
FIRST DRAFT (complete to 1974) LIST OF WORKS ON THE GEOLOGY OF ESSEX by W. H. GEORGE and G. R. WARD Shenfield 1990 ABBOT,W. J. L. 1891.Notes On some Pleistocene sections in and nearLondon. Proc. Geol.Ass. 11,473480. [Section B: West Thurrock,pp. 476-480] ABBOT,W. J. L. 1908.The Pleistocene vertebratesof south-east England.SE. Nat. 13.96·113. AMBROSE,J. D. 1973.The sand and gravel resources oC the country around Maldon. Essex (Desaiption fA. 1:25,000 resourcesheet11..80). Inst. geol.Sci. AMBROSE,J. D. 1973.The sandand gravel resources or thecountry around Layer Breton and ToUeshuntJYArcy, Essex (Decripticn of 1:25000resource sheet TL91 and pan of 1L90).lnst. geol. Sci. AMBROSE,J. D. 1974.The sand and gravel resources of the country west of Colchester, Essex. (DescripIion of 1:25.000resource sheet ).Inst. gml. Sci. ANDREE, J. 173S, 1737,etc. An accountoft~ Tilbury water. ANON.-_••Dover-court and its spa; with an tJl:COIUll ofthe townofHarwich. ANON.-.DescriptiYe handbook ofIpswil:h ••• Harwich, DoyucolITt ... etc• • . [Geological informationpp. 97-99.] Ipswich. ANON.1739. Allaccountof the Tilburywater, containing a narrativeof the discovery of the medicinal qualitiesoC this spring, experimentson the water, the mannerofdrinking it, and several rernark:able cures. [SecE.N. 3,198 (1889)] ANON. 1797.An tJl:count of... sWing wellsat ••• HarwichandLa",uardFort. ANON. [CC.] 1798.Letteron a plan for forminga tlDlnel under the Thames. Gent. Mag. 'I,565. [Account0(a well at Tilbury Fort] ANON. 1836. [Note of bones fOlDld in a brickf"aeld at nCord.] Mining Review No. 8, 32A. ANON. 1842.A briefaccountofHodkySpa. MaT Southend, Essa. With an analysis ofdie waterby R. PbiUips. ANON. [MORRIS,J.] 1873.Excursion to Grays, Essex 23 April 1870.Proc. geol. Ass. Z,19. ANON. [MORRIS,J.] 1872.Excursion to nCord. Proc. Geol.Ass. Z, No. 7. p. 273. ANON. [MORRIS,J.l 1877.Excursion to Grays, Essex. Proc. Gml. Ass. 5. 125. ANON. 1883.The esplanadeand cliffs at Soulhend. Builtkr 44. 705. ANON. 1884. The recentearthquake.Buiilkr 46.591. ANON. [WOODWARD.1L7]1914.The type of Pliolophus wdpicepsOwen, Harwich specimen given to B.M.after beHeved to belost. Geol. Mag.dec. 5, 1,480. ANON. 1936. A dug-outboat from the LeaVaDey. Proc. prehht. Soc.N.s. Z. 144- • [Foundat Sewardstone] ANON. 1952.Geologicalstudy: the Thamesnear Tilbmy. Hydrtllllil:s Res., 36-38. ANON.[A. J. SUTCLIFFE?] 1966.The Aveley elephants. Report on theBritish Musemn (Natural History) 1963-1965,]0.31. [Mammuthus primigenius, Palaeoloxodon antiqgus] ARMFIELD.H. T. -.On some ancientbouldersscatteI'Cd in lhe district ofthe Colnes. ESsaarch Trans. N.S.4, 61. ARMSTRONG. R. B. cl a..ARKE, K. F. 1972.Water resources planning in south east England.J.ll1St. Well. E",. 26(1). 11-46. [Includesdiscussion. Refm ID Essex generally] BANTON.J. T. 1931.On the relations ofthechalky boulder clay to Iheimplementiferousbeds ofIhc Pleistocene I fonnadon. Gml. Mag.d.263-265. (Refm to S.ItWamm (q.v.) Pleistocene classification in Proc.GM.A.I:r. 35.165-382. Blackwater Valley,Kelvedo1i. W'dham,Kelvedon. ToUesbury newrailway section. Febtead, Srebbing,Braintree,G~ Yeldham. p~ 266] . BAWTREE, E. W. 1889.Probable underziound effects DC Iheesrthquate of 1884. Es.ruNat. 3, 'SI. BAYNE, A. D. 1872.Royalillrutratetl history ofetukrn England. .• including a SUI'YeJ ofth easterncorutlies. PhyricalfeatrU'u, g~ology, etc.; of.•.E:ua . ••Vot. 1. Yannouth. BEARDMORE.N. 1854.Description of Ihenavigationalanddrainage WOIbrecendy executed on the tidalportionof the River Lea (witha section from the Thames 81Umehouse ID theLea at Bromley). Proc.lnst. C;".Eng.13. 241. BEAUMONT,O. F. 1887.WeUsectionatKelvcdon. Bsscx.EssaNaI.t, 189. BElL, A. Corbicwajluminalu. its associatesand distribulion. Geol.Mag. 9,430. BEU., A. 1911. On the zonal stratificationof theeastern British Pliocenes. EssaNaI. 1'.289-305. BElL, A. 1913. "ChoMziplaus moorer. A DeW species offossil ziphoid whale fromWalton-on-Naze.Essex. &sa Nat. 17, lOS-lOO. BELL. A. 1920-11.British oysters: patand preseIlL BssexNal. 19, 183.221; 300-302- BELL, A. &: R. ·1873. On the English crags and the stratigraphical division indicated by theirinvertebrate fauna. Proc. G~ol. Ass. 2, 185-218.[Walron.pp. 190-195.See also Geol.Mag. 9, 209-215 (1872)] BElL, R. 0.1884. Land shells in the Crag. Gml. Mag. dec. 3, 1,262·264. [Walton-on-the-Naze] BENHAM,C. E. 1892. Microscopic fossilsfrom the Colchester Chalk. BssexNat. 6, 46. BERDINNER..ILC. 1925.Geology ofthe Brentwoodand ShenfieJdsections. Proc. Geol.Ass. 36, 174-184. BINNS,A. &: BARROW, G. 1914.Excursionto die Royal Albert DocksExtension (south). Saturday Oct4 1913. Proc.Geol.Ass. 25,117-120. BLEZARD,R. G. 1961.Further subsidencesnear Stifford.Essex. EssexNat. JO, 309-313. BLFZARD.R. G. 1967.Field meeting at Aveleyand West Thurroc:k. 1 May 1965.Proc. Geol. Ass. 77.273-276. BLFZARD.R. G., BROMLEY, R. G.• HANCOCI{.J. M.•HESlER. S. W., HEY,R. W. cl KIRKALDY~J.F: 1967.The London Region (North of the Thames). Geologists· Association Guitk 30A. [Itinerary VII. Saudi East Essex: Thurrock and Aveley, pp. ao-34 (by R.G.B.)] 1 BLYTIIE. R. 1955.The yearofabccarthquake.CountryLife 118.1010-1011. BONNEY.T. G. 1912.The drawiogon aRed Crag shell ce«. Mag. N.S. dec 5.'.141. BOSWELL.P. G. H. 1915.DifferaWal movementin EastAnglia in Tertiary times. Geol. Mag. dec 5. 2.198-206. BOSWELL. P. G. lL 1915.Rcponofan ~ursion to BrenlWood and GreatWarley. Saturday Apri117lh1915. Proc. Geol. Ass. U. 225-228. ' BOSWELL.P. G. H. 1917.The saratigrapby and peuolo&Y, oftheLower EoceN; deposits of the north-eastem part of theLondon Basin.Quart. J. geol. Soc. 11.536-591. [VCI)' imp.] BOSWELL.P. G. H. 1929.Tbc geology of lhe country aroundSudbury.Mem. geol. SIITV. BOSWELL.P. G. H, 1931.The straIigraphy of 1he glacial depositsofEast Anglia in reJationto early man.Proc. Geor. Ass. 42. 87-111. BOSWELL,P. G. H. 1952.The Pliocene-Plcisrocene bowulary in the cast ofEJigland. Proc. Geol, Ass. 63. 301-302. BOSWORTII.G. F. 1909.Essex: Cambridge County Geograpbics. BOULGER.G. S. 1886.Some aMhiooalllOlCS on Essex watasbeds. Trans. E.F.C. 4. 1314. BRADY. A. 1860.On thee1cpbaDl remains atllfont. Rep.Brit.Aa. foe 1859.[Sections. p. lOO] BRADY.A. [COLE. W.]1881. RcpartoConIinary meetingSaturday 29 May 1880.Speech by Sir AntoniaBrady. Trwu. Epping Forest cl COUIIIJ ofEssuNat. Field Crub 1. xiii-xv. BRETr, D. W. 1972.Fossil wood of P1aIImus fIOmtheBritishEoc:euc PalMOIIlOlogy 15.496-500. (London ClaY. Harwich. pp.496-7) BRIGHI'ON, A. G. 1928.Noces OD the Middle and Upper QIaIkofthe CambridgedistricL Geol.Mag. 65.368-371. ANON. 1971.British Caenozokfossils. Trniary andQuaremary. BritishMuseum (Natural History). London. [Many oC the specimens illUSlraled arefiom Essex] BRooKE, V. 181S. On the Qisteoce ollhc fallowdeer in England duringP1eistoeene times.Nature 11,210-211. BROTIlERS, A. 1814. [Ona well atSoulhend.] Proc.Lit. Phil. Soc.Manchester 13(9). 91. [Sectiondescribed in 1812in Geol.SIITV. Mem. 4] BROWN. -.1891. CoJe. W. Annual rqxJItofthc for Ibeyear ended Dec:cmber 31st 1896.Bs$Q Nat. 10. 16-23. [Purchase of Red CJag fossilsfrom Waltoo. p. 20] BROWN.J. Articlesin CMlmsfordCIvonick: Geologyof Essex.31, 10;HOrns ofBos IongifrolU, 31.22; Geologicalresearches in Essex. 38. 3. BROWN,J. 1834.A noticeofsomeofIbc cootenlS of &he frcshwacer fonnalioa at Copfonl. near Colchester. Essex. Mag. Nal. Hist. 7.436-438. BROWN.J. 1835.A syoopticaItableof someof the mineralsubstances.and of the organic lUIlaiosfoundin Ibe gravel ofStanway.Essex. andtheneighbouring localilics wilhina radiusof fifteen miles. Mag. Nat. Hist. I. 349-353. 394. BROWN.I. 1834.A aoticc of a DeW IocaIily of specifiedfossilbonesofthecIcphaot and deer. and of Ihc geological conditions of Ibislocality.Mar. Nat. HisI• .. 353-3S4. [BaWngdon] . BROWN.J. 1836.A dcscripIioa ol1bc poIogical cooditioasofIhc0Wkand argill!M%ous beds. at Ba11ingdoa mu. Essex. willlinfcn:nccs. Mal. NIIL HisI. '.42-46. BROWN.J. 1836. A DOCice ofthe pological conditions aeatainedfrom two secdoas in 1bc brictfic1d. eopfont. Essex; additionalIDIbesec.... Ibe poIop:al Q)Dditioos MCataiDCd from whicharc stated in VD.436-438. Mag.Nat.Hist. '.429431. BROWN.J.1831. ObsrIvationsupon IhcbouIdcrs ofuaproc:tsete.. whichoc:cmin thedlluviumofEsseLMag. Nat. Hist. N.S.l,145-1SO. BROWN.J. 1838.Discoveryof a largepair of fossil horns in Essex. Mar. Nat. Hist. N.S. 2, 163-164.(From Clactoo;associated clcplumt] BROWN,J. 1839.Remainsof lhchycaa at Wallon. EssaLil. J.• 123. BROWN.I. 1839.The diffs alllarYtich.EssuUI. J.. 95. BROWN.J. 1839.Marine shells iu c:emcot. Es:JuUt. J•• 68. BROWN.J. 1839.Fossil bonesat CIactoo. EssexLit. J., 29. BROWN.J.1839. Geology of'EsJa.. EuuUt. J.• 14. BROWN,J. 1840.Noticeofa flu~marioc dc:posit containingmammalian remains,oc:curring in IhcparishofLitdc ClaclOn, on theEssex coasL Mag.Nal. Hisl. N.S. 4. 191-201. [Sectionnear Walron.p. 199] BROWN.J. 1841.A list of IhcfossilshclIs foundin a fluvio-awinc deposit at Clacronin Essex.Ann.Mag.NaI. Hisl.1.421429. BROWN,J. 1842. [Geologicalfeatures of thecoast from Harwich to Walton].Proc. Ashmolean Soc.Oxon. 1(18). 13. BROWN.J. 1843.Fossil remainsin Essex. Ann.Mag. Nas. Hisl. 11.325-326. rrost from GmysThurrock) BROWN.J. 1843.On somePleislOCCDe deposits near CopCord. Essex. Proc.geol.Soc. 4. 164-165. (Includes listof fossilsincluding OtodusappendiculatllS. Galeus prislodolllUS. Nolidonwpreds. Odontaspis rhaphiodon and Hybodus, whichweredetenniiJcd for the authorby Mrs P. Woodward] BROWN,J. 1845.On certain conditions and appearances of Ihe strata on Ihecoastof Essexnear Walton.Proc. geol. Soc. 4.523-524; Quart. J. geol. Soc. 1.341-342. [Walton,Clacton] BROWN.J. 1846.On tbeanalysisoflhc nodules. usuallyregarded as coprolitlc,in the Crag andLondonOay. Land. Geol. J.•17-20. BROWN.J. 1846.A lisl offossilsfrom a tkposil ofRed Crag. in lheparish ofBeaUInDnl. Essex: L BROWN.J. 1852.On the UpperTertiariesat Copford. Essex.Quarl. I. geol.Soc. 8.184-193. BROWN. J. 1853.Note on the artesianwell at Colchester.
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