Government Notices • Goewermentskennisgewings

Transport, Department of/ Vervoer, Departement van DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT NO. 197 26 FEBRUARY 2016

197 South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act (7/1998): Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project, Toll Roads: Publication of tolls 39754 THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL ROADS AGENCY LIMITED AND NATIONAL ROADS ACT, 1998 (ACT No. 7 OF 1998)


The Head of the Department of Transport hereby makes known, in terms of section 27(3)(c) of the South African National Roads Agency Limited and National Roads Act, 1998 (Act No. 7 of 1998), that the Minister of Transport has, in terms of section 27(3)(a) of the Act and on the recommendation of the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd, determined the tolls to be levied, and the rebates thereon and any increases and reductions thereof in the Schedule hereto, on the following roads:

As declared by Government Notice No. 349 to 354 in Government Gazette No. 30912 of 28 March 2008

sections 20 and 21

section 12

• N4 section 1

sections 18 and 19

As declared by Government Notice No. R.800 in Government Gazette No. 31273 of 28 July 2008

• R21 sections 1 2 and

The Minister of Transport has also determined, on the recommendation of the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd and in terms of section 27(3)(d) of the Act, that:

• the tolls that may be levied in terms of this Notice, will be payable from a date 14 days from the date of publication of this notice ("Effective Date");

• the provisions of paragraphs 5.19 to 5.22 of the Schedule shall apply until 23:59 on 2 May 2016 and shall apply to all unpaid tolls levied in respect of e-­‐toll transactions on the GFIP toll roads, up to and including 31 August 2015

This notice, from the date of publication, repeals and replaces the toll tariff notice No R. 177 of 15 February 2016 and from the Effective Date, repeals and replaces all previous Toll Tariff Notices in respect of the aforementioned ds. toll roa

...... Mr. Pu eodfrey S Iepe DIRECTOR-GENERAL. TRANSPORT

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1. Definitions

In this Notice, a word or expression that has been defined in the Act or e-­‐Road Regulations has the same meaning and:

discount means a rebate as contemplated in section 27(3) of the Act;

GFIP toll roads means the roads comprising the Gauteng Freeway Improvement Project, which are N1 sections 20 and 21, N3 section 12, N4 section 1 and N12 sections 18 and 19 (as declared by Government Notices No. 349 to 354 in Government Gazette No.30912 of 28 March 2008); and R21 sections 1 and 2 (as declared by Government Notice No. R.800 in Government Gazette No. 31273 of 28 July 2008);

grace period means in respect of: (a) a registered user, 31 days from the date and time that an e-­‐toll transaction occurs; and (b) an alternate user who is not a registered user, seven days from the date and time that an e-­‐toll transaction occurs;

standard tariff means the toll amount used to calculate a discount, except a discount for an alternate user, that may apply; and

tariff means the amount of toll as determined by the Minister in terms of section 27(3)(a) of the Act.

2. Users of the GFIP-­‐toll roads and the ayable toll p by those users 2.1 Subject to any exemption that may be granted in terms of the Act, tolls shall be levied by the Agency for every e-­‐toll transaction on the GFIP-­‐toll roads and shall be payable by every user of the GFIP-­‐toll roads by not later expiry than the of applicable the grace period.

2.2 Users of the GFIP-­‐toll roads are liable to pay toll, for each e-­‐toll transaction, in the amount of the standard tariff or a tariff, which standard tariff : or tariff is determined by

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2.2.1 the class of motor vehicle used on the GFIP-­‐toll roads, contemplated in paragraph 4; and

2.2.2 the means by which the passage of a motor vehicle beneath a gantry is identified and the liability to pay toll recorded and the means of payment, including -­‐ pre payment of toll liability as ted contempla in paragraph 3.

3. Tariffs

Tariffs for registered users, non-­‐registered e-­‐tag users, and alternate users

3.1 The standard tariffs and tariffs for the following users, differentiated according to the Class of motor vehicle, are set out in Table 1.

3.2 In respect of -­‐ an e toll transaction:

3.2.1 a registered -­‐ e tag user pays the tariff set out in Column ticular 3 of Table 1 for the par class of motor vehicle;

3.2.2 a non-­‐registered -­‐ e tag user pays the tariff set out in Column 4 of Table 1 for the particular class motor of vehicle;

3.2.3 a registered VLN user pays the tariff set out in Column rticular 5 of Table 1 for the pa class of motor vehicle; and

3.2.4 an alternate user pays the tariff set out in Column 6 of Table 1 for the particular class of motor vehicle.

3.3 Explanatory note on categories of user as referred to in 3.2 above and as defined in the e-­‐ Road Regulations:

3.3.1 Users must note that notwithstanding registration with the Agency or being identified by an e-­‐tag or making payment of toll e within the grac period, users will only be classified in the categories referred to in 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 above if such users meet the specific criteria relating to such user at the time of an e-­‐toll transaction and as defined -­‐ in the e Road Regulations;

3.3.2 the pecific s criteria referred to in 3.3.1 include sufficient -­‐ funds in his or her e toll account to pay the toll that applies to the e-­‐toll transaction, or such user has linked his or her e-­‐toll account to a payment method acceptable to the Agency, or such user has an agreement with the Agency -­‐ to pay for e toll transactions on another basis;

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3.3.3 a user who does not fall within tegories the aforementioned ca referred to in 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 2 3. .3 above will be classified, at -­‐ the time of an e toll transaction, as an alternate user and will pay the toll applicable to an alternate user (Column 6, Table 1), subject to being entitled to a discount on this tariff if payment, in full, is received within the grace period and if not within the grace period no later than within 30 days of the date of the invoice or notice issued by the . Agency

Tariffs include VAT

3.4 The tariffs include value-­‐added tax (VAT) as provided for in the Value-­‐ Added Tax Act, 1991 (Act No. 89 of 1991).

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Table 1: Tariffs for motor vehicle class: Class A1

Standard Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Plaza name and tariff paid by paid by -­‐ non paid by paid by registered registered e-­‐ registered alternate place (Column 2) e-­‐tag users tag users VLN users users (Column 1) (Column 3) (Column 4) (Column 5) (Column 6)

N1 1. Barbet (N1-­‐21) R1.88 R1.88 R1.88 R1.88 R3.76 2. Mossie (N1-­‐21) R1.88 R1.88 R1.88 R1.88 R3.76 3. Indlazi (N1-­‐21) R1.83 R1.83 R1.83 R1.83 R3.66 4. Pikoko (N1-­‐21) R1.83 R1.83 R1.83 R1.83 R3.66 5. Ivusi (N1-­‐21) R1.74 R1.74 R1.74 R1.74 R3.48 6. Flamingo (N1-­‐21) R1.74 R1.74 R1.74 R1.74 R3.48 7. Ihobe (N1-­‐21) R2.11 R2.11 R2.11 R2.11 R4.22 8. Sunbird -­‐ (N1 20) R2.11 R2.11 R2.11 R2.11 R4.22 9. Tarentaal (N1-­‐20) R1.62 R1.62 R1.62 R1.62 R3.24 10. Blouvalk (N1-­‐20) R1.62 R1.62 R1.62 R1.62 R3.24 11. Owl (N1-­‐20) R2.01 R2.01 R2.01 R2.01 R4.02 12. Pelican (N1-­‐20) R2.01 R2.01 R2.01 R2.01 R4.02 13. King Fisher (N1-­‐20) R1.79 R1.79 R1.79 R1.79 R3.58 14. Ukhozi (N1-­‐20) R1.79 R1.79 R1.79 R1.79 R3.58 15. Fiscal (N1-­‐20) R1.58 R1.58 R1.58 R1.58 R3.16 16. Stork (N1-­‐20) R1.58 R1.58 R1.58 R1.58 R3.16 17. Ilowe (N1-­‐20) R0.38 R0.38 R0.38 R0.38 R0.76 N3 18. Leeba (N3-­‐12) R1.36 R1.36 R1.36 R1.36 R2.72 19. Ibis (N3-­‐12) R1.36 R1.36 R1.36 R1.36 R2.72 20. Kiewiet (N3-­‐12) R1.45 R1.45 R1.45 R1.45 R2.90 21. Kwikkie (N3-­‐12) R1.45 R1.45 R1.45 R1.45 R2.90 22. Starling (N3-­‐12) R1.54 R1.54 R1.54 R1.54 R3.08 23. Rooivink (N3-­‐12) R1.54 R1.54 R1.54 R1.54 R3.08 24. Mpshe (N3-­‐12) R1.25 R1.25 R1.25 R1.25 R2.50 25. Oxpecker (N3-­‐12) R1.25 R1.25 R1.25 R1.25 R2.50 N12 28. Phakwe (N12-­‐18) R1.39 R1.39 R1.39 R1.39 R2.78 29. Thaha (N12 -­‐18) R1.98 R1.98 R1.98 R1.98 R3.96 30. Lenong (N12 -­‐18) R2.11 R2.11 R2.11 R2.11 R4.22 31. Lekgwaba (N12 -­‐18) R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R3.06 32. Loerie (N12 -­‐19) R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R4.14 33. Gull (N12-­‐19) R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R4.14 34. Ilanda (N12 -­‐19) R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R3.06 35. Bee-­‐eater (N12 -­‐19) R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R3.06 R21 37. Hadeda (R21 -­‐1) R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R3.06 38. Ntsu (R21-­‐1) R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R1.53 R3.06 39. Heron (R21 -­‐1) R1.86 R1.86 R1.86 R1.86 R3.72 40. Bluecrane (R21 -­‐1) R1.86 R1.86 R1.86 R1.86 R3.72 41. Swael (R21 -­‐2) R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R5.28 42. Letata (R21 -­‐2) R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R5.28 43. Swan (R21 -­‐2) R2.17 R2.17 R2.17 R2.17 R4.34 44. Weaver (R21 -­‐2) R2.17 R2.17 R2.17 R2.17 R4.34 45. Hornbill (R21-­‐2) R1.15 R1.15 R1.15 R1.15 R2.30 N12 47. Ugaga (N12 -­‐19) R1.74 R1.74 R1.74 R1.74 R3.48

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Table 1: Tariffs for motor vehicle class: Class A2

Standard Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Plaza name and tariff paid by paid by -­‐ non paid by paid by registered registered e-­‐ registered alternate place (Column 2) e-­‐tag users tag users VLN users users (Column 1) (Column 3) (Column 4) (Column 5) (Column 6)

N1 1. Barbet (N1-­‐21) R3.14 R3.14 R3.14 R3.14 R6.28 2. Mossie (N1-­‐21) R3.14 R3.14 R3.14 R3.14 R6.28 3. Indlazi (N1-­‐21) R3.05 R3.05 R3.05 R3.05 R6.10 4. Pikoko (N1-­‐21) R3.05 R3.05 R3.05 R3.05 R6.10 5. Ivusi (N1-­‐21) R2.89 R2.89 R2.89 R2.89 R5.78 6. Flamingo (N1-­‐21) R2.89 R2.89 R2.89 R2.89 R5.78 7. Ihobe (N1-­‐21) R3.52 R3.52 R3.52 R3.52 R7.04 8. Sunbird -­‐ (N1 20) R3.52 R3.52 R3.52 R3.52 R7.04 9. Tarentaal (N1-­‐20) R2.70 R2.70 R2.70 R2.70 R5.40 10. Blouvalk (N1-­‐20) R2.70 R2.70 R2.70 R2.70 R5.40 11. Owl (N1-­‐20) R3.36 R3.36 R3.36 R3.36 R6.72 12. Pelican (N1-­‐20) R3.36 R3.36 R3.36 R3.36 R6.72 13. King Fisher (N1-­‐20) R2.98 R2.98 R2.98 R2.98 R5.96 14. Ukhozi (N1-­‐20) R2.98 R2.98 R2.98 R2.98 R5.96 15. Fiscal (N1-­‐20) R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R5.28 16. Stork (N1-­‐20) R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R2.64 R5.28 17. Ilowe (N1-­‐20) R0.63 R0.63 R0.63 R0.63 R1.26 N3 18. Leeba (N3-­‐12) R2.26 R2.26 R2.26 R2.26 R4.52 19. Ibis (N3-­‐12) R2.26 R2.26 R2.26 R2.26 R4.52 20. Kiewiet (N3-­‐12) R2.42 R2.42 R2.42 R2.42 R4.84 21. Kwikkie (N3-­‐12) R2.42 R2.42 R2.42 R2.42 R4.84 22. Starling (N3-­‐12) R2.58 R2.58 R2.58 R2.58 R5.16 23. Rooivink (N3-­‐12) R2.58 R2.58 R2.58 R2.58 R5.16 24. Mpshe (N3-­‐12) R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R4.14 25. Oxpecker (N3-­‐12) R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R2.07 R4.14 N12 28. Phakwe (N12-­‐18) R2.32 R2.32 R2.32 R2.32 R4.64 29. Thaha (N12 -­‐18) R3.30 R3.30 R3.30 R3.30 R6.60 30. Lenong (N12 -­‐18) R3.52 R3.52 R3.52 R3.52 R7.04 31. Lekgwaba (N12 -­‐18) R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R5.08 32. Loerie (N12 -­‐19) R3.45 R3.45 R3.45 R3.45 R6.90 33. Gull (N12-­‐19) R3.45 R3.45 R3.45 R3.45 R6.90 34. Ilanda (N12 -­‐19) R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R5.08 35. Bee-­‐eater (N12 -­‐19) R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R5.08 R21 37. Hadeda (R21 -­‐1) R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R5.08 38. Ntsu (R21-­‐1) R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R2.54 R5.08 39. Heron (R21 -­‐1) R3.11 R3.11 R3.11 R3.11 R6.22 40. Bluecrane (R21 -­‐1) R3.11 R3.11 R3.11 R3.11 R6.22 41. Swael (R21 -­‐2) R4.40 R4.40 R4.40 R4.40 R8.80 42. Letata (R21 -­‐2) R4.40 R4.40 R4.40 R4.40 R8.80 43. Swan (R21 -­‐2) R3.61 R3.61 R3.61 R3.61 R7.22 44. Weaver (R21 -­‐2) R3.61 R3.61 R3.61 R3.61 R7.22 45. Hornbill (R21-­‐2) R1.92 R1.92 R1.92 R1.92 R3.84 N12 47. Ugaga (N12 -­‐19) R2.89 R2.89 R2.89 R2.89 R5.78

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Table 1: Tariffs for motor vehicle class: Class B

Standard Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Plaza name and tariff paid by paid by non -­‐ paid by paid by registered registered e-­‐ registered alternate place (Column 2) e-­‐tag users tag users VLN users users (Column 1) (Column 3) (Column 4) (Column 5) (Column 6)

N1 1. Barbet (N1-­‐21) R7.85 R7.85 R7.85 R7.85 R15.70 2. Mossie (N1-­‐21) R7.85 R7.85 R7.85 R7.85 R15.70 3. Indlazi (N1-­‐21) R7.62 R7.62 R7.62 R7.62 R15.24 4. Pikoko (N1-­‐21) R7.62 R7.62 R7.62 R7.62 R15.24 5. Ivusi (N1-­‐21) R7.22 R7.22 R7.22 R7.22 R14.44 6. Flamingo (N1-­‐21) R7.22 R7.22 R7.22 R7.22 R14.44 7. Ihobe (N1-­‐21) R8.79 R8.79 R8.79 R8.79 R17.58 8. Sunbird (N1-­‐20) R8.79 R8.79 R8.79 R8.79 R17.58 9. Tarentaal (N1-­‐20) R6.75 R6.75 R6.75 R6.75 R13.50 10. Blouvalk (N1-­‐20) R6.75 R6.75 R6.75 R6.75 R13.50 11. Owl (N1-­‐20) R8.41 R8.41 R8.41 R8.41 R16.82 12. Pelican (N1-­‐20) R8.41 R8.41 R8.41 R8.41 R16.82 13. King Fisher (N1-­‐20) R7.46 R7.46 R7.46 R7.46 R14.92 14. Ukhozi (N1-­‐20) R7.46 R7.46 R7.46 R7.46 R14.92 15. Fiscal (N1-­‐20) R6.59 R6.59 R6.59 R6.59 R13.18 16. Stork (N1-­‐20) R6.59 R6.59 R6.59 R6.59 R13.18 17. Ilowe (N1-­‐20) R1.57 R1.57 R1.57 R1.57 R3.14 N3 18. Leeba (N3-­‐12) R5.65 R5.65 R5.65 R5.65 R11.30 19. Ibis (N3-­‐12) R5.65 R5.65 R5.65 R5.65 R11.30 20. Kiewiet (N3-­‐12) R6.05 R6.05 R6.05 R6.05 R12.10 21. Kwikkie (N3-­‐12) R6.05 R6.05 R6.05 R6.05 R12.10 22. Starling (N3-­‐12) R6.44 R6.44 R6.44 R6.44 R12.88 23. Rooivink (N3-­‐12) R6.44 R6.44 R6.44 R6.44 R12.88 24. Mpshe (N3-­‐12) R5.18 R5.18 R5.18 R5.18 R10.36 25. Oxpecker (N3-­‐12) R5.18 R5.18 R5.18 R5.18 R10.36 N12 28. Phakwe (N12-­‐18) R5.81 R5.81 R5.81 R5.81 R11.62 29. Thaha (N12 -­‐18) R8.25 R8.25 R8.25 R8.25 R16.50 30. Lenong (N12 -­‐18) R8.79 R8.79 R8.79 R8.79 R17.58 31. Lekgwaba (N12 -­‐18) R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R12.72 32. Loerie (N12 -­‐19) R8.64 R8.64 R8.64 R8.64 R17.28 33. Gull (N12-­‐19) R8.64 R8.64 R8.64 R8.64 R17.28 34. Ilanda (N12 -­‐19) R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R12.72 35. Bee-­‐eater (N12 -­‐19) R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R12.72 R21 37. Hadeda (R21 -­‐1) R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R12.72 38. Ntsu (R21-­‐1) R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R6.36 R12.72 39. Heron (R21 -­‐1) R7.78 R7.78 R7.78 R7.78 R15.56 40. Bluecrane (R21 -­‐1) R7.78 R7.78 R7.78 R7.78 R15.56 41. Swael (R21 -­‐2) R10.99 R10.99 R10.99 R10.99 R21.98 42. Letata (R21 -­‐2) R10.99 R10.99 R10.99 R10.99 R21.98 43. Swan (R21 -­‐2) R9.03 R9.03 R9.03 R9.03 R18.06 44. Weaver (R21 -­‐2) R9.03 R9.03 R9.03 R9.03 R18.06 45. Hornbill (R21-­‐2) R4.79 R4.79 R4.79 R4.79 R9.58 N12 47. Ugaga (N12 -­‐19) R7.22 R7.22 R7.22 R7.22 R14.44

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Table 1: Tariffs for motor vehicle class: Class C

Standard Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Tariff to be Plaza name and tariff paid by paid by -­‐ non paid by paid by registered registered e-­‐ registered alternate place (Column 2) e-­‐tag users tag users VLN users users (Column 1) (Column 3) (Column 4) (Column 5) (Column 6)

N1 1. Barbet (N1 -­‐21) R15.70 R15.70 R15.70 R15.70 R31.40 2. Mossie (N1-­‐21) R15.70 R15.70 R15.70 R15.70 R31.40 3. Indlazi (N1-­‐21) R15.23 R15.23 R15.23 R15.23 .46 4. Pikoko (N1-­‐21) R15.23 R15.23 R15.23 R15.23 R30.46 5. Ivusi (N1-­‐21) R14.45 R14.45 R14.45 R14.45 R28.90 6. Flamingo (N1-­‐21) R14.45 R14.45 R14.45 R14.45 R28.90 7. Ihobe (N1-­‐21) R17.59 R17.59 R17.59 R17.59 .18 8. Sunbird -­‐ (N1 20) R17.59 R17.59 R17.59 R17.59 R35.18 9. Tarentaal (N1-­‐20) R13.50 R13.50 R13.50 R13.50 R27.00 10. Blouvalk (N1-­‐20) R13.50 R13.50 R13.50 R13.50 R27.00 11. Owl (N1-­‐20) R16.80 R16.80 R16.80 R16.80 .60 12. Pelican (N1-­‐20) R16.80 R16.80 R16.80 R16.80 R33.60 13. King Fisher (N1-­‐20) R14.92 R14.92 R14.92 R14.92 R29.84 14. Ukhozi (N1-­‐20) R14.92 R14.92 R14.92 R14.92 R29.84 15. Fiscal (N1-­‐20) R13.19 R13.19 R13.19 R13.19 .38 16. Stork (N1-­‐20) R13.19 R13.19 R13.19 R13.19 R26.38 17. Ilowe (N1-­‐20) R3.14 R3.14 R3.14 R3.14 R6.28 N3 18. Leeba (N3-­‐12) R11.30 R11.30 R11.30 R11.30 R22.60 19. Ibis (N3-­‐12) R11.30 R11.30 R11.30 R11.30 R22.60 20. Kiewiet (N3-­‐12) R12.09 R12.09 R12.09 R12.09 R24.18 21. Kwikkie (N3-­‐12) R12.09 R12.09 R12.09 R12.09 R24.18 22. Starling (N3-­‐12) R12.88 R12.88 R12.88 R12.88 R25.76 23. Rooivink (N3-­‐12) R12.88 R12.88 R12.88 R12.88 R25.76 24. Mpshe (N3-­‐12) R10.36 R10.36 R10.36 R10.36 R20.72 25. Oxpecker (N3-­‐12) R10.36 R10.36 R10.36 R10.36 R20.72 N12 28. Phakwe (N12-­‐18) R11.62 R11.62 R11.62 R11.62 R23.24 29. Thaha (N12 -­‐18) R16.49 R16.49 R16.49 R16.49 R32.98 30. Lenong (N12 -­‐18) R17.59 R17.59 R17.59 R17.59 R35.18 31. Lekgwaba (N12 -­‐18) R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R25.44 32. Loerie (N12 -­‐19) R17.27 R17.27 R17.27 R17.27 R34.54 33. Gull (N12-­‐19) R17.27 R17.27 R17.27 R17.27 R34.54 34. Ilanda (N12 -­‐19) R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R25.44 35. Bee-­‐eater (N12 -­‐19) R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R25.44 R21 37. Hadeda (R21 -­‐1) R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R25.44 38. Ntsu (R21-­‐1) R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R12.72 R25.44 39. Heron (R21 -­‐1) R15.54 R15.54 R15.54 R15.54 R31.08 40. Bluecrane (R21 -­‐1) R15.54 R15.54 R15.54 R15.54 R31.08 41. Swael (R21 -­‐2) R21.98 R21.98 R21.98 R21.98 R43.96 42. Letata (R21 -­‐2) R21.98 R21.98 R21.98 R21.98 R43.96 43. Swan (R21 -­‐2) R18.06 R18.06 R18.06 R18.06 R36.12 44. Weaver (R21 -­‐2) R18.06 R18.06 R18.06 R18.06 R36.12 45. Hornbill (R21-­‐2) R9.58 R9.58 R9.58 R9.58 R19.16 N12 47. Ugaga (N12 -­‐19) R14.45 R14.45 R14.45 R14.45 R28.90

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Tariffs for day pass users 3.5 A day pass user pays the tariff set out in Table 2 for the particular motor vehicle class:

Table 2: Tariffs payable by day pass users

Motor vehicle class Tariff for each 24-­‐hour period

A1 R 31.00

A2 R 52.00

B R130.00

C R261.00

4. Classes of motor vehicles 4.1 The classes of motor vehicles for the purposes of the GFIP-­‐toll roads are set out in Table 3.

4.2 To qualify for a specific motor vehicle class, the motor vehicle must have the dimensions set out in Table 3.

Table 3: Classes of motor vehicles

Class Motor vehicle type Dimensions of motor vehicle

Length under 3,0 metres A1 Motor cycles Width under 1,3 metres Height under 2,5 metres

Length under 6,0 metres Height under 2,5 metres Trailers that meet the criteria below are not considered when measuring dimensions for light motor vehicles: • It is designed or adapted to be drawn by a tow bar that is attached to a Class A2 motor vehicle. Light motor vehicles • It is not self-­‐propelled. (excluding motor cycles and • It has a centre axle or centre axles. only if motor the vehicle A2 • the gross vehicle mass is not more than 3 500 without any trailer does not kilograms. qualify as a Class B or C This means a motor vehicle metres under 6,0 with a trailer that motor vehicle) makes the total length of both vehicles more than 6,0 metres will still be classified as a Class A2 motor vehicle. If the motor vehicle is -­‐ drawing a semi trailer, the motor vehicle combination does not qualify as a Class A2 light motor vehicle. This is regardless of whether or not the motor vehicle drawing the semi-­‐trailer is under 6, 0 metres or not. A semi-­‐trailer has the meaning given to it in the National Road Traffic Act.

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Class Motor vehicle type Dimensions of motor vehicle

Length, including any trailer, of 6,0 metres or more, but not Small heavy motor vehicles over 12,5 metres B (but only if the motor or vehicle does not qualify as a Length, including any trailer, under of 6,0 metres and height of Class C motor vehicle) 2,5 metres or more

C Large heavy motor vehicles Length, including any trailer, of more than 12,5 metres

5. Discounts applying to tariffs The sum of discounts all in respect of an e-­‐toll transaction may not exceed the amount of toll payable in respect of -­‐ such e toll transaction.

Types of discount to up the end of the grace period

5.1 There are two types of discount that will be applied if payment for an e-­‐toll transaction is made within the grace period:

5.1.1 time-­‐of-­‐day discount; and

5.1.2 frequent user discount,

5.1.3 grace period discount for alternate users,

which discounts are described more fully and apply in the circumstances and subject to the conditions as set out below.

5.2 The time-­‐of-­‐day discount and frequent user discount are calculated using the standard tariff set out in Column 2 of Table 1 for the particular motor vehicle class.

5.3 All discounts apply to a specific motor vehicle and not to an e-­‐toll account that may be used to discharge liability for toll.

Types of additional discount applicable to alternate user

5.4 There is one additional discount that shall apply to alternate users after an e-­‐toll transaction but within 30 days of the date of the invoice or notice issued by the , Agency which discount is described more fully and applies in the circumstances and subject to the conditions as set out below.

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Once-­‐off discount for payments made in respect of P toll incurred under rior T oll T ariff Notice

5.5 There is a once-­‐off discount that shall apply to all users of the GFIP toll roads and that is a discount for payments made in respect of toll incurred under all prior toll tariff notices and for all tolls levied up to and including 31 August 2015 (Prior Notices), and which was not paid within the ce gra period applicable to the Prior Notices, which discount is described more fully and subject to the conditions as set out below.

Time-­‐of-­‐day discount

A discount based on the time of day

5.6 The time-­‐of-­‐day discount gives a discount to users who use the GFIP-­‐toll roads at certain times.

5.7 Subject to 10 5. below, he t time-­‐of-­‐day discount applies to all users of the GFIP toll roads in all motor vehicle classes.

5.8 The time-­‐of-­‐day discount is applied through the Agency deducting from user the tariff that who qualifies for the discount would ordinarily be liable to pay for the use of motor vehicle on the -­‐ GFIP toll roads, an amount equal to a percentage ; of the standard tariff the applicable percentage being that which corresponds with the time and day of use of the motor vehicle as reflected on Table 4 for the class of motor vehicle in question.

5.9 The Agency deducts the discount from the tariff that applies to the category of user and vehicle. It is in addition to any other discount that may apply to that user.

5.10 The time-­‐of-­‐day discount will not apply to a user -­‐ who pays for an e toll transaction after the expiry of the applicable grace period.

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Table 4: Time of day discounts

Time-of-day discounts: Classes A1 and A2 Public Time-of-day Weekday Saturday Sunday holiday After 00:00 up to 48.3% of standard and including tariff deducted 48.3% of 48.3% of 05:00 standard standard After 05:00 up to tariff tariff 19.3% of standard and including deducted deducted tariff deducted 06:00 After 06:00 up to 0% of standard tariff and including deducted 10:00 29% of 29% of 48.3% of After 10:00 up to 9.7% of standard tariff standard standard standard and including deducted tariff tariff tariff 14:00 deducted deducted deducted After 14:00 up to 0% of standard tariff and including deducted 18:00 After 18:00 up to 19.3% of standard and including tariff deducted 48.3% of 48.3% of 23:00 standard standard After 23:00 up to tariff tariff 48.3% of standard and including deducted deducted tariff deducted 00:00

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Time-of-day discounts: Classes B and C Public Time of day Weekday Saturday Sunday holiday 57.9% of After 00:00 up to and standard tariff 57.9% of including 05:00 57.9% of deducted standard standard tariff 48.3% of tariff After 05:00 up to and deducted standard tariff deducted including 06:00 deducted After 06:00 up to and 0% of standard including 08:30 tariff deducted 48.3% of After 08:30 up to and 38.6% of 48.3% of standard including 16:00 standard tariff standard tariff 57.9% of tariff deducted deducted standard deducted tariff After 16:00 up to and deducted including 18:00 0% of standard After 18:00 up to and tariff deducted including 19:00 After 19:00 up to and 48.3% of 57.9% of 57.9% of including 23:00 standard tariff standard standard tariff deducted tariff deducted deducted After 23:00 up to and 57.9% of including 00:00 standard tariff deducted

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Discounts for certain frequent users who reach the maximum per threshold month

5.11 The frequent user discount only applies to -­‐ registered e tag users and registered VLN users.

5.12 The frequent user discount is a discount on the tariff shown in Column 3 of Table 1 (registered e-­‐tag users) or Column 5 of Table 1 , (registered VLN users) as applicable and this frequent user discount:

5.12.1 is based on how often a registered e-­‐tag user or registered VLN user uses the GFIP-­‐ toll roads in a specific motor vehicle in a calendar month;

5.12.2 applies where the frequency of use of a motor vehicle in a calendar month, expressed as the total monetary value of all e-­‐toll transactions incurred using that motor vehicle in that calendar month, reaches the threshold stipulated in Table 5;

5.12.3 applies separately to each motor vehicle used -­‐ on the GFIP toll roads;

5.12.4 does not apply cumulative to the use of all vehicles driven on the GFIP-­‐toll roads by a user in a calendar month;

5.12.5 is applied by the Agency by deducting from the tariff shown in Column 3 of Table 1 (registered e-­‐tag users) or Column 5 of Table 1 , (registered VLN users) as applicable the value of the percentage reflected in Table 5 applicable to the corresponding threshold value;

5.12.6 applies only to -­‐ those e toll transactions or portions thereof that occur when the threshold value has been reached and only for the remainder of that calendar month, but does not serve to reduce the liability for toll already incurred prior to that threshold being reached; and

5.12.7 does not in any circumstances entitle a user to claim back from the Agency any toll which the user has already paid or which the user has become liable to pay for his or her use of the GFIP-­‐toll roads.

5.13 The value of the e-­‐toll transactions in a calendar month is calculated from the tariffs shown in Column 3 of Table 1 (registered e-­‐tag users) or Column 5 of Table 1 , (registered VLN users) as applicable, less any time-­‐of-­‐day and any other applicable discounts.

5.14 Once the threshold value reflected in the last row of Table 5 has been reached for the class of motor vehicle in question, the user of the motor vehicle that reaches that threshold value will, for the remainder of the month in which the threshold value is reached, incur no further liability for toll for e-­‐toll transactions in respect of that motor vehicle, which is expressed in Table 5 as a 100% discount on all further e-­‐toll transactions in that calendar month.

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Table 5: Frequent-­‐user discounts Percentage discount Threshold value on total e-­‐toll transactions calculated from the tariffs applicable to -­‐ e toll shown in Column 3 or of Table 1 Column 5 of Table 1, as applicable for the transactions (in calendar month, less time-­‐of-­‐day and any other applicable discounts terms of paragraphs Class A1 motor Class A2 motor Class B motor Class C motor 5.10 to 5.14) vehicles vehicles vehicles vehicles 0% off R 0 up to R 0 up to R 0 up to R 0 up to R 130.00 R 236.00 R 915.00 R 3035.00 100% off Above R 130.00 Above 2 R 36.00 Above 915 R .00 Above 3035 R .00

5.15 The threshold s value for the frequent user discount set out in Table 5, shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the terms 5.2 of paragraph 3 of this notice.

5.16 Subject to complying with the requirements of the frequent user discounts as contemplated in paragraphs 1 5. 1 to 5.15, frequent user discounts will also apply to alternate users with a registered -­‐ e tag or registered VLN who pay toll within 30 days of the date of an invoice or notice issued by the Agency.

Discounts for alternate users within the grace period

5.17 An alternate user who pays within the grace period is entitled to a discount that after the discount applies the user pays the amount equal to the amount set out in Column 2 of Table 1.

Discounts for alternate users after the grace period

5.18 An alternate user who pays toll, after the grace period but within 30 days of the date of the invoice or notice issued by the Agency, will be granted a discount, at the time of payment, such that after such discount is applied the alternate user will, in respect of an invoice or notice where payment is made in full, pay an amount equal to 50 % of the tariff in Column 6 of Table . 1

5.19 Payment by an alternate user to the Agency, 5.17 as contemplated in and 5.18 above, must be made subject to the conditions the Agency may determine and make known.

Once-­‐off discount for payments made in respect of P toll incurred under rior T oll T ariff Notice

5.20 Any toll, in respect of an e-­‐toll transaction, which was levied and is payable under all prior toll tariff notices and for all tolls levied up to and Prior including 31 August 2015 ( Notices) and which has not been paid within the grace period specified s in the Prior Notice shall be subject to the discount set out hereunder, if paid in full by no later than 23:59 on 2 May 2016.

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5.21 A 60% discount, at the time of payment, shall be applied to all amounts payable in respect of an e-­‐toll transaction incurred under the Prior Notices and which has not been paid by the expiry of the grace period specified in the Prior Notices.

5.22 Payment by a user to the Agency, as contemplated in paragraph 5.21, must be made subject to the conditions that the Agency may determine and make known.

Adjustment of tariffs and amounts

5.23 The tariffs and amounts displayed in this notice may be adjusted by a determination of the Minister annually: Provided that such adjustment shall not exceed the Consumer Price Index calculated for the preceding 12 months.

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