Attaché Extraordinaire Vernon A. Walters in Brazil

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Attaché Extraordinaire Vernon A. Walters in Brazil ATTACH AAuthor Biography Frank Márcio de Oliveira ATTACHé EXTRAORDINAIRE holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Security from the É Military Police Academy of BRAZIL IN WALTERS A. VERNON EXTRAORDINAIRE: VERNON A. WALTERS IN BRAZIL Minas Gerais. From 1990 to 1999, he carried out duties in special operations and, as a helicopter pilot, commanded police missions and medical rescue/evacuation operations. He also served as a United Nations Police Observer in Angola and attended related professional courses in Israel and in the USA. Since 2000, he has offered courses as an invited professor at the Brazilian Intelligence School. His professional and Academic interests focus in the areas of Intelligence, security and defense and the history of international relations. Since 2006, he has been a non-resident research fellow at the National Defense Intelligence College. His awards include the Peace Operations Medal from the United Nations Organization, an Academic Achievement Medal from OLIVEIRA the Military Police Academy and a Special Recognition Medal from the Association of Former Combatants of the Brazilian Expeditionary Press NDIC Force in Belo Horizonte. He is married and the father of two children. FRANK MÁRCIO DE OLIVEIRA national defense intelligence college Cover Photo Major Vernon A. Walters interprets President Truman’s speech to Brazilian President Eurico Gaspar Dutra and other distinguished guests under the guns of the USS Missouri on September 2, 1947, in the harbor at Rio de Janeiro. Th e ceremony commemorated the second anniversary of the Japanese Sur- render, which was formalized on this battleship in Tokyo Bay. President Tru- man is visible to Walters’ left , and General George C. Marshall is near the microphones, in a fedora. Leaders from across the hemisphere were in Rio at this time to sign the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance, or Rio Treaty, forerunner to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Photo from the Walters Collection at the National Defense Intelligence College. Other Photos Unless otherwise noted, all photos and documents are from the Vernon Wal- ters Collection at the National Defense Intelligence College. Attaché Extraordinaire: Vernon A. Walters and Brazil Adido Extraordinário Vernon A. Walters e o Brasil Frank Márcio de Oliveira Washington, DC March 2009 Th e views expressed in this document are those of the author and do not represent the offi cial policy or position of any U.S. or Brazilian government entity Th e National Defense Intelligence College supports and encourages re- search that distills lessons and improves Intelligence Community capabili- ties for policy-level and operational consumers O National Defense Intelligence College apóia e incentiva pesquisas que tenham por objetivo extrair lições e aperfeiçoar a comunidade de Inteli- gência, tanto no nível operacional quanto estratégico Attaché Extraordinaire: Vernon A. Walters in Brazil/Adido Militar Ex- traordinário: Vernon A. Walters e o Brasil, Frank Márcio de Oliveira [Trans- lations by the author and editor] Although Vernon Walters kept a daily, written record of his professional ac- tivities during both the military and civilian phases of his career, published two monographs (Th e Mighty and the Meek and Silent Missions) and produced other unpublished book-length manuscripts (notably “Th e Far Corners” and “Across the World”) based on those notes, we have only an anecdotal appre- ciation of his place in the international relations scene (see Vernon A. Walters: Pathfi nder of the Intelligence Profession, NDIC, 2004: press/5482. Walter’s fellow travelers, among them Henry Kissinger, Averell Harriman and Dwight Eisenhower, refer only briefl y and cryptically to his role in watershed events. Frank Oliveira explores the Brazilian crucible for Walter’s career among the heavyweights of twentieth-century, front-line, U.S. international policy implementation. Walters’ role as intelligence statesman clearly and early transcended his military roots and established a strong prec- edent for the instrumental unifi cation of political strategy and intelligence in foreign aff airs. *************************************************************************** Embora Vernon Walters tenha deixado um registro escrito diário de suas ativ- idades profi ssionais, relativo às fases militar e civil de sua carreira; tenha pub- licado duas obras (Poderosos e Humildes e Missões Silenciosas); e tenha escrito dois outros tomos volumosos, ainda não publicados (“Th e Far Corners” e “Across the World”), baseados nos registros de seus diários, possuímos apenas uma apreciação, de certa maneira informal, do papel que ele desempenhou no palco das relações internacionais (ver Vernon A. Walters: Precursor da Profi s- são de Inteligência (em inglês), NDIC, 2004: htm. Companheiros profi sionais de Walters, entre eles Henry Kissinger, Aver- ell Harriman e Dwight Eisenhower, referem-se muito sucintamente ao papel que Walters desempenhou em eventos históricos marcantes. Frank Oliveira explora o cadinho brasileiro para a carreira de Walters junto a personalidades ~ ii ~ da linha de frente da política internacional dos Estados Unidos da América. O papel de Walters como ofi cial de inteligência logo ultrapassou, de forma muito clara, suas raízes militares, estabelecendo forte precedente para a valio- sa sinergia entre estratégia política e inteligência nas relações internacionais. [email protected], Editor and Director Center for Strategic Intelligence Research and NDIC Press ISBN 978-1-932946-22-2 Library of Congress Control Number 2008939154 ~ iii ~ Contents Dedication . ix Abbreviations Used . x List of Illustrations . xii Foreword . xv Author’s Preface . xix Frontispiece . xxi Introduction: Th e Power of Context . 1 Chapter 1 — Th e Missionary and the Giant . 5 Th e First Connections with Brazil and with Brazilians . 5 Th e Brazilian Expeditionary Force . 8 From Colonel to General . 14 An Exchange of Messages between Rio and Washington . 17 Chapter 2 — Th e Missionary’s Education . 25 Th e Preparation . 25 Mark Wayne Clark . 26 Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco . 28 William Averell Harriman . 29 Dwight David Eisenhower . 32 Again with Castello Branco . 35 Chapter 3 — Powerful Products of Th eir Time . 39 In Search of Precedents: the Diffi cult Synergy between the Military and Diplomats . 39 Establishing Parallels . 41 Kissinger’s and Walters’ Early Years. 42 Th e Beginning of Military Life. 44 Working in Intelligence . 45 ~ v ~ Contents (continued) Winning Minds and Hearts . 49 Other Points of Comparison . 52 Chapter 4 — A Legend in Brazil . 55 Just a Well-Informed Attaché . 55 “You are a Legend in this Country”. 65 A Successor. 74 “A strong Infl uence on My Life”. 78 An Extraordinary Attaché . 81 Bibliography . 163 About the Author . 169 ~ vi ~ Conteudo Dedicatória . ix Abreviaturas Utilizadas . xi Lista de ilustrações . xii Prefácio . xvii Prefácio do Autor . .xix Frontispício . xxi Introdução: O poder do contexto . 83 Capítulo 1 — O missionário e o Gigante . 87 As primeiras ligações com o Brasil e com os brasileiros . 87 A Força Expedicionária Brasileira . 89 De coronel a general . 97 A troco de mensagems entre Rio e Washington . 100 Capítulo 2 — A formação do missionário . 109 A preparação . 109 Mark Wayne Clark . 109 Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco . 111 William Averell Harriman . 112 Dwight David Eisenhower . 115 De novo com Castello Branco . 120 Capítulo 3 — Poderosos produtos de seu tempo . 123 Em busca de precedentes: a difícil sinergia entre militares e diplomatas . 123 Traçando paralelos . 125 Os primeiros anos de vida . 126 O ingresso na vida militar . 128 A atuação na atividade de Inteligência . 129 ~ vii ~ Conteudo (continuacão) Ganhando mentes e corações . 131 Outros pontos de comparação . 134 Capítulo 4 — Uma lenda no Brasil . 137 “Apenas um adido bem informado” . 137 “O senhor é uma lenda neste País” . ..
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