American League hftps:// United • • • The for and onment-redistriding/ A dedicated education. https://www.palwv.orglapporti national, rights, indicators, Nonpartisan how Islands. Information Information

Resources tool League • States the of [email protected] redistricting to of Women Fact to advocacy, US, participate, Berks search state, of Census to and Puerto Finder on Women about defending civic __ County Voters and latest apportionment census at and organization Bureau Rico, the economic local Voters public news. of Census, voting data and levels PA the on — The appropriately were will others was the • • but districts After redistricting Groups • • . based lines Fair partisan Pennsylvania represent geographic Encourage Respect Promote Protect communities none League gerrymandered of Districts advanced in the

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REDISTRICTiNG grant Census, in rights League mind, League legislative Contriiting contained and

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a was WOMEN of COU that respect PA, proposals Pennsylvania and did Voters of County the The with split reflect of of and not senate, more district Nit b1. that needs for interest result of natural into VOTER being PA, the of 4 K IL Redistricting and Z1 the Census

/ / r N I Hill LEAGUEOF WOMENVOTERS r QFBhRKSCOUNTY c Lit W 2020 CENSUS In accordance with Article I, Section 2 of the US Take Action Constitution, the US conducts a count of every resident of the United States every 10 years. Data • Educate yourself and others collected in the Census determine if states gain or about the redistricting process lose seats in the House of Representatives, a in Pennsylvania. process called apportionment. If states gain or • For more information visit lose seats, that triggers redistricting of congressional districts. Census data is also used for other purposes, including distribution of • Learn about the Census federal funds to local communities. process and teach others about the importance of accurate How does the Census affect local communities? census counts. • For more information visit Businesses use census data to make determinations about where to do business or open new locations and facilities. Developers use • Contact your state legislators this information to determine where housing to tell them that you want should be constructed, where factories could be redistricting reform. built, and where infrastructure improvements • To find your legislators, visit need to happen. Local governments use census data to develop emergency preparedness plans. It egis/home/findyourlegislator/i is critical to accurately count each resident, to ndex.cfm ensure that they are counted only once, and • Write letters to the editor stating counted in the place where they reside. your position on redistricting Inaccurate counts can harm communities by reform and encouraging others to limiting funding opportunities, limiting economic contact their state legislators. activity, and reducing representation in Congress. • For letter writing tips, visit -1.

iirnt-’FAIR aflaf DISTRICTS PA Working to Ensure FAIR DISTRICTS & FAIR ELECTIONS Two Bills, One Commission

Redistricting in Pennsylvania by district type: • Congressional districts are determined by a bill passed through the normal legislative process (neither PA nor U.S.constitutions have any significant language about this), so the congressional redistricting process may be changed through the normal legislative process as well. • Legislative districts are determined according to a process defined in the PA Constitution (i.e., a five-person politically appointed commission), so any change to this process requires an amendment to the PA Constitution.



Congressional (federal) SB22 and I Create an independent • SB22 Amended &passed in PA

118722 redistricting commissionto I Senate Legislative (state) (virtually I draw BOTHTYPESof • HB722/ SB22 Never brought

I identical) distncts P to the floor in PAHouse

2019-20 REDISTRICTING PROPOSAL Two Bills, One Commission

DISTRICTTYPE BILL INTENT TIMEL!NE Address election code to: • Create an independent redistricting 23 Congressional HB commission (normal legislative (federal) (Rep. process) F• Pass in 2019-20 session Samuelson) • Include language protecting redistricting for both congressional and legislative districts • Pass in both the 2019-20 and 202 1-22 sessions Amend the PAConstitution to extend the • Voter referendum in May I HB 22 independent I redistricting commission Legislative (state) Primary Election of 2021

(Rep. Murt) established in HB23 to BOTHTYPESof F • Commission will already districts F be in place with prior passage of HB23

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