Shining on $1 State Stage Early Week Edition Local Teams Bring Home Tuesday, Trophies / Sports Serving our communities since 1889 — March 8, 2016 Forecast for Coho ‘Celebrate Your Families’ Could Hundreds Come Together to Remember Children Lost in Fire Put a Pinch on Anglers, Guides FISHING: Chehalis System Set to See 96 Percent Fewer Wild Silver Salmon in 2016 By Jordan Nailon
[email protected] The forecast for 2016 salmon returns are in, and the outlook is not promis- ing for coho. Low returns are predicted almost across the board, and that could mean the cancellation or extreme abbreviation of popular fish- eries on a number of local waterways, including Grays Harbor, Chehalis River, Co- lumbia River, Willapa Harbor Paul Dunn / For The Chronicle and Puget Sound. A large crowd of mourners hold candles at George Washington Park Saturday night during a vigil for the victims of Friday morning's house ire in Centralia. The forecasts, which were formulated by the Washing- ton Department of Fish and Wildlife and treaty tribes, TRAGEDY: Father of project especially dire silver Victims Described returns for the Chehalis River system. Children as the ‘Light of His Life’ in a Statement please see COHO, page Main 14 Prior to Saturday’s Vigil By Kaylee Osowski Gov. Inslee
[email protected] A constant drizzle didn’t Threatens stop hundreds of people from coming together to mourn and Bill Vetoes if remember three children lost in Friday’s early morning house No Budget by fire in Centralia. Dozens of people offered Thursday hugs and condolences to the children’s father, Brad Tower, at OLYMPIA (AP) — Gov.