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m — MAWCHgSTER HERALD. MouiBS. April 13, 1H7 t -M A W C H THE RLYMOUTtif body totated. Good mo tor. MMMW miles. 647- BU YER M EETS sellwr In M M and oBfc Itor Mom. tlw wont ods... tlm« ofTar ttma after time! Read and Evenings._______ use the went ads EORO. Maverick, 1MB. 3 reeulorly. speed. Runs good. CWWTMfW- taSB/best otter. SM- Call 40-2ni to place your CHRVSLER EXECUTIVE SUBARU IMS, 7 s m . _________________ od. VEHICLES AND SELECT Good condition EOUR Americon rocing USED CASS.. SlOSO/best oftOr. Ml gold nugget rims with SOMC SSO mMNCINO ON LCSai •SM. tires. 13 Inch at 9335. Coll otter 4:38 iHaurhpslrr) Manchester A CMy o* Village Char iirralli FWIME doer, 6 cylinder, grey. devs. 743d»«5. SB CAnAVtLLE *8.798 S99M. Por your best lk3ir^lA<i 1 ^ ‘480A',‘4006', 4 as CUTLASS SnHM •B.898 deal coll Bill PIcono. door, 4 cytlnder, Mue. 28PM83._____________ 949M. Por your best IS BWCK LeSASne ,*S888 a O C w n tB PONTAIC y m •4666’. 4 deal cell Bin PIcono. K T S C WAGON •8.898 15B" 3694463. TuMdaqr. April 14.1987 StCAfUVANTwam •15.998 door, 4 cylinder, 941M. Por your best deal coll •SVOYAQEnrwwai •14.995 Bill PIcono. 299 4103. SB CAfMVAN LtTfm t '15,595 PONTIAC 1983 • J3666' StiT IB riFTH AVE. •13.995 tion veogon, 4 cylinder, Soviet leader white. 93995. Por your PORD Econoline 146 Von. A BBLaSANnONCwir •15.995 Ral POOLS Amexlng dis best deol coll Bill Pl- Standard 4 cylinder. SB DODGE BOO Can* •12.795 cono. 269M83._______ 70,600 m iles. Runs count! Limited time IS GTS Twee ^wni. 0> •11.498 only. The big new fan POtrriAC 1965 Pirebird, good. Body good. Side tastic 1M7 tomlly slie IB GTS TUfto^am. •10.605 4,006 miles, blue. 99495. swing door. Asing col SB AWES SW •8,695 Por your best deal coll 91300/best offer. Ike. pool Includes huge sun 7434756 after 4pm. deck, fencing, filter, •6.695 Bill PIcono. 2694483. cool to U.S. ISneuANTa* A stof ladders, and warranty IB OMNI •4.906 thunders for only 9978. Pull fi TOWN OP MANCNgSTBR, CONNBCTICVr IS JEEP C.I7 •7.095 tions of nancing oyallabte. NOTICgOP PIrst come! PIrst P today wi HI occerOonce with the prevltleiw of Chopler % Section 1 serve! Cell Paul 1-800- onaioftheTownChorter, nonce liheriOyetvenofllieedep wind chil 853-7445 or 203-543-1141. 875-3311 non by Ihe Ooerd of Direefen of the Town of Meneheelir, summit offer sections Connecneut on April 7, ltS7. England OROINANCR R a in BE iTORDAilNEDbylheSoordofOlroctorsoftheTownof ranged The secretary of state also was I TOWN OP MANCHBSTBR, CONNRCTICUT Manchester, Ihot the Town of Monchoslor convey Parcel X By CariH J. wmiom» Lakes ai Union Pond industrial Pork, to VSH-ll Umifed Partnership Ttw Associated Press scheduled to get together today NOnCBOP for the sum of Throe Hundred Sovintein ThotMond Six with Soviet Foreign Minister tothece In accordance with the provtslens of Chopter 3, Secnon I Hundred Twenty-Pive (017405.01) Dollars. A more particu Oklahon and I of the Town Charter, nonce Is hereby elvonotthe adop lar descripnen of sold premises is attached hereto and Is do- MOSCOW — Secretary of State Eduard Shevardnadze, their foorth tion by the board of Directors of the Town of Manchester, slpnoted os "Schedule A." George P. Shuhx today renewed the meeting in two days. Connecticut on April 7,19S7. 9-2S4S Shultz met for more than seven 94S4S invitation for Soviet leader Mikhail OROINANCa Gorbachev to go to Washington for hours Monday with Shevardnadze, BE ITOROAINBD by the Board of Directors of the Town of S-2447 a superpower summit, but the and a U.S. official said alleged K G B Manchester (hot the Code or Ordinances, Chapter 4 Bulid- Prepared by William J. Shea, bugging of the U.S. Embassy was Assistant Town Attorney Kremlin leader said "generally Inos, be amended by adding thereto the followina without reason I do not go any the first item of discussion. ARTICLB III. PUBLIC NUISANCBS SCHEDULE A where, particularly to America.” Radio Moscow said today Shultz and Shevardnadze discussed “ pros Sec. 4-ie DsBnmons. Those premises known as Parcel t. Union Pond Industrlot Pork, In the Town of Manchester, Country of Hartford and At the start of a meeting with pects (or an agreement ... to 1. BultdlnaOmclol; State of Connecticut, being more particularly bounded ond Gorbachev in an ornate hall at the eliminate medhim-range missiles” The Bulldine Inspector or Chief Bulldine inspector described os follows: Kremlin, ShuHz delivered a letter as well as M curity issues, humanH- choreed with the duty to administer ond enforce the State Commencing at o point marked by o merestone on the Bulldinp Code end this Ordinance. southerly line of Tolland Turnpike, which point marks the from President Reagan containing arian issues "and the working 3. Public nuisance; northeasterly comer of the within described premises and the invitatiim to Washington. condHions of each other’s embas the northwesterly corner of lond now or formerly of Robert Bulldinos which ore obondoned, boarded up, partially "You’re welcome to come," sies and diplomatic missions.” destroyed, by fire or othsrwite, or portlollv constructed W. Weinberg, Trustee; thence S1*-4*'-ll'E land ^ or formerly of sold Robert W. Weinberg, Trustee, 477.S1 feet Shultz said. " I have a letter from A State Department offleial, or Incompleled after bulldine permits hove expired. toameresfone; thence S S r-S r-ll'E along land now or form speaking on condition of ammym- FUEL OH/COAL/ Sec 4-St Examination of premises; Isseeneo of order erly of sold Robert W. Weinbero, Trustee, I9f.31 feet to on the president and it says so.” Iron pin; thence S S r-W -ll'E along land now or formerlv of Reagan and Gorbachev have held ity, said "Th e flrri item on ShuHs’s FMEWOOO The bulldine offlclol shall examine or cause to be exom- agenda was the question of prob ined whether any piece of real property hos been maintained Malcolm J. and Kotherlno M. Kerr, )B.49feet toon Iron pinte two summit meetings — in Geneva soostocen------------------------------------------------^institute a nuisance os defined In Sec. 4-30herein. ^ ^ If be set; thence S43’-3 r -l9 ^ along land now or formerly of in November 1985 and in Iceland lems created by S ^ e t espionafg.’’ FIREWOOD. 953 o cord. 8 the bulldine offlclol finds that a nuisance does exist, he shall Mill Associates, 114.49 feet to an Iren pin; thence S ^ -4 T - He refused to characterize the Top SeN icriioed Lo bei. foot lengths, green, obtain a title report os to the real property, which sholl Iden 0 9 ^ along land now or formerly of Mill Aseodotes, 00.4.e feet lari October. They agreed Infor Any smounl deWwrsd. Also. IW, delivered. 5 cord rrln- tify all owners of record, lessees of record, holders of mort- to an Iron pin; Ihence S13*-32'-49*W along land now or form mally in Geneva that (Sorbachev exchange or say How SbevardnadM eoeos, or ether liens and encumbrances of record. He shall erly of Mill Associates, 394.0 feet to an Iron pin to be set; reacted, except that the Soviet gnnt, stone end berk rmileh. Imum. Moster/VIso thence NS4*-33'-12'W aloog land now or formerly of T o w ^ would visit Washingtim to see the BobcM, bsekhoe B loeder lenlsl. serve upon each such person having an Interest In sold real foreign minister "had some points L E A TH E R locket, cord. Northern Fire property by personal service or by certified moll, postage Monchester, 774.0 feet to on Iron pin to be set; thence N T - president last year. Reagan then Ol'-OT-W along land now or formerly of Robert W. Weinbere, to make.” brown, for sole. 9100. MmeoNtmuenoN wood distributors. 273- prepaid, return receipt reauested, a written notice stating Horttd photo by Tuokor would have gone to Moscow this 3414. the nature of the nuisance ond ordering the owner to com- Trustee and along land new or formerly of John B. Bornlnl, Shultz has publicly accused Mos You'll never know the Coll offer 5:30.444-9431. Trustee, In port by each. In all 2S0.7S feel to on iron pin to be year. power of Clmslflod until •7M4M mence either the required repairs, Imorevements, demon cow of gathering intelligence at the tion,______ or____________ other adlons,____ whichever_____ ________ In his liNlilament shall be ap set; thence NO*-44'-23’W along land now or formerly of eoM Gorbachev has not acted on the you use It yourself. Cell Why not exchonge It for John B. Bornlnl, Trustee, 7 0 .0 feel to a merestone on the Adam Hartzog. The group is believed to be one of the embassy with tte collusion of U.S. cosh with on od In Clossl- D O N 'T KNOW anyone Classified ads serve the propriate to abate sold nuisance, within 30 days from the SBVDnth-grsde studentB at Bonnet Junior High School U.S. invitation, which Reagan 443-3711 toOav to place on people today ... lust as M e of service of such notice, and to complete such work southerly line of Tolland Turnpike, thence by a curve to the youngest from the Manchester public achool syatem to Marine guards and has said, who wonts to buy whot rlght having a radius of S419I feeleel aloneat sold southerly llM who will leave Thureday on a two-week trip to the Soviet renewed in the letter.