Grand Lodge of AF & AM of Canada, 1886

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Grand Lodge of AF & AM of Canada, 1886 BROCK UNIVERSITY LIBRARY From the Masonic Library of Lawrence Runnalls St. Catharines August 1988 .V couee> LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Heritage Lodge No. 730 G.R.C. & Grand Lodge A.F.& A.IVI. of Canada in the Province of Ontario / L^ PROCEEDINGS OF THE GRAND LODGE gcient, Wpee ^ ftcc^pted Jl^asoijs AT SPECIAL COMMUNICATIONS Held at Smith's Falls on the 13th July A. L. 5885 : at Marmora on the 15th 'July, A. L. 5885 ; and at Jarv-is on the 1 8th June, 5886. ALSO AT THE Thirty-First Annual Communication HELD AT THE TOWN OF WINDSOR. ON THE 14th and 15th July, R, D. IBBB. R L, 5BBE. ORDERED TO BE READ IN ALL LODGES AND PRESERVED. SPECTATOR. PRINTING COMPANY. GRAND LODGE OF CANADA. PROCEEDINGS At an Especial Communication of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, held at the Village of Smith's Falls, County of Lanark, on Monday the 13th day of July, A. D. 18S5, A. L. 5885. PRESENT R. W. Bro. AV. Rea, P. D. D. G. M., as Grand Master. " " D. A. Ferguson, as Deputy Grand Master. W. Johnston, as " Senior Warden. G. Brown, as " Junior " Rev. W. R. Dyre, as " Chaplain. ' J. Shields, as Treasurer. S. Moag, as ' Secretary. C. A. Douglas, as ' Senior Deacon. D. Hogg, as ' Junior " ' S. N. Percival, as ' Dir. of Cer. ' J. W. Crate, as ' Asst.Di^r.ofCer. ' T. JI. Johnston, as ' Organist. ' J. D. Wallis, as ' Pursuivant. ' J. Bell, as ' Tyler. A. Neilson, J. G. Campbell, G. Findlay, W. J. Pink, B. ^Varren, J. A. Lindsay, ' A. Foster, as ' Stewards. J. McCreary, J. Chapman, W. Corbett, D. McGregor, W. Hicks, • 4 GRAND LODGE OF CANADA. And three Worshipful Masters appointed to carry corn, wine and oil ; together with a number of brethren hailing from Ottawa, Perth, Smith's Falls and other places. The Grand Lodge having been opened in foryn at one o'clock p. m., R. W. Bro. Wm. Rea stated that he had been requested by the Most Worshipful, the Grand Master, to per- form the ceremony of laying the corner stone of a new Methodist Church to be erected in Smith's Falls. A i)rocession was formed in accordance with the regulations laid down in the Book of Constitution, and proceeded to the site of the Church, when a halt was made and the ranks opened out and faced inwards, when the acting Grand Master, supported by the Grand Officers, passed to the corner where the stone was to be laid, where a platform had been erected for the Grand Officers and brethren. As soon as all had arrived an appropriate hymn was sung, the choir of the church leading. This was followed by Scrip- ture lesson and prayer by W. Bro. Rev. W. R, Dyre, acting Grand Chaplain. The acting Grand Secretary then read the following inscrip- tion : gg tlie ^atiof of ^Imiflljttj ©oil, ON THE 13TH DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1885, Of the era of Freemasonry 5885, and in the forty-ninth year of the reign of our beloved Sovereign ^xxttM Utrtovta; His Excellency the MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, being Governor- General of the Dominion of Canada, The Honorable JOHN BEVERLY ROBINSON, Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, James M. Clark, Esquire, Mayor of Smith's Falls, Hugh Murray, Esquire, Most Worshipful Grand Master, The Rev. LeRoy Hooker, President of the Montreal Conference, The Rev. Richard Whiting, Superintendent of District, • The Rev. Alfred McCann, Methodist Minister of Smith's Falls, SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, SMITH'S FALLS, 5885. 5 J. R. Lavell, Joseph Moorhouse, and Samuel Garrett, Esquires, Building Committee. S. R. Badgley, Architect, and G. M. Gilmore, Contractor. ^tft CtontPf Stont Of this Methodist Church was laid by Right Worshipful Bro. WILLIAM REA, ESQUIRE, Past D. D. G. M. Ottawa District, attended and assisted by an especial Grand Lodge of Free Masons of Canada, and various Lodges and Brethren, whom may God prosper. which was deposited in a glass bottle and placed in the cavity below the stone. In this bottle was also put copies of the Globe, Mail, Christian Guardian and Independent, and 50c., 25c., IOC, 5c. and ic. pieces. As soon as the bottle was deposited in the cavity by the acting Grand Master, Miss Barnes stepped forward and in a few well put words gracefully presented to acting Grand Master Right Worshipful W. Rea, P. D. D. G. M., on behalf of the trustees, a beautiful silver trowel with which to perform the ceremony of laying the stone. On the trowel was the following inscription : Presented by the Methodist Church, Smith's Falls, 1885, to R. W. Bro. Wm. Rea, P. D. D. G. M. Right Worshipful Bro. W. Rea, P. D. D. G. M., in a few remarks thanked the lady making the presentation. The necessary mortar being laid,—the acting Grand Master spread it' with the trowel and said : " I spread this cement as an emblem of that cement of peace and good will which, I trust, will prevail in the sacred edifice to be erected, and may its heaven-pointed spire remind the congregation, under God's blessing, of those mansions of bliss whence all goodness emanates. The upper stone was then lowered by the three regular stops, solemn music being played, after which the Grand Junior and Senior Wardens and the Deputy Grand Master applied the instruments of their office to the stone, and it was ascertained that the craftsman had done their duty. — The acting Grand Master said : " R. W. and W. Brethren, 6 GRAND LODGE OF CANADA. having full confidence in your skill in our royal art, it remains for me to finish the work." Three knocks were then given upon the stone with the gavel. " Well made, well proved, truly laid, true and trusty, and may this undertaking be con- ducted and completed by the craftsmen, according to the Grand Plan, in Peace, Harmony and Brotherly Love." Response. —"So mote it be." Corn, wine and oil were then placed upon— the stone, the acting Grand Master at the same time saying : " I strew corn it upon the stone as an emblem of plenty ; I pour wine upon as an emblem of joy and cheerfulness ; I anoint it with oil as an emblem of comfort and consolation. May corn, wine and oil, and all the necessaries of life abound among men, and may the Great Architect of the Universe, who has so kindly blessed us in our proceedings of the day, enable those engaged in the erection of this building to complete it ; may He protect the workmen from accident, and long preserve the structure from ruin or decay, that it may serve for generations yet to come the purpose for which it is intended." Response. — " So mote it be." The public grand honors were given. A liberal collection was then taken up, while the choir joined in singing an appro- priate hymn, after which the acting Grand Master spoke as follows : " Men, women and children, by invitation we are assembled here to-day to lay the corner stone of an edifice to be erected to the glory of God, the Great Architect of the Universe. Know all of you that we are lawful masons, true to the laws of our country, and professing to fear God, the Creator of all things, to honor the queen, to confer benefits upon our brethren, and to practice universal benevolence towards all mankind. It is true that from time immemorial our Order has had cer- tain secrets which are only known to members of our ancient and honorable society, and in order to disabuse the minds of any who may have doubts as to the basis of our faith and the SPECIAL COMMUNICATION, SMITH'S FALLS, 5885. ^ principles of our Order, I cannot do better than recite to you those charges to which every man wishing to join our ranks has to submit a cheeerful obedience, and a violation of which renders him unfit to be recognized as a Mason. CONCERNING GOD AND RELIGION. A Mason is obliged by his tenure, to obey the moral law, and if he rightly understand the art, he will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious libertine. He, of all men, should for best understand that God seeth not as man seeth ; man looketh at the outward appearance, but God looketh to the heart. A Mason is, therefore, particularly bound never to act against the dictates of his conscience. Let a man's religion, or mode of worship, be what it may, he is not excluded from the Order, provided he believe in the glorious Architect of heaven and earth, and practice the sacred duties of morality. Masons unite with the virtuous of every persuasion in the firm and pleasing bond of fraternal love ; they are taught to view the errors of mankind with compassion, and to strive, by the purity of their own conduct, to demonstrate the superior excellence of the faith they may profess. Thus, Masonry is the centre of union between good men and true, and the happy means of conciliating friendship among those who must otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance. OF THE CIVIL MAGISTRATE, SUPREME AND SUBORDINAIE. A Mason is a peaceable subject to the civil powers wherever he resides or works, and is never to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation, nor to behave himself undutifuUy to inferior magistrates. He is cheerfully to conform to every lawful authority ; to uphold, on every occasion, the interest of the community, and zealously promote the prosperity of his own country.
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