HINTON,M. A. C.I902. Excursion toOrays Thurroclc, Sal May 18th 1901.Proc, Geol.Ass.l',141-144. HINTON,M. A. C. 1902.On some teeth of Rhinoceros from Ilford,Essex. With remarks on the distributionof Rhinoceros in the Thames Valley deposits.EssexNat. 12,231-236. HlNTON,M. A. C. 1907.The British fossilshrews. Geol.Mag. dec S 6. 529-539. [GraysThurrockpp. 533 cl 535] HINTON,M. A. C. 1908.On the existence of the Alpine vole, Microtusnivalis, in Britainduring Pleistoeenetimes. Proc, Geol.Ass. :ZO, 39-58. [Gra15Thurrock p. 45] HINTON, M. A. C. 1910. A preliminaryaccount of the British fossil voles and lemmings; with some remarkson the Pleistoceneclimate and geography.Proc.Geol.Ass.:!1, 489-507. [Grays Thurrock, pp.492-493] HINTON,M. A. C. cl KENNARD,A. 5.1901. Contributionsto the Pleistocenegeology of the Thames Valley.I. The Grays Thurrockarea, Part I. With a sub-sectionon the fossil fishesby E. T. Newton[pp. 351-353].Essex Nat, 11, 336-370. [Splendidbibliography- 75] HlNTON, M. A. C. cl KENNARD,A. S.1906.The relative ages of the stone implementsof thelower Thames Valley.Proc. Geol.Ass.19, 76-100. HINTON,M. A. C. &.KENNARD,A. 5.1907. Contributionsla the Pleistocenegeology oflhe Thames Valley. I. The Grays Thurrock area. Part 11. EssexNat. 15, 56-88. HINTON,M. A. C. &. KENNARD.A. 5.1910.Excursion 10 Grays Thurrock,Essex., Sal April9 1910.Proc. Geol.Ass. 11,414-476. HOATIIER, R. C. 1958. Increaseof hardnessby cation-exchangeassociatedwith Infiltration of sea water intoChalk under Woolwich and Reading Beds.LInst. Wat. Eng.U, 185-197.[WestMersea p. 187;Lawford pp. 187- ; Mistley p. 193J HOLLIN,J. T. 1974. Last Interglacial sea levelsin the U. K. and eastern North America. N~sl. No. 12, 5-6. [llford pp. 5,6; Little Thurrock, ,p. 5; Aveley,,p. 51 HOLMES, T. V. 1884.Excursion to Tilbury Docks.Proc. Geol.Ass. 8.392-396. [May 17th 1884] I l HOLMES,T. V. 1885.Nares on tbe geologicalposiIionof me human skeletoo lately Cound IIIthe TIlburyDocks. Essex. Trans.ESsexField Club 4, 135-147.[See also Nature 29,440 (1884) HOLMES,T. V. 1887.On the subsidence at Lexden. near Colchester. EssaNat. I, 1-8,40,95. HOLMES,T. V. 1887.Geological section IIIHigh Beach,Epping Forest. &suNat. I, 107-108. (High Beach; Jack's Hill; Gaync's Park] HOLMES,T. V. 1887.Excwsion toSu~, SaL9 J~ 1887. EISaNat. I, 148-149. [Balingdon Chalk pit­ Chalk. Thanet Sand, Reading Beds,London Cay, glacialdrift at The Grove] HOLMES,T. V. 1881. section in a oew I8ilwaycutting at MaIdon. EunNal. I, 149 cl 180-181. [Sec also Essex Nat. 11, p. 236] HOLMES,T. V. 1888.Notes on drift maps wilh aspcciaI rcfCI'CIICC 10 those ofEssex. EssuNat. 2, 21-33. (Glacial drift pp.25-28; Red Crag 24; London Clay 24, 26-27; CbaIk 26; Baphot Beds 26; boulda" day26, 27; Pebble gravel 28; river drift 29:alluvium 24, 29] HOLMES,T. V. 1887.Gravel 00 Nonhey Island. near MaIden.EISaNal. I, 152. ' HOLMES,T. V. 1888.The sublCmUtcan geology of soulh-c:asrem England. E.s.suNtJl. 2, pp. 138-158. HOLMES,T. V. 1889. NoleSon Ihcgeology ofMaldon andIhc Blackwater cstuary. E,suNat. 3, 111-115. HOLMES,T. V. 1889.00 some recent subsidencesnear Slifford. Essex. EssuNm. 3, 183-188. HOLMES,T. V. 1889. The geology ofsouth Essex. EISe%Nm. 3,214-218. [Review ofEssex section ofW. Wbitaker TIteBeoIDgy ofLondo,.and ptlTtt6,he ThDmuVDlley (1889) 2 vols.] HOLMES,T. V. 1889. Excursion to Laindon (or Langdon)Hills, Essex.Saturday Iune 9lb 1888.Proc. Geol.Ass. 10,489-493. [10 conj. with E.F.C.] HOLMES,T. V. 1890.Chelmsford water supply.EssaNtJl. 4,82-84. HOLMES,T. V. 1890. On the natureof some ofdie gravelpatches in Essex. EssexNat. 4, 1()()'102. HOLMES,T. V. 1890. On some'sections between WestThunock andSdfford, on me Grays and Upminsterrailway. EssexNtJl.4,143-149. HOLMES,T. V. 1891.The geology and scenery of1he Oub's voyage from Maldon to Chelmsford. August8th 1891. EssaNal. 5.197-202. HOLMES,T. V. 1891.Excursion to WallOD-on-Naze, SatuIdayJune 7 1880. (In conj. with E.F.C. and Ipswich ScientifIC Society). Proc Geol.Ass. 11, cl-clili. HOLMES,T. V. 1892.Recent excursionsofIbeGeologislS' Association in Essex. Upminster and Homchurch. EssexNat. 6,96-97. WalthamstowibUL 97. HOLMES,T. V. 1892.The geology of the districtaround Dagenham Breach,Essex. EISaNat. 6, 142-146.[Also EssuNtJl. 7, pp. 27-28: Dagnams WeD] HOLMES,T. V. 1892.Excursion to the new railway betweenGmys and Upminster, Essex. June '1:11891. Proc. Geal. Ass. 12, 195-201. HOLMES,T. V. 1892. Excursion to the cuttings on the new railway between UpminsIer and Romford, Essex. SaL 5 March 1892.Proc. G~ol. Ass. 12,316-319.. HOLMES, T. V. 1892.The new railway from Grays1burroclt to Romfon1.: sections between Upminsater and Romford. J. geol. Soc. 48, 365-372- HOLMES.T. V. 1893. Excursion oflhc Geologiscs' Associationto Uford. 2S Malch 1893. EssuNat.7,47-48. HOLMES,T. V.1893. Nares on the geology oflbc neighbourhoodofCbelmsford. EuaNm. 7, 65-66. HOLMES,T. V.I894.Coal uncIersouth-easaemEngland. LRcportby MeT. V. Holmes. Essex Nat. 8.144-146. HOLMES,T. V~ 1894.Further DOleS on some sections of thenew railway from Romford to Upminster, and on the relationsof IhcThames Valley Beds to theboulderclay. Quat'l. J. Beol. Soc. 50,443-452. [Also pp. 460-462] HOLMES,T. V. 1894.Funher notes on some sections of tbcnew I8ilway from Romford to Upminster,andon the relations of theThames Valley Beds to the boulderclay. Bssex Nat. 8.155. HOLMES,T. V. 1895.The geology of the Lea Valley.EssaNal. 8, 198-201. HOLMES.T. V. 1895.Notes on thegeological sectionat Chelmsfordin which mammoth and other remains were discovered in November, 1894.Bssex Nat. s, 10-16.[See also Essex Nat. 9, p. 24 (1895)] HOLMES,T. V. 1896.Geological DOreS on a supposed earthworknear we railway station at ,Essex. Essex Nal. 9, 59-65. (Furtherremarks pp. 68-70; a reply by J.C. Gould pp. 65~} HOLMES,T. V. 1896.Slray notes on Essex. EssexNat. g, 139-141. [Ex Genllel1lQll's Mag.} [Accountof 1794on seplarian nodules, p. 139; of deep well of 1790at Hanningfield, p. 140;of fossils from Neueswell in 1796,p. 140] HOLMES,T. V. 1896.Notes on a map including the greaterpart of south-easternEngland. Recently issued by the Geological Survey. EssexNal. 9, 112·115. HOLMES,T. V. with notes by NEWTON, E. T.1896. Discoveryof mammalianremains at Great Yeldham,Essex. Essex Nat. 9,115-118. HOLMES.T. V. 1894. Sinking of a well at EastHanningfie1d 1791 - Gentleman's Mag. 1791. EssexNat. 9, 140. HOLMES,T. V. 1896.A sketch oCthegeology of EppingForest.EssexNot. 9,160-165. HOLMES,T. V. 1896.Noteson the ancient physiographyof south Essex. EssexNos. 9, 193-200. HOLMES,T. V. 1896.Excursion to ChelmsfordSat. 8th June 1895.Proc.Geol. Ass. 14, 188-191. HOLMES,T. V. 1896.Excursion to Chingford Museumand Epping Forest Sat.May 9th 1896. Proc. Geol. As.r. 14,336-339. HOLMES,T. V. 1897.The relation of Palaeolithic man to the Glacial Epoch.E.rsexNat. 9,245-247. HOLMES,T. V. 1897.John Brown,F.G.S.•of Staaway, Notes from Life ofRichardOwen (1894). EssexNat. 9, I l. 263. HOLMES, T. V. 1897.Boring in searchofcoal in Essex. Repottby T. V. Holmes andW. Whitaker.EssuNat.l0. 9-10. HOLMES T. V. 1899.Reviewof H. B. Woodward's Soils and subsoilsfrom a saniltuypobu ofview. with s~cial ref~r~~ce 10 London and ils Mighbourhood (1897). Essex Nat. 10, 411-413. HOLMES, T. V. 1897.The Palaeolithicdepositsat IUtchin.and their relation ro the GlacialEpoch. [Report to Ihe Royal Society by Mc Clement Reid, FLS.. F.O.s. of the GeologicalSurvey. Pr«. R. Soc.61(369).] Essu Nat. 10,49-51. HOLME'S. T. V. 1900.Excursion to nfard May 13th 1899.Proc, Geol. Ass. 16, 160-161. HOLMES.T. V. 1901.Geologicalnotes on the newreservoirin the valley oCthe Lea, near Walthamstow. Essex Nat. 12. 1·16. HOLMES, T. V. 1902.Geologicalnotes on the newrailway between Ilford and Woodford. Essex.&saNOl. 12, 202-206. HOLMES,T. V. 1902. Additionalnoteson the sectionsshown at the new reservoirs in lite valleyof the Lea. near Wallhamstow. Evidence ofthe puddle-trenches. EssuNat. 12,224-231. HOLMES, T. V. 1904.On some greywethel's at Grayslburrock. Essex. EssexNai. 13.197-202. HOLMES,T. V. 1904.Old reconl of mammoth at Walton-on-Naze from annual register, 30 Nov. 1803. p, 461. EssexNat. 13,295-296. HOLMES,T. V. 1904.Visit to the lightrailway betweenKelvedonand Tollesbury 4 July 1903.Bssex Nat. 13. 249-250. HOLMES. T. V. 1904.Excursionrothelight railway between Kelvedonand ToUesbwy.Essex July 4 1903.Proc. Geol.An.18,191·192. HOLMES.T. V.I907.0narecentsubsidenceatMucldng.Essex.EssaNat.14,241-2S4. HOLMES,T. V. 1907.Coast erosion.The first report of IheRoyal Commission on coast erosionetc., with minutes of evidenceand appendices.EssexNat. IS, 94-96. HOLMES,T. V. 1908.Subsidencesat Grays.Essex Nat. 15, 184. HOLMES,T. V.I909. The geologyofEssex. [FromjubUeevol. Geol. Ass. 1909] HOLMES. T. V. &.WHITAKER, W. 1894.Coal under'south-eastern England EssuNat.l, 142. HOLMES.T. V., WlDTAKER, W.da/. Boringsin search of coal in SuffoUc ancI Essex. EssuNat. 9,213. 253; ibid. 10.9, 136. HOLMES, T. V. 1893.The new railwaybetweenUpminsru and Romford. Boulder clay beneath old river gravelat Homchurch. ConclusionslhereCrom. EssuNat. 7,1-14. HOOPER. B. 1969.A re-examination of the human skull found at Wendens Ambo, Essex duringthe nineteenth century. EsuJC Nat. 32, 243-245. HORTON. A. 1973.The age of the HoxnianInterglacial. QuatO'rwry Newsl. No. 9,5-6. [Sranway Bypass.p. S] HOWARD,D. 1896.The presidentialaddress. Delivered at the sixteenthannual meetingon March 28th, 1896.Essex Nat. 9,149-157. {Watersupply oflheI.ea Valleyviewed in the lightohecentresearches. pp. 150-157. HUGHES. T. McK. 1915.On IhegravelsoCEast Anglia. G~ol. Mag. dec. 4 2.137-138. HUNTINGTON. R. &:ARMSTRONG. R. B. 1974.OperationoftheEly Ouse - Essex scheme.J.lnst. Watt Eng. 2.8(8),387-401. HUTCHINGS, G. E. (ed.) 1926.Essa: all OUtliMsaentific survey. [Papers prepared by members of the EF.C. on the occasion of the congress of Colchester]

IRVING,A. 1894.The questionof workable Coal MeasuresbeneathEssex [Reprinted from HertsandEssex Observer,July 14th 1894J. EsseJC Nat. 8, 13()..142. IRVING.A. 1899.Excursion to Bishop'sSlOrtford. Sal July 17 1897.Proe. ce«. Ass. IS, 193-197. IRVING, A. 1899. On the geology of the Stort Valley(Herts and Essex) with special referenceto thePlateau Gravels.Proc. Geol. Ass. 15,224-237. IRVING,'A. 1911. Excursion to Bishop'sSlOrtford. Sal June 10th 1911.Proc. Geol. Ass.22. 264-268. IRVING, A. &:IRVING, P. A.1906. Excursion to Bishop'sSlOrtford and Stansted. July 15th.1905.Proc. Geol. Ass. 19.222-225. IRVING.A. 1911.Note on the Bishop'sStortfonlsub-fossilhorse skeleton.Reply to E. T. Newton.pp. 132-136. EssexNat. 16, 282-285. IRVING,A. &.IRVING,P. A.1914.Report of an excursionto Bishop'sStortCord Sal June 21st 1913.Proc. Geol. Ass. 25, lOS-lIS.

JENKINS,J. H. B. 1908. An analysis of LondonClay. Geol. Mag. dec. 5 S. 265-266.[Samplefrom well boringat East Ham by Messrs C. Isler & Co. Sectiongiven to Chalk 300 feet] JOHNSON, D. P. 1971.The Cattawadebarrageon theEssex Stour. J.lnst. Wat. Eng, 25(6),337-347. JOHNSON,J. P. 1901. Additionsto the Palaeolithicfaunaof the Uphall Brickyard,Ilford, Essex.Essex Nat. 11, 209-212. JOHNSON,J. P. 1901.The flora and faunaofWallOn-on-Naze. Essex. EssexNat. 11.284-287. JOHNSON,J. P. 1901.Palaeolithicimplementsfrom the low level drift of theThames Valley.Chiefly from Ilford and Grays, Essex. Ess~JC Not . 12, 52-57. JOHNSON,J. P. 1902.Notes on a manganiferous seam in the Thames Valley drift at Ilford, Essex Nat. 12,

\ 3 135-136. JOHNSON,J. P. 1903.The Palaeolithicperiod in the ThamesBasin. BssexNQt. 13, 97-110. JOHNSON,J. P. cl WHITE.. G. 1900-1.Some new sectionsin, andconwbUlions to the fauna of the river drift of the Uphall Es&ate, llford. Essex. Essex Nal.Il, 157-165(1900); ibid. 257 (1901). JOHNSON, M. H. 1873. Excursion to Grays, Essex, May 20 1873. Proc, Geol.Ass. 2,245-247. JONES, E. 1861.Sandpipesat GmysThurrock. Geolog;sI4,258- JONES, T. R. 18SO. Descriptionof the entomostraea of the Pleisaocenc Beds of Newbury, Copford,Clacton and Grays.AM. Mag. IUIt. His: 2nd SU. '.25-28. [Secalso supplementaryIlOIC., p. 71] JONES, T. R. 18S7.A monographo/the TertiaryelllomoSlraca ofEngland. PaJaconcopaphical Society. JORDAN, J. B. 1870.SllIIt/ord's geological map o/London .rhowi,.,.ruperficilll deposits (ScaJc1 inch ro 1 mile). JORDAN, J. B. 1878. Sumford'slibrary map 0/London.GeologicDlly coloured. Scale 6 inches 10 1 mile. Folio atlas. 24 sheeIs. JUDO, J. W. 1876.Deep wdl-borings in London. Natun 1',2-3. [] JUKES-BROWN,A. J. 1904. CreUJeeous rocksofBritain. Vol. m. The Upper' Chalk ofEngland. [See pp. 235-240, 247-248,392, 436)

KEITH, A. 1912.Reportontheskeletonfound nearWalton-on-Nazc. J. R. QIIIhropol.lnst. 42,91- . KENDALL. P. F. 1931. The Red CragofWalron-on-Ihe-Nazc.Geol. Mag.A,405-420. KENNARD,A. S. 1903. Notes on a paJacoUth from Grays. Essex. EssuNal. 13, 112-113. KENNARD, A. S. 1933.The moUusca of the Pleistoeenc deposits at Lion Point. Clacton. EssaNat. 24, 29-31. KENNARD, A. S. cl WOODWARD.B. .B. 1897.The posl-Pliocenc non-marinemollusca of Esscx. Essex Nat. 10, 87-109. . KENNARD,A. S. &: WOODWARD,B. B. 1897. Noteson the moI1usca (post-Pliocene and Recent) of Felstead. Essex. EssexNOl. 10.185-187. KENNARD, A. S. cl WOODWARD.B. B. 1898.On a manusaiplofthe Iale John Brown. F.G.S., ofSlanway. Essex NOl. 10. 288-290. I KENNARD. A. S. &: WOODWARD,B. B. 1900.The PleislOCCDC non-marinemollusca ofDford.Proc.Geol.Ass. 16,282-286- KENNARD.A. S. &:WOODWARD,B. B. 1901.The posl-PliOCCDC non-marinemollusca ofDfocd, Essex. Essex Nat. 11,213-215. KENNARD, A. S. &: WOODWARD,B. B. 1901.The non-marinemolluscaof the WaltoRCrag. EssexNat. 11, 21~218. KENNARD, A. S. cl WOODWARD,B. B. 1903.The non-marine mollusca of the River Lea allllvillm at Wallhamstow,Essex.EssaNat. IJ, 13-21&: 115-116. KENNARD, A. S. &:WOODWARD,B. B. 1903. Noteson sections in the Lea Valley at Canning Town. BssexNal. 13,71-79. KENNARD. A. S. &: WOODWARD,B. B. 1905.The extinct post-PIiocenenon-marine Molluscaof the south of England. S.E. Nat. 10. 14-24. KENNARD. A. S. cl WOODWARD,B. B. 1922.The posl-PIioocne non-marinemollusca of Ihecast ofEng1and. Proc. Geol. Ass. 33.104-142. KENWORTIIY,J. W. 1887. Block of conglomerate at While No&y. Essex NQt. I, 8. KENWOR11IY,J. W. 1899. A supposedNeolithic seuIemclllat Stills Hill, Braintree.Essex. EssaHal. 11, 94-126. [Geologyof district by T. V. Holmcs] KERNEY, M. P. 1971.Inlerg1aclal deposits in Bamficld Pit. Swanscombc,and their moUuscanfauna. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 127, 69·93. [Appendix: A IIOle on the ageof the frc:shwatcr beds of the Clacron Channel by C. Turner &: M.P. Kemey,pp. 87-931 KERSTEN, C. M. 1842.Untersuchung zweier AbandcnmgcnbydnwlischenKaltsleincs aus derNllbevcn Colchester (Essex). in England (Analysis of scptaria from London Clay of Colchester.]J. pra1cl. Chem. 25, 317. KINAHAN, G. H. 1886. Noles on the earthquake that took place in Essex on the morningof April 22nd, 1884. J. R. geol. Soc.Ireland, n.s. 6, 314. KING, C. 1970.The biosuatigrapby of me London Oay in the lDndon District. Tutiary Times 1(1),13-15. KING, C. cl KING.A. D. 1976. A LondonClay section at WaterworksCorner, Essex (TQ 393903).Tertiary Res. 1(1).21-24. [WaIthamstow) KINGSBURY,W. J. 1859. Descriptionof the ... Victoria(London)Docksetc. Proc. Inst. Civ. Eng. 18.445. [Note of the section, p. 446] KINSEY, W. B. 1880. Particulars of an artesian well at Thames Haven, Essex. Trans. SanitaryInst. 1,203-208. KIRBY, R. I. 1974.Report of field meeting to Bumham-on-Crouch, Essex. Tertiary Times 2(1), 9-13. KIRBY, R.J. 1974. Report of project meetingand field meetingto Aveley, Essex.TertiaryTimes 2(2),53-67. KIRBY. R. L 1975.Report of field meeting to BrentwoodPit. Essex. TertiaryTimes 2(3), 102-105. KIRBY.R. I. 1975.Notes on two temporaryexposures of LondonClay in south Essex.TertiaryTimes2.137. [UpminsterPark. Estate TQ 574884: Fairlane Motel (ArdleighGreen) TQ 553892]

ILt LAVER. H. 1888. Rint implements at WaJton-on~Naze and Lexden,Essex.Bssex Nat. 2. 187-188. LAW, A.I. 1897. COLE, W. Report of ordinary meeting Saturday March6,1897. EuaNa,.10. 12-13. LAWSON. W. [c. 1875]. G~ographJ of,M county ofEssex; adapt~d to 'M new cock. N.D. UNDER, E. 1940. "Red-hiU" mounds of Canvey Isiand in relation to subsidence in die 11uunes Estwuy. Proc, G~ol. Ass. 51, 283-290. LINDLEY,P. 1885. Walks in Epping Forest. [The geology oCthe Forest District by Horace B. Woodward] [Reviewed in G~ol. Mal. III 2. 368-369 (1885)] LINDSEY, W. H. 18S1. A season at Harwich •.. to which is added researches, historical, natural and miscellaneous. [The cliffand its fossils,Part 2.pp. 137·153, with DOleS of wells] LOBLEY,J. L. 1874. Excursion to Walton-on-the-Naze.July 8th 1872.Proc, oe«.Au. 3, 122-123. LOBLEY,J. L. 1878. Excursion to Grays. Essex. Proc, Geol. Ass. 5, 125. [21 AprillSn] LUCAS,J. 1869. The boulder clay andthe Thames Valley. G~ol. Mag. 6,188. LUCAS, J. 1878. Hydrogeologicalsurvey. Part 11. Exploration accompanying..• Sheet 2. p. 7. LUFfKIN, J. 1701. Partof a letter concerning some large bones, lately found in a gravel pit near Colchester [Wrabness]. Phil. Trans.n (274), 924. LYDEKKER. R. 1903. [Essex] Palaeontology. Victoria history ofth« COUllfy ofEssex: Vol. I, 25-30. LYELL,C. 1836.Observationson the crag and MrCharlesworth'ssubdivisions. Vol. 2 (44), 372-373. [Address 10 liteGeol. Soc. deliveredat the anniversary on 19 February 1836]

MACKINTOSH, D. 1880.On thecorrelation ofthe drift deposits of the north-west or England with thoseof rhe Midland and Easu:rnCounties. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 36, 178-188. MAN'lELL, G. A. 1850. A pictorial aliasof fossil remains. consisting or coloured illustrationsselected from Parkinson's"Organic remains . . ; " and Artis's "A,.rtdiluvian phytology". (p. 109 &:. pI. 45 fig. 3, 7: p. 135" pt. S8 fig. 15: p. 149pl, 65 figs 3 8r. 5: p. 189). MARR,I. E. 1887. The glacial deposits of Sudbury, SuffoUc. Geol. Mag. ill 4, 262-270. [and reply by A. J. Jukes-Brown pp. 331~332] MARSHALL. K. 1964.Some notes on boreholes and geologicalexposures in West Ham. EssaNot. 31,229-232. MARTIN,E. A. 1914.Problems in coast erosion. SE. Nat. 19,41-56. . MARTIN,E. A. 1926. Break names in geological history. SE. Nat. 31,52-56. MAW. G. 1867. On the relalive ages of the coast boulder-clayof the Eatem Counties and that on the higher ground. Geol. Mal. 4, 97-101. MAW. G. 1867. The drift deposits oC lite Eastern Counties. G~ol. Mag. 4,276-281. MAYNARD, G. 1914. Notes on a human skull found at Wendon,Essex. EssexNat. 18, 244-248. MAYNARD, G. John Brown ofStanway and the geology of the Essex coast [diagram in Saffron Walden Museum]. Essex. Nat. 21. 42. McCONNElL. P. 1902.The elements ofagriculturalgeology: a scientificaid to practical fanning. [Review by T. V. Holmes in Essex. Not. 12,240-243. . McMANUS,J. 1964. The MyatU'enaria Bed ortheRed Crag of Essex. Proc. Geol. Ass.75,61-66. MELDOLA, R. 1885. On some geologicalaspects ofthe East Anglian eanhquake of April22nd 1884.Proc. Geol. Ass.9, 2042. MELDOLA,R. 1886.The Great Essex EarthquaJce oC the22nd of April 1884. TrQILS. Herts. l1/li. Hist. Soc. 4, 23-32. MELDOLA.R. &:. WIDTE.W. 1885. Report on the East AnglianEarthquakeof April22nd 1884.Special Memoirs, Essex Field Club, VoU, x+224 pp., 4 pl, MIDDLEMISS, F. A. 1955. FIeld meeting at Brentwood and South Weald,Essex. Proc. G~ol. Ass. 66,317-319. MITCHELL,J. 1836.On the beds immediatelyabove the Chalk in litecounties near London.Phil. Mag. sec. 3, 9, 356. MITCHELL,J. 1833. Observationson the cliffs in the neighbourhoodof Harwich. made in December1832.Proc. geol. Soc. 1 (32). 481-482. MlTCHELL, J. 1837.Observationson the cliffs in the neighbourhoodof Harwich, made in December 1832.Trans. geol. ss«. Serf 2, 5, 259-260. M1TCHELL. J. 1838.On the drift from the Chalk and strata below the Chalk in litecountiesof Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridge, Huntlngdon,Bedford, Hertford and Middlesex.Proc. geot. Soc. 3 (I), 3-5. [MaIdon, Kelvedon, Braintree,Castle Hedingham nearHalstead,Navestockand Upminster,ere.] MITCHELL.J. 1839.On the wells found [Conned] by digging and boring in the gravel and London Clay in Essex; and on the geological phenomena disclosed by them. Proc. geot. Soc. 3 (64), 131-134.[Stanway, Stratford. Ilford, Dagnam Hall, Brook Street, Upminster,Warley, Fairlop, BattleBridge,Ferry House (Crouch),, WaJcering. Foulness, Walthamstow.Loughton, Eppmg, Ongar, Bocking, Braintree,RomCoJd, Hare Street,Stroud Green, North Fambridge,131-133.] MITCHELL.J. 1839.Cuttings of theEastern Counties' Railway at Stratford, Essex.Mag. nat. Hist.N.S. 3, 520. MONCKTON, H. W. 1891.On the boulder-clay in Essex. Essex. Nat. 4. 199-201.[See also correspondence: E.N. 5, 109: 5, 109-110;5, 133: 5, 133~134] . MONCKTON, H. W. 1891. Notes on the glacial fonnations near Chelmsford. Ess~x.Nat. 5,191-193. MONCKTON,H. W. 1891.Reply to W. H. Dalton's letter on H.W.M.'spaper "Onthe boulder-clayin Essex". EssexNot. 4,199-201 (1891). EssexNat. 5,109-110. MONCKTON, H. W. 1891.Geological ramble around Chelmsford (in conjunctionwith the Geologists' Association)

I ~ SaturdayJuly n, 1891. EssexNQl. 5,209:-210. MONCKTON,H. W. 1891.Remarks onJ. French's·Oo 1hc0l:CUlTCllCC ofWesdctoD Beds in pail ofnordt-wcsrcm Essex". EssaNOl. 5, 210-218 (l89I). EssexNat. 5,217-218. MONCKTON,H. W. 1892 ExcursiOllIO Chelmsford Saturday July 11, 1891 (~conjunction wilh E.F.C.).Proc. Geol.Ass. 12, 202-264. . MONCKTON,H. W. 1893.Geological notes in Ihc neighbourhood of Ongar, Essex. EssexNal. 7, 87-92. MONCKTON,H. W. 1893. On the gravels near Barkingside. Wanstead andWalthamslOW, Essex. EssaNal. 7, 115-120. MONCKTON.H. W. 1895. Geological nature of Ihc landIhat has fallen out of cultivation in Essex. EssexNal. 9, 70-71. MONCKTON,H. W. 1902.Excursion to the EastLondon Waterworks,Touenham, Saturday Apri12Oth, 1901. Proc. Geol.Ass.l',135-136. MONCKTON,H. W. &: HERRIES,R. S. 1889.On some BagsbotPebble Beds aofPcbble Gravel. Proc. ae«. Ass. 11,13-23. MONCKTON,H. W. & HERRIES,R. S. 1891.Hill gravels DOdb of theThames. Proc. Geol. Ass. 2, 108-114. MORRIS, A. D. 1974.Samuel Dale (1659-1739),physician and gcOlogisL Proc. R. Soc. Med. 67. 120-124. MORRIS, G. 1921.Mammoth remains at LiUle CbesUrford. Essu Nal. 19,326. MORRIS,J. 1836.On a fresh-Wilier deposit. c:ontainiDg mammalian remains. reccotly discoven:d at Grays, Essex. Mag. Nat.m« 9.261-264. MORRIS,J. 1838.On thedeposits containingCarnivoraand oIber Mammaliain die valley of lhe Thames. Mag. Nat. Hist. N.S. 2.539-547. [Dford, Stratford,540; Grays,Harwich, Walton, 542; DfORl, Grays, Copford, Harwich,543; Grays. Copford., Ilford,544] MORRIS,J. 1841.Donations to IheMuseumfrom Grays in Essex.Proc. Geol, Soc. 3(80).467. [Sec Mag.Nat Hiss. 9.261 cl N.S. 2.539 cl 546 (1838)] MORRIS,J. 1867.On the occurrence of grey-wcthersat Grays.Essex. Geol. Mag. 4, 63-64. MORRIS.J. 1873.Excursion to Belvedere,April29Ib, 1871.Proc. Geol.Ass. 2.229--230. [List of Mammalia from Dford and GraysThurrock.230] MOTIJERSOLE.H. 1898.Notes on somerelicsof early manin the neighbourhood ofChelmsford EssaNat. 10. 305-306. MYLNE, R. W. 1851.Topographicalmap ofLondonand its e11lIirons. [Coloured geologically; scale 1.43 inches to 1 mile) MYLNE, R. W. 1856.Map ofthe geologyand contours ofLondonand its environs.[Scale 3.72 inches 10 1 mile]

NEWTON.R. B. 1891.Systenuuiclist ofthe FretkricJc E. Edwards CollectionofBritish Oligoceneand Bocen« molluscain the British Museum (NaturalHistory). [Dford, 19; Sudbury. 22,26,81,284; Harwich. 60, 292; MarylandPoint, 62; Shenfield, 101,109.110.111,112, 124;Southend, 118] NEWTON, E. T. 1895.Noceson the ~ ofPleistoccnc mammals found in the ncighbourboodofCbeImsford. EssuNat.9, 16-19. [Exh.13 0cL 1894: see EN.•, 219 (1895)] NEWTON,E. T. 1899.The evidence for lhe cxistenc:c of man in Ihc Tertiary period. Proc. Geol. Ass. 15,63-82. [Walton, 74-76] NEWTON. E. T. 1899. Palaeollthic man.Proc. Geol.Ass. 15,246-263. [Tllbwy man. 2S51 NEWfON, E. T. 1901. British Pleistocene fishes. Geol.Mag. Dec. 4, 8, 49-52. [GraysThurrock, SI-52] NEWTON, E. T. 1903.The elk (Alcesmm:hlis Ogilby)in theThames Valley. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 59,80-90. [WallhamslOw, SO] NEWTON. E. T. 1911.The fossil horse of Bishop'sSIOrtfocd. with remads on the fossil horses of Europe.Essa Nat. 16. 132-136cl 176. [Reviewed in Geol.Mag.Dec. 5, 8.180] NORDEN.J. 1594.SpeculiBritanniaePars:anhistorical and chorographical tkscripdon ofthe countyofEssex. [~ teeth of a gyaot- at CoggcshaU;sec Cole. W. (1881),EN. 1,41-45] OAKLEY. K.P. 1959. The life and workof SamuelHazeldine Warren. F.G.S. EssaNal. 30,143-161. OAKLEY. K. P. & LEAKEY, M. 1937.Report on excavation at Jaywick Sands, 1934.with some observationson the Clactonianindustry.•• [etc.], Proc.prelWt. Soc. N.S. 3, 217-260. OlllVER, R. E. 1869.Fossils at Wallhamstow. Scienu Gossip59, 258. OWEN, R. 1842.Description of the remains of six speciesof marine turtles (Chelones) from the London Clay of Sheppey and Harwich. Proc, Geol. Soc. 3. 570-578. OWEN, R. 1844. Report on the British fossil mammalia.Rep. Brit. Ass.for 1843.208. OWEN, R. 1846. A historyofBritishfossil mammalsandbirds. OWEN, R. 1848.Notice of the occurrenceof fossilremains of lIleMegaceroshibernicllS andof Castoreuropaeusin the Pteistocenedeposits fonning the brick-fieldsatllford and Grays ThUITOCk. Quart. J. Geol, Soc. 4. 42-46. UWEN. R. 1869.Note on the occurrence of remainsof ~e elk (A/ces palmatus) in Britishpost-Tertiary deposits [at Waltharnstow] Geol. Mag. 6, 389. OWEN, R. 1883.Description of parts of a human skeletonfrom a Pleistocene (Palaeolithic) bed. Tilbury, Essex. Proc. R. Soc. 36, 136. OWEN. R. 1884.Antiquity of man as deducedfrom thediscoveryof a human skeleton during the excavationsof the East and West India Dock extensionsat Tilbury, Northbank of Thames. 32. 10 PAGE, T. H. 1784. Descriptionsof the King'sWellsat Sheerness,LanguardFon and Harwich.Phil.Trass. 74,6. PALAEONTOORAPIDCAL SOCIETY 1954.DirectoryofBritishfossili/erous locali'ks. Reprinted 1966.(Essex (Ballingdon,Beamnont, , Harwich. Walton-on-the-Naze), 33] PALIN, W. 1871. Sti!fordand its ~ighboUT/rood, past and present. PALIN, W. 1872. More aboutStiJ/ord. PARKINSON, J. 1811.Observations.onsome of the strata in the neighbourhoodof London, and on the fossil remains contained in them. Trans.geol. Soc.1. 324-3S4; Phil. Mag. 38. 130-153; J. NIl. Phil.Chem.Arts 31, 38-S2, 111-123;Trans, geol. Soc. [Essex. 329, 334. 336; Walton, 330; Harwich, 331-337;blue clay strata. 339] PASCH. G. E. 1824. BiluminOskalksten frAnmotalainnehAJler. CcmenstcnMo Harwich innehlller (Harwich cement stone].Jem1contordsAnnakr8, 206. PENNING. W. H. 1876.Notes on the physicalgeographyofEastAnglia during the glacial period.J. geol.Soc. 32, 191-204. [map and section; see also Wood.Geol. Mag. dec 2. J. 284-286. PERRY, 1. 1721. An accountof the stoppingof theDagenhamBreach[Note of section in the marsh.etc., pp. 72,73]. London; see also Phil Trans. 4.219. PHILLIPS. J. 1871. GeologyofOxford and 'M wlkyoftM Thames, Oxford. (pleistoeene deposits, Ch. 18 J PICKERING,I. 1861-2.On briclcf'ldds, gravel pits. sand pits and peat beds. atCopCOId Fasherton. West Hacbtey. Reculvers, and KennelValley.Proc. Geol.Ars. 1. 74. 78-88. PICI'ON. H. 1908-14.Observationson the bone bed at C1acton. Proc,prehist. Soc. 1. IS8. PIKE. K. & GODWIN. H. 1953.The Interglacial at Clacton-on-Sea.Essex. QIUI71. J. geot. Soc. 108.261-272. PRESTWICH,J. 1847.On theprobable age of theLondon Oay and its relationsID the Hampshire and Paris Tertiary System. QUDTt. J. geol. Soc. 3•. PRESTWICH.J. 1847.On the main point of structure nnd the probable age of the Bagshot Sands, and on their presumed equivalent in Hampshire and France. Quart.J. geot. Soc. 3, • PRESTWlCH. I. 1850.On theslructure of the strata between the LondonClay and the Chalk. Part l. The basement-bed of the London Clay. Quart.J. geot.Soc. 6,252. PRESTWICH. J. 1852. n thestructure of the strata between the London Clay and theChalk. Pan 3. The 1banet Sands. Quart. J. Beol. Soc. 8. 235. PRESTWICH,J. 1854.On the structureof the strata betweenthe London Clay and the Chalk. Part2. The Woolwich and Reading Series. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 10. 7S. PRESTWICH,J. 1854.On thethickness of the LondonClay, on therelative position ofthe fossiliferous bedsof Sheppey, Highgate, etc••• Quart. J. geol. Soc. 10,401. PRESTWICH. J. 1855.On the origin of the sand and gravel pipes in the Chalk of the London Tertiarydistrict. Quart.J. geot. Soc. 11,64-84. [Grays,71] PRESTWlCH, J. 1857. The ground be~ath us. Three lectures on the geology of Clapham and the neighbourhood of London generaUy. PRESTWICH,I. 1858. On a boring through the Chalk a~ Harwich.Quart. J. geot. Soc. 14.249-252. PRESTWICH.J. 1858. Geologicalmap oftM estuaryoftM Thames, For thereferees of themain drainage or the Metropolis. House of Commons. [l inch to 1 mile] PRESlWICH. J. 1860. Report on the watersprings ofGrays. PRESTWICH,J. 1864. The brlck-earth with elephantremains at Dfont. Geal. Mag. I, 244-245. PRESTWICH.J. 1865.Partof'M south-eastern end ofthe centraleastern sheets oftM -GreellOllgh mop-. Geological Society. PRESTWICH.J. 1871.On the structure of the Crag-bedsof SuffoUc and Norfolk••• Part2. The Red Crag of Essex and Suffolk. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 27. 325-356. PRESTWlCH, J. 1871.Report on the probabilitksoffinding coal in tM south ofEngland.Report of the Commission appointed to inquire into the severalmatters relating to coal in the United Kingdom.Vol. 1. PRESTWlCH, J. 1874.On the geologicalconditionsaffecting the construction of a tunnel betweenEngland and France. Proc.Inst. Civ, Eng. 37. 110-145. PRESTWlCH,I. 1881. On the extension into Essex ••• of the Mundesleyand Westleton Beds,in relationto the age of certain hill gravels, and ofsome ofthe valleysof the south ofEngland. Geol.Ma,. dec. 2.8, 466-468;see also Rep. Brit. Ass.for1881. 620-622 (1882). PRESTWICH, I. 1890.On the relation of theWestletonBeds. orPebbly Sands of SuffoUc. to those oCNorfoUc. •• etc. Part 2. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 46,128-136. [Walron. 128;Braintree, 133; Burstead, 130;Clacton. 129; . 134; Stoke. 131;Witham. 132;CoopersaIeCommon, 136; Sudbury, 131; Chapple, 132;Marts Tey. 132; Coggeshall, 132; Buckhurst Hill, 136;WoodfordHill, 136] PRESTWlCH. J. 1890.On the relation of theWestletonBeds. or Peebbly Sands of Suffolk. to thoseof Norfolk,etc. Part 3. The southern drift. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 46,155-181. [Essex, 162-166: Rayleigh, 162;Warley Heath, 165;Langdon. 163;Haveringatte Bower.166;Brentwood, 163] PRESTWlCH. J. [posthumously by Woodward,H. B.] 1898. Memorandachiefly on the drift depositsin various parts of England and Wales: being extractsfrom the notebooksand other MSS of the late Sir Joseph Prestwich. Geol. Mag. dec. 4. S. 404-417. [Mr Meeson'sPit Grays Thurrock section 410; Grays 410; Braintree410] PRIOR, C. M. [c. 1884'1J Verses on the late earthquake in the easterncounties and other subjects. [See Haening.p. 202et seq.] PRITCHETI. G. E. 1889.Large blocks of conglomerate at Farnham,Essex. EssexNat. J, 89-90,228. t7 RAMSAY,H. G. 1953.Generaldescriptiooohbe RiverSlOUr Supply (1935) Works. J.lnst. WaterEng.7, 423-429.[AbberIon; Layer-dc-la-Hayc] RANSOME,E. R. 1891.Fossilmammalia atClattoo-on-Sca.Daily News, 29 Sept. 1890. EssaNat. 4, 201. REDMAN, J. B. 1864.The East Coast between Ihe 1bame$ and dle Wash estuaries. Proc.Inu. Clv. Eng. 23, 186. REES, O. 1813.Noteon specimens of Ptychodus Iiuis.sinuu fromthe ChalkoCGmys. Essex. Proc. Geol. Ass. 3. 117. REID. C. 1890.The PUocene depositsof Brirain.Mtm. Geol.Sun. [Essex,pp. 71. 80, 8S]. REID, C. 1903.Notes on the seeds ofplanlSfound ill 1be alluvium of Ibe RiverLea at Walthamstow.Essex. Essa Nat. 13. 115-116.[Notes by A.S. Keanard and B.B. Woodward] REID, C. 1917.The plants of the 1aIc glacial depositsohlle LeaValley. Quart. J. g~l. Soe: 71, 155-163. REID. E. M. & CHANDLER. M. E. J. 1933.TMLONlon Clayflora. REID, E. M. 1949.The late-glacial Oom ofdle Lea VaUey. New Phy/ol.48. 245-252- REID, H. 1868.A practical treatise 011tM manufactJITe ofportlandceIMnt. [Analyses oC cement stones from Soucbend and Harwich, p. IS] REYNOLD, • Undated. ReyllOld's mapoftM environs o/London. Geologically coloured. Scale, half an inch la a mile. REYNOLD, • 1861.Geological alias ofGrtalBritDilt • •. [Essex. No. 13] RlCHARDSON, F. 1884.The earthquake in East Anglia.Nat. Hist. J. 8. 65. ANON. 1866.FirSl reportoftM commissionenappointed to iNJuire Uuo tM wst lMaIIS ofpreventing the pollutiono/rlllf!rs[RiverThames]. With a geological map oC theThames Basin. ROBARTS,W. F. 1884.NotesonIbc LondonClay and Bagshot Beds at -Oakhin Quany-, Epping Forest. Trans. EssexFieldClub 3, 231-236. ROBERTS.G. E. 1864. Notes upon the discoveryof mammalian bones, cut and sawn by implementsof flint at Audley End. J. Anlhrop. Soc.2.1xi. ROBINSON.H. W. 1953.The changing coastlineoCEsscx. BssexNat. 29.79-93. ROBINSON.J. E. 1973.QU8leI'Dary oslraCOda from soutbem East Anglia. No. 11. 7. [Marks Tcy] ROLFE,W. 0.1. 1958.A recent temporary section through Plcistocene deposits at Dford.EssexNm. 30,93-102. [splendidbibliography] . ROWE, A. W. 1887.On therocks of IheEssex drift. QIUJIt. J. Beol. Soc. 43. 351-363. ROWE. A. W. 1887.Rocks of theEssex driCL GeoL Mag. Dec. 3 4.287-288. ROWE.A. W. 1887.Some Essexbouldels.. EssuNQt. 1.111-119. ROWE, A. W. 1889.Enatic bouldersinN.W. Essex. 16thRcponoftbe Bridsh Association 1888.114-121. [See E.N. 3, 182(1889)] ROWE, A. W. 1892.Palaeolilhicimplements from theboulderclay near Felstead, [leuerand specimen exhibited at ordinary meeting, Sal April 26, 1884]. Proc. EF.C. 4. xcvi-xcvii. RUDGE,E. A. and E. C. 1952.The conglomerate IIaCk. EssexNal. 29, 17-31.RUDLER. F. W. 1905.On the natural history of pyrites and gypsum. EssaNaI. 13. 305-332. RUDLER, F. W. 1905.Changesin the Essex coast. EssuNat. 13,366-361. RUGGLES-BRISE. A. W. &: JACKSON. J. 1885. Reporton eanhquaU in Essa to Mansion HouseReliefFlUId. RUNDLE.A. J. 1970. A system of recording Tertiary infonnaIion. TertiaryTimes1(2),34-40. [Orsen] RUI1.EY. F. 1865.[On Mr. FlShc:r's paper-00 a sudden sinking at Lexden"],Geol. Mag.1,231.

SALTER.A. E. 1896.-Pebbly Gravel- from GoringGap 10 the Nodolt coast Proc. Geol. Ass. 14.389-404. [East Angliandeposits, esp. N.E. Essex,pp. 396-397;Eastern Suffolk and Essex Naze, pp. 397-398] SALTER.A. E. 1906. On the 5upewrficial deposits of cenb'a1 and parts of southernEngland.Proc.Geol.Au. 19, 1-56. SALTER.A. E. 1906. [Report ODGeological] Excunion to and BeggarHill. Proc. Geol.Ass. 19, 317-320. SALTER,A. E. 1906. [Geological] Excursionto Danbury and Little Baddow.Proc. Geol.Ass. 19,455. SALTER.A. E. 1908.ExcursuionlOtbeLaindon Hill. Essex.July 13. 1907.Proc. Geol.Ass.10. 181-183. SALTER.A. E. 1914. Sarsen,basaltand otherbouldersin Essex. Essa Nat. 17, 186-199.[splendidbibliography] SANER, B. R. &. WOOLDRIDGE, S. W. 1929.River development in Essex. Essex Nat.12, 244-250. - SCARFE,N. V. 1942.Essex - Part 82 oC the land oC Brirain - Report oC the LandUliIisation Surveyof Britain. SEALY, D. L. F. 1915.An Essex copperas-gatherer's token.Tertiary Times2(3), 122-124. SEELEY.H. G. 1891.Handbook O/IM London Geological Field Class. [Upminster, pp. 116-118,188-189; Grays, pp. 118-120;Ilford. pp. 189-190] SHERLOCK, R. L. 1940.The modeof origin of the Rea~g Beds. S.E.Nat. 44, SS-58. SHERLOCK, R. L. 1947.BritishRegional Geology - London and ThamesValley (2nd edn.). (3rd edn. 1960). SHOTION. F. W. , SUfCLIFFE. A. J. &. WEST,R. G. 1962. The faunaand florafrom the brick pit at Lexden, Essex. EssexNat. 31, 15-22. SLATER,R. J. 1953.10 discussion 00 Stevenson Buchan's paper "Estimationof yield underground". J.lnst. Wat. Eng, 7, 205-214,251·255. [Colne,p, 253] SMART,J. G. O. , SABINE.P. A. &. BULLERWELL, W. 1964. The Geological Surveyexploratoryboreholeat Canvey Island,Essex. Bull.Geol. Surv. 21. 1-36. SMITH,1. A. 1872.Notice of the discovery of remainsof the elk (Cervusalces Linn.,Alcesmalchis Gray) in 18 Berwickshire; with noresof Ihe occurrencein the British Isles, more particularly in Scotland. ete, Proc,Soc. Antiq. Scot. 9, 297. [Mentions Walthamstow; see NewlOn, Eo T. , QJ.G.S. 59, p. 80 (1903)] SMITII.W. 1819. GMlogical view and section Ua.&suand , and oftM coUlllrybetween London and Cambridgeshire. . SMITH, W. 1820. Geological map ofEssex. SMITIL w. G. 1884. Primaeval man in the valleyof lhe Lea. Tram. Essex Field Club 3. 102-147. SMITH,W. G. 1884.On a Palaeolithic Door at north-eastLondon.J. Anthrop. Soc. SMITH,W. G. 1887. Primaeval man in the valleyof the Lea EssexNat. 1. pp. 83-91.125-137. [Refers10Essex, pp. 89-91. 131] SMI1H, W. G. 1887.Primaeval man in the valley ofthe Lea. EssexNat. 1(4),83-91,86,89,90 & figs. [Knife flake from PaIaeolithic floor at Leyton; plUlch Crom Little Thurrock.] SMITH, w. G. 1887. Primaeval man in the valleyoCtheLea. Bsse» Nat. I, 115·137, 128 [Boring tool f'rom Little Thurrock] SMITII, W. G. 1888. Prehistoric stone pestlefrom Epping Forest. EssuNat. 2,4-5. SM.lTH, W. G. Sandsroneand conglomerate blocks at Orseu [and WhiteNotleyJ. EssuNat. 1, 8~ [See also EN. 2, 19} SMIrn, W. G. 1888.Leporei Palaeolithici; or, the humorous side ofrunt implement hunting"Essu'Nat. 2,7-12. SNELL, E. L. 1968. Fibre glass protection to riverbanks. J.IMt. Wm. Eng. 12. 72. [Crouch] SNELLING, A. J. R. 1964.Excavations at theGlobe Pit, Little Thmrock, Grays, Essex, 1961.EssaNat. 31, 199-208. SNElLING. A. J. R. 1975. A fossil molluscanfauna at Purf1~ Essex. EssuNat. 33,104-108. SOWERBY,G. B. 1838.Comparison ofCyrelllJ, Valvata, and Unio, found at Grays, with recentspecies. Mag. Nat. Hist, N.S. 2.546-548. . . SPENCER,H. E. P. 1951.Geological records.Essex. 1 inch N.S. 242; 6 inch 48 SW. SE. Nat. SS, xxiv, [From the foreshoreat Hall Fann Caf~, nearEast MerseaChurch, the mammaliferousbricJcc:anh exposed for 75 feet has yielded: Hippopotamw sp. (left lower canineand incisor, and femur), Elephas antiquus Falconer(mandible and molars), E. antiquus1 Falc. (femur), Cenlus sp., Equussp••Bos sp. The mandible ofE. antiquusis the same type as that which occurs in the similar brickearthat Stutton. The Mersea deposit is undoubtedlypartor the old Thames deposit occurring also at Lion Point, Oacton] SPENCER,H. E.P. 1966. An Essex fossilZiphoid whale and its implicationofgeographical changes in geological times.EssuNat. 31,348-353. SPURRELL,F. C.l. 1889.On theestuary of the Thames and its alluvium.Proc.Geol, Ass. 11. 210-230. [Noted in EN. 3, p. 90 (1889)] SPURRELL,F. C. J. 1892. Excursion to GraysThllITOCk. Essex. Sat. lune 20, 1891.Proc. Geol. Ass. 12, 194. SPURRELL.F. c.r, 1895. Excursion to Ilford.Sat. 2S March 1893.Proc. Geol. Ass. 13.53. SPON,E. 1875. Water supply. The present practic« ofsinking andboring wells, wilh geological consirkration anti examples ofwells executed. . STOPES, H. 1877. Artesian lW':1l mode al C. SlOpesand Sons, Eagle Brewery, Colchester. Verticalscale 8 feet to an inch. STOPES,H. 1883. Traces oCman in theCrag. Rep. Brit. Ass. Cor 1881,700. [See alsoEN. 2, 82 (1888)] STOPES.H. & DALTON, W. H. [c.1890].Notes on IM geology and arcWology oftM district o/Walton-oll-Naze andClaclOn-on-Sea. STOPES, M. C. 1912.The Red Crag portraiL Geol. Mag. Dec. 5 9, 285-286. [includes photograph] STOPES.M. C. Humanart in the Red Crag. Geol. Mag. Dec. S 9, 95-96. SWlNDELL,J. G. &. G. R. BURNELL 1860.Rudi~ntary treatise on well-digging, borings, etc. London. (4th 000.) [wells at Fen, pp. 99-101} SwrIZER, S. 1729.An introduction 10 a general system ofhydrostaticks and hydrculicks. [Chehnsfordconduit.See ..A Colchester conduit in the 18th century."J.lnst. Wot. Eng. 9.99 (1955)] SYMONS,G. J. 1884.The great English earthquake, including notesofan inspection 0/mtlny ofthe damaged towns in Essex. Report to Mansion House ReliefCommittee.

TATfERSALL. F. 1970. Three unusual servicereservoirs. J.lnsl. Wat. Eng. 24, 115-141. [Sewardstone Green; Woodford; Northumberland Headt] TAVERNER,1. 1737.An essay upon the Witham spa. TAYLOR,J. E. 1872. The divining rod in Essex. oe«. Mag. 9.576. TAYLOR.J. E. 1879. Faults in the London Clay, near Harwich. Geol. Mag. dec 2 ti,383. TAYLOR,J. E. 1884. A genuine British Earthqualce. Sci. Gossip 122·124. TAYLOR, S. & DALE, S. 1730. The history and antiquities o/Harwich and , in the Counryo/Essex. To which is added a large appendix containingthe natural historyof the sea coast andcountryabout Harwich, particularly the cliff, the fossils, etc. rnOMPSON, P. G. 1911-2 Note on the occurrenceof stony beds underlyingHarwichHarbour.EssexNat. 16,237, 305·309. rnOMPSON, P. G. 1914. On the occurrenceof Rhaxella chert in Epping Forest gravels. Essex Nat. 17, 256-260. rnOMPSON, P. G. 1915. Note on the occurrenceof chalky boulder clay at Chingford.Essex Nat, 18, 24. rnOMPSON.P.1920. Ramble in Ihe West Tllbury distriCL Sal 24 May 1919.EssuNat.19.1l8-120. rnOMPSON. P. 1921. Visit to Ihc Grays Chalkquarries.Sal 26Iune 1920.Es~ Nat. 19.256-258•. rnOMPSON. P. 1921. FIeld meetingin the DagcnhamdiSlricl Sal 18 SepL 1920. Essex Nal. 19,258-259. rnOMPSON, P. 1922. Visit to the Grays Chalk quarries. Sal 18Iune 1921.Essex Nat. 20, 37. rnOMPSON.P.I923. EaslervisitloSaffroo Walden.April 13 to 17, 1922.EssuNat. 20,151-157. TIIOMPSON, P. 1924. Visit to IhcVange mineralwells SaL 12 May 1923. EssaNal. 20,278-279. rnOMPSON, P. 1925. Some account ofme -Chip Chap Club-. EssexNat. 21, 62-67. THOMPSON, P. 1925. Recent geological wOlk in Essex. EssexNat. 21, 96. THOMPSON. P. 1926. P"JCId meecing atRayleigh • Sal 25 Aprill92S. EnexNat. 21. 185-187. 1lI0MPSON.P. 1926. Visit to Shcnfie1d andHuaon.Sat. 19 ScpL 1925.ESS4XNal. 21, 190-191. mOMPSON, P. 1926. Exhibits some specimensofCyn:na from Woolwich Beds ofBow - wirh section. EssexNaI. 21.227-178. 1ll0MPSON,P. 1927. Field meedDg at Harlow.SaL 18 Sepc. 1926.EssexNaI. 21.313-314. TIIOMPSON, P. 1927. EssexweBsections and borings, Moreton, StanfOldRivers, BIackmore, Stondon Massey. EssexNaI. 22, 68. rnOMPSON,p.I928.'Lea Vallcydcposirs.EssexNar. 21.112-114. THOMPSON, P. 1928. ParticularsofOOrings madefor the London County Council at the Abbey Mills Pwnping Station, WCSlHam. EssexNal. n, 114-116. rnOMPSON, P. 1930. A short bis&ory ofIhe EssexFac1d'Club,as recorded for the most pan in theminutes ofits council ESS4X Nat. 22,269-292. mOMPSON.P. 1930.Rhaulla cbert at Great Parndon. Essex. Nat. 22, 297. rnOMPSON.P. 1930. Visit to Chelmsford. SaL27 April 1929.EssexNat. 12, 301-309. rnOMPSON. P. 1931. Visit to the Grays Chalk quarries.Sal 31 May 1930.Essex Nat. 23, 91-92. THOMPSON, P. 1933. Trial borings at Stratfmt. EssexNat. 14, 113-114. 1lI0MPSON,P. 1939. Some account ofthe life of George Glover, -Forger-. £SS"NaI. 26. 193-197. rnORNE.I. 1876.Handbook. to theenvironsofLondon. [1970A cl D ediL. Bath] llIRESH, I. C. 1891.Report on lhewater supplies ofthe Chelmsford and Maldon nual sanitarydistricts. nJRESH,I. C. 1891.Report on the watersupplies 0/the wuiOIlS villagestind hamletsin lhe Chelmsford and MaIdo,. ruralSQIIilory districts. THRESH. J. C. [pre-1893?]. Reporton lhe walersupply. lHRESH,1. C. 1893.The sballowand deep weU waters oC Essex.EssexNat. 1.28-40.43-45. (A1thorne, Asheldham,Bcckton (gasworks), Bicknaae, BishopsStortford,BmdweU, BrenlWOOcl (asylum), Bridgenocth L, Bumham Marshes, Chelmsford., CUgnals, Colchester,Cold NOl1On, Cricksca Ferry, Danbury. Dedham, Dengie, East Donyland, Eastwood, Fambridge.Fclsread,Ford End, Foulness, Fryeming, GaIlcywood (common), GoldhangecRectory, Good EasIer,Grays,GreatBaddow,Great Braxted. Great Toiham. Hallingbwy CoUcge, Hazleigh,Heybridge, Highwood. Hoddesdon.llfotd, Ingatestonc,Latchingdoo.Li1lle Baddow.Little Braxted, LiuIcTotham, Maldon, Margardung Tyc, Mislley, Mundoo. Muscy Hill,Plaistow, Plesbey. PriU1eweU, Purleigh, Pyrgo ParIc. Rcuendon, RomfontBrewery.Roxwe1l, RunweU. Saffron Waldea. St. Lawrence, Sandon, Southend. South IIanningfield, Southminsrer,Srecplw,Stock. Stow Manes, Stratford, Sudbwy. TIpll'ee, , West HanningficJd.Wickham Bishop. WoodhamFcrris, WoodhamMor1imcr. Woodham Waiter, Wriule] TIIRESH, 1. C. [l9167].Reporton lhe walersupplyo/the Countyo/Essex. Chelmsford 166 pp. THRESH, I. C. 1923.The Vange mineralwater.EssexNat.20.224-226. TIlRESH, M. 1902. Manganiferous nodules in lhc boulderclay ofEssex.EssexNat. 11. 137-140. [Wilh a noteby T.S. Dymond, pp. 139-140]. ANON. 1926.Recent PaIaeolithicdiscoveries in the Colnc VaUey. The TUnes, 11 August 1926. ANON. Essex water supply: proposal to flood 1,000acres [Hanningiacld). The lames. 5Ianuary 1949. (Sec J.lnst. Wat.Eng, 3, 181-182 (1949)] TOPLEY. W. et al. 1884. The earthquake. NlJlUTt JO,17-19,31,32.57,60-62, 101. 124, 125. TOPLEY, W. &.IORDAN, 1. B. 1813.Geological modelo/the solllhea5t o/England. (4 miles to an inch horizontal, 2,400 feet to an inch venical). TRINDER. W. M. 1183. An enquiry by expe~nt intothepropertiesand effectso/the mineralwatersin the County0/Bssex. TRINDER. W. M. 1915. The Row medicinalsprings: a lare-eightcenthcenwry account of them. Essex Nal. 18,60-70. ANON. 1934. The Tunnel works. West Thurrock, Essex. TUMelPonIand Cement Co. Ltd. ANON. 1952. Tunnelcement. Tunnel Portland CementCo. Ltd. TURNER. C. 1970. The Middle Pleistoecne depositsof Marks Tey. Essex. PhilTrans. R. Soc. B, 257, 373-431. TURNER, C. 1974.Pollen-analytical evidence for interglacialsea levels. Quaternary Newsl. 12.5. [Walton-on-lhe-Naze] TIJRNER.I. S. 1931. Field meeling at Danbury,Essex. Sal May 16th. 1936. Proc. Geol.Ass. 48, 160-162. TYLOR, A. 1853.On changes of the sea level effected by existing physical causes during stared periods of time. Phil.Mag.ser, 4 5,258. [Harwichcoast, pp. 265-268] TYLOR, A. 1869. On Quaternary gravels. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 25.57. [Essex pp. 83-86, 89. 96-100]

UNDERWOOD, W. 1908-14. A discovery ofPleistocene bones and flint implementin a gravel pit at Dovercourt. 2.0 Proc. prehist.Soc. 1,360.

VANCOUVER. C. 1795. Generalviewoftheagriculture ill lhe COUllty ofEssex;with observatioflS Ollt~ 1MtJIIS of its improvement. VELEY.A. C. 1854.Artesian Well,Braintree. EssexHerald, March21.

2 \ WALCOTI', M.E.C. 1860. A g'"tk to the coast0/Essex. Suffollc. andNOT/olL [Remarks on the geologyscattered throughout] WALKER, H. 1871. Saturday afternoon rambles around London: ruraland geological. [andon the ancientThames] WALKER, H. 1873.The Saturday halfholiday guide. Summeredition. [Geologicalresorts andlocalitiesaround London, pp. 34-38J WALKER~ H. 1876.Excursion to Grays,Essex. May 16 1874.Proc.Geol. Ass. 4, 123. WALKER, H. 1880.A day'selephanthuntingin Essex. Trans. EssexFieldClub 1. 27-58. WALKER, H. 1881.Excursion to Grays.Trans. EssexFieldClub2, xiii-xix. WALKER. H. 1883.Excursion IDGrays. Saturday May 14th 1881.Proc. ~ol. Ass. 7, 148-149. WARD, D. 1971.The Sb"lltigmpbical distribution of Choodrichthyes in theEnglish Lower Tertiary. Tertiary Times 1(3),72-76. WARD, D. 1975.Report of faeld meetingIDBumham-on-Crouch, Essex.Tertiary Times 2(2), 107. [WARREN, S. H.J 1907.Forestrambleand visit to Mc. HazcldineWmen's priv8rc museum SaturdayApril 27th 1907. &saNaI. IS, 47-48. WARREN, S. H. 1909. NoleS on the Palaeolithic and Neolilbicimplements ofeast Essex. EsuxNal. 16,46.51. WARREN, S. H. 1910. Naecon 8 prehisloricdepositalLougbton, Essex.EssuNat. 16, 101-103. WARREN, S. H. 1910. Excursion IDthe Loughtondistrictof EppingForestandIDMr. HazzIedine Warren's museum. SatURlay MaJch 5th 1910.Proc.Geol. Ass.21, 451455. WARREN, S. H. 1911.On 8 prehistoricinlemlentnearWalton-oo-Nazc. EssexNal. 16, 198-208. WARREN, S. H. 1911.On the correlationof the prehistoric -Door- at Hullbridge with similar beds elsewhere.Essex Nal. 16,265-282. WARREN, S. H. 1911. ExcursionIDPonder'sEnd and Chingford.Saturday March 11 1911.Proc.Geol.Ass. 22, 166-171. . WARREN, S. H. 1911.Exhibitedspear fromClactonatG.S. meeting10May 1911.Proc. geol.Soc. 67, xcix, WARREN, S. H. 1912. On a lateglacialstage in the valleyof the RiverLea. subsequent IDthe epoch ofriver-drift man. Quart. J. geol.Soc.68,213-251. WARREN, S. H. 1912. Palaeolithic remains fromClacton-on-Sea, Essex. Essex Nat. 17, IS. WARREN. S. H. 1912. Noteson the fauna and flora of the so called -Arctic-Bed" ofthe valley of the Leaat Ponders End.EssexNat. 17,36-39. WARREN, S. H. 1914. On certainbotanicaland geological observationsmade during the opening of the Romano-Britisb barrowon MerseaIsland,EssexNal. 17,261-265. WARREN, S. H. 1915. The datingof early human remains. Bssex Nal. 18.40-59. WARREN, S. H. 1915.Reportof a visit to the Essex Museum ofNaIuJal History(The PassmoreEdwards Museum), RomfordRoad, Slratford. March 13th1915.Proc. Geol. Ass. 26,224-225. WARREN, S. H. 1917-18. The studyofpc-hislOry in.Essex, as leCorded iD thepublicationof theEssex Field Club. EssexNal. 18,145-146. [Reviewed in Geol. Mag. dec. 46,284 (1919») WARREN, S. H. 1918-22.The McsviniaD industty of Clacron-on-Sea. Proc.p't!hisl. Soc. 3,597. WARREN, S. H. 1917.Furtherobservations on the laic glacial,or Ponders End, stage ofthe Lea vaJlcy. QlIlJTl. J. ,eol. Soc.71, 164-182. (with notes on molluscaby A.S. Kennard4:B.B. Woodward. TempleMills, p. 170J WARREN, S. H. 1923.The sub-soil Dint11aking sites at Grays. Proc. Geol.Ass. 34, 38-42. WARREN, S. H. 1923.Sub-soilpresswe-fJaking. Proc. Geol.Ass.34,153-175. [GraysThurroct, pp. 164-165] WARREN, S. H. 1923.The Elephas antiqwu bedof Clacron-on-Sea (Essex) andits flora and fauna.Quart. J. geol. Soc.79, 606-636.[Appendices on flora, charophyta, elephant mandible, rodents, osttacods and non-marine mollusca] WARREN, S. H. 1923.The late-glacialstage of the Lea Valley (3rd report). Quart. J. geol.Soc. 79,603-605. [Flora by E.M.Reid cl ME. ChandlerJ WARREN, S. H. 1924. Theelephant-bed ofClacton-on-Sea.EssaNat. 21.32-40. WARREN, S. H. 1924. Plcistoeene classifICations. Proe. Geol. Ass. 35,265-282. [Mentions BlackwalCl' Valley, Kelvcdon, Witham, Ketvcdon,Tollesbury new railway section, Felstead,Slebbing, Braintree, Great Yeldham. See Banton,J.T. Geol. Mag. 68. 263-265] WARREN, S. H. 1925.Palaeolithic and NeolithicimplemenlS from theThamesValleyandelsewhere. Being a repon OD a coUection of prehistoric implements made by members of the -Chip ChapOub- and recentlyacquiredby theEssex Museum,Stratford. EssaNat. 21, 67-77. WARREN, S. H. 1926.The classificationof theLowerPaJaeolithic withespecial referenceto Essex. S.E. Nat. 31, 38~51. WARREN. S. H. 1928.Reporton excavations in LoughtonCamp, in EppingForest EssexNat. 22, 117-138. WARREN, S. H. 1933.The Palaeolithic industriesof IheClacton and Dovercourt districts.EssexNtu. 24. 1-29. WARREN, S. H. 1939. Fossil oystersfroman unknown geologicaldepositat Walton-on-Nazc. Essex Nal.16. 181, 223. WARREN, S. H. 1940.Geologicaland prehistoric traps, Essex Nat, 27,2-19. WARREN, S. H. 1942-37. The drifts of south-westem Essex.EssexNas. 27,155-163,171-119. WARREN, s.H. 19457. Some Geologicaland prehistoric recordson the north-west borderof Essex.EssexNat. 27, 273-280. [Noteson molluscaby A.S. Kennardl WARREN. S. H. 1951.The Clactonflint industry: a new interpretation. Proc.Geol. Ass. 62,107-135. [Splendid bibliogrnphy1 WARREN, S. H. 1956.The Clacton (Essex)channel deposits. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 111,283-307. [Appendiceson calcareous concretion and marinefauna} WARREN. S. H. 1957.On the early pebblegravels of the 11James Basin from the Ha1fardshire-Essexborder to ClaclOn-on-Sea. Geol. Mag. 94. 40-46. [LoCalities includen1eldln Green. Stebbing, SilverEnd, Wick. Colchester, AIdleigh,Wivenhow.AlresCord. SL Osyth HollandCliffClacton channels. Weeley. Also bibUogmphy, pp. 45-46.} WARREN. S. H. 1958-9.The Clacton flint industry: a supplementary note. Proc. Geal. Ass. 69. 123-129. WEBB. M. W. 1894.Museumnotes. I. Plcistoeenenon-marinemollusca from Waltm-oMhc..Naze. EssexNaL8, 160-162 [Exhibited23 lune 1895;!eeEssuNat. 8.205{189S») WEBD, W. M. 1895.Note on the shells from the brick-earthat CJebnsford. Bssex Nat. 9. 19-20. WEDD,W. M. 1901.Museumnores.". Pleistocene non-marinemollusca from CIacton-on-5ea. Essex. EssaNat. 11,225-227. WEBD, W. M. 1901.Museum notes. V. Pleistoeene sheDs fromCopford, Essex. EssaNaI. 11.227-229. WELLS, A. K. &. WOOLDRIDGE,S. W. 1923.Notes on the geology ofEpping Fon:st. With report of excursion on April 28th 1923. Proc. Geol. Ass. 34, 244..252 WEST, R. G. 1964.Problems ofthe BritishQuaternary. Proe. Geol, Ass. 74,147-186. WEST, R. G. 1969.Pollen analyses from interglacialdepositsat Aveley and Grays, Essex. Proc. Geal. Ass. 80. 271-282. WEST, R. G. &. OONNER,J. J. 1957.The glaciation ofEasl Anglia and the East Midlands: a differentiationbase on stone-orientationmeasurement of the tills. geol. Soc. lU. 69·91. [List of sites] . WEST, R. G., LAMBERT. C. A. cl SPARKS, D. W. 1964.Inlel'g1acial deposits at DCord, Essex.Phil. TIlIIU. R. Soc. B147. 185-212 WHITAKER. W. 1867. Not~ on tM sUT/ac~~geology0/London; with lists o/w~/ls andborings showing the thickness ofthe superficial deposits. Report of lhe medicalofficer ofthe Privy Council Cor 1866. [Appendix p, 346] . WHITAKER. W. 1868.Geological mopofTerling (Essex), to accompany Dr Thorns's report on typhoid/ever. Scale a foot to a mite.Report of the medicaloffICer' of the PrivyCouncil for 1868. WHITAKER. W. 1872.The geology ofthe Londoll Basin - Part 1. The Chalk and the Eoc~1U! beds ofthe southerll andwestem tracts. WHITAKER,W. 187S. Guide to the geology'ofLondon and theneighbourhood. WHITAKER, W. 1871.The geology ofthe ~astem end0/Essa (WaltOIlNax« andHQlWich). [Reviewin Geol. Mag. dec.2 4, pp. 172-173(1877)] WHITAKER, W. (ANON.]l880. Geology ofthe valleyo/the Thames, in Dichns's dictionary oflhe Thames. [Essex. pp. 70-71] • WInTAKER, W. 1885.The geology o/the country around Ipswich, Hadleigh. andFelixstowe. vii+156 pp.[Descn"bes partofEssex, along the valley ofthe Srour] MemOirS of- ~ Geol. Svrvey . WHITAKER.W. 1886.Some Essex weD sections.Trans, Essa Field Club 4, 149..170. WlllTAKER. W. 1887.What is the use of lIIe Essex Field Club?EssexNat. 1. 180-181. [No«es railway-sections] WHITAKER. W. 1889.SomeEssex well-sections.Ess~x Nat. 3,44-54. WHITAKER, W. cl DALTON. W. H. 1889.Ustofwotb on die geology.ete•• ofEssex. EssaNat. 3,61-86. WlDTAKER. W. 1889.The geology of London and ofpan of theThames Valley. 2 vols. [cf. E.N.J. 214. Vol. t Chalk, pp.83·85;Thanet Sand. pp.117-118;Woolwith and Reading Beds. pp. 168-170;Blaclcheath Beds. pp. 233-234; LondonClay. pp. 258. 262; Bagshot Beds, pp. 270-280;gravels. pp. 294-295.297..298;gtaclaldrift, pp. 313-320,324-327; river drift, pp.335-338,409-424,450-453; alluvium, pp. 461-465.467-470.472-476. Vol. IT: Essex wells, pp. 12-42; triaI·borings,pp. 250-251.266,279,289.338-339. See Cole. E.N. 3. 90 (1889).] WlDTAKER, W. 1890.On a deep channelofdrift in the valleyof the Cam. Essex. QIItU1. J. geol. Soc. 46. 333-340. [Quendon.Rickling, Newport.p. 334; Wendon.p. 335; Utdebury, p, 336. See also Geol. Mag. dec. 3 7, 185 (1890) and EN. 4.117 (1890)] WHITAKER, W. 1890.On a deep channelof drift in the valleyoCtheCam. Essex. EssuNat. 3.140-142­ WlllTAKER. W. 1892. Some Essex weD-sections (Part Ill). &saNat. 6.47-60. WHITAKER, W.1894. Coal undersouth-eastemEngland. llReportbyW. Whitaker. EssaNat. 8.146-149. WHITAKER. W. 1896. Some Essex well-sections.Part IV. With some water-analyses.Essex Nat. 9. 167-190. WHITAKER. W. 1897. Boring in search oC coal in Essex.Reportby T.V. Holmes and W. Whitaker.EssaNat. 10,9-10. WHIT AKER, W. 1909. On the geologicconditionsaffecting the coasts of Englandand Wales, withspecialreference to the coast-linefrom Lyon to Wells (Norfolk) and from Yarmouth to Eastbourne. Geol. Mag. N.S. Dec. 5 6. Royal Commissionon coast erosion and the reclamationof tidal lands. and printed in its report (1907).[Essex. pp. SS, 113-119] WlDTAKER, W. 1914.Notes on Essex geologyat the latter end of the 19th centuryand after. Essex Nat. 11. 265-284. WHITAKER, W. 1923. The Vange mineral wens. Essex Nat.l0, 221-223. wmTAKER, W. &. HOLMES. T. V. 1896.The Stutton boring.etc. in coal undersouth-easternEngland Boringsin search of coal in Suffolk and Essex.EssexNat. 9, 213~218. [Harwich boringdiscussed, pp. 215-216,andGreat Bentley or Weeleysuggestedas sites] WlnTAKER. W. 18.PENNING,W. H. et al. 1878.The geologyof the northwest pan of Essex .• • Ietc.l. [Review in Geol. Mag. dec, 2 6, 178-180(1879)] WlllTAKER, W. 1916. W~ supplyof ESsex from underground sources. [Review in Geol.Mag. dec, 6, 6, 82 . (1919)] WHITE,H. J. O. 1932.Geology o/the country twJr Saffron WalcWi. wmTWORTH. R. F. 1952.Geologicalrecords,Essex. 1 incb N.S.224; 6 inch N30SW. S.E. Nat. 7, xx. [An unmappcdoudier of WaltonianRed Crag has been provedin shallowsections and by ploughing at LodgeFarm, 1/4 mile S.W.of Park. HaD. W. ofWix.1hc sheUy aag deposit,which is almost 4 ft. thick, rests on an impersistent bedof pbospbatic nodulesandphospbadsed bonefragments wbicb in turn rcSCS uponLondon Clay. A series of moUusca and vertebrate remainsfromtbcsc sectionsis preserved in the Geological Survey and Museum.] WIGNER, G. W. 1878.Thewatersupplyofsea-silk watering-places. An uamination into W character 0/thewater supplyal W waluing-plal:es ofEngland and WaIe.r ••• Wll.KINSON, C. 1815. On sepraria.Ann.Phil. 6,409. [From Harwich) wusos, T. H. 1893.NolCS on the gravel in EppingForest.EssaHat. 7.74-75. [Also EN. 8, 30 (1894)] wnsos, T. H. 1893.Driftrocks in EppingForcsLEssex. Nat. 7, 129. wn..sON, T. H. 1897.NoleSon sectionsin IhcLea vaUeyat SouthTouenham. Essex NaL llD-Ill. wasON, T. H. 1899.Geology- chalkyboulderclay in EppingFoJesL Essex NaL 11. 55-56.[Sce also Proc. E.F.C. 1. xli] WIRE. A. P. 1883.Norcon the Woolwicb Beds at Lcyton,~.PrO(;. BssexField Club J, Hi, iv•lxxx, Ixxxi] / WIRE.A. P. 1890.Essexworthies. 1.Memoir of me Iare John Brown,F.G.S.Essa Nat. 4, 158-168.226. [View of tomb and bouse] WOOD,J. M. 19081 NolCS on a humanskeleton, found al Foxeanh.Essex. EssexNat. 15, 164-167. WOOD.J. M. 1912.Past and presenthistoryof ColcbcstcrCorporation Water Works with relation la underground water. EssexHat. 17,21-35. WOOD,S. V. 1834.For lacuslrincfonnalions, amonglite TertiarybedsofIbis part of the county. Mag.Nat. His: 7,274-275. [Requests infonnation of Copford.p.275] WOOD.S. V. 1839.Descriptionsof the speciesof Ibc genusLima. from the Omillinc Crag, in 1hc cabinet of Searles ValentineWood.Mag. Nal. Hist. N.S.J. 233-236.[Lima ailis, p. 234; L.fragilis, p. 235. both from RedCrag. Walron] WOOD,S. V. 1840.On the fossilshells of the Crag. Mag. Nat. Hin. N.s. 4,230-234,294-299. [Area lactanea, p.232; PeetuncwussubobliqlUlS. p.233, H~uJa laevigata, p.296;all from Red Crag. WaIton] WOOD,S. V. 1842.A catalogueof shells from theCmg.Ann. Mag. N.H. ',455-462. [Infundibulum rotundum, p.462] WOOD,S. V. 1842.Acaralogue ol'sheUs from tbcCJ3g.Ann. Mag.H.H.', 527-544. [Capulusobliquus, C. recurvasus, p. 527;Fissurella cancellata, p. S~; Natka ?muJtiprw:tala. N. hemicwusa,p. 529; Trochus granosus, T. cinereoides. p. 53f; EulinuJ poUIIJ, p. 534;Acteon110«, p. 537; Cerithium puiaclulum. C. granosum. p. 538; ColumbeUa sulcata, NassantkostJ, WIT.s. QIIgulata, tkformJs, N. reliclllara, N. elegans, p. 539; Buccinwndalei, Mura ?alveolatus. p. S4O; FILSIIS caslatUS, F. echinatus. p. 541; PleurolOma tuberculosum, p. 542;TriviatIlIellana, p. 543; Owdum heaWsU, p. 544; all from WaIton Naze.] WOOD,S. V. 1844.Dcscriptivecaralogucof the zoophytesfrom IheCrag.Ann. Mag.N.H. 13,10-21. [Cellaria fistll1osa. p. 17;Lepralia variolosa, p. 18;L. alslUsa, Catenaria dentata, p. 19; Granliacompressa, p. 21.] WOOD.S. V. 1848.TheCragmoUusca, or, ducription ofshellsfrom W Middleand· UpperTertiaries 0/theeastof England. Part I (1). Univalves.Palaeontogr.Soc. WOOD,S. V. 1850.A monograph oftheCragmollusca. Part n. Bivalves. 1-150.Palaeontogr, Soc. WOOD.S. V. 1853.A monograph O/lheCragmollu.s&a . .• Bivalves(contd..). Part n, 151-216.Palaeontogr.Soc. WOOD.S. V. 1859.On the exnaneoes fossils oftheRed Crag. Quart. J. geol.Soc. 15, 32-45. [Sec teeth, p. 44) WOOD. S. V. 1864.On the SIlUClUrc oflhe Red CIag iD SuffolkandEssex. Quart.J. geol.Soc. 20,121. [Wallon] WOOD,S. V. 1868.On the pebblebeds of Middlesex.Essex. and Hens. Quart. J. geol.Soc. 14.464472. WOOD,S. V.Jr.1864. On lbe fonnationofthe Liner and other va1leys oftbe east of England. Phil.Mag. sec.4 27, 180. WOOD,S. V. Jr.1864. On theRed Crag and its relationto theFluvio-marine Crag. and on the drift of the Bastem Counties. AM. Mag. NJl. 3rd ser. 13. 185-203.[Walton, pp. 188-190,201. Chelmsford,Danbwy Hill. Badow, Sandon. WrilUe. Baddow,Raleigh,Gallcywood. Langdon,Stock,Margaretling.Warley, Shenf"reld, South Wea1d, Epping Forest, etc., p. 196;GalleywoodCommon,Badow,Wril1le, Danbury,p. 197;Chelmsford, WritUe, p. 198;Grays, IlCord, Clacton,Copford,Lexden,Wrabness, p. 200; Bentley,p. 201.] WOOD,S. V. Jr.I864. On the Belgianequivalentsof theupperand lower drift of the Eastern Counties.Ann. NB. ser, 3 13. 398. WOOD, S. V. Jr.1865.A map o/the Upper Tertiaries in the counties o/NoifolJc, SulfolJc.Essa..• [wilbsections and remarks] WOOD,S. V. Jr.1866.On the structureof the ThamesValley and itscontaineddeposits. Geol.Mag. 3. 57. 99. 57-63,99-107. WOOD, S. V. Jr.1866.On lhe structureof the valleysof the Blackwaterand the.Crouch and of Iheeast Essex gravel, and on the relationof this gravel to the denudation of the Wea1d.. Oeol. Mag. J. 348-354, 398-406. WOOD,S. V. Jr.1867.On the structureof the post glacialdepositsof the south-east of England. Quart. J. geol. Soc. 23.394-417. [Correctionin Geol.Mag. 5,43,534] WOOD, S. V. Jr.I867. Boulder clay and drift of Norfolk and Suffonc.and on lite north side of theThames Valley. Geol. Mag. 4,479. WOOD. S. V. Jr.I861. A ~moir illuplalUZlioll ofthe structureofthe glacial andpost-gladtJI beds mappedin a geologicalsurveyofthe ordntlllce sheetsnos. 1 and 2, comprisingthe Thames Val~ betweell Londo« andthe sea, ... and othersubordinate valleys, incorporatedwithwhich ill an essay upolltM ,eneralstruclwe oflM post.glacial systemover tM E.•E.E.,S., and part ofthe S.W. ofEllgland.[Largc Col. MS and maps. in Lib. Geol. Soc.] WOOD. S. Reply to Mr. Dawkins,on the Thames Valley deposits, etc. Geol.MOl. 5.42. WOOD. S. V. Jr.I868. The Ouse Valley. the Thames Valley.ete. Geol. Mag. 5.147. WOOD. S. V. lr.1870. Observationson the sequence of the glacial beds. Geol. Ma,. 1. 17,61. WOOD.S. On lhe evidenceafforded by the detrital beds without and wilhin Ihcnorth-eastern part of thc . valley of theWeald asto the mode and dare of the denudationof the vaUey. QIIQ1'f. J. ,eol. Soc. 27. 3-27. WOOD. S. V. Jr.1872. SupplelMlIt to the Crag mollusca,COmprisill' Testactafrom t~ UpperTertiaries ofthe east ofEngland.Part 1. Univalves.With an introductoryoutlineofthe geology of thesame district.and map. by S.V. Wood. Jr., and F.W. Banner. Palaeontogr.Soc. WOOD. S. V. Jr.1872.On the cUmare of thepost-glacial period. Geol. Mag. '. 153. WOOD. S. SupplelMlItto the 'Cra, mollusca',comprising Testtu;eafrom'he UppttrTertiariesofthe east ofEngland.Part 2. Bivalves.99.231. Palaeontogr.Sac. WOOD, S. Americalsurface geologyand its relation to British. With somc remarks on the glacial conditions in Brirain,especiallyin reference to the "GreatIce Age" ofMc.lames Geikie. Geol.Ma,. dcc.2, 4. 536. [Refers to Essex. pp. 481-496. S36-SSI. 542. elC.J WOOD, S. V.Jr. & HARMER,F. W.1877.Observationson the Late Tertiary geology ofEastAnglia. Quart.J. ,eol. Soc. 33, 74~121. [Essex, pp. 109-1161 WOOD. S. V. Jr.1880. The newerPlioceneperiod in England. Quart.J. geol. Soc. 36.457-528. [Essex.pp. 457. 458,473] WOOD, S. V.Ir.l882. [conld.] ibid. 38.667-745. [spleridid sections] WOOD, S. V.Ir.1885. On the sand-pitat . Essex. with wnote on Mr W. H. Dakon's paper on the Blackwater Valley.Trans. EssaFieldClub 4,76-86. WOOD, S. Further remarkson the origin of the valley system of the south-casrcmhalfofEngland, prompted by thc result of a boring near Witham in Essex. Geol. Mag. dec 2, 8, 502-504. WOOD. S. V.1856.The molluscaofthe Crag . .• Vol.n. Bivalves. No; 3. 217-342~ Palaeontogr.Soc. WOOD. S. V.l892. On the sand-pit at High Ongar, Essex. Proc. E.F.C. 4, iii-iv. [Read at ordinarymeeting on Saturday Febmary 24, 1883] WOOD, S. V. Note on Mr. W. H. Dalum'spaperon the Blackwater Valley. Trans. E.F.C.4,82- WOODWARD.A. S. 1893.Ust oftM scielllijic writingsofArthur Smith Woodward. Decade1 (1882-92).Hertford. WOODWARD. A. S. 1924. Some remarkson the P1cistocene mammalia: a presidentialaddn:ss. EssexNat. 21, 1-12. WOODWARD, A. S. 1925. Primitive mammalsin the LondonClay ofHarwich: presidential address. Essa Nat. 21,97-103. WOODWARD, A. S. 1926. The fossU fishes ofthe Chalk: presidential address. EssaNat.1I, 197-201. WOODWARD, B. B. 1912. The carved Crag 'Pectuncu1us' shell Geol. Mag. dec. 5.',334. WQODWARD, H. 1864. Discoveryof a cranium of Elephasprimigeniusat neord. Geol. Ma,. I, 241-244. WOODWARD,H. 1865. How the skullof the mammolh was got out of the brickearthat Ilfont. Geol, Mag. 2. 93-94. [Reply to O. Fisher's enquiry, p. 44] . ". WOODWARD,H. 1868. Mammalianremains at Ilford. Geol.Mag. 5, 134. WQODWARD. H. 1868.On the curvatureof Ihe tusks in themammoth. Geol.Mag. 5.540-543. [From Ilford] WOODWARD.H. 1869.The freshwaterdeposilS of the vaUey of the Lea near WalthamstowEssex. Geol. Mag. 6, 385~388. [LislS of fossils] WOODWARD, H. 1874. On theremainsof Rhinocerosleptorhillus, Owen (ft. hemittnchus.Falconer), in Ihe collection of Sir Antonio Brady.F.G.S••from thePleistocenc deposits of the valley oftheThames at Ilford, Essex. Gtol. Mag. dec. 2, I, 398-403. WOODWARD,H. 1877, 1897.List oftheprincipalscientific papers.mono,raphs andaddresses by Henry Woodward ... 1858-77, and 1877-97. Hertford. WOODWARD.H. 1883. The ancient faunaof Essex. Proc.EssexField Club3, 1-29. WOODWARD. H. 1893. Emminent living geologists No. 8. Prof. J. Prestwich. Geol.Mag. dec. 310,241-246. WQODWARD, H. &. BRADY, A.1873.Excursion la IIfordand visit to Sir AntonioBrady's museum.June 17th. 1871. Proc.Geol. Ass. 2, 273-274. WOODWARD, [H.) & DAVIES, W. 1874.Notes on the Pleistoeene deposits yieldiongmammalian remains in the vicinity of Ilford, Essex. Geol. Mag.dec. 2~ 1. 390-398. WOODWARD, H. B. 1885. The earthquakeof April, 1884.Trans, Norfolk Nat. Soc. 4. 31~3S. WOODWARD, H. B. 1885. The geologyof the [Epping] Forest district In Lindley, P., Walksin EppingForest. [Reviewed in Geol. Mag. dec 3 2, 368-369] WOODWARD. H. B. 1876. The geology of Englandand Wales. 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