Abbreviations AN Akademiya Nauk SSSR ANRW A ufsteig und Niedergang der R.Omanischen Welt ASI Archaeological Survey of India ASU Antiquities of Southern BEFEO Bulletin de LEcole Frant;aise d 'extreme-orient BMFEA Bulletin of the Museum ofFar Eastern Antiquities BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies CHI Cambridge History ofIran CHC Cambridge History of CHElA The Cambridge History ofEarly Im-ler Asia CKMSCC Chung-kuo mei-shu ch 'iian-chi cs Chin-shu CSTCC Ch 'u san-tsang chi-chi Daizokyo Taisho shinshil daiwkyii EWA Encyclopedia of World Art HCCA History of Civilizations of HHS Hou-Han shu HS Han-shu IsMEO Istituto Italiano peril Medio ed Estremo Oriente MDAFA Memoires de Ia Delegation Archeologique Francaise en MRDTB Memoires of the Reserach Department of the Toyo Bunko OITMD Orientalia Iosephi Tucci Memoriae Dicata sc Shih-chi SKC San-kuo chih TCTC Tzu-chih t'ung-chien YK Yiin-kang

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