••I.IIi~I ••••

Enjoy the sights. Picnic in one of the many parks on or near the trail. See the wondertul gardens and other attractions created by hundreds of community·minded organizations and individuals.

We a,re proud to sponsor the 7-ELEVEN BICYCLE TRAIL. Its our way of saying thanks to our neigh­ bours all over B.C. for the terrific welcome you have given 7-ELEVEN STORES, and our staff, since we opened our first store in B.C. in 1969. We hope you ride the trail often, and for many years to cOme, ~«Jtti8.e.

120 Stores in B.C. Canadian Head Office: + More in 1986 Bumaby, B.C. PATTERSON




Sherwood Studios I blk. from depot - 4077 Kingsway, Bby. 434-6674

• We\Jdings • Commercial • Video • Passports • Portraits • Restorations

Our congratulations 10 the province 0/ 1--"'----' '-----' S. c. for Sky Train When You're uYlng or e ng a Car, Truck, R.V., Boat, etc... THE ONLY PLACE TO CALL IS THE AUTO + TRADER

872-5444 ONLY $18.00 FOR 3 WEEKS! 30 Word Ad I We Take the Photo OLD PROVINCE W D 32SkyTrain Welcome Aboard SkyTrain

Mike is one of 80 rapid transit front-line staff. His job is to make your 5kyTrain journey both comfortable and safe. Rapid Transit Attendants are aboard the trains to offer you a helping hand, to give directions and to answer your questions. They can even operate the trains, if needed. There are staff like Mike on every train, and they're easy to find. They're the people wearing smiles and buttons that say, " Moving ahead with you in mind." 50 come along for the ride and catch a smile with every 5kyTrain.

p~ Sk\.T rJin Moving ahead

with $~

British Columbia Rapid Transit Company A member of the uroc Group of companies

SkyTrain 33 METROTOWN 8&ipQaLLev Restaurant Succulent Seafood, Steak & Pasta

6879 Kingsway, Burnaby, S.c. 525-7414

CLRSSIC RAITAN& IllICKER cm "Check us for price and selection before you buy" From swizzle sticks to living room sets o 8 Brass · Gi/tware • Accessories 7 days a we-ek 4482 Juneau SI. Ph. 294-5291 Burnaby, B.C. VSC 4C8 e Bu,Loop

Central Boulevard (North Beresford) Municipal Population Figures for Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow • :;: Bus While population growth has ~ r.I'.l Information levelled off in some metropolitan area municipalities, significant 1 41 UBC increases can be expected in a 2 130 Suncrest number of communities according to 3 130 Kootenay forecasts prepared by the Greater Loop Regional District. The biggest increases, over the ~ next 15 years, are forecast for Surrey, Langley City and Township, Metrotown Maple Ridge / Pitt Meadows, Rich­ mond and the north-east sector municipalities of Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam and Port Moody. Surrey's population, estimated at F or great authentic 178,000 today, is expected to jump Greek cuisine head 58%, to 218,850 by the year 2ool. Jor In the City of Vancouver popula­ tion is expected to decline slightly Vassilis Souvlaki while in other municipalities, like Greek Taverna. North and West Vancouver, Bur­ In the naby, New Westminster and White Rock, little change is anticipated eye catching blue & according to the GVRD study. white collage at 6558 The location of land supply within Kingsway, Burnaby. the metropolitan area is a major factor in the distribution of future 434·0626 population growth. In recent years



~ >c

! ~ z c IMPERIAI L IT, c• '-' 0 "c ti > z i c~ r~ j•


there has been a decline in the growth The forecasts include the Larmleys COURTESY of apartment households and a and Maple Ridge/ Pitt Meadows CHEVROLET growing,demand for ground-oriented because they are within the OLDSMOBILE housing. The availability of land for metropolitan area covered by the 5400 Kingsway, Burnaby residential accommodation is Federal census, though these 437-8511 greatest in Surrey, the Langleys, the municipalities are not within the north-.east sector area and Maple boundaries of the GVRD. Ride In Ridge/ Pitt Meadows. On The Sky Train 1961 1981 1986 2001 Vancouver (including Drive Out In Style University Endowment SALES Lands) 387,794 419,290 413,100 393,750 Monday to Friday-9:00 to 9:00 West Vancouver 25,454 36,890 36,500 36,350 Saturday-9:00 to 6:00 North Van. City 23,656 34,295 34,950 35,550 SundaY- I 1:00 to 5:00 North Van , District 38,971 6S,515 65,750 72,750 Courtesy Makes The Difference Lions Bay 1,080 1,100 1,250 BumaJl. 100,157 136.485 142,000 145,250 New estminster 35,104 38,525 39,550 39,800 UNIQUE NEW GIFT SHOP Coquitlam 29,218 61 ,050 70,600 95,700 Antique Collectibles Port Coquitlam 8,111 27,570 29,250 35,450 Port Moody 4,789 14,940 16,350 23,300 Lionel Thomas Art Works Belcarra 450 550 . Estate Jewellery Richmond 43,323 96,150 111,250 138,250 0) Designer clothes Surrey 70,838 147,340 178,900 281 ,850 Im aginative gifts Delta 14,597 74,810 79,800 88,600 White Rock 6,453 13,550 14,150 14,400 Langley City &0 Township 16,950 59,740 68,000 114,350 Maple Ridge &0 Pitt Meadows 18,935 38,670 43,550 61 ,000 Total 826,384 1,268,280 1,347,200 1,580,500 Suite 150 H, Burlington Plaza- 5172 Xingsway. Burnaby. B.C. V5H 403 'Totals do not add up because they include unincorporated a~as . (604) 435· 7333

SkyTrain 35 1 ------· EDMONDS SAVE "" · $4()()() I ON FAMILY I TRAVEL ADVENTURES I 95 only 34 Vi Ph. (604) 681·6652 JD flD f URfS I 837 HAMILTON STREET I VANCOUVER, B.C. I FUND RAISERS WELCOME I ------

Easy shuttle from Edmonds Station 37 FINE SHOPS AND SERVICES 7155 King,way Kingsway at Edmonds

Bus Loop Bntish COI~fTIblil Parkway i.S . ...., ( De. • • Access Road .-

Bus Information 131 KootenayLoop 3 11 4 Edmonds Loop 132 4 114 Burnaby SouthlVancouver 2 142 SFU (peak hours)

36 SkyTrain , 22ND STREET

SI,EEP 7TH SWEI(I'ER ONA WOOL SI,EEPER TM l00OJo WOOL PILE MATIRFSS COVERS From only $89.00 (Single) Discover the affordable luxury of these wonderfully comforlable, soft wool sleepers. Fits over your mattress with a poly/ cotton skirt like a fitted sheet - no clumsy straps. Cool in summer and cozy warm in winter. Easy care, washable wool pile. 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE SINGLE from $ 89.00 DOUBLE from $119.00 .8 QUEEN from $149.00 • • KING from $179.00 Try one - they really work! WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES AND THE BEST SELECTION Bus Information IN TOWN I 100 Airport 4 100 NewWeSlminster Station/ FUTON· TO . SLEEP' ON 2 108 Cumberland/ Elliott Pori Coquitlam Centre YOUR GOOD SLEEP CO. 3 41 3 Richmond Exchange/ 217) WtM 4th ncar Arbutus. Vancouver, 7))-298~ New Westminster Open 1().6 Mon.-Wed. &. Sal.; ]0-8 Thurs. &. FrL; 12-S Sun.

SkyTrain 37 Rapid Transit - Costs A new funding formula, an­ P.J.'s got 5 locations to make nounced by the province and the Vancouver Regional Transit Com­ mission, will help cushion the cost of your life a lot more enjoyable. the system to local yxpayers. Basically, the government has Have we got good news for you' Now there are 5 easy to-get-to P.J. Burger & agreed to consider the rapid transit Sons restaurants. Each opens at 11:30 a.m. and serves 25 sensational line the equivalent of a secondary gourmet hamburgers. great steaks and chicken; fresh crispy salads; terrific highway by providing a $275 million appetizers and each is fully licensed. Plus every Wednesday nite is College grant to cover half of construction Nite. Plus P.J:s can put your group on lV. That's right! Just phone ahead, we costs. video tape your group's activity, then you can view it at P.J.'s. All of which The new financing package also means a whole lot of fun, without a lot of cost. allows for a graduated mortgage which spreads the impact o~ debt ser­ vicing over a number of years. The third major part of the fun­ ding package is a new 60% / 40 % split between the province and local municipalities in covering the transit operating deficit, and a return next year to the original 35% revenue target. It reduces the burden considerably on local taxpayers and "recognizes what is basically a new high­ technology substitute for an inter­ municipal highway," said Vancouver mayor Mike Harcourt when the for­ mula was announced. 'While Rapid Transit is initially more expensive RICHMOND COQUITLAM NORTH VANCOUVER BURNABY KITSILANO than an all-bus system, within a 270-6694 931-4466 980-0316 291 -7393 734-8616 decade of start-up, it will be more cost-effective. "

So very, very Italian! The warm and vibrant neighborhood of II Mercato (the market). Where else but in the heart of Vancouver's "Uttle Italy. " right at the busy intersection of First Avenue and Commercial Drive, close to the Broadway SkyTrain slOltion. A unique new shopping complex, offering speeialty food, fashion and office tenancies from 200 sq. ft. to 6,000 sq. ft. Rrli;r;nt Rulty Corp. 875-0932 • DAON Df<..VEIDPMENTCORPQRATION I L M E R c A T o For

--~---- {- 52 issues of complete program information I Clip coupon and mail with payment to: with ALL your television choices. 1 I Of 0 Mastercard - Exclusive and informative interviews with o Visa 1 todays stars plus an inside view of all the big I Card # ______sports direct from the players. 1 - A special latenight vieVJers section and all your I Expiry date ------#401-4180 Lougheed Hwy. I other 1V choices in an easy to read format I Valid date ------Burnaby, S.c. 1 that turns your viewing time into prime-time. Signature V5C 6A 7 THIS SPECIAL OFFER IS 32% OFF OUR 1N'm" ______1 NEWSSTAND PRICES . PLUS : We'll GIVE you a year's subscription to 1--O'y: ______1 Beautiful B.C. Magazine. I Poslal Code Phone: I Don't wait! This special offer expires July 31, 1986. limit of one TV \Neek/ Beauliful B.C. offer per household. Allow 2-3 weeks deUvery of TV 1 1 Week. 6-8 weeks deUvery of Beautiful S.c. Calendar is included in the winter edition of I Beautiful S .c. MagazJne . NEW WESTMINSTER


Glide into Mellows, where food makes the difference and atmosphere makes the fun. Sring your party or join ours!

SltUllfr lip from t"~ 81h St. Station Lunch and dinner created daily 226 ·61h 51. Phone 515·8533

A Great Dining Experience - .- ~ - ~. ; ~"'e o\d W>\ • (.. ':. !' .( V' ag"e"'''' .: ' \~ctO~ . );' ~ At OPEN DAILY For Rewn.tlo", Call 514-9188 • 5().8th Street

eCWCt ~ Cj3{cmccW &~_ Featuring B.C. 's # 1 Ladies Nite Out Let the Sky Train bring you to Every Thursday! the fmest Italian cuisine in New Friday a nd Saturday No Cover Westminster. Treat yourself and Charge Betore 9:00 PM friends to our succulent steak Casa Blanca's Cabaret Dancing & Romancing and seafood. Mon· Sat Until 2:00 AM Lunch and Dinn~r Mon. -Sat. 27 Church SI.. New Westminster JuSt onl' shOrf block from Ih~ 81h 5,,,", Slo/ion Dinner Sunday 4:30-11 P.M. 77· IOth Street, New Westminster nO-6th Street. New Westminster 525-0371 522-8339 Phone 525 -8222 Now In Our 5th Year!

It's unbelievable! OPEN JUNE ~86 \n:~'T'II~STEK ladies dresses from 1.99 QUAY men's wear from 99¢ kids wear from 69¢ Therc's more too. Like furniture. lV's. house wares. books- you namt' H. The exciting new riverfront And It's all tn a department storr sc trin~ ! 'IlIIag6 now risIng on the New Westminster 782 Columbia New Westminster waterfront. HOUSING· HOTEL. OFFICE· • WESTMINSTER QUAY PUBLIC MARKET ___For 525·8601_--, Inform.flon 40 SkyTrain "Fine dining in the German z:'!.!!.~f(!'!!1 ItT'afl'itinn " Share some "Gemutlichkeit" Finest with us in our Oriental Cuisine century old home. 233 -6th Sf. Lunch: Tues.-Fri. • Din ner: Mon.-Sal. New Wes tminster Lunch - Tues. - Fri. 258-6th Street, New Westminster Dinner 7 days Reservations: 525-5055 524-5824

64 - 8th Sueer. New Welt. B C. ~ VI 81k. From SIal ion PHARMASAVE "West COast For all your drugstore needs Casual Dining" Get it at the Phannasave Price.

Open 7 days lunch dinner NOW OPEN (5« roupon Qt bock of book) at 636-6th Street New Westminster Free Underground Parking phone 525-9607 524-6811 While stocks last FUTON SOFABEDS Caruarvon Street AND PLATFORM _.... • BEDS: COMFORT AND CONVENIENCE AT VERY AFFORDABLE • PRICES

I • Complete pine beds including mattress from '199" (Double) • Complete Sofabeds from '229" (Double) v;"~ ~ • Beautiful painted metal frames !; • :!2• " Z" 0 u 0 • PLUS - Europe's best selling u • '".c 0 ::; G iii CD .;; bed, the revolutionary Bus FLEXXBED Information Columbia Street DON'T MISS THIS I 100 Airport GREAT 2 147 Coquillam ~ Cenlre INVENTORY 148 loco ____IIJ 3 102 Quecnsboroughl New Westminst r CLEARANCE Annacis EVENT! Island 6 320 Langley 10 154 Coquillam Rec. Centre 108 22nd Sireet 321 White Rock Ccnlfe 155 Coquillam Rec. Centre Station 7 100 POri Coquitlam Centre II 112 Vancouver FUTON -TO -SLEEP ' ON 4 120 Vancouver 8 106 Vancouver 12 319 Vancouver (peak hours) YOUR GOOD SLEEP CO. 2113 West 4th near Arbutus, Vancouver, 7)3·298$ 5 319 Scottsdale 9 102 Lougheed Mall 320 Vancouver (peak hours) Optn 10-6 Mon.·Wed. &I Sal.: Mall 108 Cumberland/ Elliott 32t Vancouver (peak hours) 1().8 Thurs. &I Fri.; 12-$ Sun .

SkyTrain 41 rain!

What began as an ambitious plan for our future TOGETIlER, WE'VE BUILT has become a dazzling reality. And together. we made it A HIGHWAY IN TIlE SKY. all happen. The launch of SkyTrain marks both the successful completion of a major enterprise and the dawn of a new TAKING TIlE HIGH ROAD age in transit service for British Columbia. By working TO COMMUTER CONVENIENCE. together, we've built a world~class Rapid Transit system SkyTrain transforms the task of'people~moving' into chac's second to none for comfort, convenience and safety. a science, with time~saving features right down the line. Computer~controned and powered by electricity, You hoard at any of SkyTrain's 15 stations. can' SkyTrain means time savings, fuel savings and a breath of veniently located along the line, from New Westminster fresh air for all Greater Vancouver residents. But the to Vancouver's waterfront. benefits from this project spread far beyond SkyTrain 's Aboard SkyTrain, you glide along a special guideway 22 kilometre line. at speeds of up to 80kph-completely separated from During its construction phase, SkyTrain created traffic congestion and level crossings. thousands of jobs for British Columbians. And now that Automatic train control makes possible SkyTrain's the system has been launched, SkyTrain has created an fast, frequent timetable. But should you miss your train, additional 250 permanent positions. relax-there's another arriving every 4 minutes during What's more, SkyTrain has opened up new oppor­ peak hours. tunities for high technology development in B.C. That's one giant leap in commuter convenience. Rapid Transit technology first applied in Vancouver is What's more, you can fly SkyTrain for the same ticket price now being marketed around the world. as commuting by bus or SeaBus. meta e.

And to help facilitate the smooth introduction of *For a complete listing afbus route changes effecriveJanuary }, 1986, SkyTrain to your total transit service. we're making pick up "The SkyTrain Connection- Bus / Rapid Transit Integration changes to bus routes in several stages over a 15 month Phase One:' now available at public libraries. information centres. program of Bus/ SkyTrain inregration:* community centres. Be Transit Administration Off1ces. Sea Bus Overall. SkyTrain is an exciting new departu re in terminals and aU FareCard and FareSaver outlets. A detailed brochure outlintng bus route changes in Phase Two transit wi th the poten ti al to move British Colum bia right will be available in late February at these same locations. in to the next century. And look for the brochure "SkyTrain Flight Plan;' offering a And it's all yours to experience today. wealth of information on how to use your new Rapid Transit Welcome aboard. service, at some of the locations noted above. Be Transit Moving ahead with you in mind. Hen. Grace M. McCarthy, Minister Responsible Fares: Single Tickets and DayPasses One Zone Two Zones Three Zones Peak Fares Adult $LOO $1.35 $1.75 (Before 9:30 a.m. and Concession * $ .SO $ .70 $ .90 belwet'n 3;00 and 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday) Off-Peak Fares Adult $LOO $LOO $LOO (Between 9:30 a.m. and Concession * $ .SO $ .SO $ .SO 3:00 p.m. and after 6:30 Don't push a p.m. Monday through Friday; all day Saturdays. broom Sundays and holidays) DayPass Adult $2.25 $2.25 $2.25 (Weekdays after 9:30 a.m. Concession" $1.15 $L15 $1.15 and all day Saturdays) (All day Sundays Adult $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 and Holidays) Concession'" $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 "Concession fares apply to senior citizens with Pharmacare cards, students to Grade 12 with valid GoCards, and children (S to 11 inclusive). Children under S or lug a ride free when accompanied by an adult. vacuum Fares Please · SkyTrain fares won't put another serve as a bus transfer until the ex­ dent in your budget. As all regional piry time printed on its face. transit services are integrated, you'll The length of your trip affects the find no changes from the rates that cost during peak hours only - apply on buses and 'the SeaBus. before 9:30 a.m. and from 3 to 6:30 A valid transfer from any bus will p.m., Monday through Friday. get you aboard SkyTrain. If your For trips that start during those trip starts with rapid transit, the hours, your fare depends on the ticket you buy at the station will number of zone boundaries you cross. Easy does it To buy a ticket as you enter a sta­ tion, just press the appropriate but­ with a Beam tons on the machine and it will display the right amount for you to built-in cleaning pay. Machines accept Canadian bills - system $1, $2 or $5 - as well as coins. Yes, Total, house-wide cleaning they'll make change! was never so easy! Instead of They will also dispense a special pushing a broom and spreading DayPass that allows unlimited riding dust to drapes and furniture. on all parts of the system until 4 a.m. instead of lugging around an old­ on the following day. fashioned portable up and down Machines sell DayPasses after 9:30 stairs, just plug in a Beam and a.m. on weekdays and any time on let a lightweight hose follow you Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. everywhere, for high-powered, Bus drivers will continue to sell them dust·free cleaning of homes on Sundays and holidays only. 20 days, or 20 years old. The new weekday passes are sold at a flat rate, but you can use them only 3-lnlet Kit during afternoon peak hours as well $399 as other times. Flat rates apply for a single one­ way trip of any length during off­ peak hours. Off-peak fares are paid on weekdays between 9:30 a.m. and Canada's best-selling built-in! 3 p.m., and after 6:30 p.m. They also apply all day on Saturdays, Sundays COQUITLAM NORTH VAN. and holidays. . 464·3011 524·1611 If you use transit services often, you'll save money with other options VANCOUVER SURREY for payment: a FareCard to cover all 874-6515 588·5125 your rides for the month, or a book of discounted FareSaver tickets. Details are given on another page of this guide. 44SkyTrain Saving On Fares Does public transit keep you on the go? If you plan to make SkyTrain a The Ocean Floor regular part of your life, you'll find two ways of saving on travel costs. WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN SHELLS, CORAL, They both give you access to all Van­ CRAFTSHELLS AND NOVELTIES couver regional transit routes. FareCard is a monthly pass that's AUTHENTIC SHIPS RELICS good for unlimited rides. It's all you NAUTICAL DECOR need for SkyTrain and any Greater Vancouver bus, including the SeaBus and the West Vancouver ''Blue 1520 DURANLEAU ST., GRANVILLE ISLAND Buses" . The more you ride, the more you 681·5014 save. The price of a FareCard usually works out to the cash fare of 40 trips a month. And it's transferable, so your FareCard can be on the go with a friend even when you're at home. Five different kinds of FareCard It is amil&zg how the are tailored to your travel needs. Check the details at your FareDealers - Royal Bank branches. 7-Eleven mind controls delicate stores, post-secondary institutions, and the other outlets listed on this page. movement. FareSavers are handy books of 10 tickets for the price of nine. The price depends on whether you use them It is even more for travel in one, tvvo or three fare zones during peak periods. For any trip that starts aboard surprising how tS §i tl) SkyTrain, you must validate your FareSaver ticket by having it stamped at the ticket machine. Your validated ticket acts as a transfer for VCRs recapture it. buses or SeaBus. Books of FareSavers are available from most of the listed FareDealers, and from many convenience stores and other outlets in the Lower Mainland. FareDealers -Saving Places FareCards and FareSavers are available from these sources and other commercial ou tlets in the Lower Mainland: • 7~Eleve n stores • Concert Box Offices • Vancouver Ticket Centre • Infocentres at downtown and suburban malls • Woodward's stores • Eaton's stores • Eko Credit Union • I.W,A. and Community Credit Union • Mt. Pleasant Credit Union • North Shore Credit Union • Main Chinatown Ticket Centre and Ling Yau Bookstores • The Bay Downtown AlAI~ mona. ELECTRONIC • Bank of Montreal, Chinatown INTERNATIONAL • Royal Bank branches COMPANY LTD. (FareCards only) DUALITY''' AUDIO / VIOEO PRODUCTS~ .. VANCOUVER/TORONTO / MONTREAL • Post-secondary institutions (FareCards) . SkyTrain 45 It's incred;ble but true. Hundreds of Ford and Mercury dealers· guarantee most repairs for as long as you own your car.

Tolal Customer Satisfaction is our first Parts, Free Labour. And the guarantee priority. That's why we offer the moot covers thousands of parts, with the revolutionary service program in the exclusion of regular maintenance partS automotive IndUstry. The Lifetime Service such as plugs, fi lters and trim . Guarantee. The Lifetime Service Guarantee. Proof Ford and Mercury dealers' guarantee positive that your Ford and Mercury their repairs on Ford built cars and light dealers' are committed to providing trucks lor as long as you own your vehicle. QUALITY CARE FOR QUALITY CARS. You pay for a covered repair once. Never See your Ford or Mercury dealer' for again. If the same part ever has to be complete details. replaced through normal use, your Ford or Mercury dealer' will fi x it free. Free • Ar par1icip8f1ng dealers onfy.

QUALITY IS JOB 1 IN EVERYTHING WE SELL AND SERVICE. SkyTrain Comes Out EXPO 86 and SkyTrain Station provides almost doorstep ac­ On Top cess to Canada Pavilion via the new - How Do I Get Howe Street overpass. And Stadium Compared to eight other rapid To The Fair? Station will drop you ju~t two shorl transit systems in North America, blocks from the B.C. Place gate. opened in this decade or soon to be When you use rapid transit to get After you've toured Canada opened, Vancouver's SkyTrain. to EXPO 86 from May to October. Pavilion, SkyTrain will take you emerges as the most cost-effective you'll be riding one of the latest from Waterfront Station over to system with a capital cost per developments in Canadian transpor* Stadium Station where you'll board kilometre per weekday passenger of lation technology - Advanced Light the Expo monorail (5.6 km) into the $450. Rapid Transit. main Expo site - or you can take the At the other end of the scale, the It's the most advanced. cost· monorail between the two sites. Miami system operates at a massive effective people-mover system Remember, there is no access to the $2510 per passenger kilometre with available in the world today and it Expo monorail from Stadium Sta­ Baltimore, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, was designed by the Urban Transit lion. You must board either at Portland and San Diego running at Development Corporation of On­ Canada Pavilion or at one of the between $510 and $2360. tario. During Expo, the system wi ll monorail stops in the False Creek In Canada, Edmonton's transit showcase Canadian technology to grounds. cost is $1460 and Calgary is $540. the world, both in action as it takes Your Expo pass is good for both visitors to the site, and in display at the rapid transit shuttle service and the Be Pavilion. the monorail between the two Expo How do you get to the fair using sites. For more information on bus SkyTrain? connections to SkyTrain stations, Rapid transit provides easy access consult the info rmation panels to three of the four Expo gates. Main located at the entrance of each sta­ Street Station will drop you off lion or call Transit Information via within walking distance of the main the information telephone. From gate on Quebec Street. Waterfront other locations call 324-3211 . SkyTriilin 47 IANS The IANS serves numerous roles • Once the operator acknowledges in the system. Besides performing the alarm, an emergency instruc­ emergency functions, it accomplishes tion display presents itself inform­ The task of designing, supplying many incidental tasks, e.g. each mor­ ing the operator of a prescribed and installing the Integrated Alarm . ning the passenger station's rolling response. Notification System (lANS) for entrance grilles are raised, station • Typically, he may depress one of SkyTrain was given to ADT Security lighting turned on and escalators the IANS console telephone lines Systems, a company whose roots and/ or elevators are enabled for automatically connecting him to began in Canada in 1891 in public use. The ADT system not on­ the pertinent municipal fire depart­ Vancouver. ly initiates the station's coming to life ment. The computer-based system pro­ bu t serves to protect life. • Nter dispatching the fire trucks, vides two-way signalling of emergen­ When an emergency presents he may disable the escalators via cy detection and response informa­ itself, say, a fire on or near an an IANS keyboard entry, make tion between the 15 passenger and 4 escalator, the IANS operator may suitable emergency public an­ sub stations and the SkyTrain's Con­ respond to the situation efficiently nouncements and send evacuation trol Centre. Spanning three munici­ and effectively, i.e.: signals. palities, the IANS infonnation is in • The smoke detector in the vicinity • Once the fire department is on the the form of alarm signals, control sounds a signal to the station's scene, the captain in charge may signals, Public Address broadcasts transponder. communicate with the IANS and emergency telephone dialogue. • The alarm is annunciated locally, operator and other firemen located The system was designed, en­ remotely (to the station Fire­ throughout the station via the gineered, installed and tested in a fighters' Command Post) and to IANS emergency telephone scant 15 months. The IANS provides Central Control. system. monitoring and control of over 2,500 • The IANS operator is notified of • The IANS Operator can f.ollow the points, emergency telephone com­ the signal visually and audibly. whole scene visually and by noting munication with hundreds of system • The operator's screen displays the various monitoring signals of phones and emergency public an­ alarm description, the event opened doors, shutdowns, etc., oc­ nouncement capability throughout printer records the alarm and the c urring during the fire the line either centrally or locally system's alarm logging stores the depar tment's presence. The controlled. alarm and all related data. operator may even, via keyboard entry, control the CCTV camera in the vicinity of the escalator to display the fire's condition on his console CCTV monitor. • If desired, the operator may com­ mand various items to turn off or on as needed, e.g. shutdown sta­ tion lighting, and will be able to confirm the successful operation of his commands by taking note of equipment monitoring signals be­ ing reported at the console. As can be seen, regardless of the emergency scenario, the concept of • Provided security for our SkyTraln which monitors the IANS proves effective and over 2,500 points in the system versatile. • Residential alarm specialists • Alarm systems for every busi ness, home and The Safest System on budget • Closed circuit T.V. surveillance systems Earth: Design and • Plant and equipment supervision and monitoring Operating • Fire alarm systems & sprinkler supervisory systems • Card access systems When Vancouver began its search • ULC listed " AA" central station, 24 hrs. a day for a rapid transit system, uppermost in the minds of engineers was the Protecting Lffe, Property & Profits Since 1874 need for safety and security com­ bined with effiCiency and service: Call today for a free survey and estimate these were the prime design goals. The Advanced light Rapid Transit 875·1724 system was chosen because its state­ of-the-art technology offered vast improvements in design and opera­ ADT SECURITY SYSTEMS. 3205 Fraser SI • Vancouver V5V 488 tion over other more conventional systems presently in use. Efficiency 48 SkyTrain was improved through the use of intrusion sensor instantly warns cen­ Automatic Train Control, and tral control. Power is cut off and security enhanced by the use of trains are stopped in the vicinity. dosed-circuit television surveillance The Vancouver Rapid Transit and other emergency systems. system has one of the most advanced Key to the Rapid Transit system is transit fire control systems in North • the Automatic Train Control (ATe) America. Heat and smoke detectors • which organizes the movement of are monitored both at stations and trains along the 22-kilometre line, on rapid transit trains and srrinkler under the direction of highly-trained systems are located at critica points. operators who monitor the position The 114 rapid transit trains are and movement of every train on designed and manufactured to the video display screens. highest safety standards in North A TC is used around the world on America. All vehicles are constructed some 20 rapid transit and mass tran­ of fire, flame and smoke retardant sit systems. Vancouver's system will and toxic-proof materials. be the sixth to operate without Passengers living near the line drivers or attendants in the front cab. when it goes into operation in Instead, attendants will circulate January will find Rapid Transit throughout the train stations, check­ refreshingly quiet. Gearless motors ing tickets, assisting passengers with and steerable axle trucks will information and providing a security eliminate the familiar screech of I presence. Specially trained to deal metal wheels against rails as trains with emergencies, each rapid transit round the curves. attendant (RT A) will carry a radio .I,> '"". for immediate contact with central control. In addition, c1osed-circuit televi­ sion pennits train controllers to keep Automatic Train Control a continuous check on platforms and waiting areas at each one of the 15 stations. When Vancouver broke new On the 114 rapid transit cars and ground way back in 1890 with the in the stations, there are several earliest form of urban transit - elec­ security measures for passenger safe­ tric streetcars - the city had a Follow the ty. Each car has an intercom which population of 14,000. allows two-way communication Now, nearly 100 years later, the S~Train on the with central control staff at the press population has swelled to 1,356,000 of a button. If you are unable to talk, and Vancouver has again taken the merely pressing the button will trig­ lead in rapid transit technology with B.C. Parkway ger a security alert and help will be the introduction of automatic train went to the next station. control capable of moving between bicycle path. There is also a yellow strip alarm 10,000 and 30,000 people per hour. within easy reach of passengers. It's the ultimate level of sophis­ BlAN CH I I MIELEI BENono Touching the strip mounted above tication in the relationship between the windows will notify central con­ man and minicomputer and it makes trol of an emergency situation on the Vancouver a world leader in the train. application of computerized train Security was one of the top criteria controls. ACE CYCLE in s tation design as well . Corridors Computers control the movement are straight and uncluttered with few of trains, while highly-trained SHOP alcoves. Stations are brightly lit and operators control the computers. 3155 W. Broadway all platforms, escalators and Vancouver's system of automatic Vancouver, B.C. elevators will be monitored by train control SELTRAC V6K 2H2 c1osed

emberton lIouston Willouf( hby Inc. wi shes to eon ~ra tulatc s.c. Transit on PEMBERTON Pthe upe ninl( of their lil(ht ra pid transit system -The Spirit of B.C We are pleased PEMBERrON· HOUSTON ·WILLOUGHBY tu have participated ill the finan c in ~ of this Park Pl ace, Suit e 2/100, 666 Burrard Street. sif( nifica nt British Columbia project. Va ncouver, BC V6C 3C7 688·8411

SkyTrain Sl British Columbia Parkway is a sensational new 50 acre linear park serving the one million-plus residents of the Lower Mainland. Stretching 19 kilometres (12 miles) from Vancouver to New Westminster, it will connect 32 existing parks and will ultimately tie into the Kitsilano and Stanley Park Seawalls, two of the region's most popular recreation facilities. It will also join together a variety of special features which will dot the course of the Parkway, including unique plazas, children's playgrounds and floral displays . .Centred within the most populated corridor of the region, British Columbia Parkway will serve more than 250,CXX> neighbouring residents. It will also be a maj or tourist attraction, particularly for the 15 million expected visitors to Expo 86 and will be viewed by more than 30 million rapid transit passengers each year.

Inspired by the Hon. Grace McCarthy, Minister Responsible for B.C. Transit, British Columbia Parkway is attracting in­ terest from around the world. The Parkway is becoming a reality through true community spirit. Its Advisory Board, headed by Chairman Philip Owen, is made up of volunteers. Private citizens, ethnic groups, governments of all levels, students, service clubs and youth groups like the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides are all contributing. The list of contributors is growing, but at the time of publication, this was the list of donors.

7·Eleven Broadway Lions Royal Canadian Legion, Broadway Printers Molson Breweries of S.c. Burnaby Rotary Club Branch 1177 Dinesen Landscaping Variety Club/ BCTV Ja ck Cewe Ltd . Royal Canadian Legion, Mrs. M. Gardner S.c. Bearing Engineering City of New Wt'Stminster New Chelsea Manor C.W. Gibbings B.C. Petroleum Association City of Vancouver Royal Canadian Legion, 0 .1. MacFarlane B.C. Transi t CKNW Vancouver Zone Massot Nurseries Canada Works Design Group International Sandwell &: Co. Ltd. McKim Advertising Columbia Situlit hic District of West Vancouver Seaboard Advertising E.). Murray and Sons CP Rail Garden Club of Vancouver Sears Canada Pavelek & Associates District of Burnaby Genstar H.A. Simons International Ltd. Pico of Canada Imperial Group Mansueto Display Associates The Province R.F. Pronovost Peter Kiewit and Sons Northwest Hydraulic Cons. Thompson Berwick Prall Reid Collins Nurse ri es Ocean Construction Northwood Pulp &: Timber Variety Savings Credit Union M. Ross Supercrete Orr Development West Fraser Mills Ltd . Timm Constructi on lITOC Pacific 12 Westinghouse UBC Botanical Garden Frances Andrew Royal Canadian Legion, B. Aceman VanDuse n Gardens Baker Lovick Branch 183 B. Arnold R.K. Ward BC Telephone Co. Royal Canadian Legion. B &: D Landscaping Mrs . P. Watts BClT Branch 1148 8th Burnaby Girl Guides G .H. Wood &: Co.

52 SkyTrain 1 f . r

~ your window on the garden ~ \ . International Mile of Hags

Lining the causeway along sponsored the flag and flagpole of 'fl cae ...... of .. IaOft Terminal Avenue leading to the their native country. This involves a p' ...... eastern entrance of Expo 86, this one-time donation of $1 ,500 for ___ wII~o"""" promenade of flags will be a exclusive sponsorship, which covers of Claw ...... ,." J __ colourful reminder to local residents the cost of the flag. the pole. the and millions of visitors of their lighting and provision o f heritage. maintenance for the pole, with no Each country will be represented more than three sponsors per flag­ by their corresponding Aag, flying pole. Recognition of donations will Opn lor ...... 1110_ .... atop a 30' aluminum ground­ be in the form of a plaque attached to III.1LeItd bnutdIi. A. ... free mounted, tapered pole which has the flagpole, been anodized for protection. The International Mile will be ...... Many ethnic groups, companies completed by spring of 1986. in time J'/tb "Oak (in Van DmmG...... ) a nd indiv iduals have already to complement the opening of the 261.0011 British Columbia Parkway in March. Royal Canadian Legion Remembers Parkway The Vancouver Zone of the Royal Canadian Legion, in celebration of the ' Legion's 60th Anniversary, donated 10,000 tulip bulbs to British Columbia Parkway. The Hen. Grace McCarthy, Ministe( responsible for goodS Be Transit , planted the first of the bulbs in Thornton Park, assisted by Jack Heidorn, the Vancouver East Zone Commander, and Owen your Tayler, the Vancouver City Zone Commander. The bulbs are the first of a donation of a mile of tulips, to be planted on Terminal Avenue. The Legion's red blaze of tulips will adorn the median underneath the rapid transit guideway, forming a gateway to EXPO 86. "This colourful tulip mile will be a spectacular reminder of the tremendous contribution made by Canadians in the two World Wars, and the continuing efforts of the Royal Canadian Legion today, " said Mrs. McCarthy. 4567 Lougheed Hwy Tulip Mile Committee Chairman Burnaby Arnold Bernard noted that the bulbs The Coquitlam Norgate Plaza Richmond 299-1481 were specially developed for the Centre 1329 Marine Drive location Haney Place Mall Royal Canadian Legion by Dutch 2929 Bamel Hwy. (iICIOSS Ifom s...oo·foodsl 4600 NO. 3 Road 224th & Lougheed Coquitlam North Vancouver Richmond Maple Ridge growers, in appreciation of Canada's 464·5122 980-S781 273-1676 463·7188 war contribution to the Netherlands. SkyT rain 53 7-E1even Food Stores donates $600,000 for bicycle trail along British Columbia Parkway Bicycle The 7-Eleven Food Stores corpora­ tion has made a donation of $600,000 to British Columbia Parkway, which will enable the con­ @ struction of a bicycle trail along the length of the 19-kilometre linear park. Company chief executive Trail Frank Farr and The Hon. Grace Mc­ Carthy, Minister responsible for Be Transit and the Parkway pro1"ect, made the joint announcement 0 the gift at a special ceremony at Central Park in Burnaby last June 2. 'When the Minister announced the British Columbia Parkway concept would include a recreational bi­ cycling trail. we became interested because of our long involvement in bicycling activities. In addition, because OUT head office is in Bur­ naby, and a large part of the cycling c1uding Alex Stieda of Coquitlam, the cycle path will be known as the trail is in Burnaby, the project had are members of the 7~Eleven racing 7-Eleven Bicycle Trail and will be some extra appeal for us," said Farr. team which competes annually in the marked by special signs and a bicycle The 7·Eleven company has a long Gastown race in Vancouver, now logo. tradition of involvement in cycling: one of the events in the cycling 'The 7-Eleven company, through activities in Canada, the U.S. and Grand Prix circuit. this generous gift, indicates what internationally. It holds numerous 7-Eleven's contribution to the good corporate citizenship is all bicycle safety clinics and offers a Parkway will build 16 kilometres of about. The organization's success in children's bike safety education three-metre-wide asphalt path in the British Columbia is expressed in their program. Parkway (wider in some areas where donation to the British Columbia It also sponsors Grand Prix bike the cycle trail will be two·way), Parkway and I want to praise them racing events and sp_onsors a major separated for most of the distance for their contribution," said the cycle racing team. Three Canadian from a limestone chip jogging path Minister . cyclists from British Columbia, in· ... for pedestrians. Mrs. McCarthy said

• Special park for disabled kids to be built along the Parkway VARIETY CLUB by BCTV and Variety Club Several hundred invited guests /l_~"h/~ gathered in Burnaby's Central Park last April 19 to learn of a special ~PARK Parkway feature - a specially. JOtNS equipped park for disabled children, BRillSH COWMBIA PARKWAY to be built by British Columbia Tele· vision and the Variety Club. It will be located just west of the lawn bowling green in Central Park, near Patterson Station on the ALRT line. The Hon. Grace McCarthy, BCTV president Don Smith and Variety Club chief barker George Pitman together unveiled a sign at the site of the special park. The municipality of .Burnaby has agreed to make a por· tion of Central Park available for the playground. 54SkyTrain WelCome Molson's Builds $400,000 to BRITISH COLUMSIA PARKWAY Parkway Jogging Path Till Molson Brewery of B.C. Limited .101(\ has donated to British Columbia \ II1L-,O\ Parkway funds to build The John \II) Molson Way, a jogging path in the Parkway alongside the new rapid transit line. Molson's president Jack Beach said the gift is part of the company's 0" ,- bicentennial celebrations. Next (ear marks the 200th anniversary 0 the founding of the company by John Molson in Montreal. Jack Beach made the formal an­ nouncement of the contribution to the Hon. Grace McCarthy at a special luncheon held in S.c. Place Stadium. Ethnic Communities BRnlSH :01 ~ PttRKWAV Pitch In Dutch Mile ~ Ethnic communities throughout ~ . Intt~ Oo-1.,tJOt\ the Lower Mainland have come up of 100,000 bub'!. with imaginative and creative ideas 1/. The Dutch-Canadian.. for British Columbia Parkway. At - publication date, commitments had Community been made for an: Austrian Garden; of British Columbia B.C. Lions Chinese Garden; Dutch Mile, Filipino Plaza; Gennan Com­ munity Plaza; Greek Community Plaza; Piazza d'Italia and the Polish Community Plaza. In this picture, the Hon. Grace McCarthy, Minister Responsible for B.C. Transit, accepts a donation of 100,000 bulbs from Nick Massee, representing the Dutch community.

Students at BCIT build competition-winning design by feUow student Students in the landscape horti­ cultural program at the British Col­ umbia Institute of Technology in Burnaby have gone from their class­ room to translate a winning land­ scape design into plants and pavers along the British Columbia Parkway, Student John Pearson won a class design competition which required students in the program to originate a design/ build project, and he and his fellow students spent several weekends this spring to implement DrawitlS by desistler BeIer More/os shows u,llat tile Filipitlo Plaza will look like. willi plaza arid his design. ampllitllealr4.' b4.'yorld tile ardlway . SkyTrai n 55 A guide to bus route changes effective January 3, 1986

Sky'n'.lnl'Networil Bu. Roule ClUlnge from previou. rout. Connection Point .. Boundary Loop/Alma Witt provide a SkyTraln connection.t Broadway Station. Broadway StatiOn #20 Granville Will provide a SkyTrain connection al Broadway Station. Broadway Station #" Victoria Will provide a SkyTra in connection al Broadway StaUon. Broadway Station #25 BrentwOOd/BlancalUBC Will provide a SkyTraln connectIOn at Nanalmo Station. Nanalmo Station #27 Kootenay Loop! Will provide a SkyTrain connection 81 Joyce Stalion. Joyce Station Champlain Heights Kootenay loop .29 29th Avenue Station! Will be 8)(tended northbound along SlOCan from its presenllerminus al Sloes" and Kingsway 291hAvenue Station Elliott 10 29th Avenue Station. .41 Melrotown StationlUBC Tne Burnaby South portion ollnis foul. will terminale at Metrotown Slation. Melrolown Station 1100 Port Coquitlaml Eastbound and WestbOund buses wiN connect with SkyTrain at 22nd Street Station. Every 22nd Street Station New Westminster Stationl second trip from 22nd Street Station and Irom the Airport will operate via Willard and Trapp. New Westminster Station AIrport #102 Lougheed Malll Will provide- a SkyTrain connection at NewWestminster Station. NewWestminster Station Annads Islandl Lougheed Mall Queensboro 1106 New Westminster Station} Will terminate at New Westminster Station. NewWestminster Station Vancouver CumbertandlEllloltI The westbound route will terminate at22nd Slreet Station. Servicevia the Wmard and Trapp 22nd Street Station 22nd Street Station route and the Edinburgh and 22nd Street route will be discontinued. Service wiH be provided "" by the 110010 theWH1ard and Trepparea. 1112 New Westminster StatiOn} Will terminate at NewWestminster Station. New Westminster StaliQn Vancouver #114 Edmonds Loop! Will provide a SkyTrain connection at Edmonds Station. Edmonds Station Burnaby South 1120 New westminster Stationl Wililerminate at New Westminster Stallon. New WestmInster Station Vancouver #130 Surw;resVKootenay Loop Will provide a SkyTrain connection at Melrotown Station. Brentwood Mall Kootenay Loop 113t Edmonds Station/ Will be extended from Edmonds Loop to Edmonds Stalion. Edmonds Station Kootenay Loop Burnaby Municipal HaU Brentwood Mall Kootenay Loop #132 Edmonds Station! WiN be extended from Edmonds Loop to Edmonds Station. Edmonds Stalion Kootenay Loop Burnaby Municipal Hall Brentwood Mall Kootenay Loop #142 SFU/Edmonds Station wm be e)(lended Irom Edmonds Loop 10 Edmonds Station, providing a direcl link between Edmonds Stalion SkyTrain and Simon Fraser University. #147 Coquitlam Centrel Will terminate at New Westminster Station. New Westminster Station ,_New Westminster Station Lougheed Mall 1148 Will terminate al NewWestminster Station. New Westminster Station New Westminster Station Lough&ed MaH #154 Coquitlam Rae Centrel Will terminate at NewWeslminster Station. New Westminster Station NewWestminster Station #155 Coquillam Rae Centrel Will terminate at NewWestminster StaUon. New Westminster Station New Westminster Station #319 $consdale Mall! Will termInate in off-peak hours at New Westminster Station. In peak hours, this roule will New Westminster Slation New Westminster Station connect al New Westminster Station and continue to downtown Vancouver via its e)(isting route. 1320 Langleyl Will terminate in off-peak hours at NewWestminsler Station. In peak hours, this route will New Westminster Station NewWestminster Station connect al NewWestminster Station and continue to downtown Varw;ouver via its e){istir"lg route. 1321 White Rodl Centrel Willlerminate in off-peak hours at New Westminster Station. In peak hours, this route New Westminster Station New Westminster Station wiHconnect at NewWestminster Station and continue to downtown Vancouver via its e){isting route. Fa reCa rd. The more you ride the moreyo u save.

56 SkyTrain People at the Top - Rapid Transit's Nerve SKYTRAIN SAVERS Centre

The Vehicle Control and Main­ tenance Centre (MSF) is the nerve centre of the entire Rapid Transit system: Phase One from Vancouver to New Westminster; Phase Two from New Westminster across the Eat in Fraser River into Surrey; and the only eventual Third Phase connecting Not valid New Westminster with Coquitlam. with oth er The centre, nestled into a re­ promotions claimed gravel pit in Burnaby, is a good neighbour. Despite the activity, 6743 Kingsway 2043 W. 4th Ave. 64-8th St. New West there is no noise created and ' no Burnaby Kitsilano (By The Station) fumes. As well as being home, at the end of the day, to 114 rapid transit trains. the people at the MSF handle vehicle control computers. com­ r------~ munications and closed-

Lonsdale Quay

SkyTrain Service The following chans give the curren! sc hedule of IA l: tirs! and last trains from each station in hOlh directi ons and the frequency of service by tim..: period oftht: Jay_


i ,

MONDAYTO FRIDAY SATU RDAY First Lasl First Last STATION Tr ain Train Train Train W•• tb ound NewWestmillsler 5:20AM 11:45PM 6 "20 AM 11,45PM 22M$tree! 5:23 AM 11 :48PM 6"23 AM !1 :46PM Edmonds 5:26AM 11 :51PM 626AM 11:51 PM A alOak 5:29AM 11:54PM 6":29 AM 11 :54 PM Met/olown 5:30AM 11:5SPM 6:30AM 1155PM Panerson 5:31 AM 11:56PM 6:31 AM 11 '56PM J 5:33AM !1:58PM 6.33 AM 11S6PM 29th" Avenue 5:35AM 12:00 AM 6:35AM !<' .OCAM Nanaimo 5:36AM 12:01 AM 6:36 AM 12 :01 AM Broadwa 5:39 AM 12:04AM 6:39AM 12:04AM Mall'lSlreet 5"42AM t2.07AM 642AM t207 AM ~~- Stadium 5:44 AM 12:09AM 6:44AM t2:09AM Granville 5:45AM 12:10AM 645AM 12 ' lOAM Burrard 5:46AM t2:tt AM 646 AM 12 -11 AM ~--~ Waterllont 5:47 AM 12:12 AM 647AM 1212AM 58SkyTra in ~ 1:.'\'1.1\6 -s

WARNING: Health and WeHare Canada advises that danger 10 health inc reases with amount smoked -avoid inhaltng