Finding the Linchpins of the Dark Web: a Study on Topologically Dedicated Hosts on Malicious Web Infrastructures Zhou Li, Sumayah Alrwais Yinglian Xie, Fang Yu XiaoFeng Wang Indiana University at Bloomington MSR Silicon Valley Indiana University at Bloomington {lizho, salrwais} {yxie, fangyu}
[email protected] Abstract—Malicious Web activities continue to be a major misdeeds. Indeed, such infrastructures become the backbone threat to the safety of online Web users. Despite the plethora of the crimes in today’s cyberspace, delivering malicious forms of attacks and the diversity of their delivery channels, web content world wide and causing hundreds of millions in the back end, they are all orchestrated through malicious Web infrastructures, which enable miscreants to do business in damage every year. with each other and utilize others’ resources. Identifying the Malicious Web infrastructures. Given the central role linchpins of the dark infrastructures and distinguishing those those infrastructures play, an in-depth understanding of their valuable to the adversaries from those disposable are critical for gaining an upper hand in the battle against them. structures and the ways they work becomes critical for coun- In this paper, using nearly 4 million malicious URL paths teracting cybercrimes. To this end, prior research investi- crawled from different attack channels, we perform a large- gated the infrastructures associated with some types of chan- scale study on the topological relations among hosts in the nels (e.g., Spam [2], black-hat Search-Engine Optimization malicious Web infrastructure. Our study reveals the existence (SEO) [11]) and exploits (e.g., drive-by downloads [23]).